Melia Black Friday Coupon Code

2024.11.27 19:30 wewdwtnizrub Melia Black Friday Coupon Code

Find the Melia Black Friday Coupon Code
Unlock Savings of up to 80% with Melia Promo Codes in November 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to dealssofjuly [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Head_Estate_3944 GOP senator finds that IRS employees owe nearly $50M in taxes

GOP senator finds that IRS employees owe nearly $50M in taxes submitted by Head_Estate_3944 to republicans [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Severe_Hand_5907 terug verhuizen naar Nederland

hallo allemaal, je hebt de titel al gezien en ik wilde weten hoe moeilijk het zou zijn om terug naar Nederland te verhuizen van groot-Brittannië. ik heb nog steeds me Nederlandse paspoort. dankjewel 🙏
submitted by Severe_Hand_5907 to nederlands [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 moneyball231 Looking for: Let’s Par-tee!Attached is what I have to trade.

Looking for: Let’s Par-tee!Attached is what I have to trade. submitted by moneyball231 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 mochaBeann my mom tried to imply that i’m a hoe…

just venting about something my mom tried to imply last night because i called her out on being a drunk . my mom tried to imply that i’m a hoe by naming guys that i brought home for her to meet (which obviously if i brought them home i thought they were special and going to last but ok…) but it’s crazy because i can also tally up all the guys i’ve seen come in the house to fuck her … idk what her problem is seriously but 🤷🏽‍♀️👍🏽 whatever makes her feel better about herself i guess . like yea i was dumb and believed in love as a teenager , my bad i guess ? but she was grown as hell bringing home all these guys so who’s really the hoe ? i think it’s really sad that she would even TRY to imply that knowing how these guys lie and lie and what ? i’m the bad guy for believing every lie like she ever taught me the game ??? yea ok, great parenting mom👍🏽👍🏽
submitted by mochaBeann to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Treacle_oracle Honey jar disposing and storing

I know you’re supposed to keep a honey jar, but what if you don’t live alone and don’t want anyone to find it? Where do you guys keep yours? Or do you just throw it out after it worked?
submitted by Treacle_oracle to Spells [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 StompyBee Thinking about buying a Flip (version 3 or 4) but have concerns!

Hey so I have had my current phone (iphone 6s) for about 6 years now and it is still in good physical condition but the battery is crap and it keeps on randomly switching off and also randomly jumping to different charges within seconds.
I am thinking about buying a new phone and the flip not only looks super cool and cute but it seems very compact. This is important to me as I don't want a huge phone that will be hard to grip or put in my pockets.
I have been looking for one on ebay as they are cheaper and price is somewhat important. The only thing is that I am scared that the screen or hinges or even the whole phone itself aren't that durable. I am very safe with phones (had mine for 6 years and no physical damage to screen or back/sides) but I don't know if that will be enough for it to last. Are they extremely weak and break easily?!
I don't know if it will be worth it, I don't like switching phones a lot and so I want my next phone to at least last me a good amount of years. Also heard that the screen protectors for them get all bubbly or cracked around the crease?!? Is this true??
I don't know really, just looking for peoples experiences with the flip and any advice or knowledge would be greatly appreciated :)
submitted by StompyBee to galaxyzflip [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Ok_Artichoke_1196 Zelina Vega

Zelina Vega submitted by Ok_Artichoke_1196 to LadiesOfWrestling [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 SoftAnimal232 Apple CarPlay Issues

I have a 2023 F150 XLT 302A and the last few weeks out of the blue I’ve been having consistent issues with Apple CarPlay. So wireless Apple CarPlay works fine, but when I plug my phone into the USB-C port with wireless Apple CarPlay already going my maps lock up, or my location on the map starts going crazy. If I unplug my phone the maps will unfreeze and act normal. Sometimes it will start 10-15 minutes into a drive, there’s no consistent time for the issues to pop up. I changing charging cables, reset the phone and the radio, doesn’t make a difference. Anybody else run into this? For some background information I use Waze maps.
submitted by SoftAnimal232 to f150 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Able-Wonder-5876 pregunta, ustedes que piensan?

un hombre normal que no es aliado pero tampoco machista, puede llevarse bien con una mujer feminista que es muy ¨extrema¨?, un amigo a querido hablar con esta chica que es muy feminista, las primeras veces lo insulto y hasta lo golpeo, pero ayer se pasaron los números y se siguen en ig, yo pensaba que el nunca lo iba a lograr pero cuando el me conto me salió esta duda
submitted by Able-Wonder-5876 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Tlaloc_raingod Estudiando

Hola! Una manera que se me ocurrió para estudiar fue pedirle que me enseñara como si fuera un cuento, me gusta leer y la verdad es que me ayudo muchoooo!! Entiendo mejor el concepto y eh logrado avanzar, algún otro tip para estudiar lo agradecería con el corazón Bonita vida :3
submitted by Tlaloc_raingod to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 beefkitt Does anyone know why the George Mason 'Capitol Connection' building is entirely blurred out on google maps?

submitted by beefkitt to gmu [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Nine_Pass I think I might have found an exploit

I'll make it short because I haven't fully tested it yet, and it's a pain in the ass to do because it was part of a random event I think
While going from the wild island to the military outpost to talk with the siirca guys I managed to get shot almost to death while running away from a bloodsucker in between anomalies
I had like 5% health a bandage, and an SVD lynx and the mercenary M4 (can't remember the exact name of the gun).
So my health got to 0 at the same time I ended up bandaging myself and ran through an anomaly like an idiot.
Somehow I didn't die and I ended with the popup of a mission reward 3 times (Wich I completely ignored because I was running from the sucker I bandaged again, the bloodsucker despawned (or died idc) and proceeded to go to the outpost. On my way there I get to the first military checkpoint and there was a safe inside. I was searching in hopes for a medkit when I realized somehow I had two m700 sniper rifles (at yellow condition) and one vss on my inventory.
As far as I know the m700 is locked behind a lot of game progression, the vss wasn't (Because I got one earlier from a dead npc)
I just wanted to share it
submitted by Nine_Pass to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Chaseydog REturning decoration

REturning decoration submitted by Chaseydog to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 constantn0thing Is this bad?? Old dried up coffee cup, maybe licked?

Hello, I was drinking coffee last night and I left my cup with no coffee laying around. What would happen if my cat may have licked the dried up coffee from the top of the cup? (Not sure if there even was some, but maybe residue?)
It was the bottled Starbucks from target.
submitted by constantn0thing to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Overall_Republic8033 Voturi in functie de categoriile de varsta

Incerc sa gasesc o statistica pentru alegerile de duminica - cum a votat fiecare categorie de varsta. De exemplu categoria 18-24 a votat x% georgescu, y% lasconi etc.
A vazut cineva o statistica de genul? Mi se pare ca se arunca in presa si in spatiul public ideea ca tinerii au votat cu georgescu, fara absolut nici o dovada (pe langa ideea ca nu ies la vot, care este complet falsa)
submitted by Overall_Republic8033 to politica [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 ai_jobs [HIRING][USD 148K - 230K] Solutions Architect, Generative AI (Remote)

[HIRING][USD 148K - 230K] Solutions Architect, Generative AI (Remote) submitted by ai_jobs to WebDeveloperJobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Volvowagon74 Just brought this Hammerli Forge H1 home.

Got it on a "Black friday" discount for 331USD. Can't wait to bring it to a range. Anyone have any experience with this one?
submitted by Volvowagon74 to 22lr [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 SgtJoeLedger 😎🤘

😎🤘 submitted by SgtJoeLedger to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Dark_Sins Oma im Heim, Schwester zieht in ihr Haus und räumt um.

Hallo liebe Gemeinde,
Ich hab heute einen recht großen Krach mit meiner Familie gehabt und wollte mich erkundigen ob das was da abgeht überhaupt mit rechten Dingen zugeht.
Um einen groben Überblick zu geben.
-Meine Mutter hat sämtliche Vollmachten von meiner Oma erhalten.
-Meine Oma hat seit mehrern Jahren Anzeichen von Demenz und ist nach mehreren Vorfällen und einem Krankenhausoffenthalt auch damit diagnostiziert worden und in die Obhut eines Altenheimes gegeben worden in welchem es ihr recht gut geht.

Nun zu meinem Problem seit nun gut einem Jahr steht ihr Haus leer. Abseits von Zimmerpflanzen gießen den Garten sporadisch pflegen ist dort auch nicht viel passiert.
Vor zwei Monaten jedoch haben mein Stiefvater und meine Mutter sich im Streit getrennt meine Schwester hat meinen Stiefvater wegen Körperverletzung angezeigt und dieser hat ihr wiederrum deswegen ein Hausverbot erteilt. Das ist, aber nebensächlich.
Punkt ist meine Schwester brauchte eine Bleibe und da bot sich Oma's Haus spontan an. Mir würde das so am Rande dann mitgeteilt und Ich konnte ja schlecht Nein dazu sagen.
Also wohnte meine Schwester fortan im Haus. Ich habe, aber klar gemacht das sie sich eine eigene Wohnung suchen muss. Wo wir uns auch alle einig waren.
Nun kommt meine eigentliche Frage. Seit dem Einzug in das Haus fangen meine Mutter und Schwester an sämtliche Möbel umzustellen und Räume in Abstellkammern zu verwandeln, sich quasi darin austoben als ob es ihr Eigentum wäre.
Nachdem ich heute ein paar der Räume gesehen habe ist mir die Hutschnur geplatzt und habe meiner Schwester eine Frist von zwei Monaten gesetzt wo sie das Haus zu verlassen hat.
Meine Mutter reagierte darauf mit Unverständnis und meinte noch, wenn sie wollte könnte die der alles unter Arsch weg verkaufen und ich solle mich nicht so aufregen.
Meine Oma ist zwar dement, aber sie erkundigt sich jede Woche wie es um ihr Haus steht, welches auch vor der Demenz ihr immer das Wichtigste war.
Meine Familie sagt seit dem Einzug Ich sollte zu ihrem Schutz verschweigen was die in den letzten Wochen da so abziehen, aber ich kann das nicht mehr.
Ich weiß das was meine Familie da macht ist nicht der Wunsch meiner Oma und wegen der Vollmachten meiner Mutter weiß ich nicht was oder ob ich was dagegen tun kann. Ich möchte das dieses Haus einfach weiter unberührt bleibt bis zu ihrem Ableben.
Wenn ihr einen Weg kennt wie man das unterbinden kann oder wo ich mich beraten lassen könnte wäre ich euch echt dankbar.
submitted by Dark_Sins to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 workdreambig Learn How to Make Money Online as a Freelance Proofreader [ 70% Off Training Course]

Do you easily spot typos and grammatical mistakes while browsing a website, skimming through an email, or flipping through a book? If yes, online proofreading might be perfect for you.
With the vast amount of content available on the internet, there are countless opportunities to work from home. One such opportunity is becoming a freelance proofreader.
Proofreading is a crucial final step in the content creation process. Before any article or book goes live, a proofreader examines the text to correct errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
One advantage of being a freelance proofreader is the flexibility to work from virtually anywhere, coupled with minimal startup costs. You can begin proofreading as a side gig and eventually transition it into a full-time career.
Your income as a proofreader will largely depend on your experience and the clients you take on. Entry-level pay typically starts around $15 per hour, but as you enhance your skills and build your portfolio, there’s significant potential for higher earnings.
To thrive as an online proofreader, you need to possess strong spelling and grammar skills. Additionally, patience is essential, as the proofreading process can be quite detailed and time-consuming.
If you're interested in learning more about becoming a professional proofreader, I recommend the Proofread Anywhere course. This program has been instrumental in launching my own editing and proofreading journey and can provide you with valuable insights to kickstart your career.
Proofread Anywhere is currently running a Black Friday sale. You can get the course at 70% OFF; from Nov 25 to Dec 2. Enroll now before time runs out. Use this link and enter code: BFSALE70.
submitted by workdreambig to onlinejobsforall [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 ChrisF79 Just do it. Today is the day.

I saw that the SteamDeck is now 15% off for the Autumn Sale and there's really just a few simple points I wanted to make... if you are considering buying a SteamDeck, just do it.
Regardless of which version you can afford, you're going to love the hell out of it. You'll actually play it far more than you think you will because it's pretty damn great.
Last thing to add... don't let this post push you to almost buy it. We've all done the thing where we'll keep revisiting the site, look at reviews, post questions about it on Reddit... stop. Just buy it.
submitted by ChrisF79 to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 TheGuy790 Is there any way to fix the part of the outline that is cut off when some things are drawn in the stage?

Is there any way to fix the part of the outline that is cut off when some things are drawn in the stage? submitted by TheGuy790 to scratch [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Sad-Recognition-9324 Which size (sorry ik people are tired of these)

Which size (sorry ik people are tired of these) Definitely think 42 is right but just want to see people’s opinion. Rose gold is the 42, black is 46.
submitted by Sad-Recognition-9324 to AppleWatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 ks921 So No NYC Apartment?

So she got her abandoned dog back after locking down a new apartment... where? That place looks like the 'burbs, but at least it has a pool. Maybe she's holed up somewhere near Westerly, trying to steal Tay from Travis.
submitted by ks921 to briannachickenfrsnark [link] [comments]