Replacement Parts for Pagani DD36

2024.11.27 20:40 buzzerbeat Replacement Parts for Pagani DD36

Replacement Parts for Pagani DD36 The movement in DD36 died after a few months. I still want to keep this watch because it fits my smaller wrist, and the bracelet is surprisingly comfortable for a Pagani watch.
I plan on replacing both the movement and the dial. Could someone advise:
  1. If an NH35 movement fits in this 36mm case?
  2. Is the dial size 28.5mm or 29mm for this watch?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by buzzerbeat to ChineseWatches [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 kitt5yk Thinkin about cells n stuff

Thinkin about cells n stuff submitted by kitt5yk to Artisticallyill [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 Vegetable_Street_766 The blue bird

The blue bird submitted by Vegetable_Street_766 to StarfieldShips [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 shingspirit Looking for a similar jacket

Hi there my GF (size Large or 42 EU) has fell in love with a burberry jacket.
And she has been looking for something similar (especially the colour) and wayyyy cheaper.
We tried to order a couple online. But neither were good.. Either bad quality or bad colour.
Can you please help us!
Thank you!
submitted by shingspirit to findfashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 North-Frosting9845 Suche w

submitted by North-Frosting9845 to stuttgart_nudes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 Upper_Can_2715 Very looong flight plan

Very looong flight plan
submitted by Upper_Can_2715 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 Unusualist Struggling between holding onto hope and letting go

Devastated, struggling
I (34M) want to settle down, part of my life goals is to find my soul mate/best friend/lover to share my life with, to travel together with. I thought I have found someone whom we value each other so highly. Seemingly compatible with core values, so much chemistry, love and thoughtfulness and maturity. I give so much of myself into this relationship.
I am not the best with communication especially when I am emotionally unsettled. I have been working on it especially since this became a point of recent discomfort for her. Despite deliberately trying, I feel there are misunderstandings and my intentions were never to convey control over her, I wanted to convey I wanted comfort. Good intentions, poor delivery.
Breakup happened soon after we returned from a vacation. I am devastated and struggling. Between giving her the time and space she needs to internalise and heal, my highly anxious and painful state of holding onto the slimmer of hope that perhaps the misunderstandings were pivotal to the breakup, and to how she doesn't value and love me enough to sort this out with me without leaving. I'm imperfect, but I have always been trying my best.
I had thought to propose soon, that we could have our home together soon, and what I felt was truly the one for me. She even said so during our breakup, she thought this was the one too. All these dreams and my favourite person are gone.
Currently focusing on reflection, healing, signed up for therapy, managing work, fake front in front of people, with little close friends, holding onto the slimmer of hope that she is open to giving me a clarity and separately reconciliation. All is so painful for the past weeks. Been living like a clockwork. Work, some exercises, forcing myself to eat, reflect, seek clarity from my siblings, heartbroken, ponder to seek clarity, try to sleep.
submitted by Unusualist to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 jvc72 Buy Signal Rigetti Computing Inc - 27 Nov 2024 @ 15:37 -> USD2.38

Ticker: RGTI
Exchange: NASDAQ
Time: 27 Nov 2024 @ 15:37
Price: USD2.38
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 ziqueiros I'm using Google Cloud AppEngine to run a flask python app. Is working just fine. Is there any advantage if I create a docker container for this?

Since Google AppEngine is already a container and I will need to install OS dependencies like Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 for python-Levenshtein-wheels on Windows (if I want to develop in windows). I don't see any advantage now on "dockerize" my project. Am'I missing something?
submitted by ziqueiros to flask [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 SlendersoulAmerica I Don’t Think Miss Daisy Likes Her Name

I Don’t Think Miss Daisy Likes Her Name This is my little girl Miss Daisy. She is about 13 months old. I have had her for four months and prior to her adoption she was a stray who was found outdoors with six kittens. Her foster found great Homes for her babies. She does not respond at all to her name at all. I am thinking of changing it. Any suggestions for this sweet little girl?
submitted by SlendersoulAmerica to Catnames [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 DeeFundz Accom Swap

Hi everyone!
I currently have a room at Canada Water (40week) and was wondering if anyone at GDSA would be down to swap contracts. Please let me know if interested!
submitted by DeeFundz to KCL [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 ProwoKatze Looking for nails for my staple gun

Looking for nails for my staple gun Hi, I own this Bosch HT 14 stample gun and would like to use it with the nails.
It says it uses Typ 41 14 mm nails but the ones made by Bosch are very hard to come by or expensive with the postage etc. in my country.
Could you guys please give me a tip what substitute nails (possibly cheaper) can I use for this thing? Thank you in advance.
submitted by ProwoKatze to Tools [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 ReleaseFabulous5329 🤭🍑

🤭🍑 submitted by ReleaseFabulous5329 to CelebsBikiniUndies [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 jsheffers Winter Art Collection available via Frame Crop, free links in post

submitted by jsheffers to TheFrame [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 heinzliketheketchup Heinz - You Want It, Want It [alt-pop]

submitted by heinzliketheketchup to Music [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 undercover-dad I'm thinking of getting an XO tat between now and the release. Lemme see y'all XO tats for inspiration

Also, does someone has one inside the lip?
submitted by undercover-dad to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 mwilson1201 What wood is this?

submitted by mwilson1201 to wood [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 ShadowMarioUGB MediEvil 2 on PS Classics. When?

MediEvil 2 on PS Classics. When? It is the only game in the franchise that is missing for all MediEvil games to be available on current consoles. And since a remake of the game is apparently out of the question, it would be cool to have the original as one of the games in the PS Plus classics catalog. Well, we have MediEvil: Ressurection and even the original first game from PS1 (counting the PS4 remake, we have three versions of the first game), why not the second?
submitted by ShadowMarioUGB to medievil [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 ha_x5 KfW 358 - Was ist da eigentlich los?

Hallo zusammen,
das ist ein Rant und Hilfegesuch gleichzeitig.
Nachdem ich die Förderzusage der KfW in der Tasche hatte, habe ich mich auf den Weg gemacht den Ergänzungskredit 358 zu beantragen.
Nun ja, was soll ich sagen… Es scheint kaum möglich zu sein.
Meine beiden “Hausbanken”, die Direktbanken DKB und 1822direkt (Frankfurter Sparkasse) haben abgewunken.
Wichtig hierbei: Die 1822 wirbt aktuell aktiv mit Baufinanzierung und bei der DKB ist es noch lustiger: Die finanzieren mir die gesamte Bude.
Richtig gehört: Meine finanzierende Bank, auf die mich jeder Schlaumeier verweist, möchte nichts davon wissen. Auch weil der Kredit vermittelt wurde.
Also ab zum Vermittler, Check24. Es tue ihm Leid, aber das Produkt wird nicht angeboten.
Nach der DKB fallen hier auch die Sätze, das hätten wir vllt. schon im Januar machen müssen beim Immokredit.
Diesmal korrigiere ich diese Aussage: “Tut mir Leid, das stimmt so nicht. Diese Förderung ist auch für Leute, die ihre über 20 Jahre Heizung austauschen. Diese Leute haben uU. gar keine Kredite mehr laufen.”
Ich bekomme recht. Der Herr meint es auch wirklich gut. Ist aber leicht verzweifelt.
Natürlich habe ich auch Dr. Klein und Interhyp angeschrieben. Diese beiden werden nicht nur von der KfW explizit benannt, sondern werben auch damit.
Von der Interhyp wurde ich allein nach der Nennung von 358 geghosted. Davor ging es ganz schnell mit der Kontaktaufnahme.
Dr. Klein wollte auch zuerst nach Schema F gehen. Die Hinweise die ich bei der Anfrage mitgebe, scheinen wohl ignoriert. Nachdem erneuten Hinweis auf 358, gab es dann prompt die Antwort: “Machen wir nicht”.
Nun bin ich verärgert und lasse den Herren seine Falschaussage schlucken. Ich zitiere mich selbst aus meiner Mail:
“[…]danke für diese Information.
Freundlich möchte ich noch auf folgende Aussage hinweisen:

Dieses KfW-Programm ist bei Dr. Klein erhältlich!
Das KfW-Programm "KfW 358, 359 - Ergänzungskredit" wird von Dr. Klein vermittelt. <<<“
Ich nehme mir vor hier nachzuhaken. Ggf. mal bei der Zentrale anrufen und konfrontieren.
In Verzweiflung rufe ich nun die KfW an. Hatte aber eh noch andere Fragen zum Kredit. Hier rät man mir: Man verstehe mich gut und ratet mir standhaft zu bleiben.
Ich gehe nochmal auf die KfW-Seite und nutze diesmal das Formular für die Kreditvermittler. Hier wähle ich nun jeweils die lokale Spk. und VB und eine Wüstenrot-Agentur.
Als Randnotiz: Im gleichen Formular stehen übrigens auch Dr. Klein und Interhyp zur Auswahl. Wo das hinführt habe ich ja bereits geschildert.
Anfrage abgesendet. Vllt. reagiert ja jmd, wenn die Mail direkt von der KfW rausgeht.
Wenige Stunden später: Ein Herr von Wüstenrot. Innerlich freue mich schon. Sehr schnell im Gespräch finde ich allerdings raus, dass der Herr keine Ahnung davon hat, dass es hier um KfW 358 geht. Denn auch er folgt seinem Schema F. Möchte wissen ob ich schon eine konkrete Immobilie im Auge habe…
Nach meinem Hinweis sehe ich regelrecht die Enttäuschung in seinem Gesicht. Er macht sich Notizen und schaut mal. Einen Termin vereinbaren wir trotzdem für nächste Woche.
Hoffnung habe ich allerdings keine. Ich frage mich aber, was die KfW da raussendet. Aber ich hab ja die Erfahrung gemacht, dass gegebene Hinweise ignoriert werden. Anscheinend ist die Quelle der Nachricht egal.
Ich weiß ja, dass dieser Ergänzungskredit für die Banken einfach nicht lukrativ ist, aber irgendwo muss ich den ja herbekommen.
Hat da jemand vllt. eine zündende Idee für mich?
Ich bin bereit ein wenig zu reisen dafür. Wenn ihr eine Bank in NRW kennt die das macht, freue ich mich über die Info.
submitted by ha_x5 to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 Loose-Dream7901 I’ve worked in Practice Management/BD at a large firm for 5 years. Met over 2,000 advisors…

Ask me anything when it comes to prospecting, networking, COI’s, referrals or anything to generate business.
One caveat, ask me a question and give me the best tactic you’ve learned.
I’ll compile all of these into an on-going open source spreadsheet.
submitted by Loose-Dream7901 to CFP [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 AdMobile9651 I don’t like the feeling of food in my stomach

I’m trying to recover, it’s insanely hard for me. Lately I’ve been trying to keep the food down and absolutely hate the feeling of being full, is this normal? I can’t find anything else about it.
submitted by AdMobile9651 to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 ireallyhateai Weiß jemand was das ist?

submitted by ireallyhateai to WerWieWas [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 Lucky_Border4890 Octavia 1 2003

Octavia 1 2003 Does anyone know what this switch is for?
submitted by Lucky_Border4890 to skoda [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 lolalanda Ultra rare picture of Sherry in a bikini

submitted by lolalanda to Frasier [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 ThirtyOdd666 [WTB] 16in .300blk upper

Mostly looking for a complete 16in. 300blk upper for hunting , ill be shooting supersonic (110/125gr) so would perfer a 1:8 twist barrel.
wanna go for the cheaper end prob around $200-400
will also just buy a barrel or barrel assembly.
wanna go for the cheaper end prob around $200-400
submitted by ThirtyOdd666 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]