2024.11.27 18:30 cantseemuchh Help Me Improve
I earn around 70k per month having following SIPs
Please suggest what new fund shall I add or increase amount of my SIPs ?
submitted by cantseemuchh to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:30 Cautious_Map2420 Wechsel KFZ-Versicherung nach starker Rückstufung
Hallo Finanzler!
Ich wurde nach einem Unfall (Teilschuld) von SF-Klasse 7 auf SF-Klasse 1 zurückgestuft. Jetzt fallen im nächsten Jahr deutlich höhere Versicherungskosten an. Habt ihr Erfahrungen mit einem Wechsel nach einem Unfall?
Würde mich eine andere Versicherung eventuell nur auf SF-Klasse 3 zurückstufen? Oder würde jede andere Versicherung mich bei einem Wechsel auch SF Klasse 1 anbieten?
submitted by Cautious_Map2420 to Finanzen [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:30 Pretend_Win5821 The immigration Crisis
submitted by Pretend_Win5821 to WesternRebirth [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:30 barddrivensoot 53 SD for Obedient SB
Quite simply I'm looking for a very submissive obedient baby who enjoys fetishes, being trained, who is a bit of a sapiosexual, with a deep desire to please.
Attitude is more important than anything else.
Verification on telegram will be required.
Looking to set up weekly arrangement online only with messaging photos and video.
submitted by barddrivensoot to onlinesugardaddies [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:30 uTouchMeNot The Mystery Boxes are WORTH your Dark Crystals
submitted by uTouchMeNot to TowerofFantasy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:30 Deadtreesandaroad How to seal artificial flocked tree
I recently bought the all black artificial Christmas tree from At Home and didn’t realize how messy it was going to be until I took it out of the box and my floor looked like a coal mine. I read that it can be sealed to keep it from shedding so much but can’t find if there’s a product that’s best for it or how to make a mixture that won’t ruin the tree. What is the best option when it comes to sealing a flocked tree?
submitted by Deadtreesandaroad to ChristmasTrees [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:30 Whiffler Consolidating cash between fidelity accounts of spouses considered a non-gift or gift?
We need to consolidate some money between my wife's brokerage account and my cash management account to pay for a house mortgage. My CMA is set up with the auto-pay for the mortgage. The rep on the phone said we would need to code the transfer either as a gift or non-gift. This confused me because I was under the impression that spouses are not subject to gift-tax. Regardless, I don't see how this would be considered a gift as we own the house together and are paying for it together. In that case I assume we would code it as a non-gift, but what's the consequence of that?
submitted by Whiffler to fidelityinvestments [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:30 No-Letterhead-3300 Short card #4 🔥
Been into the short cards as of recent. Have the #5 Lotus too submitted by No-Letterhead-3300 to HotWheels [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:30 opcoupon ($30.25) #BlitzWolf BW-WA4 30W Wireless Speaker Discount Code (Banggood)
($30.25) #BlitzWolf BW-WA4 30W Wireless Speaker Discount Code (Banggood) https://discountcodeson.com/store/blitzwolf?coupon_id=628
submitted by opcoupon to couponsjet [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:30 SharpBlade_2x What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by SharpBlade_2x to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:30 LoveYouLongTan Re-Pricing Whole Journey - considering BBB / small claims?
Hi all, looking for advice, AC's behaviour on a certain issue has really annoyed me.
Back in September I booked a flight YVR-->LHR. Economy Standard outbound, Business return.
The fare rules were clear - the most restrictive change policy applies, which was a $500 change fee + difference in fare. OK, no problem.
Later, I needed to make a change to the outbound leg. There was effectively no difference in fare, so I thought the cost would be the change fee. But I was told the entire journey (including the Business return leg, which had jumped in price significantly) would be repriced, even though I was only making a change to the outbound leg.
I reviewed the 15-page booking summary as well as Air Canada's fare rules and there really isn't anything that says a change to a single leg of a return journey will cause the whole journey to be repriced. Just that "the most restrictive change policy will apply".
In my communications with AC, they have basically offered no help, compensation, or explanation. They can't point to any specific language in any fare rule about this policy. They just insist that's the policy and they aren't willing to offer any sort of refund etc.
I'm considering filing a BBB or a claim in small claims court for the difference between what I paid for the change (~$1900) and what I think I should have paid ($500+any minor difference in fare). It's almost more a matter of principle than anything. If the policy is to reprice the entire journey, that isn't made clear anywhere (that I've seen).
submitted by LoveYouLongTan to aircanada [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:30 --King-for-A-Day-- There's a basket in this case
submitted by --King-for-A-Day-- to greenday [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:30 NationalStrategy Good News For Invisible Girl's Brother
submitted by NationalStrategy to Animemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:30 mizzeca How i imagine people defending bandai despite all the game flaws
submitted by mizzeca to SparkingZero [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:30 Edboy2319 Haven’t opened a pack since 1953 but told the wife while in the car to look for some packs in my grandmas abandoned attic and she pulled this
Just a bit of fun 😭 submitted by Edboy2319 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:30 UnusualWhalesBot Stocks trading above their 30 day average volume
submitted by UnusualWhalesBot to unusual_whales [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:30 Dangerous-Climate375 I wanna buy a one piece manga as a gift but i dono wish volume 😔
Basically my home girl is a One piece fan and i wanna gift her one of the volumes its gonna be her first manga btw and i need help like wuts the best volume i can get
submitted by Dangerous-Climate375 to OnePiece [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:30 RiverNo6920 Why do my fingertips hurt when i feel very bad for someone
When i heard something tragedic happen or when i was reading a book i felt bad for the character and my fingertips started to get a weird feeling
submitted by RiverNo6920 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:30 Independent_Pie_6909 Mischmasch
Hey! Ich wollte euch gern eine meiner Pflanzen-Ecken, in diesem Fall dieses Regal zeigen. Falls ihr Fragen habt, beantworte ich sie euch liebend gern. Vielleicht lade ich demnächst hier und da auch noch Einzelfotos hoch. Herzliche Grüße an meine Lieblingscommunity
submitted by Independent_Pie_6909 to zimmerpflanzen [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:30 A1phaAstroX What do we think of r/fourthworldproblems
They are also like us, but with weird speech
they also hate outsider (or as they say, evolve man")
submitted by A1phaAstroX to NorthSentinalIsland [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:30 BeachedSalad Sorry for Low Res pics, but does this read as a wrist mounted gun?
In addition to what I could add to sell it, what model should I use it on? They arm is from the old Boyz kit, but I think with some posing could be fine on a nob sized model submitted by BeachedSalad to orks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:30 BirdsLoveU Item has no tags but is smaller than was listed
I bought a top listed as a size M, I’m a size S-M and it was too small for me. The top doesn’t actually have any tags. I’m wondering is it worth it to try returning it or just move on? How do I confirm what size it actually is?
submitted by BirdsLoveU to vinted [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:30 FlashyGuest8953 Ash and Pikachu have been stuck in year 1, then Liko and Sprigatito/Floragato same situation...
Which means all of their accomplishments and including badges, Pokemon caught and trained, regions traveled, people met, have been done in that same year.
Parallel to Liko's timeline, if she and Floragato also in their first year and if they remain in first year. If we get same 20+ years.
It's a lot of things to consider. What are your thoughts?
submitted by FlashyGuest8953 to pokemonanime [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:30 mynameisava2010 My hear me outs💋
X chromosome submitted by mynameisava2010 to yxl [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:30 PurpleWoodpecker6996 33. make me relapse to what you love. Sess 0583597df31560e015fb102b1dd8627e9252b5e1a86419db209fd77b751e75543b
submitted by PurpleWoodpecker6996 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]