Parece que fue ayer

Me gustaría saber cómo decir me da pereza o que pereza en Inglés (Lo más usado), estuve buscando, pero la verdad no encontré nada muy útil. Aquí unos ejemplos Haz tu tarea! Qué pereza! / Me da pereza Me da pereza bañarme, lo haré más tarde. Me da pereza despertarme. Qué pereza hacer el trabajo. Levántate ya! Qué mamera (coloquial ... Evidentemente, huelga decir que es una frase corriente porque sino no habría estado buscado su traducción al inglés, es de uso común y muy útil. Significa que 'se da por descontado' lo que viene a continuación. Yo la iba a emplear en: Huelga decir que si tienes algún problema en recibir mi visita sólo tienes que decirlo. Estoy trabajando en temas logisticos de transportes marítimos y me encuentro con las abreviaturas que indico. ¿Alguien conoce su sgnificados? Se que ETA significa ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL = Tiempo Estimado de LLegada, pero el resto... Decir que no se puede "dividir un infinitivo" en inglés no solamente es ser un pesado total sino es incorrecto. Hay varios situaciones en que se puede o , de hecho, es necesario dividir el infinitivo: "To bodly go where no man has gone before" "I can't help but to really like him" "he expects the staff size to more than double "por ejemplo. In Spanish we say "estar en copia" (CC). For example "He puesto a Juan en copia" o "Juan está en copia en este email" yo también tengo la duda si se diría "Juan is in copy in this email" o "Juan is copied in this email" o de otra forma... Y creo que eso mismo es lo que intentaba preguntar irland5 Quieres programar una clase con una profesora. Le envías un mensaje en el que dices que vas a estar disponible toda la semana laboral. La profesora te responde. Dice que estará disponible el jueves y el viernes. Luego, escribe: Me dices cual te sirve . . . quedo atenta. ¿Cómo se traduciría al inglés "quedo atenta" en este contexto? Qué tal! Estoy estudiando inglés con el Grammar in Use de Cambridge, en él se menciona que la manera correcta de hacer oraciones positivas con always, often, never, sometimes y usually es, por ejemplo: I USUALLY WATCH TELEVISION (sujeto+adverbio+verbo) Luego encontré otro lado una oración... Primero, que quieres decir con: Y si quiero decir es estamos en primavera? Ojalá haya leído tu pregunta correcto. Si quieres decir que tu cumpleaños es en el invierno, se dice así: My birthday is in the winter. Más o menos mi cumpleaños es en el invierno. Nunca decimos «on winter» porque no es un uso correcto de esa preposición. Hola a todos, he visto una direccion con la abreviatura 'ctra.' en el ejemplo Ctra. Barcelona (creo que es la calle). En un parte meteorológico para Marbella hoy, se lee la abreviatura N/D. ¿Qué significa y qué palabra representa la letra D? No parece ser el equivalente de N/A (not applicable/ no corresponde) en inglés: Precip. última h.:N/D Precip. últimas 24 h.:0 cm

2024.11.27 21:30 Fraaneekk Parece que fue ayer

Parece que fue ayer cuando lo nuestro comenzó, y los recuerdos de ese día jamás los olvido yo, porque Inolvidables son las horas que a tu lado he pasado viviendo felizmente de ti enamorado. Eres el amor de mi vida, nunca lo he negado, Y se que también tú me amas porque siempre me lo has demostrado, por eso digo que juntos hemos crecido y juntos hemos madurado, y después de casi 3 años no tengo la menor duda que conocernos fue lo mejor que nos ha pasado, porque nuestro amor a llegado a la plenitud de lo soñado y siento que estamos conseguiendo todo lo que tú y yo hemos anhelado, comprensión mutua, emociones compartidas y sentimientos encontrados, porque tanto tú como yo estamos disfrutando la vida y de estar locamente enamorados, por eso mi amor, hoy que es nuestro aniversario, me gustaría darte las gracias por todos esos momentos tan hermosos que me has dejado vivir a tu lado, Hoy te hago entrega mi amor de un regalo, lo tengo en este momento en mi mano, es mi corazón, es tuyo, tómalo... Te lo regalo!.
submitted by Fraaneekk to POESIA [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 MrMustache_ Voxel Mutants Characters Pack - 3D Lowpoly Models: 5 creatures rigged as humanoid!

Voxel Mutants Characters Pack - 3D Lowpoly Models: 5 creatures rigged as humanoid! submitted by MrMustache_ to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 AnalogTroll Let's play Analog Fuckup Bingo

How the game works:

Beginner Fuckups:
Intermediate Fuckups:
Advanced Fuckups:
submitted by AnalogTroll to AnalogCircleJerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 gojiroger I climbed a mountain today

I climbed a mountain today submitted by gojiroger to goldenretrievers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 twirlywirly76 Bf no longer finishes in me, should I be concerned?

submitted by twirlywirly76 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 Due-Faithlessness562 Cobalt Star Bundle for sell.

I have this cobalt star bundle that i got from my ps5 and i wanna try to sell so i can make some money back from the ps5 i bought its an EU code
submitted by Due-Faithlessness562 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 LearnEntry Numbers in Irish and English

Numbers in Irish and English submitted by LearnEntry to learnentry [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 Economy-Mud-6626 I am looking for folks to remotely post tik tok for me

Basically I am from India and it becomes tough to upload videos on tik tok from here
I will be posting 5-10 videos /day for a brand
Are there any services ?
submitted by Economy-Mud-6626 to DoneDirtCheap [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 spacespacespapce An open-source tool for extracting data visually

Analyzing website screenshots with AI
While building out a web browsing agent, I kept encountering the problem of "reading" and understanding a webpage without hardcoding it.
I found Microsoft's OmniParser recently and think it's a game changer. It is a model trained to analyze UI/website screenshots and output bounding boxes for "clickable" elements.
There was no easy way to deploy or self-host the model, so I created this API client that you can deploy and start tinkering with in your scraping projects.
Just send a screenshot of your browser and you'll receive text descriptions of the important elements on the page, along with coordinates.
Let me know if it's useful!
submitted by spacespacespapce to webscraping [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 n00O00b We must repost the kitty

We must repost the kitty submitted by n00O00b to repost [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 Ok-Doubt-7422 AI is out of hand!

submitted by Ok-Doubt-7422 to InternetCity [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 spiritually_guided99 I wanted to approach a cool girl but I was with my mum

I wanted to approach a girl on the table next to me at the mall because I thought she looked super cool but I didn’t. I wasn’t alone and I didn’t feel there was a right moment to approach to talk to her. I was with someone and so was she.When we were about to leave i told my mum I’d go to the bathroom but I was going to go back to the girl and speak to her. But when I went to look for her at the place she must’ve left. I don’t approach a stranger if I was like minding my business, but she was pretty and cool, I just feel like we could’ve been homies.
submitted by spiritually_guided99 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 BaseNice3520 flag of the now-defunct "Creciendo en Gracia" cult from central-america. I seems to be Prince's flag + their own logo(in turn based on US dollar Bill)

flag of the now-defunct submitted by BaseNice3520 to vexillology [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 White_Mustang24 He was so hot. Personally to me he is the hottest man on the show. I wish he was there for a few seasons more and his psycho notes are spicy.

He was so hot. Personally to me he is the hottest man on the show. I wish he was there for a few seasons more and his psycho notes are spicy. submitted by White_Mustang24 to DesperateHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 Alert_Health_3238 Help with a room for two nights for thanksgiving

Hello. I will be spending thanksgiving alone this year and have no place to stay. I’ve been staying in my car, but since it’s the holiday I was hopping someone may find it in their hearts to help with. Hotel room ? I found one that’s 80 a night :( thank you and happy thanksgiving
submitted by Alert_Health_3238 to gofundme4everyone [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 Entire-Temperature16 some questions

Hi everyone, i am an undergrad currently starting 4th sem of college , i can grant 4 - 5 hours daily to my studies without exhausting myself what is the timeline i should give myself for an in-depth understanding of the concepts and which course providers would you guys recommend as a budget friendly option , morning live classes or pre recorded works cus my college is in the evening
submitted by Entire-Temperature16 to cfaindia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 fawnxwitch Episode 11 bingo

Episode 11 bingo First time making one! Inspired by an earlier post. A good mix of some obvious, some fun, and a wildcard or two (like Teeny/Gen working together).
submitted by fawnxwitch to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 Blockeon Do you think there can be nuisance between archetypes?

Genuine Question: do you think Pacifists can do more than sit in the Background or Clerics can be more than just healers? Just want to know everyone's opinions.
submitted by Blockeon to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 HoBWrestling Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad 94-95

Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad 94-95 submitted by HoBWrestling to 90sTelevision [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 Kindly-Conclusion-90 Redness around top ball of naval piercing

Redness around top ball of naval piercing I just got my belly button pierced about four-five days ago, been on a constant cleaning routine 2 times a day, 3 if I was sweaty or something. Noticed some redness on the top ball and I just want to know if something is up. Piercer recommended a floating naval cause I had a “50/50 chance of it going bad cause I have a very malleable belly button but it doesn’t wink” but I insisted on this kind, so I’m kind of scared lmao.
submitted by Kindly-Conclusion-90 to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 R-deadmemes Pecher, 1999

Pecher, 1999 submitted by R-deadmemes to arma [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 Jumpy-Comparison2061 I want my wife to quit

I want my wife to quit
I want my wife to become a housewife
Salamu alaikum. Me and my wife are both practicing Muslims and both are working. Recently, I feel neglected since she comes home from works tired, and does chores and makes food and goes to bed.
I want her to stay at home and take care of our house because I don’t want her to work at all, and I’ve expressed this but she’s told me to drop it.
I feel uncomfortable and I really want her to quit her job, how do I force her? Please advise me
submitted by Jumpy-Comparison2061 to islam [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 Full-Mulberry5018 These Cute Rabbits 🐰

These Cute Rabbits 🐰 submitted by Full-Mulberry5018 to cuteanimals [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 Good-Nobody3705 What can I use to attach my shoulder pad to my harness

My shoulder pad is 3d printed and I would like to know what I can use to attach it?
submitted by Good-Nobody3705 to CosplayHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:30 Otherwise-Ride-6611 guys should i buy arcane battle pass?

i started playing recently wild rift (literally 2 days) with the mindset that i will only play jinx no matter what. i want to buy the arcane battle pass to get her arcane season 2 skin, but i feel like that i gain so little xp for that pass that, if i buy it, i will not be able to get the skin in time. (11 days left). someone please help because i dont know if i buy it or not, but i really want the skin😭😭 (ps. does anyone know if the skin will come to the shop later?)
submitted by Otherwise-Ride-6611 to wildrift [link] [comments]