Government settles in Phoenix pay system class-action suit

2024.11.27 22:37 yimmy51 Government settles in Phoenix pay system class-action suit

Government settles in Phoenix pay system class-action suit submitted by yimmy51 to CanadianIdiots [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 DayBreakur I’m a woman, but I fantasise about being a man with a wife and kids.

Title, this is so weird and I have nowhere to put this but it’s gnawing at me. I am 19F, and I constantly fantasise about having a wife and kids. Literally the white-picket fence dream. It’s been a weird thought of mine in the back of my head for months, but the last week or so it’s came at me full throttle and I constantly daydream about this fantasy.
Yeah, that’s it.
Also they all have names and everything.
submitted by DayBreakur to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 jacob_rodri "Waiting for preview to load" - Any solution?
submitted by jacob_rodri to boltnewbuilders [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 BarneyRobinStinson7 New BTS of the Season 17 writing team. With Charlie Rob and David Hornsby.

New BTS of the Season 17 writing team. With Charlie Rob and David Hornsby. submitted by BarneyRobinStinson7 to IASIP [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 Lps83 Issues with Scrypted SMTP Plugin Parsing NVR Email Data

Hi everyone,
I’m setting up the Mail (SMTP) plugin in Scrypted to get event data from my NVR, but I’m running into an issue where the event data isn’t showing up in the parsed email. The logs indicate the email is being parsed correctly, but there’s no useful data coming through.
Here’s what the log looks like:
[2024-11-27 22:28:10] DEBUG [#aikbebylpjthifb4] S: 354 End data with . parsed mail { value: [ { address: '[email protected]', name: '' } ], html: '[email protected]', text: '[email protected]' } [ { value: [ [Object] ], html: '[email protected]', text: '[email protected]' }, { value: [], html: '', text: '' } ] no handler for { address: '[email protected]', name: '' }
The email is being parsed, but I’m not seeing any event data. The plugin seems to recognize the sender ([email protected]), but there’s no event data or relevant content being shown.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Lps83 to Scrypted [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 AnyControl6286 Whirlpool Cabrio Washer

Help my washer is seems to not be fully spinning out and adding water at the very end of the cycle (with like 2 mins left on the timer)
Model- WTW8040DW0
submitted by AnyControl6286 to appliancerepair [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 cpe3 Fast Break Pass

Purchased the pass for the first time this year. Signed up and attended every game. The best tickets I received were row 13 in the upper bowl. Curious to know if anyone got lower bowl tickets for any game. Magic rep told me there were 0 tickets in the inventory in lower bowl for today’s game.
submitted by cpe3 to OrlandoMagic [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 dwo0D There’s a LENSKART across the road and from where I was standing I could only see ART peeping through the door gap.

There’s a LENSKART across the road and from where I was standing I could only see ART peeping through the door gap. submitted by dwo0D to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 Colnew1989 Black Friday sales

Today my lgs had a sale on all 40K items, so I picked up the Cadian Defense Force, combat patrol, a leman Russ, and a baneblade. How’d I do starting my army?
submitted by Colnew1989 to TheAstraMilitarum [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 CelestriaSeteth Bond level increases

So does anyone know or has any made a list of which quests and side quests give which companion bond increases during said quests?
submitted by CelestriaSeteth to DragonAgeVeilguard [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 titusandroidus Ye when he realizes he needs to actually finish projects

Ye when he realizes he needs to actually finish projects submitted by titusandroidus to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 Automatic_Whereas134 Olly Murs, Ft. Flo Rida-Troublemaker (Lyrics Video)

submitted by Automatic_Whereas134 to UnsentMusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 makii166 Coins cannot be redeemed? Why

Coins cannot be redeemed? Why Bakit ganito? Sa lahat Ng shop puro coins cannot be redeemed? Nagamit ko naman kanina 200 coins pero Ngayon ayaw na?
submitted by makii166 to ShopeePH [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 Hungry-Pangolin5823 Should close friends agree on politics?

Since the election, there has been a fairly large rift in my friend group. I have a group of friends that totals about 20 people in one group chat and, while most of us are politically aligned, a few of them voted…red…for this election.
Right now, the friend that I’m closest with and I are in a rut because she voted for the orange man and I did not. She wants to not talk about it and I want to have a conversation.
Is it bad of me to think that close friends should have mostly the same political views? Especially in regard to this election. It feels like being friends with her is going against who I am.
Or am I being silly?
submitted by Hungry-Pangolin5823 to SeriousConversation [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 Slow_Guide_1718 Who actually bought the Legion Glasses?

I was watching some commercials of the Legion Go (cuz I like to see how they marketed something, please don’t judge me) and in one there was a talking point about something called Legion Glass, AR lenses that plug into the LeGo. I didn’t know these even existed, I looked them up, and saw plenty images of them but I have never seen them out in the wild. How many of you guys actually own/owned them? Are they good?
submitted by Slow_Guide_1718 to LegionGo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 reddit_lss_2 Test Title 27-November-2024 22:37:18

Test body 27-November-2024 22:37:18
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 Acceptable_Roll7619 Firat Datiling (payed) Suzuki Grand Vitara

Firat Datiling (payed) Suzuki Grand Vitara Hi! I had my first payed Detailing: interior, exterior, engine bay, window and paint decontamination.
Couldnt take it more pictures, because I had to give back the car. The whole process took almost 9 hours :( But since it is my first detailing i'm open for some advices to speed up. I have to be honest my process wasn't smooth, so I think I lost tons of time by looking at stuffs o getting "stuck" in one spot.
In the last Pictures on the sides, did all I could to take the marks, but they were heavy damaged.
I still have issues with windows to keep them clean enough and the end. When you roll them down and up, I keep spotting water. So any advices would be awesome.
So I would love to have insights to speed up the process, improve or tips to have better results!
submitted by Acceptable_Roll7619 to Detailing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 CeePee-GG [PS4] H: Wasteland Lotto W: 1000 Leaders

[PS4] H: Wasteland Lotto W: 1000 Leaders submitted by CeePee-GG to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 skidmarks731 Scorpion covert FX vs AGV K6 shell size

I know that they're complety different price points, but was wondering if anyone knows between the 2 helmets, if the AGV K6 smallest shell is significantly smaller or lower profile than the smallest shell of the scorpion?
submitted by skidmarks731 to motorcyclegear [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 Shoddy-Image-2077 "US planning to station nuclear weapons in UK amid threat from Russia" article from 9 months ago mentions nuclear warheads would be located at RAF Lakenheath

submitted by Shoddy-Image-2077 to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 Constant-Awareness28 What do am I going to do.

I just got my associates in science, with the emphasis in engineering At the community college. I live at home with my wonderful parents in a beautiful house, debt free. I used to love my job as a barista, I got a new manager who treats me not very kind, some what unprofessional, so I am leaving, she is a person who needs this job, I am not. I'm going to go look for new things. I decided to start looking for entry-level out of the country jobs that include housing because I want to travel I want a change. I want to be outside. I also decided I don't want to transfer to university to get a bachelors in engineering along with debt, I also don't want to work for anybody else. I have no idea what I wanna do with my life and so I figured I might as well enjoy and travel and make some money doing random jobs. I generally do feel like getting a bachelors degree for me would be a waste of time because I would end up working for somebody else, In the field, I don't really care about.
submitted by Constant-Awareness28 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 Jaded_Voice1546 THANK YOU EVERYONE!

THANK YOU EVERYONE! From the bottom of my heart, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your incredible support and kindness towards Merida's journey.Your donations, shares, messages, and well wishes have meant the world to us during this challenging time. Your love and compassion have given us hope, strength, and comfort.
submitted by Jaded_Voice1546 to scottishterriers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 sofikimsan Question for Blinks and Jennie’s solo fans

Can someone tell me what is going on between Jennie’s solo fans and Blinks?
Because there is #blinksdontdeservejennie trending on Twitter and I couldn't find what happened for this many people to say this
Even tho in my fandom, I see this too, it never was this intense as what is going on around Jennie rn
submitted by sofikimsan to kpop_uncensored [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 Warm_Ad6715 Started Practicing on Some Friends

Started Practicing on Some Friends submitted by Warm_Ad6715 to GelX_Nails [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:37 ApprehensiveFeed8034 NEW SONG LMK

NEW SONG LMK submitted by ApprehensiveFeed8034 to underground [link] [comments]