Thursday Thread: Upcoming Talents of Indian Cricket

2024.11.27 19:30 AutoModerator Thursday Thread: Upcoming Talents of Indian Cricket

submitted by AutoModerator to indiancricketteam_r [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Faded_Chinchilla torture.

torture. how do they keep getting away with this, almost 300k and no hit, what happened to the goat gods 💔💔
submitted by Faded_Chinchilla to Goatapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 IC2Flier Mobile Suit Gundam Frieren by Rintaro Komori (@jJcq1UcKLRmwvOT)

submitted by IC2Flier to Frieren [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 shrxpm Cum sa incep?

Deci. Totul a inceput in August. Pe 18. Prima data cand l am intalnit. Ii dam un nume, Oița. Oița in seara aceea s a bagat cu mine in seama, fara ca noi sa ne cunoaștem. Apoi, eu i am dat follow pe instagram. Prima oara i am cerut snap ul, apoi ne am dat jn vorba, si au urmat zile in care vorbeam pana la 3-4 dimineata. Ca sa se inteleaga, eu imi doream noi prieteni, si am incercat sa leg o prietenie cu el. Bun, totul bine și frumos pana pe data de 31 august, cand mi a spus ca nu vrea sa fim prieteni. Atunci al simtit ca o bucatica din sufletul meu s a rupt. Eu intre timp prinsesem sentimente pentru el, dar nu le am aratat. Il rugam sa iasa pe afara, sa stam, sa radeam, dar mereu si mereu primeam acelasi raspund “Nu”. In fine, a trecut August, si a venit Septembrie . Mai exact 8 septembrie. Cand i am spus ca nu il mai caut. Si asa a fost, pana pe 15 octombrie( de ziua mea, cand mi a zis la multi ani) nu il mai cautasem. Si iar am inceput sa vorbim, si iar am inceput sa trag de el sa fim prieteni, pana in prezent. L am facut sa se schimbe, sa nu mai fie cum era inainte( ma refer ca era in banca lui si nu vorbea cu nimeni), l am facut sa se schimbe in bine si mi a mulțumit. Numai ca eu am ramas aici, asteptandu l. Duminca aceasta ne am vazut, am stat 2 ore si mi a povestit de ce nu poate nici el sa treaca peste. Mi a spus ca il tine ceva, dar nici el nu stie ce. Si eu cred ca si el a prins sentimente pentru mine dar ii e rusine. Asa e el, mai timid si mai rusinos. Eu mi am propus ca pana pe 31 decembrie sa nu l mai caut, pentru ca deja se fac 5 luni de cand tot incerc si nimic. ( a spus ca o sa imi scrie pana atunci) Am nevoie de niște sfaturi, ce sa fac??
submitted by shrxpm to GenZRo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 alle15minuten Gerade ist es November 27, 2024 at 08:30PM

Gerade ist es November 27, 2024 at 08:30PM
submitted by alle15minuten to alle15minuten [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 New_Tonuk Guys help pls PC doesn't give image

Guys help pls PC doesn't give image I was setting up bios, restarted PC and it didn't give image. I wanted to reset bios, turned off PSU switch and heard electrical click. And I also found this (probably capacitor?) exploded
How important is that and is that okay? Mb: biostar a320MH Usin rx 580 as gpu, r5 2600 CPU and xilence 700w psu
submitted by New_Tonuk to computers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Ayoub_Hamadou نصرنا الله واياكم

نصرنا الله واياكم submitted by Ayoub_Hamadou to omarahmoun [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Just-Cherry-289 how long do i have to queue to have a decent spot at GA?

i'm attending the prague show next april, i have GA/standing tickets (my literal dream since middle school:') can you hear me screaming) and it's a first time for me, as i always had seating tickets for music shows. i really want to secure a good spot, i don't necessarily need to be at the barricade, but i would love to be at least somewhat in the front. how long do i have to wait in front of the venue to ensure that? i'm traveling 3+ hours by train from my city to prague so i wanna figure out the logistics as soon as possible. thank you in advance for any advice!!💛🫶🏻
submitted by Just-Cherry-289 to twentyonepilots [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 NewMGFantasyWriter I feel stuck with my mythical urban fantasy's history

I've been working on this story for years. It's something I absolutely want to make amazing.
The series has stuff in common with Percy Jackson's premise, but there's no masquerade. The mythical side has been integrated into society because these mystical creatures are just as intelligent as humans. Some want to be left alone, some want to have careers, etc.
There's one potential problem that I don't want to turn people away. In this world, the exact same countries exist plus one I made up, borders and territories are the same, most wars unfolded the same way, etc. In fact, WW2 was the catalyst for the overarching conflict.
But that of course raises the question of how in the world it would ever turn out that way. How could, for example, wars have turned out the same way? I try to minimize the absurdity by saying the mystical beings are rare, so humans have the most influence on society. Like other than 2 specific races, there are more tigers in the world than mystical beings, but still.
I DO plan on diving into the politics of this world to explore themes of freedom, discrimination, crime, and government, but the heart of the story will be themes of family, choice, heroism, and identity.
Still, am I asking too much of my readers to suspend their disbelief of, even with these mystical creatures, the world being so identical to ours? I mean, I'm not trying to create a whole new world here. I'm trying to create ours where mystical creatures fit in.
But see, I just feel stuck. Like how much does it REALLY matter that history turned out the same way? I want the meat of my worldbuilding to be the showcase of this modern society and how these creatures fit into it. But is it lazy to just make it so the world is, on a macro-level, the same?
What do you think?
submitted by NewMGFantasyWriter to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Illustrious-Sign3015 Could you see Thomas Wayne Jr don the Flashpoint batsuit?

Could you see Thomas Wayne Jr don the Flashpoint batsuit? submitted by Illustrious-Sign3015 to superheroes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 KaiserPreis Queen?

Queen? submitted by KaiserPreis to whatbugisthis [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Jazzlike-Response812 This is a modern politics and troll ridden generations sub now. What the fuck?

This subreddit has become borderline unusable, I just wanted to discuss the events and pop culture of recent decades, now everyone is an asshole for no reason.
submitted by Jazzlike-Response812 to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 rozina55 Kelane Bread طرز تهیه نان کلانه

Kelane Bread طرز تهیه نان کلانه submitted by rozina55 to iranian [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Ok_Reindeer9664 Can anyone help ID this please

Can anyone help ID this please Howdy! I stopped by my friend’s new apartment today in Chicago and he brought up that he just noticed that there is a mushroom looking thing growing out of the wall by the water heater. It appears that the water heater is leaking a little bit which he will be bringing up to his landlord, but we are wondering if anyone can ID this mushroom and if it poisonous or toxic to be breathing.
Country:USA State: Illinois City: Chicago
Thanks for the help in advance!
submitted by Ok_Reindeer9664 to mushroomID [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Mcjr1985 Mail call

submitted by Mcjr1985 to Jordans [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Miss_nikki128 The moon yesterday at 9am ❤️

The moon yesterday at 9am ❤️ submitted by Miss_nikki128 to moon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Many-Alarm-9530 Can’t comfortably carry

So I have a g19 with a tlr7a and a holosun eps and I love this setup a lot. My issue is I’m 5’6 ~160 lbs built and I cannot comfortably carry this thing. I’m running a tenicor holster with the large camming bar and a kore belt, but this belt is so damn rigid, stiff, and uncomfortable. Also the belt is printing more than the gun itself. I’ve tried different ride heights, angles, etc. I ultimately think it’s the belt that I need to change up.
Was looking into options like the master mind covert belt or the enigma, since I want to also be able to carry in shorts and sweatpants. Does anyone have any experience with these belts with a g19 and or a similar build as me?
submitted by Many-Alarm-9530 to CCW [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 No-Needleworker-7227 How To? RH Legend Multiple Screens

Initially when opening legend, the screens mirror each other. (2) laptops
submitted by No-Needleworker-7227 to RobinhoodTrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 math_is_delicious blurry picture of a cat

blurry picture of a cat submitted by math_is_delicious to blurrypicturesofcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 BroMandi [Amazon] UGREEN 2024 Latest Bluetooth 5.4 Aux Car Adapter $10.87 & More + Free Shipping w/ Prime [Deal: $10.87, Actual: $21.99]

[Amazon] UGREEN 2024 Latest Bluetooth 5.4 Aux Car Adapter $10.87 & More + Free Shipping w/ Prime [Deal: $10.87, Actual: $21.99] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 kwertzy_96 Is this rare ?

Is this rare ? I saw that some people said that the version with Ernie is rare but some are saying that is not . So please tell me yea or no I’m lost 🥲
submitted by kwertzy_96 to GreenDayOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 EmergencyPoint7224 You can fly - for three seconds

You can fly for exactly 3 seconds after you leave the ground. Your top speed is 20 meters per second. Your time flying refreshes as soon as you touch a sufficiently large object (like a car or a building) or you touch the ground.
submitted by EmergencyPoint7224 to shittysuperpowers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Total-Independent-94 Industry with the most potential

Say four or five years down the line, which industry can an electrical engineer potentially make the most amount of money on average?
submitted by Total-Independent-94 to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Sorry_Bite5138 Mickey and Minnie Gingerbread House Bucket, and Micky Elf Bucket availability

My family finally gets to fly and go to Disneyland next week, probably the last time in a while(sad)! So excited.
I need advice from the locals or anyone who go to the park often about popular popcorn buckets. I really want to purchase Mickey and Minnie Gingerbread House Bucket, preferably with Gingerbread Cookies at Habour Galley but there is no mobile order option (to order the bucket - but I can see it in the menu). What time should I stand by? Does it sell out instantly if I don't go there first in the morning?
Also, is Micky Elf Bucket more readily available or does this bucket sell out fast throughout the park as well? I know I should buy them as soon as I see it (or mobile order if that option is available) but my kids are more keen on rope dropping and going on as many rides as possible.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Sorry_Bite5138 to DisneyPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 djthales Videos antigos do Filipe (Remaster)

Quero fazer um video "Remaster" de um dos videos privados do Filipe de muito tempo atras: "A supresinha da Moxxi", que era um video de BL2 meio besta, mas que ele acabou privando
Caso alguem tenha algum video do Filipe que não esteja mais no ar, ou tenha memorias de algum video que não esteja mais no ar, compartilha ai que quero resgatar o maximo de história possivel do Filipe
Eu lembro que tinha mais videos de Borderlands alem desse, alguns de Saints Row, e de resto eu era muito novo e não consigo lembrar de mais nenhum
submitted by djthales to FilipeRamos [link] [comments]