The copyright/ dmca thing...

fake - Traduction Anglais-Français : Retrouvez la traduction de fake, mais également la conjugaison de fake, sa prononciation, la traduction des expressions à partir de fake : fake, fake, fake, .... what - Traduction Anglais-Français : Retrouvez la traduction de what, mais également sa prononciation, la traduction des expressions à partir de what : what, what, what, .... moral - Définitions Français : Retrouvez la définition de moral, ainsi que les synonymes, expressions, citations... - synonymes, homonymes, difficultés, citations. stick - Traduction Anglais-Français : Retrouvez la traduction de stick, mais également sa prononciation, la traduction des expressions à partir de stick : stick, stick, sticks, .... this - Traduction Anglais-Français : Retrouvez la traduction de this, mais également sa prononciation, la traduction des expressions à partir de this : this, this, .... over - Traduction Anglais-Français : Retrouvez la traduction de over, mais également sa prononciation, la traduction des expressions à partir de over : over, over, over and above, .... good - Traduction Anglais-Français : Retrouvez la traduction de good, mais également sa prononciation, la traduction des expressions à partir de good : good, good, good, .... by - Traduction Anglais-Français : Retrouvez la traduction de by, mais également sa prononciation, la traduction des expressions à partir de by : by, by and by, by the by, .... A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. Endymion; Jean de La Fontaine (Château-Thierry 1621-Paris 1695) Les tourterelles se fuyaient : Plus d'amour, partant plus de joie. Fables, les Animaux malades de la peste ; Vladimir Vladimirovitch Maïakovski (Bagdadi, aujourd'hui Maïakovski, Géorgie, 1893-Moscou 1930) La joie est un escargot rampant. There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all. The Portrait of Dorian Gray, Preface; Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (Dublin 1854-Paris 1900) Les livres que le monde appelle immoraux sont ceux qui lui montrent sa propre ignominie. Le Portrait de Dorian Gray

2024.11.27 23:49 Vici-Gray The copyright/ dmca thing...

I'm still confused about how this works... Do bots need to be explicitly reported by users for that or do the rightholders have to issue a claim/ complaint? It'd kinda vague on how it actually works and all that.
submitted by Vici-Gray to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 Away_Ad_9806 Sustainability to set themselves apart?

What brands would you say have leaned more into sustainability than others?
For example, in jewelry, Mejuri isn’t a luxury brand but has embraced sustainability and set itself apart. Which handbag brands would you say have embraced sustainability in a way similar to Mejuri?
submitted by Away_Ad_9806 to handbags [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 safeinurskinn drawing of diamond i just sketched up!!

drawing of diamond i just sketched up!! veryy messy, might try to draw a digital version of this so i can color it!!
submitted by safeinurskinn to LandoftheLustrous [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 pwhimp Stonehell print+pdf

I don't want to pay separately for Stonehell pod and pdf. Is there any way to get them together?
submitted by pwhimp to osr [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 uneeboob 'Inconvenience', like he swatted a fly and went about with his day

'Inconvenience', like he swatted a fly and went about with his day submitted by uneeboob to pakistan [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 NewJeansBunnie Some clips of ExWHYZ at WACK in the UK Vol 4

Some clips of ExWHYZ at WACK in the UK Vol 4 submitted by NewJeansBunnie to WACKjp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 Longjumping_Ad_2928 Discovering Githyanki

Video to explore the history and mystery of the Githyanki.
submitted by Longjumping_Ad_2928 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 zuzuzan £70 for a coat from asda

£70 for a coat from asda submitted by zuzuzan to depoop [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 wewdwtnizrub Talbots Promo Code Black Friday

Catch the Talbots Promo Code Black Friday
Discover Discounts: Up to 50% Off Talbots Items in November 2024!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to blackfridayisnoww [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 Norm_Macdonald_Ghost She's a derp

She's a derp submitted by Norm_Macdonald_Ghost to aww [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 Phrikshin Happy with this CJ til I got a better look at the wire.

Happy with this CJ til I got a better look at the wire. Hopefully the fish don’t mind. Next one will be better.
submitted by Phrikshin to flytying [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 juliosmacedo Dives, Works and Fixed Fights in MMA - A deep dive into some alleged fixed fights in professional mixed martial arts

Dives, Works and Fixed Fights in MMA - A deep dive into some alleged fixed fights in professional mixed martial arts submitted by juliosmacedo to videos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 MetaExperience7 Anyone with CS or Software Engineering degree but working in a creative role?

Hey everyone,
I’m currently pursuing a Software Engineering degree, but I’m feeling a bit torn about my path. I’ve worked in a call center in the insurance industry for 7 years, and while it’s stable, it’s not what I’m passionate about. I’ve always loved creative work—I’ve designed no-code websites, journals for Amazon KDP, posters for my small business, and I even enjoy making visually appealing things come to life.
That said, I chose Software Engineering because I love tech, and I want to build a more secure future for myself and my family. I’m 32, and I want to prove to myself (and those who doubted me) that I can achieve something great. But here’s where I’m struggling:
I feel more creative than logical at times. I love designing and presenting projects, but I don’t feel drawn to hardcore backend programming or algorithm challenges like DSA (Leetcode). I’m good at explaining what I’ve built and making things user-friendly, but staring at dark screens of syntax for hours feels draining.
At the same time, I love that my SE degree includes front-end development and UI/UX classes, which I think I’ll excel at. I can see myself thriving in a role that combines creativity and coding, like front-end development or UX design, but I’m not sure if I should pivot fully toward UX. The idea of switching to a niche UX design degree worries me because it feels limiting, whereas SE gives me more career options (and better pay potential).
AI suggested that I stick with SE and focus on front-end development or hybrid roles like UX engineering, which could combine my love for design with coding. But I want to hear from humans:
Are there people here who have a Software Engineering or CS degree but ended up working as UX designers or in other creative roles?
If you felt more creative than technical during your degree, how did you navigate it? Do you feel fulfilled in your career now? I’d love to hear your stories and any advice for someone who’s trying to balance logic and creativity in tech.
Thanks so much!
submitted by MetaExperience7 to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 Actual_Entrance_17 Girl I’m talking to confuses me

So I meet this girl on tinder ending of last year. She lives in a different country entirely…. We started talking everyday on the phone and I ended up falling hard for her and she loved me too ( or so I thought) she would always tell me how I’m different.. she used to send me nudes all the time, she would blow up my phone with calls and messages. This girl seemed to be head over heels for me. She told me she loved me and she never felt what she feels for me with anyone. She has also never been in any serious relationship before. I could swear I had this girls heart locked. Now fast forward to almost a year… she completely changed, the calls & texts are not as frequent as before. She stopped telling me she loves me and the few times she did say it now she makes sure she lets me know that it’s not in a romantic sense. Sometimes she can say something really nice but she’ll make sure to let me know it’s in a friendly way
I should mention that we have never really been in a relationship. Mainly because she says that whenever she gets in a relationship with someone she knows it’s not gonna last long and she won’t take it serious & she doesn’t want that to happen with me as she wants me in her life forever.
This girl confuses the fuck out of me. I feel her attraction level has gone from a 100 to somewhat 50. The last time we spoke on the phone she told me that she can’t love anyone. This confuses me asf because I could swear she loved me before.
Idk what to think anymore, my heart is shattered and I always act strong and like idc around her but deep down I do and it’s eating me up how things changed between us
I want to know if there’s anything I can do to turn this around…
submitted by Actual_Entrance_17 to CoreyWayne [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 abdoo_m First they disappear votes, now dead bodies

First they disappear votes, now dead bodies submitted by abdoo_m to pakistan [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 HorrifyingTits Beautiful day with a few different species (c&r)

Beautiful day with a few different species (c&r) submitted by HorrifyingTits to BFSfishing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 MultiFapper01 Sol Ruca - Professional Wrestler

Sol Ruca - Professional Wrestler submitted by MultiFapper01 to HottestFemaleAthletes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 Connect-Patience5862 show mr your s1s. 05616103310bc0ede7c4ba106ae5d9f2d0c40590a2b6f39b94e3f275f94c650d1f

submitted by Connect-Patience5862 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 zkel75 Status points rollover

Does Bilt status points rollover to next year if one has already achieved Platinum?
submitted by zkel75 to biltrewards [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 Signal-Net601 Making a new BA army

I’m making a BA army atm and am looking for some ideas on what I should get. So far I have The Sanguinour, Sanguinary Gaurd and 5 Death Company intercessors. (Waiting for Black Friday to grab a terminator assault squad)
submitted by Signal-Net601 to BloodAngels [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 SweetyPieYYC Unionise Contact Center

Called to make a new reservation and call connected to an agent from Central American Country. The agent did not disclosed the country but said he is working for WestJet and they started to outsource their call centre now. Reached out to my friend in WestJet Vacations and got to know that WestJet is merging the WestJet Vacations to SunWing Vacations in the backend and employees are forced to either move to flights call centre (with little pay cut) or move to SunWing with around 15% pay cut and much lesser benefits.
If you have any friends or family working for Westjet contact centre, ask them to vote to get Unionised. It will cost them $5 now, but could save $$$$ in future.
submitted by SweetyPieYYC to westjet [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 CitizenPixeler Newbie Need Recommendation

I'm looking to get around $180 - $200 telescope, preferably easy to set, use and maintain. It would be great to attach my phone so I could view it via phone / take pics / videos.
It is something I'd like to do with my very young kids. I'm completely new in this area, and any recommendation is highly appreciated!
submitted by CitizenPixeler to telescopes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 Mental_Ad9417 Who else will miss this?

submitted by Mental_Ad9417 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 nitro077 Tripple 34" curved ultrawide or 32" curved qhd

It's a whole thing but right now I have 3 samsung oddesy g5 34" uqhd curved and 3 dell 32" qhd curved s3222dgm. I already have one dell so keep the 2 I bought or keep the 3 samsungs at almost 1/2 off. Dell cost ~$800 - samsung cost ~$1350. Have reservations about the samsung vertical fov(and the ginormous curve) but has hdr. I dont mind the dell I have so that, cheaper price and the larger vfov have me at dell. Any opinions or real world experience between the sizes(or actual monitors)
submitted by nitro077 to simracing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:49 Then_Cook2977 Appearance Advice/Help

Hello guys! I’ll be as brief as I can. I’m coming from a toxic childhood, recently ended a toxic relationship, and finally started taking care of myself, and have lost 60+lbs recently. I am a very deep thinker and deal with some obsessive thoughts that I am working through in therapy. My issue is that I have hyperfixated so much on my appearance that I have become a bit detached from reality I think. I have been struggling to believe I am attractive enough to find partners who I am also attracted to and can love/build a family with someday. I am posting here to ask if any of you guys would be comfortable seeing some pictures of me and telling me how I come across to provide me a stable reality base and let me know where I am at. Also, and advice is more than welcome. I am not gay but decided to post here because all the gay bros I've met over my lifetime have been incredible people and given super helpful feedback and definitely have a more finely tuned eye than my straight bros. If you’re interested, feel free to dm me or comment so that I can dm you. I don't feel comfortable posting pictures of myself for all because I work in a position where that would be an issue. Before anyone asks, I actually had the idea to post here with my therapist. Having a solid understanding of random people’s opinions who don’t have skin in the game or see me daily would help me greatly. I would much prefer genuine feedback and this seems to be an okay place to avoid the pitfalls of the more hypernegative subs. Thanks for reading!
submitted by Then_Cook2977 to askgaybros [link] [comments]