2024.11.27 21:40 plane-notify N11AF Took off near Van Horn, Texas, United States.
submitted by plane-notify to BezosJetTracker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:40 UmbralVolt The growing issue with Warlocks identity
There have been a few posts and comments on this sub and a few others about the current state of Warlocks. It's not that they don't have build diversity, but how much said diversity is lacking in anything outside of sheer survivability and crowd control. Some of these builds even struggle with basic things like ad clear because they lack damage or AoE. I myself as a Warlock main didn't initially see the issue until I started messing around with some of the best or most unique builds the other classes have, and man the difference is day and night.
To clarify one thing, yes we did just have this issue with Titans last episode with Hunters taking the title of "the melee class" simply because they had much better synergies than Titans. Now that melee is overall the best builds currently in most activities, what are Warlocks? Warlocks have never been known for their melee, so they're still the grenade class right?
Well, not even. Nowadays Warlock is what Bungie has been calling a "Summoner Class" who happens to also have a plethora of support capabilities. This summoner class identity was first showcased near the launch of Lightfall with the Broodweaver class and eventually doubling down on this with Prismatic by including Bleak watcher, Helion, Threadling Grenades, and Healing grenade for the sake of Speakers Sight all into one subclass.
While I'm not entirely upset at this since I do like some of the builds it has given us, I feel like it should not have come at the cost of our original grenade identity. Not to mention Summons of all types have a slew of issues with them alone. Low damage, poor tracking, and most being tied to our class ability are some pretty obvious ones, but the biggest one for me is a lack of orb generation. Summons/turrets do not count as grenades, weapons, and obviously not melees. So they are incapable of generating orbs, with the exception of Speakers Sight. In Episode: Revenant, as well as Echos, I found myself relying solely on my weapons to generate orbs for me since my abilities are typically either too weak to use on their own, do low damage over time or are simply for the sake of creating a summon.
Bungie further leaned into this summonesupport fantasy by releasing exotics like Swarmers, Briarbinds, Speakers Sight, Rime-Coat Raiment, Cenotaph Mask, and even Ballidorse Wrathweavers. The only two exotics Warlocks recieved throughout this time period that didn't follow this trend were Mataiodoxía and Solipsism.
As of Episode: Revenant, the current best builds for Warlocks involve turning your grenade into a turret rather than actually using your grenade. This alone should speak volumes of how underwhelming Warlocks kits are right now. Many past popular builds that actually utilized grenades like Controverse, Starfire, Veritys Brow, Osmiomancy Gloves, or even just through exotics that push towards ability spam like Crown of Tempests and Fallen Sunstar have all either been nerfed into the ground via direct nerfs or nerfs like the global ability refund change back in Season of the Wish, or have simply too demanding of a loop that makes you question "why do XYZ for a big damage buff when I can hop on another class and do just X for an easier and more consistent big damage buff."
For those who aren't familiar what this Season of the Wish change was or don't remember what it did:
A perk that grants 10% grenade energy on activation results in a cooldown reduction of 6.4 seconds to Firebolt Grenade, but results in a cooldown reduction of 15.2 seconds for Lightning Grenade.The intent was to reduce how often stronger abilities come back when using a means of refunding ability energy while keeping low-cooldown "weaker" abilities the same. The issue though is that it had zero effects on builds that were already strong while destroying builds that relied on these mods.
When players stack these buildcrafting elements together (e.g., Grenade Kickstart + Innervation + Absolution + Demolitionist + a chunk energy fragment), it results in long-cooldown abilities having uptime that is dramatically higher than what we intend for their potency level.
With Season of the Wish, we’re taking a first step at addressing that problem. Starting in update 7.3.0, the base passive cooldown tiers for abilities will also influence the amount of chunk energy they receive from perks. For our fastest-charging abilities, things are not changing. But as we progress through the passive cooldown tiers into the slower-charging abilities, that immediate burst of energy will be reduced to a floor of 50% of base for our slowest-charging grenade and class abilities, and 60% for our slowest-charging melee abilities.
Here's that same example under the new system: a perk that grants a base value of 10% grenade energy on activation results in a cooldown reduction of 6.4 seconds for Firebolt Grenade and results in a cooldown reduction of 7.6 seconds for Lightning Grenade.
2024.11.27 21:40 FunMathematician6949 I made a terrible mistake
I have mid-back, naturally dark blonde dreads, they're 5 years old and very mature, tidy.
I was having a moment and colored them dark brown, but it's come out almost black, and I have soooo much regret. My natural color is a dirty blonde.
I'm thinking of bleaching the dye out or trying to while it's only a few days old.. I know it will go ugly and I'll have to put another color over it.. has anyone done this? Will my dreadlocks break and snap? What have I doneeeeeee
submitted by FunMathematician6949 to CaucasianDreadlocks [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:40 test_block_4 To report 2024-11-27 21:38:27
submitted by test_block_4 to 17112022075331 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:40 deanp123789 this is NOT HAZBIN RELATED (just incase you can't read flairs for some reason)
gamatoto sigma submitted by deanp123789 to hazbin [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:40 CherryBlossomEnding CLASS:y - Ep.86 Yeah I’m so Classy @ K-Pop Star Showcase (241127)
submitted by CherryBlossomEnding to kpop [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:40 Nxdox Chat ratet mal dieses affengeile Video
https://youtu.be/PdwG4Zvm928?si=QCfdZcuarqcOdNuC (lasst mal like, abo und kommentar da)
submitted by Nxdox to Papaplatte [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:40 MrCheeesecakes Trading Frost Dragon
lf robux or mm2
submitted by MrCheeesecakes to crosstradingroblox [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:40 Knights_12 Filtering Local Surf Breaks?
As you gain traction with your surfing as a beginner progressing over time, how do you evaluate which surf spots are worth going to, which you should stay away from, and which can go other way depending on the day?
For example, I look for spots that surf guides term "beginner to intermediate" type break and usually avoid advanced / pro. But how does one know when to make an exception and / or take the risk of a more challenging spot?
submitted by Knights_12 to BeginnerSurfers [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:40 rusakovic 📩 Account Executive, Mid Market-New Logo Salary: 💰160k-180k. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States
submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:40 jerrie86 [Monitor] MSI MAG 26.5" 1440p HDR 240 Hz QD-OLED E2 - $379 (backordered)
submitted by jerrie86 to buildapcsales [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:40 MrLaheysWhiskey One shotting Amalgams with Shadow Rift never gets old
Was grinding headshots with the GS45 and this made me laugh submitted by MrLaheysWhiskey to CODZombies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:40 Sweaty_Minimum_7126 This small church converted into an office space has a hopper window at the bottom of this window that is usually always open. Why?
submitted by Sweaty_Minimum_7126 to architecture [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:40 b3ns0r Kopie von Broker Postbox - hier onvista
Wie bereits hier diskutiert, stellt Onvista zeitnah den Betrieb ein. Ich hatte dort einige Jahre mein Depot und regelmäßig Aktien / ETFs gehandelt. Insbesondere per Sparplan.
Das sie schließen ist für mich nicht kritisch. Ich habe meine Aktien bereits an einen anderen Broker übertragen.
Nun zu meiner Frage: Aus Gründen der Nachvollziehbarkeit bei eventuellen zukpnftigen Fragestellungen / Unklarheiten, hätte ich gerne eine (digitale) Kopie der vollständigen Postbox. Am Telefon wurde mir gesagt, dass es hierfür keine Option gibt. Ich kann die Dateien nur einzeln selektiert herunterladen. Meiner Ansicht nach sehr unzufriedenstellend und auch nicht angebracht. Dennoch scheint es nicht unüblich zu sein.
Könnt ihr meinen Wunsch nachvollziehen oder bin ich hier speziell?
Wenn ja, habt ihr einen Tip wie ich bei Onvista (oder in Zukunft anderen Brokern) einfach an eine Kopie meiner Postbox komme?
submitted by b3ns0r to Finanzen [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:40 StonerDwarf about to crack this box, stand by for updates!!
submitted by StonerDwarf to PokemonTCG [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:40 SubjectHead7551 🚨🚨DROP🚨🚨
submitted by SubjectHead7551 to Octoly [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:40 Beautiful_Design_920 Otvaranje firme u UK, oporezivanje, povlačenje novca sa računa
Pozdrav, planiram da otvorim firmu u UK zbog E-commerce biznisa
Interesujeme da li moram da plaćam dvojno oporezivanje u UK i u državi gde sam rezistent?
Kada se otvara firma da li moram sebi da dam određenu platu. I ako moram da odredim sumu da li smem više novca da povučem sa računa u odnosu na predviđenu sumu.
Interesujeme da li taj novac koji podižem sa firminog računa da li on mora posebno da se pravda kada ga podižem u kešu.
Pročitao sam više puta da su ljudi imali problem sa dobijanjem bankovnog računa i da su čekali po par meseci kako bi Stripe odobrio.... Ako u nekom slučaju hoću da zatvorim firmu šta je potrebno da se uradi sem što mora da se plati taksa, dostavim dokaz da nemam dugovanja prema državi, radnicima itd...?
submitted by Beautiful_Design_920 to dropshipping [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:40 faygofox OMFG sooooooooooooo cute
I fed this one by hand by now this is the fifth time I fed a squirrel by hand. submitted by faygofox to squirrels [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:40 Illustrious_Way_9363 $825 Furnished Milton Parc Room
Centrally located, close to McGill, downtown and everything you need. Fully furnished with high ceilings. All utilities included, available for the month of Dec, with an option for January as well. Roommates are young professional and student. Dm me for more details and pictures.
submitted by Illustrious_Way_9363 to montrealhousing [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:40 Exciting-Selection43 12 month transformation
submitted by Exciting-Selection43 to WeightTraining [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:40 Sad_Adeptness5443 Price Check: Single Round GL
Odd roll on an explosive. Anti-armo50 crit/-25 vats. Any insight on that?
submitted by Sad_Adeptness5443 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:40 OutlandishnessOk9717 What are some good trees and bushes for desert countrysides?
I want to make a countryside for my city that's in a desert using surfaces and decals because I want a good view of the downtown from it, and I don't know what trees and bushes would look good for it so it isn't just plain. Any ideas? For some help it's a tropical city that just so happens to be in close proximity to a desert, even though that doesn't sound very realistic.
submitted by OutlandishnessOk9717 to CitiesSkylines [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:40 W0000_Y2K FALSE INTENSIONS NWO
submitted by W0000_Y2K to lowlifeliterature [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 21:40 Thebest_787 Brittany Weiss
submitted by Thebest_787 to CrossfitGirls [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 21:40 moonpup_is_missing zacian raid anyone ? :3 015679730044
submitted by moonpup_is_missing to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]