Hi guys as of now there is no real schedule released on how long wuwa will go. What do you guys think how long will wuwa go ?

2024.11.27 21:40 Ms77676 Hi guys as of now there is no real schedule released on how long wuwa will go. What do you guys think how long will wuwa go ?

What I mean by this is how long wuwa will get new story patches, changing endgame and new characters. For example pgr there other game is going into its 5 year now. For me personally I hope it will go for at least (6-8 years) hopefully even longer then that of course because the game is just awesome 😁. So what do you guys think ?
submitted by Ms77676 to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 hankhillnsfw Make Your Voices Heard

Wish there was something like this when I was in, yall discontent sailors still in post your shit:
submitted by hankhillnsfw to navy [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 SwipperNoSwipping225 Holiday pay

How does holiday pay work ?
submitted by SwipperNoSwipping225 to UnionPacific [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 Phamser Grim annoyed the weekly quota is behind, so feel it time to go nuclear resurrecting the TONO Simselves Virus again... or not wanted wait 2 weeks for next Geekcon. 😁

Grim annoyed the weekly quota is behind, so feel it time to go nuclear resurrecting the TONO Simselves Virus again... or not wanted wait 2 weeks for next Geekcon. 😁 submitted by Phamser to thesims [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 Plenty-Squirrel-2230 A sigh of relief (but also shock)

A sigh of relief (but also shock) We’ve had a rough two autumns in a row. My poor girl would randomly have this steep decline in health. Thankfully we figured it out this year and she’s getting the meds she needs.
The difference is still so mind blowing, pic 1 is from mid October, and pic 2 is from last week.
submitted by Plenty-Squirrel-2230 to pitbulls [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 sneakerclubusa The Loadout for today Whitethorn Rose Juicebar, SOGZ by Booney Acres, Fuzzy Paradiso + Lemonova by TEGπŸŒΉπŸ­πŸ“πŸ‹πŸˆπŸŠπŸ§ƒ

The Loadout for today Whitethorn Rose Juicebar, SOGZ by Booney Acres, Fuzzy Paradiso + Lemonova by TEGπŸŒΉπŸ­πŸ“πŸ‹πŸˆπŸŠπŸ§ƒ I’m already stocked up on cfs but I went by Catalyst today for the danksgiving sale to pick up some concentrates for dabs and saw these Home Grown cured resin applicators for 40% off πŸ‘€ this brand also has cured resin carts that look fire and I was wondering if anyone has tried them Lmk please and I’ll report back how it is straight from the rigπŸ™πŸ½πŸ”₯
submitted by sneakerclubusa to ColdFire [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 thegamesideaseries Why people were pissed about what i said like Isn't poppy a grown woman

submitted by thegamesideaseries to DandysWorld_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 Mundane-Frame5491 Squid Game S2/S3 Theory

One Thing I Was Really Wondering Was Do You Remember In S1 EP7 When The Front Man Was On The Phone Who Do You Think He Was Talking To I Think This Could Be The Host Of Another Game That Outranks IL Nam?
A Theory I Have For S3 Is That Not Only Is There Games In Korea But There Is Actually Games All Over The World And Gi Hun Will Try To Take Them Down. I Also Have A Theory That Ga Yeongs Stepfather Owns The American Games As He Moved To America For A New Job.
submitted by Mundane-Frame5491 to squidgame [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 Banethegreat1 Funny text I got while beating someone 9-0

Funny text I got while beating someone 9-0 For your information he was teleporting as well and he did it first and was also being cheap before all the crybabies come at me
submitted by Banethegreat1 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 No-Wolverine-7914 Help!

So i had given an addon card to my gf, she spent the whole amount last month even when i had told her not to spend more than 20k (70k is limit). When confronted, she told me that she would send me the money, but never did. We had a breakup, and then today again after it got refreshed, she spent 70k again in some kirana store! I had pleaded to her when she did it last time, this month she again did it just because she saw the card still active.
The whole limit in 1 transaction. I had forgotten to block it earlier, have just blocked it now. What can i do? She is not picking up my calls or messages and I feel this is fraud. Please suggest.
I understand that it might not be a crime in bank’s eyes but the fact that she took out 70k all at once the 2nd time bc i forgot to block it should be a crime/cheating in some legal book?
Screenshot of transaction: https://imgur.com/a/fS1oy2z
submitted by No-Wolverine-7914 to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 No-Calligrapher1795 Struggling lime tree

I planted a lime tree in early October and since then the leaves have completely curled onto themselves. I can’t quite figure out what the specific issue is though because the other citrus trees I planted are doing just fine- they seem to be thriving even.
The tree has gotten a foliar spray for nutrients, regular watering, and it is not extremely hot or cold out right now. Any thoughts on what the issue may be?
submitted by No-Calligrapher1795 to ArizonaGardening [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 Piku_boy Looking for a smart Switch that you can program the brightness at certain hours

I would like to program the brightness of the bulb in the toilets during the night so the brightness is the lowest possible but during the day it's at 100%.
I could do it with a smart bulb but in fact I can't because I still want to use the wall switch. If you turn it off for a certain time and then you switch it on, the brightness of the bulb will it 100% and then low down to 1%.
So I thought I could buy a smart switch that I can program with the Home App. But I read in some post that not all smart switch are capable of that. But also I wondered, do I need a smart bulb too or can I use a normal bulb with dimming capability?
Do you have any references to share? I don't want remote switch like most of the systems are offering, I'm looking for something like the Eve Light Switch (but beside behind fucking expensive, it needs a Thread compatible hub which I don't), that can replace the actual switch.
Also, my hub is an Apple TV 4K 1st Gen so I can't have Thread devices.
submitted by Piku_boy to HomeKit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 astroJax- Evolving skies booster box

Evolving skies booster box submitted by astroJax- to IsMyPokemonCardFake [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 -170cm From Apple to Garmin to Whoop to Ah Oh Ou ra ..

I recently switched from Apple to the Garmin MARQ. I’ve been too busy to research and fully explore its features until I came across WHOOP. Now, I’ve completely shifted my interest to WHOOP and lost enthusiasm for my fancy MARQ, even though it offers far more options and resources to learn about.
That said, I’m still obsessed with WHOOP and hyper-focused on understanding all its features. It offers a variety of beneficial recovery options that Garmin doesn’t provide. But now, the Oura Ring has just popped up on my radar, and I’m probably about to have a mini panic attack deciding whether to invest in it and use it for comparison.
There’s so much new technology and so many devices being released, it’s starting to feel a bit overwhelming.
submitted by -170cm to whoop [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 CardiologistFun3790 A big issue plaguing X/Twitter

Hey there, I am a Software Engineer from Germany who recently did a data analysis on Twitter for a personal project.
in doing so i found that certain keywords have blatant issues with Illegal images and videos being openly sold under certain keyword Categories. I have been trying to reach out to twitter for this but have been met with silence across the last 2 months. I have been constantly reporting these comments to the police in germany as well as to the FBI but the sheer amount is just not manageable for me alone even with the automation i have done so far.
My hope is that this will catch someones attention who can get me in touch with someone who has more power to get them to act on this and stop the selling and sharing of this material.
[ excuse my english pls ]
submitted by CardiologistFun3790 to LinusTechTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 BeckyLynchDomination I will forever acknowledge Bianca Belair πŸ–•πŸ’›πŸ–€

I will forever acknowledge Bianca Belair πŸ–•πŸ’›πŸ–€ submitted by BeckyLynchDomination to BiancaBelairDominant [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 hkphillips03 Northern lights

Hello! We’ll be in Finnish Lapland for 4 nights starting on Saturday, and we were wondering if it is worth doing a northern lights β€œtour” where you go β€œhunting for northern lights or should we just drive around and try to see them on our own? Thanks so much in advance!
submitted by hkphillips03 to Finland [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 SupFellowNerds Im assuming temperature is the key factor for stringiness?

Im assuming temperature is the key factor for stringiness? https://preview.redd.it/e33uw0jtji3e1.jpg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d861dbbeb569e9d2ed834e9288b3b876000d423c
The support was a tree type if needed
Filament - Overture PLA
Nozzle 220F
Bed 50F
submitted by SupFellowNerds to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 ctd-oscar How is cutlery arranged in drawers at your house?

submitted by ctd-oscar to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 Payman34 Is it just me but do Tiandi's and Zhanhu's dodge recoveries feel slower and have a generally have a longer recovery before being able to dodge after attacking? As to compared to Pirate, Orochi and berserker that feels faster despite Tiandi and Zhanhu being more or less the originals.

Also for being dodge specialists and Zhanhu being a counter attacker, they are are incredibly underwhelming and Tiandi lacks overall damage to his lights and struggles opening his opponent. And that kick to heavy he does only does 20 odd damage and doesn't get a execution!?
submitted by Payman34 to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 bonbontheawesom Order issue

So my old phone broke the 3 days ago. Ordered a new phone and received the order conformation order and the charges on my card for said phone. Next morning I wake up and see and email saying there was a problem processing and call customer service. I did. They said the phone was processed and should be otw soon. I haven't received and email or anything. I try to logg into my boost account and there's not even an orders tab for me to check anything. My broken phones screen finally gave all the way out yesterday and I can no longer use it at all. It would be nice if I at least got an email. My phone broke and I can't call anyone..
submitted by bonbontheawesom to BoostMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 thegrayman19 SZA made it into the FatRappers sub!

SZA made it into the FatRappers sub! submitted by thegrayman19 to sza [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 PermanentlyIdle Pidgey Evolution line

Pidgey Evolution line submitted by PermanentlyIdle to CustomMarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 Azerzzer Who is the most famous person of all time and why?

submitted by Azerzzer to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 Left-Succotash2202 Julia Set Generator!

Julia Set Generator! submitted by Left-Succotash2202 to YoutubeChannelSharing [link] [comments]
