2024.11.27 21:50 Unlucky_Bus_1399 Alas, we have found another incel on Quora
submitted by Unlucky_Bus_1399 to NotHowGirlsWork [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:50 Heavy-Long6431 my header is a complete mess, is there any way to fix it?
this is what you see my header as. is there any fix to this. somneone please help me troubleshoot
submitted by Heavy-Long6431 to Wordpress [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:50 xxcloudylove Am I Overreacting for telling my friend I don't want to be friends anymore after she made fun of my mental health issues?
I know there are more cases like this, but please hear me out..
I've known my close pal (27F) for years; we're both 26F. I've been talking openly with my friends about my recent struggles with mental health, including therapy, anxiety, and depression. While the majority of my friends have been encouraging, one buddy has been really contemptuous.
She began making fun of me when I told her the other day that I was feeling overburdened. She giggled after mimicking my dramatic statement, "I can't even get out of bed today." I was shocked and told her that it made me feel bad and that I didn't think it was amusing. I need to "lighten up" and "stop being so serious," she added dismissively.
She began making fun of me when I told her the other day that I was feeling overburdened. She giggled after mimicking my dramatic statement, "I can't even get out of bed today." I was shocked and told her that it made me feel bad and that I didn't think it was amusing. I need to "lighten up" and "stop being so sensitive," she remarked dismissively.
After giving it some thought, I genuinely don't think I can maintain a friendship with someone who doesn't care about my mental health. After I informed her that I no longer wanted to be friends, she is now accusing me of exaggerating and being "too dramatic" about something that was supposed to be a joke.
Tell me.
submitted by xxcloudylove to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:50 HzrdCorruption Yes! So happy :)
I have been playing for almost two weeks and feel so lucky. I really enjoy the game so far and am really fortunate with what I caught so far. The most important ones missing would be shiny totodile, croconaw and feraligatr. What is your most priced possession? submitted by HzrdCorruption to pokemongo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:50 cherrybabykat A quick one before bed
submitted by cherrybabykat to Selfie_Girl [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:50 Forward_Day_1462 [NM] 76294 X-men: The X-Mansion - 70 spots @ $5
Item Name Set #: 76294 X-men: The X-Mansion
Lego Price: $363 w/ tax, reduced to $350 for NM
Shipping: Free
Raffle Total/Spots: $350 - 70 spots at $5 each
Price justification: Lego.com
Call spots: Y
Spot limit per person: N
Duration of spot limit: NA
Location(Country): USA
Will ship international: No
Timestamp pics: https://imgur.com/a/uxizGZM
Description: latest modular style Marvel with the X-men cast
Payment required w/in 20 minutes of raffle filling, 10 for drama.
PayPal must be Friends & Family ONLY and NO COMMENTS OR NOTES. For Venmo payments, please use a generic/food emoji! Ask beforehand if you have any questions. Comments will result in a permanent ban
submitted by Forward_Day_1462 to lego_raffles [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:50 Julio44Rod New Glove Day!! Custom Thumb Logo 12.75" 574 Patter
submitted by Julio44Rod to 44progloves [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:50 SnooConfections6062 Cross platform play?
Hi, I have a friend who plays on Switch and I play on PC using Steam, are we able to play together?
submitted by SnooConfections6062 to CivVI [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:50 johnhakoy123 [New antioch] [List] [Help] I struggle with making lists
I have no idea how to make lists for war games. I have often tried to make lists for WH40k but they always turn out bad and now i am getting into trench crusade and really want to try making a list for new antioch. I want to have a couple og yeoman and a tank hunter (mostly off of looks and because i have the model). I dont have any other models yet and want to make a list before starting to kitbash some models so i can know how to make the models represent what they are on the table top. Thanks
submitted by johnhakoy123 to TrenchCrusade [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:50 SE_to_NW Trump’s promise to loosen crypto regulations may be boon for extremist groups | Trump administration
submitted by SE_to_NW to politics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:50 Ivy_Wings FS 2024 career mode in a nutshell
submitted by Ivy_Wings to flightsim [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:50 Alex_loves_potatoes The Incredibles Analysis: A Critique of Power
submitted by Alex_loves_potatoes to BreadTube [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:50 Tiny_Personality5446 Thrift store
I was shopping and saw these babies at the thrift store near me. submitted by Tiny_Personality5446 to uraniumglass [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:50 ExplodingHelmet We've just released our updated top 300 dynasty rankings - let us know what you think!
submitted by ExplodingHelmet to dynastybb [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:50 East_Researcher_9632 WTF
submitted by East_Researcher_9632 to MyHeroAcadamia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:50 WheelassassinYT I've been building Lancashire Football club mascots in Minecraft to create tutorials with them. Any I should add?
submitted by WheelassassinYT to lancashire [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:50 Original-Bunch1015 Advice
My boyfriend keeps asking me to split every grocery bill and I’m getting tired of it. When I buy groceries for us, I don’t ask him for money and I don’t calculate what he ows me. However, he calculates everything he pays and expects me to pay him back. Every time he gets me anything from the shop he asks me to send him the money upfront even as little as £1. I understand that we should contribute equally but I don’t know why I don’t feel comfortable with this. We split the rent and house bills 50-50 as normal but there are no issues since these are fixed monthly costs. He has the same attitude towards house chores. Whatever I do (is unseen) but he keeps complaining or bragging about his contributions! He is a hero if he does the chores, but if it’s me it’s just meh. I feel like he’s unfair and I’m not happy. Do you think his attitude is normal? Also, How do you guys manage finances?
submitted by Original-Bunch1015 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:50 KeithWorks This is an interesting and different mod, I've been enjoying trying out. RNG HMV A2. It's not OP fast or powerful, but quite capable. Good truck to add to my military truck fleet.
submitted by KeithWorks to snowrunner [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:50 Okami543 [18M] Looking to make some nerdy friends
Hello everyone, you can call me Okami. I'm an 18y/o M from Spain studying Electrical Engineering who's looking to make some new friends. Before starting, I'm a furry, I understand it can be a deal breaker for some of you.
I love listening to music, watching movies, boardgames, drawing, aviation, rollercoasters and the list goes on... (AKA, I'm a nerd). As you can see, I have a pretty big variety of topics to talk about lol, I'm sure we'll have smth in common. I'm pretty friendly and always down for a good chat, just be respectful (And introduce yourself in the first message, otherwise I won't be answering)
Thanks for reading! :3
submitted by Okami543 to discordfriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:50 wterrt Romance where extrovert helps introvert guy grow... or has any good upbeat extrovert character
Something like Dangers in my Heart, Dress up Darling, Kimi Zero and such... or a non-romance is fine if it has an extrovert like Chisato where they get a good ending.
just finished watching ...something else (you can check my comment history if you are ok risking spoilers) where I'm super irritated at the choice the MC made.
help me feel less empty. lol.
I've seen a lot of stuff though so recommend some lesser known ones if you can.
just don't suggest 3d kanojo lmao
submitted by wterrt to Animesuggest [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:50 Long_Ad_5145 I almost fucked up tonight really bad
Hello, Tonight drive was a complete mess. I was driving back home from therapy where we talked quite about personal things. I was kind of tired.. There was no reason for me to drive fast and yet I decided to do so. It was a somewhat foggy night but I could see cars coming in opposite direction.
I entered a section of road full of corners. For some reason I decided to overtake a car on a corner. First time okay, second time I almost crashed.
There was also a section with ice on the road. I was so fucking close to hitting guardrails I decided to drive much slower. Unfortunately, shortly after I almost went of the road again.
Like WHAT THE FUCK happened with me ? Basically I could crash almost 4 times and maybe hurt someone. I think I really need to think about my driving..
submitted by Long_Ad_5145 to venting [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:50 ClassZealousideal887 Since you guys wanted him to wear a helmet
Since you guys wanted him to wear a helmet submitted by ClassZealousideal887 to Dirtbikes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:50 chrwiakgjw462q1 Let's talk about Miss Universe in the JKN Era
I wanted to get people's feelings about where the Miss Universe Organization is headed. The 2024 Contest in particular was marred with issues not just from production but also from the girls, plus the lack of transparency in judging and feelings of favoritism from the MUO itself, specifically the owners.
There's also been a recent documentary talking about how the MUO has lost its credibility by not practicing what it preaches, citing specifically Anne turning into a Caitlin Jenner figure by turning her back on the trans community (the previous issue about her saying that transwomen can't win, and then recently, re-posting a story from one of Trump's children congratulating Miss Universe for crowning a biological woman.)
I believe the opinion would differ depending on where you stand on certain issues, and even depending on where you're from, but what do you think? Are you guys still confident about how the JKN Era of Miss Universe is unfolding?
submitted by chrwiakgjw462q1 to missuniverse [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:50 livelovescats tank decor
are these stuff okay for my axolotl? (I also need more stuff for my tank, if anyone has amazon recommendations lmk) submitted by livelovescats to axolotls [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:50 Le-Vagabond27 "The good apostle" «And to think that people refuse to understand that it is in the name of civilization and for the good of humanity that my soldiers massacre and set fire to their cities.» Anti-Kaiser Wilhelm II caricature following the German bombardment of the city of Reims.(September 1914)
submitted by Le-Vagabond27 to PropagandaPosters [link] [comments]