2024.11.27 20:39 Rude-Thanks-7807 Last minute groceries for thanksgiving
I’m doing thanksgiving by myself this year, I just need some last minute groceries anything will help!
Venmo: JasmineeBa
submitted by Rude-Thanks-7807 to VenmoDonations [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 Beneficial_Pack_382 28 [M4A] Kolkata - Let's talk about ass eating fetish
Tomorrow, I'll be reuniting with my long-distance girlfriend after what feels like an eternity. As I lie here, wide awake, my mind is racing with all the things I want to do to her, and with her.
One thing that's been on my mind a lot lately is my ass eating fetish. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but there's just something about the intimacy and vulnerability of it all that really turns me on. I've been fantasizing about the way she'll taste, the way she'll smell, and the way she'll feel when I'm going down on her. I imagine the way she'll react, the way she'll moan and squirm.
I'm also thinking about the way I'll make her feel. I want to make her feel like a queen, like she's the only person who matters. I want to take my time, to savor every moment, and to make sure she's comfortable and enjoying herself. I want to explore every inch of her body, to find all the spots that make her tick, and to make her feel like she's never felt before.
I guess what I'm looking for is someone to share my dirty thoughts with. I want to know that I'm not the only one out there who has these kinds of desires. I want to know that there are others who understand me, who get me, and who can relate to my fetish.
So, if you're out there, and you have a similar fetish, or if you just want to listen and offer some advice, I'd love to hear from you. Let's talk about our desires, our fantasies, and our deepest secrets. Let's create a safe space where we can be ourselves, without fear of judgment or rejection.
Thanks for reading, and I look forward to hearing from you.
submitted by Beneficial_Pack_382 to r4r [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 anonymousguyy94 Anyone want to share their incest experiences or fantasy's kik Johnnyanonymous94
submitted by anonymousguyy94 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 Most-Assistant6619 كيف اتعامل
كيف اتعامل مع شخص يحب يمثل انه دور الضحيه و مصدق ذا الشي فعقله و مُصر على انه مظلوم على الرغم من انه غلطان ١٠٠٪؟؟؟؟
ملاحظة:ما اقدر اقطع علاقتي معاه فit’s not an option
submitted by Most-Assistant6619 to saudiarabia [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 OkRoutine489 looking for a mammoth
I will pay 25k and trade a ghost pery for a mammoth. any species but a ghoul bc i dont have the breeding license. please let me know :)
submitted by OkRoutine489 to horse_life_roblox [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 AdamISRx Limit steam store
Hi, I've tried looking for this up but I can't find an option. I know that you can limit mature content from the Steam store, but it removes regular games made for adults. Is there a way to remove all the porn but keep the normal adult games in the store?
submitted by AdamISRx to Steam [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 SympathyHour8432 Wanna See my cock dm
submitted by SympathyHour8432 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 Coolsedi Rate me please
No filter on any of these pictures submitted by Coolsedi to truerateme [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:39 traunt_guy Anyone crashing at this Specific area aswell in Stalker 2?
Playing the game and going to a specific point to get a stash here at Lischyna Point In Red Forest and somehow it always crashes here for some reason? I can't tell if the game is trying to load something and it can't OR the area is just a mess that the game can't handle
Picture of the area before it crashed
submitted by traunt_guy to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 ontska Sizing advice for expedition parka
I just got the lodge hoody in a size large. It fits me like a glove, but since im from the nordic countries i think i need something heftier for the winters. Im looking at the expedition parka, but i hear so many mixed opinions on the sizing. Im 186cm tall if it helps. Thanks in advance for the help!
submitted by ontska to CanadaGoose [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 Good-Theory-1133 En que Tier pondrian este alfajor y por cuales motivos?
Los de moreno sabrán submitted by Good-Theory-1133 to Alfajor [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:39 intrepidinferno This is what “too much” looks like
submitted by intrepidinferno to GayRateMe [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:39 MPerceptionz [WTS] TENICOR (G19/45) CERTUM LUX2 & G19 SPEED FEED PRO – BRASS
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/shX4uTJ - Pictures
Like-new condition and has only been used to test. Comes with the additional camming bars and spacers. Right handed orientation and multi-light option.
C&H Speed Feed Pro Brass (G19) - $50 Shipped
BNIB never used or opened. Went a different route.
submitted by MPerceptionz to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 trailer8k Kamala spreads ALL-NEW HOAX in latest desperate smear campaign against Trump - Memology 101
submitted by trailer8k to Trailerclub [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:39 National-Street7170 Any one wanna chat irls dm me
submitted by National-Street7170 to DesiCelebHub [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 MagicalMusical1 Aya Shameimaru vs Courier Cat (Touhou vs The Battle Cats)
submitted by MagicalMusical1 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:39 throwaway21111121111 F25 key
submitted by throwaway21111121111 to FreshBeans [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:39 GuavaFuture Should Lebanon impose sanctions on Iran?
What if the Lebanese government imposed sanctions on Iran; stopping anything from entering Lebanon from there? I feel like this could be a powerful step to show the world that we’re serious about forcing hezb to stick to the ceasefire agreement and avoiding another devastating war. It would also send a message that our government is putting its people first.
I get that it wouldn’t be easy. We might lose access to some things like Persian rugs or face higher fuel prices. But honestly? I’m okay with that if it means living safely and without the constant fear of conflict. Isn’t that a sacrifice worth making for a better future for all of us?
Even if we don’t currently have the ability to fully enforce these sanctions, taking this step would still send a strong signal to the international community that Lebanon is committed to peace and stability. It could help rebuild trust with other nations and open the door for more international support.
What do you think?
View Poll
submitted by GuavaFuture to lebanon [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 Dizzy-Attention568 Menopause som 30 årig..
Hej bloggen,
Jeg er i et ægte livskrisedilemma. Undskyld at det er blevet lidt langt.
Jeg er kvinde, 30 år, single, lettere heartbroken, lettere deprimeret. Jeg har et kæmpe ønske om at blive mor i fremtiden.
Jeg har været til et fertiletstjek, grundet at min mor gik for tidligt i overgangsalderen. Jeg har åbenbart arvet dette, og min AMH (ægreserve) er på under 1 nmol/L. Hvis den er under 3, har man betydeligt lav chance for at kunne blive gravid. Den burde ligge på omkring 23-58 nmol/L når man er 25-30 år. Lidt lavere når man er 30-35 år. Derudover ser de andre blodprøver også skidt ud, og lægen siger jeg er på vej i menopause.
Min gynækolog/fertilitetsklinik anbefaler såkaldt social freezing, hvor man tager ubefrugtede æg ud, fryser ned, som så senere kan bruges til IVF-behandling indtil det 46. år. Det koster rundt regnet 45.000 pr. ægudtagning, hormoner, opbevaring, semi-skjulte gebyrer osv. Jeg bør få mindst 3 omgange, når min AMH er så lav. Derudover smertefuldt, psykisk og fysisk hårdt osv.
Jeg har ikke pengene, da jeg har et dårligt betalt deltidsjob og studerer. Jeg har fremtidsudsigter til et lavt betalt arbejde qua min uddannelse. Denne social freezing skal igangsættes inden for de næste 2 måneder, siger lægen. Min familie vil kunne hjælpe med 20.000 kr cirka, så resten ville jeg skulle låne. Jeg skylder allerede SU 50.000.
Hvis det ikke kostede noget, ville jeg ikke tøve med at gøre det, men jeg er meget i tvivl om jeg skal forgælde mig yderligere, når chancen for at æg = et sundt og rask barn i fremtiden, ikke er garanteret. Udover at min ægreserve er lav (usikkert hvor mange æg der kan tages ud) er det i gennemsnit kun 35% af æggene der overlever nedfrysningen, og ikke til at vide, hvilke der i sidste ende kan ende i en succesfuld graviditet.
Det er ikke en mulighed, at jeg med nuværende livssituation skal være gravid lige nu.
Mit dilemma er, om jeg skal tage et lån, få æg nedfrosset og håbe på det bedste, eller om jeg skal affinde mig med, at når jeg ønsker at blive mor i fremtiden, må jeg håbe på at det kan lade sig gøre med ægdonation.
Hvad ville du gøre i min situation? Har du været i gennem noget lignende? Evt nogle tanker til videre refleksion jeg kan gøre mig?
submitted by Dizzy-Attention568 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 torquehandrews Let’s get Nissan to make the Silvia the right way
submitted by torquehandrews to Nissan [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 Rybo1975 Stacking peptides for body building question
Does anyone know how much Ipamorelin, sermorelin and cjc-1295 you should take daily? I’ve been stacking Ipamorelin and cjc-1295 but plan on adding in sermorelin but don’t know how much to add in with the other 2. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
submitted by Rybo1975 to Peptidesource [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 RareAd3009 Just fucked a new character should I fuck it?
submitted by RareAd3009 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:39 EckhausLatta Which clubs are closed on Thanksgiving in NYC ?
submitted by EckhausLatta to EquinoxGyms [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:39 abrasivebuttplug Steering post update
Is it just me or did the default steering sensitivity go down, making it harder to steer?
submitted by abrasivebuttplug to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:39 CriticalVoyager DLCs
So Steam sale is up and I'm wondering are DLCs absolute necessary? https://preview.redd.it/inbtzhui9i3e1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=54b9cc42849a71a0292f4e18fba7b825db416283 I was thinking of buying the base game and Timelines since it has another offer https://preview.redd.it/9nqs2zkl9i3e1.png?width=623&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e860c1847324c813351489b1b7cdbc1a28d5568 submitted by CriticalVoyager to X4Foundations [link] [comments] |