So no meal for her “friend”

2024.11.27 18:31 DramaLlamaTikTok So no meal for her “friend”

I got muted on 4 different accounts. Asking when she was going to go get food to make for her friend that she got money for last night. She was so adamant on getting cash to go to the store to make a “little meal” for her friends family that got into a car accident.
This one is really pissing me off. Con artist waste of space.
submitted by DramaLlamaTikTok to therealtulipdripsnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 flirty_fanny would you ask me out on a date?

submitted by flirty_fanny to DateOrNot [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 Liucius Operating System

I've foun a great deal for a computer and there's an option to buy it without an OS, which would save me about 130€, I was wondering what it takes to install an OS. Or is it just a good old USB windows installation? I've changed my SSD for the old computer in the past. Not sure if its the same.
submitted by Liucius to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 DeadOneWalking Thinking about getting a dash cam

So I have a 2007 Nissan Sentra, and in the past week my driver's side mirror has been damaged twice at home. The mirrors are not foldable, and I have to park on the street. My concerns about getting a dash cam are battery drain on the car, as well as not seeing who damaged the mirror.
I know very little about cars, but I do know about computers and plan on getting a 128GB high endurance MicroSD card.
I saw the list of recommended cams, but I don't know what I am looking for, so may advise would be greatly appreciated. I would estimate that I could afford to spend around $450 for everything except the install.
submitted by DeadOneWalking to Dashcam [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 Ok-Afternoon-2113 When the energy

When the energy submitted by Ok-Afternoon-2113 to whenthe [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 gtg777m65 Lehre mit Matura BWL

Servus. Ich schreibe in einer Woche meine Betriebswirtschaft und Rechnungswesen Matura am BFI und tu mir dabei noch immer ziemlich schwer weil ich einfach beruflich und schulisch davor so ziemlich keine Erfahrung damit gehabt habe und gefühlt der ganze HAK Stoff in ein halbes Jahr in zwei mal wöchentlichen Kurs gesteckt wird und wollte einfach mal Fragen ob das schon wer gemacht hat am BFI oder sonst wo und wie da so die Erfahrungen von der Prüfung sind. Warad leiwaund zum wissn danke
submitted by gtg777m65 to Austria [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 Therunnerupairbender Everyone should be pro-choice no matter what they believe

Everyone should be pro-choice no matter if the fetus is considered a person or not.
If you’re the typical pro-choice you believe your body your choice. Now follow me on this one. If you are pro-life you believe the mother is committing murder. But if you truly believe the mother is a murderer you should be pro-choice as it would be detrimental to the child to be raised by a murderer. If the pro-choice woman already values her bodily autonomy over the child’s life, the child is better off dead by the por-lifers own belief. If the pro-lifers can’t understand how someone could be pro-choice it’s more advantageous to let the pro-choice kill off there offspring decreasing the likely hood of the pro-choice idea being passed on. Being pro-life doesn’t make sense for all the wrong reasons.
submitted by Therunnerupairbender to self [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 SeasonalBummed Test

submitted by SeasonalBummed to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 FlyinggSpaghetti What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by FlyinggSpaghetti to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 Adventurous_Sail5317 FREE YES OR NO READING- 50 spaces.

Hey lovely Tarot community! 🌟✨
I’m offering FREE Yes or No readings with a single card pull for each question! 🔮💫 If you're curious about something and need a little guidance, just send me a DM with your initials and your question, and I’ll be happy to help! 💌
If you're interested, please upvote my post so others can join in too! 🙏💖
Can’t wait to connect with you all! 💫😊
submitted by Adventurous_Sail5317 to PsychicServices [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 Optimal-Bat7242 Can anyone caption my daughters

submitted by Optimal-Bat7242 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 PraiseTheDarkness People who disliked ‘Emilia Pérez’, how would you fix this movie?

People who disliked ‘Emilia Pérez’, how would you fix this movie? Spoilers ahead
For me the most jarring thing was Emilia’s heel turn into social activism after reuniting with Jessi. I’d have preferred Emilia to remain a violent and merciless mob boss even after her physical transition. The “Bingo” at the London restaurant felt sinister to me. It was a holy shit moment as Jessi realises she’s trapped forever. The story could have then been about Jessi never escaping hell after accepting to be the devil’s advocate. Emilia navigating the crime world as a trans mob boss too would have been interesting. I just need sophisticated narratives where trans/queer people are allowed to be evil and unrepentant.
Also, change the cinematographer and the Color grader because this movie looked unpalatable.
submitted by PraiseTheDarkness to oscarrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 angelikeoctomber How can i

Put subtitles /translate a series I like?
I mean if it's in My language how can I write eng for example.If u r non eng speaker then u know in piracy sites people translate the movies and series.How
submitted by angelikeoctomber to computers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 Key_Any3 Which AirPods are best for an upgrade from gen 2?

Before I say it I’m sure this question has been asked many times, but I’m too lazy to search and want the honest opinion of actual people. So I’ve had my AirPods 2nd gen since 2020, nothing wrong with them at all but I think it’s time for an upgrade as Black Friday is on and I use my AirPods hours a day. So far I’m down between AirPods Pro 2 or the AirPods 4 (the latest ones). Which are better? Are the silicone tips that bad? Is one superior than the other for audio quality? Is noise cancelling worth the extra £60?
I’m casual and not too knowledgeable regarding these things and just want the best quality for music. Thanks!
submitted by Key_Any3 to airpods [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 b15uGabe Tough Gears(Reverse) when Cold, what could it be? Clutch?

Hi All, I have been driving stick for 20 years and am someone mechanically inclined enough to do small things like change brakes and do light maintenance on my car(especially thanks to youtube and reddit) but not a ton. With a recent car I purchased the shifter is a bit tough to get into to gear, particularly reverse, when it is cold out or till the car has warmed up first thing in the morning.
What could this be an indication of? Clutch, Transmission Fluid need changing, Gear gate
I know its tough to diagnose from an internet post but just looking for some rough ideas on what it could be
Thank you in advance!
submitted by b15uGabe to ManualTransmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 cammmmnarmi how much for changing breaks ??(2012 Nissan Altima 2.5S)

I’m being charged $560 to replace the rear rotors, calipers, and brake pads on a 2012 Nissan Altima 2.5S. Does this seem reasonable? Would the cost go down if I purchased the parts myself and only paid for the labor?
submitted by cammmmnarmi to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 rotplague year?

which exact year is this shirt from? jc tag
submitted by rotplague to jncojeans [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 DueCollection5727 Any recommendations for a keyboard

I am looking for a keyboard that is not so expensive that it is 65% or 70%. Any recommendations?
submitted by DueCollection5727 to WootingKB [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 sorgatron Epic 8-Man Tag Team Battle | Castro, Klepto & Dept. of Jocks vs Alao Dreams, 4th Line & MV Young

Epic 8-Man Tag Team Battle | Castro, Klepto & Dept. of Jocks vs Alao Dreams, 4th Line & MV Young submitted by sorgatron to IndyWrestlingus [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 goluckykid Rifle me this

submitted by goluckykid to economicCollapse [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 After-Effective-7924 Some basalt I just cracked lots of epidote any super tiny red jasper I thinks!

Some basalt I just cracked lots of epidote any super tiny red jasper I thinks! submitted by After-Effective-7924 to Rocks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 LegendsofLost Everything GREAT About: Delicious in Dungeon | Third Quarter

Everything GREAT About: Delicious in Dungeon | Third Quarter submitted by LegendsofLost to DungeonMeshi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 OneTimeAccount0000 🐸

🐸 submitted by OneTimeAccount0000 to tjournal_refugees [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 Electrical-Trade-940 Buying maxed th16

Looking for maxed th16 (max heroes, max or near max troops, spells, siege)
Required to have all epic equipments at a decent level.
Budget is $150.
submitted by Electrical-Trade-940 to ClashofClansAccounts [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:31 Downtown-Push6535 Don't worry son, you'll start _____ when you're my age.

submitted by Downtown-Push6535 to AskOuija [link] [comments]