Things to do around West Lafayette in the winter?

2024.11.27 19:46 neverdefense Things to do around West Lafayette in the winter?

I’m hella bored, so what are some things that can be done in/around campus in the colder months? I don’t have a car so it’d have to be somewhere CityBus can reasonably be used to get to. Thanks!
submitted by neverdefense to Purdue [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 awesomestarz He wants new shoes! Do you think they suit him?

He wants new shoes! Do you think they suit him? submitted by awesomestarz to plushies [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 sam4allseasons Low Blood Sugar but NOT Diabetic

To be fair, I do have history of diabetes on my mom's side of family, and I'm very overweight.
I'm 35 yo, female, and I have been experiencing some extreme drops in my blood sugar. I didn't know that's what it was before, but now that I know I've been trying to test my blood when it happens, and I've gotten as low as 51/52.
I am not diabetic, or at least I strongly believe that I am not. I've had A1C test done every year at my physical (because of the diabetes in my family), and I've been consistently at a 5.2.
What in the world could this be? I'm worried because one time when my blood sugar dropped into the 50s, I was driving on the hiway and it was just not a good situation.
submitted by sam4allseasons to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 More_food_please_77 How have you been affected by echo-chambers or Reddit?

submitted by More_food_please_77 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 ChestEast4587 First I Was Asked for a Quote, Then I Got Ghosted. 😅

I recently got an inquiry from someone asking if I could create a Shopify store for his business. He had a WordPress site with nearly 5k products, and it was doing okay, but I took a look at it, explained what all needs to be done and gave him a fair quote, keeping my margins low to make sure I could secure the work. After that, I didn't hear anything back from him, which, after being in this business for a few months, isn't exactly new. He must have gone with someone else. Fair enough.
But recently, I noticed his account pop up on my social media. Out of curiosity, I checked out his website again. He had moved to Shopify. But the site. to be honest, the design was poor, and the content was all over the place. It looks like the guy building the website abandoned the work, possibly because he agreed to do it at a lower cost and later realized it was too much.
I get it, everyone wants to minimize costs when building a website, but sometimes I wonder – is it really worth it to cut corners this much? Your website is your business's online face, and I just don’t get why people end up with something that hurts their brand like this.
submitted by ChestEast4587 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 moonlit_briar Unisom (Doxylamine Succinate) Suddenly Causing Liquid Diarrhea?

Hello, I am 22F. As the title states, a few weeks ago I realized that now whenever I take Unisom, I experience liquid diarrhea the very next day. I use Unisom sometimes to sleep because I experience insomnia from time to time. I never take it for more than 3 days in a row. I've been using Unisom like this for months (atleast 6 months) and then I began experiencing liquid diarrhea on and off. It didn't take me long to realize that it would only happen if I took Unisom the night before. I do want to mention that I did catch a nasty stomach bug from my baby cousin right before Unisom began giving me problems. I also had to take Unisom while I had the stomach bug.
Its ashame because it's the only thing that helps me, I still have to resort to it sometimes out of desperation. But after today, I really don't think I can take it anymore. Why is this happening?
submitted by moonlit_briar to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 Able-Appointment-793 UOTTAWA ACCEPTANCE

I got in for Computer science and poli sci and J.D double degree🎉🎉
submitted by Able-Appointment-793 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 AnnaBishop1138 Wyoming’s federal court must reconsider student’s mask suit against Laramie High School

Wyoming’s federal court must reconsider student’s mask suit against Laramie High School submitted by AnnaBishop1138 to laramie [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 NotValidOpinion I finally did it!

I finally did it! I wanted to set myself a goal of accumulating 10k plat after I reached 6k. With 1999 coming soon, I wanted to challenge myself by reaching said milestone before its release. Just wanted to share me reaching a lil goal :)
submitted by NotValidOpinion to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 viper46282 What are your best tips on situational awareness and positioning on specific maps?

Mainly kings row, pairaiso and numbani
I feel like it’s common knowledge that every map is catered to different heroes. Heros with long range weapons , flight abilities , diving / pouncing abilities, you get the jist.
For example widow might be effective on kings row , and reaper , tracer or genji might be effective on maps like paraiso, cramped spaces and their abilities allow them to dive in and out fights.
submitted by viper46282 to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 WeeklyFlatworm1039 Trading fm cb bcd long mlf imp

Trading fm cb bcd long mlf imp submitted by WeeklyFlatworm1039 to DragonAdventures [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 solid_rook7 Never forget what they’re taking away from you.

Never forget what they’re taking away from you. submitted by solid_rook7 to FantasticDays [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 HatBock69 Fucking my toy and getting kinda close. Make me cum to your hot gf/ex/irls. Snap Ziing7581 Sess in comments

submitted by HatBock69 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 PairsRoyale 2004 Game Prices

2004 Game Prices Was searching for some information on how many copies of Cubivore (if anyone knows btw, lemme know). Found this post from 2004, looks like GC games grew by... %1000 in 20 years, damn.
submitted by PairsRoyale to Gamecube [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 DinoKingGoji73 Who's your OC who is believed to be insane but actually isn't

submitted by DinoKingGoji73 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 EvilRobotSteve ii jan, sugee jan!

ii jan, sugee jan! Potato quality sadly but I couldn’t find better. I always assumed it was a double doing the more technical breakdance stuff, but it’s actually him! As well as playing 5 different characters. No wonder his career took off.
submitted by EvilRobotSteve to KamenRider [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 LastAdvertising1391 Természetes szülés után programozott császár - orvos ajánlás

Ajánlásokat szeretnék kérni olyan orvosra, aki mind szakmailag, mind emberileg kifogástalan és rámertétek/ rámernétek bízni, hogy 10 réteget átvágjon rajtatok. Csak magánintézmény jöhet szóba és választott orvos.
Kérlek azt is írjátok meg, ha valakit kifejezetten nem ajánlotok.
Sajnos egy életre elveszett a szülész- nőgyógyászokba fektetett bizalmam.
A történetem röviden:
Lassan tervezzük a második és egyben utolsó babánkat, kis korkülönbséggel. Az első szülésem természetes úton történt, de annyira traumatikus volt, tele szülészeti erőszakkal és hozzánemértéssel vagy nemtőrödömséggel (nem tudom megállapítani mi volt a valódi ok), hogy súlyos testi es lelki sebeket szenvedtem el. Az elszenvedett, maradandó és életminőség rontó sérüléseket majd csak műtéttel lehet mérsékelni, ha már befejeztük a családalapítást, addig együtt kell éljek velük. :) Szóval fizikai okok miatt sem javasolt egy újabb hüvelyi szülés, de én mentálisan nem lennék rá képes. Egyszerűen nem vagyok rá képes.
Nagyon köszönöm, ha tudtok segíteni. 🙏🏻
submitted by LastAdvertising1391 to csakmamik [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 keltalon133 Goal 800 club!

Goal 800 club! Been on the rise jumped 20 pts closer to the 800 club!
submitted by keltalon133 to NavyFederal [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 gregatragenet Anyone fine-tuning llama vision for computer use / mouse clicking?

Curious if there was anyone working on a computer-use finetune of llama 3.2 vision.
If not, whats involved in doing a finetune for that? Seems like generating a dataset to tune on would be straightforward, just taking screenshots, putting an X on the screen and instructing to 'click the x' with the correct response being the tool call with the coordinates of x.
submitted by gregatragenet to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 4Brightdays Again with a not quite…

Again with a not quite… The arm icing. I’ve been crocheting a long time 40+ years and I still have a mess up on each one. I should stick with blankets.
submitted by 4Brightdays to WooblesPasswords [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 outilmary generateur silencieux 2565 kVa

submitted by outilmary to machinebtp2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 TimesandSundayTimes Trump’s White House nominees ‘targeted with bomb threats’

submitted by TimesandSundayTimes to politics [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 ChoiceAdventurous807 Isaiah 58:9

submitted by ChoiceAdventurous807 to CatholicMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 No_Artichoke9304 Our Sobor queen has more sympathy for a stranger who forgot her lock box than her daughter who was hungry and ate her hotdogs... that tells you the kind of person she is. Drugs over family. Always and forever.

submitted by No_Artichoke9304 to simplychristina87 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:46 Necrobach No Fear Q13 Wireless Gaming Mouse just packed in

Title says it all.
Worked perfectly last night.
Get home from work today
Boot up my laptop. Mouse doesn't work.
Laser light at the bottom isn't turning on
Reciever and usb port should both be fine
Tried another usb port just incase, same result.
Mouse has power
Can't use touchpad as it was disabled
Can't get off "Let's Finish Setting Up Your PC" screen
Can't hard shut down because when holding power button I need to drag something down
submitted by Necrobach to MouseReview [link] [comments]