You can psionically transfer all of your pain felt in battle onto your enemy

2024.11.27 21:40 NeonMatter97 You can psionically transfer all of your pain felt in battle onto your enemy

Imagine you are in a battle fighting someone and they graze your skin with a sword you can use this power to transfer the stinging pain you’d normally feel onto your enemy.
submitted by NeonMatter97 to godtiersuperpowers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 nyccpisces Sonder sweater

Sonder sweater Ordered the Sonder sweater in black and it looks…like shit. Is it just me? For $100+ this is bad.
submitted by nyccpisces to Aritzia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 Beginning-Comedian-2 Awesome video on how authentic U2 is live

Awesome video on how authentic U2 is live submitted by Beginning-Comedian-2 to U2Band [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 matteatspoptarts Best Fish for Bait Ball

What fish do you use as bait?
Currently I use random shrimp or urchin of rank 3, but am planning to use bait ball.
What is a good farmable low-grade fish to use for bait ball?
submitted by matteatspoptarts to DavetheDiverOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 zyklon21 Pai cum e doamna Georgescu cu Dumnezeu?

Ca tot se da domnul Georgescu mare crestin se pare ca chiar nevasta-sa l-a facut de rahat acum un an
submitted by zyklon21 to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 aw1219 10 New Work from Home Job Openings +Easy Cash Sites

submitted by aw1219 to homebasedmommie [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 fazool70 Hail storm

Anybody know how I can get documentation of hail events specifically in Creve Coeur?
submitted by fazool70 to StLouis [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 b3anbunn Boot barn catalog

Hello I have a bit of a silly question I was just wondering if anyone knows if the catalogs for boot barn are free?
submitted by b3anbunn to cowboyboots [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 Able-Fix-7768 Can you get to LA from OC without a car?

I’ll be visiting SoCal and the West Coast for the first time next month. I’ve noticed in Miami (The only other American city I’ve been too) there was a steep drop in public transportation quality when you left the city limits and the urban core. If this also the case in the LA metro I will be staying with my partners family in Irvine, how practical is it to go down to LA without a car from there?
submitted by Able-Fix-7768 to socal [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 SpartacusThomas ISO used wraith, beat in. 160-170g.

Anyone have a beat up wraith? Just threw mine in a pond and pretty bummed about it. Would love a replacement. Thanks.
submitted by SpartacusThomas to discexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 MaestroBots IYKYK

IYKYK submitted by MaestroBots to MaestroBots [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 PracticalDistance341 What country or culture are you most obsessed with and why?

submitted by PracticalDistance341 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 White_Quetzal1 Given That I want To Pay Off My Family's Debts, How Do I Start A Giving Cycle With A God Of Merchants Like Mercury?

'm trying to prosper in my future because my brother is going to go to medical school which can incredibly expensive and my parents are already in their sixties with a lot of debt, so becoming some kind of professional with 0 debt is a must if I want to see them financially independent and comfortable at some point. I love them endlessly, and I'll break my back for them to have the things they need since they took care of me for so long when I was unable to function alone due to illnesses. I owe them a tremendous debt. I assume Mercury and my ancestors can help, but I'm not sure how to start a cycle with Him.
A good place to start is probably to read texts from the Roman Empire like the Aeneid and Sagas as well as the Popol Vuh and Chinese philosophies, but I doubt they will tell me how to please Gods individually or by domain.
So far I've got some crystals, some olive oil, a Guatemalan hand-made wooden box, a list of my family members as far back as I can find them, a good amount of highly prized items that aren't really worth much money but are still hard to find like a real handbook of Carnegie steel's methods for creating steel and some poems from the civil war.
The shrine definitely needs more gold and a Mjolnir symbol, but it is honest. The main reason for it is to get help, but I don't know how to do it properly (if there is a proper way).
I would appreciate any advice this community can give me.
submitted by White_Quetzal1 to pagan [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 Limp-Difficulty9560 🦋 ᯓ★ Tarot Reading 🦋 Donation Based/Paid

do you have questions or feel like you need clarity in any part of your life? tarot can help
۶•ৎ today, i’m offering intuitive readings on just about any topic you’d like to explore: love, career, finances, your life path, or even more specific concerns like emotional blockages, infidelity, yes or no, or questions about your pets and how they’re doing. we can also look into matters related to loved ones who have passed away.
۶•ৎ there’s really no area we can’t dive into with the tarot. each reading is completely unique, created to answer your questions and provide the guidance you’re looking for.
if you’re ready to find answers and connect with the guidance waiting for you, reach out. i’d be happy to guide you through this journey
🧿 Reviews 🧿 : limpdifficulty11
🧿 Some of my readings 🧿:
submitted by Limp-Difficulty9560 to LoveTarotReading [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 interestingfactoid Trump Cabinet Picks Targeted with Death Threats Including ‘Bomb Threats,’ ‘Swatting’

Trump Cabinet Picks Targeted with Death Threats Including ‘Bomb Threats,’ ‘Swatting’ submitted by interestingfactoid to conservatives [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 Ok_Water_4052 What’s on your dump sheets?

I’m studying for series 66 and curious what yall put on your dump sheet. If you have taken already what was helpful to have on there is even more ideal!
submitted by Ok_Water_4052 to Series66Exam [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 Mysterious_Race_2040 M26 aus Magdeburg sucht eine Frau, alles kann nichts muss Dm oder Session: 053d6ffcbe01c234918b7753a1e0cd8640fc215964f9245f42f3dfe96c0fe97c1b

submitted by Mysterious_Race_2040 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 oneelevenfc I’m trying

I’m trying It looks so cool under different color flashing LED lights. Trippy Dope rug.
submitted by oneelevenfc to Tufting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 cnn Trump transition team ethics pledge appears to exclude president-elect

submitted by cnn to politics [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 realtopsecretagent Which stack? Playoffs this week

Small weird league, but these are my options
View Poll
submitted by realtopsecretagent to Fantasy_Football [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 NoHacksReq It turns out that they were right all along and we are the crazy ones.

It turns out that they were right all along and we are the crazy ones. submitted by NoHacksReq to AdviceAnimals [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 duckb3arquak Wanting to code a backup to my drives but had some questions

(cross posting my question from Backup)
So I been making a few drafts and been wanting to backup my folding and obsidian folder to my samba share and I had been planning on doing this with some powershell but also had some questions to see if anyone has done this before with but had some questions
Making Backy
wanting to backup
M:\Code -> M:\Obsidian Vault\Code Arc \
M:\Code -> A:\Arc\Code
M:\Obsidian Vault\ -> A:\Arc\Obsidian Vault
if there is a difference it makes a new
logs in an xml
when it changes
what changed
main question comes here
When should it run?
- checks vs code?? - should it only check in times???
runs along side vs code
- checks obsidian???
only check if those folders changes ?????????
how should we run this?
submitted by duckb3arquak to DataHoarder [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 flabiz pigtail marks from sanding all over hood..

How to fix? I have a hood that was sanded using an orbital sander, with very low grit sandpaper to remove a bad spray paint job from the previous owner. Now there are these pigtail marks all over, and after moving up on the grit they don't seem to go away, it's like they are in the metal. So, whatever, don't mind putting in work to fix it. But, what do I do?
Can I use bondo to smooth out the entire hood??????? What would you do to fix it (not replace or hire someone)??
submitted by flabiz to Autobody [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 Icy_Importance_2330 What is the cheapest PC/Laptop that can run fc25?

I want to get FC25, but my current device (Latitude e5550) can't run it, The requirements are a device with 4gb vram, core i5 6th gen, and 8gb ram.
I am not knowledgeable at all when it comes to buying and selling PC's, I just know how to use them.
I can afford a 100 dollars (3rd world countries financial problems.)
Budget = 100$
Graphics card: 4096vram or above
Processor: Core i5 6600K or above
Ram: 8gb
If you want to latitude e5550 (battery-less) i won't stop you, But i can't ship it, that stops you.
submitted by Icy_Importance_2330 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:40 inkdiamond13 podcast about how tumblr romanticized eating disorders

this podcast episodes dives deep into the overwhelming amount of pro-anorexia and pro-bulimia content that was on tumblr, and how it's impacted social media since. an interesting listen about early internet culture
submitted by inkdiamond13 to eating_disorders [link] [comments]