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I am Sahil, i have 1.5 years of experience of editing video. Iam a professional video editor with sharp skills
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Message me to get your videos edited
you can also contact me on Discord: editor_sahil
Or. Instagram: editor_sahil27
submitted by EditorHunk17 to CreatorServices [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:40 Y2Jay1510 Will these shoes be ok for Norway?
Hi guys, I'm travelling to Norway and Rovaniemi in February and I was wondering whether these Timberland Euro Hikers that I already own will be ok for the weather?
I'll be doing some snow-based activities up in Trosmo and Rovaniemi but snow shoes are mostly provided for those.
Just wary of buying some shoes specific for the trip when I might not necessarily be wearing them again any time soon. If the Timberlands won't be ok do you have any suggestions that might also be somewhat stylish where I could wear them in the UK weather?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Y2Jay1510 to Nordiccountries [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:40 charmingstardoll Nobel Prize-worthy meme.
submitted by charmingstardoll to sciencememes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:40 5timulusCheck Best electric impact wrench on AliExpress (1800N.M) - amazing value!
submitted by 5timulusCheck to CarsPH [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:40 Ashamed-Success-3826 Why am I struggling with sleep?
I go to bed at around 6:00 PM and SLEEP around 7:00 to 7:45 PM. I get up at around 4-6 AM. If I wake up at 4, I workout for about two hours. This means I almost immediately lift weights as soon as I get up. Besides that, I struggle with reaching my desired 4 AM sweet spot and instead wake up at 1-3 usually which means around 4-6 hours of sleep, which isn't desired.
Besides sleep itself, I am a 17YOA Male, and workout technically 6x a week if you count cardio and lifting. I lift weights 4x a week, back to back. My diet is fine, little to no processed foods. My macros are fine, too.
My issue is why am I struggling to stay asleep? Why does my body get up? For no reason at all, seemingly?
submitted by Ashamed-Success-3826 to sleep [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:40 sergemeister President Sheinbaum with dunk on Trump
submitted by sergemeister to clevercomebacks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:40 CompetitivePuzzler CS recommendation letter: OpenAI research scientist vs CS prof
HI follks, I am applying to CS PhD programs. my research is in machine learning(ML). I was very fortunate to do research closely with a then PhD now OpenAI researcher who said he would happy to recommend me. I was also very fortunate to do research with a professor in CS security + ML, he was also very happy to recommend me. I have two recommendation letters already and was wondering who i should put as the third? I am in the united states.
submitted by CompetitivePuzzler to GradSchool [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:40 mccsasha [Nooks] 606
tips are appreciated and if anyone has any apples and/or pears to spare, that would be great :) submitted by mccsasha to ACNHTurnips [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:40 Lost-Relationship520 M teacher guessing ages and rating. 05e0c577f12b4d1d77e16d98f912495f0306ef244e59d0eb360f4e83c2ab777722
submitted by Lost-Relationship520 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:40 Resident_Ebb6083 22M. Always struggle on dating apps.
submitted by Resident_Ebb6083 to amIuglyBrutallyHonest [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:40 ColossusOfChoads What are your childhood memories of brands such as 'Aunt Jemima' and 'Uncle Ben'? Did you know that something wasn't right?
I'm in my mid 40s, and I grew up as a Mexican/white haffy daffy in a suburb of Los Angeles. My hometown was about 70% white, 20% Mexican/Latino, and the rest was 'other.' Judging by who I took the school bus with, there were maybe two or three Black families within a mile radius. Needless to say, I didn't have much exposure to Black people/culture outside of the media.
And so I had zero clue about what was really going on with Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben, and nobody ever talked about it. I don't think I learned the stories behind those until I was in college. I just figured that Aunt Jemima was somebody's aunt, and that Uncle Ben was a rich guy (because he was wearing a tux, which is what rich people wore at fancy parties, right?) who owned the rice company.
I didn't have the first clue. I had to learn what was up as an adult. What about in your households? Did everybody know what was going on with that? Did your parents forbid those brands in your house? Or were you as clueless as I was?
What about the white kids near you? I figure if you grew up in the South, the white kids would have also known what was going on with that.
Hope this isn't too controversial, but I've always wondered about it.
submitted by ColossusOfChoads to askblackpeople [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:40 Long_Marionberry8697 Posting Masha till Season 2 (#Day 70)
submitted by Long_Marionberry8697 to TokidokiBosottoRoshia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:40 jul42470 Vegas, 8 months
submitted by jul42470 to velvethippos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:40 heffae artsy
submitted by heffae to Volvo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:40 General-Hamster9025 BMI and hunger?
Hi! I am on this thread a lot and appreciate the knowledge and support. I am like 5'10 and my BMI is around a 19 or so. I have been really trying to recover from HA as best I can right now by eating a lot of food, but I am SO hungry and feel like i just have the most insatiable appetite, even though I am not underweight. I can't gain too much right now because of my sport (weight restricted) but will be done my sport forever in a couple months, so I am trying to recover as best i can right now and wanted to see if anyone has tips?
submitted by General-Hamster9025 to Amenorrhearecovery [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:40 Xinjig666_ I think I`m Going To upload More Levels Because All Levels Are Just Stuck In The Create Tab So Every Once in While I`ll Upload A Level
submitted by Xinjig666_ to geometrydash [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:40 Duck_Asteroids The deer surround the delivery girl when you click
submitted by Duck_Asteroids to Steam [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:40 giladbo Does maxsea fertlizer have expration date?
hi i am growing carnivorous plants and ive been trying to get maxsea for almost a year now its not avilable at my country and suddenly i found it on amazon so i have been wondering if it has an expration date and i saw that for carnivorous plants you use 1/4 tea spoon so 1 bottle of 1.5lb 16-16-16 max can survive for quite a while so i thought to take 2 bottles
submitted by giladbo to SavageGarden [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:40 ClutchAGate43 How we feeling about the newest added feature?
submitted by ClutchAGate43 to RiseOfBerk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:40 Jackabing hmmm
submitted by Jackabing to hmmm [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:40 Hairy-Comedian-2890 Newbie here
Why do some batches appear then disappear and then reappear? The one is see is an odd Bath and Body Works. Does it do that when ppl view it or is it a scam?
submitted by Hairy-Comedian-2890 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:40 iolitm On November 25, 2024, FEMEN activists protested topless in Paris with messages like "Stop the war on women" to demand action against gender violence. The protest was sparked by Gisele Pelicot's case, where her ex-husband drugged her and allowed over 70 men to rape her for a decade
submitted by iolitm to norulevideos [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:40 WiseExit9615 Janked the setup even more…
Now it has a desktop hdd submitted by WiseExit9615 to techsupportgore [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:40 Neo_-_Neo Russian Ruble Collapses As Putin's Economy in Trouble
submitted by Neo_-_Neo to NAFO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:40 Ok-Grocery466 crits? Still new
Obviously can use some cleaning up. Also would change out the X and swirl for something more basic. Only photo i have submitted by Ok-Grocery466 to graffhelp [link] [comments] |