2024.11.28 00:49 Straight_Cattle XAU/USD - Asian Session Outlook - 27th/Nov/2024
submitted by Straight_Cattle to Reikhen [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:49 No-Establishment3799 Title: Help Needed: Property Built on Two Plots, Land Registry Issue – Advice Welcome, property in West Midlands England UK
Hi everyone,
I’m in a bit of a mess with my property purchase and could really use some advice or insight from anyone who’s experienced something similar.
I had my offer accepted on a property back in May this year. It turns out the house is built on two plots of land, but only one plot is actually registered to the current sellers. The other plot, which includes the kitchen and one bedroom, is not registered to them. The sellers bought the property 10 years ago this November and are using the same conveyancer they used back then. Somehow, their conveyancer didn’t register both plots of land when they purchased the property.
Here’s where it gets tricky:
The sellers’ conveyancers admitted their mistake and sent a TR1 to the old seller (from 10 years ago) asking him to sign and return it.
After some delays, the old seller has replied, saying he wants the land valued and the current sellers to pay him for it again—even though they bought it 10 years ago.
The sellers’ solicitors are now trying to register the land to the current sellers using a 10-year adverse possession law. If that fails, they’re saying they’ll look into paying the old seller whatever the land is worth.
Meanwhile, I’m stuck in limbo:
I’ve been working with my mortgage advisors to extend my mortgage offer as much as possible, but it absolutely ends this Friday, and there’s no way to extend further.
I now need to draw down money on my current flat to cover this, meaning I’ll be paying interest on that until the land registry issue is resolved.
I’m feeling really torn. This property is unique, and there’s nothing comparable on the market. I really don’t want to lose it, but I’m unsure if holding on is the best thing to do.
Does anyone have experience with this kind of situation? What do you think might happen, and what should I do?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
submitted by No-Establishment3799 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:49 Independent-Ball3215 Did a few tweaks to my setup. What do yall think?
Also just so yall know the rgb is not that bright I promise. Its more of a gradient. Its mainly bc I have a 7 yo phone. The main uses are gaming are, studying and other random stuff. Suggestions for my shelf Is appreciated as well!! submitted by Independent-Ball3215 to desksetup [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:49 PepsiMan208 I didn’t get the problem.
submitted by PepsiMan208 to pokememes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:49 No_Nefariousness7445 Redidrago raid add quick 207933549786
submitted by No_Nefariousness7445 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:49 Independent-Math-914 What does School Age tag mean?
Is this a young term?
submitted by Independent-Math-914 to Bumble [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:49 DapperPMK help this game has to be lost media
so i’ve been looking for this game for multiple years now, i used to play it back when i was a kid on either my xbox or ps4 i forget which, but it was a top down view zombie game. you had to cut down trees and shit to upgrade your fortress and there would be waves of zombies. you had 3 lives and you were able to find weapons around the town and gas for cars, although only certain cars were able to be driven. PLEASE help me find this it’s making me lose my mind
submitted by DapperPMK to forgottengames [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:49 ArmadilloPretend322 Starke Schmerzen, ständiges Unwohlsein...
meine Freundin (26) und ich (29) sind jetzt seit gut 2 Jahren zusammen. Leider kommt es sehr oft vor, dass sie starke Bauchschmerzen hat (meistens während der Periode) oder aber auch Schwindel, Übelkeit oder Kopfschmerzen. Leider weigert sie sich zum Arzt zu gehen, ich habe schon oft versucht mit ihr drüber zu reden, dass es mal gut wäre ein Vorsorgeuntersuchung bzw. allgemein Gesundheitsuntersuchung zu machen aber das sieht sie nicht ein. Leider war sie auch noch nie beim Frauenarzt und geht auch sonst nicht gern zu Ärzten.
Jetzt ist das Ganze leider sehr belastend für mich und die Beziehung, da z.B. unsre letzten beiden Urlaube nicht sehr "schön" waren, da sie Schmerzen hatte. Wir sehen uns sonst durch unsre Wohnsituation nur jedes Wochenende und wenn man dann etwas unternehmen will und es ihr dann wieder schlecht geht ist das oft schwierig. Ich weiß natürlich, dass sie nichts dafür kann und versuche auch ihr zu helfen so gut ich kann aber ich bin leider am Ende mit meinem Latein. Ich würde mir halt wünschen, dass sie zumindest versucht etwas dagegen zu tun oder eine Lösung zu finden und es nicht einfach nur hinnimmt. Sehe ich die Situation falsch oder bin ich da zu unsensibel? :/ Vielleicht hat jemand ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht und kann helfen.
submitted by ArmadilloPretend322 to beziehungen [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:49 Scarface150 eu sou babaca por sentir isso
Eu (H18) namoro uma garota (M17) a dois anos, ela faz um curso de informática de 3 meses, está perto de acabar. Hoje ela me disse que quando acabou a aula, os alunos saíram da sala em fila e ela foi a última, e quando passou da porta, o professor deu um tapa na bunda dela. Ela me disse que ficou em choque e sem reação e só desceu as escadas e foi embora.
Eu tô muito revoltado com isso, disse que ia amanhã na instituição onde ela faz o curso conversar com algum responsável, e se não resolvessem, eu mesmo ia dar um coro nesse professor safado. Já vi ele pessoalmente uma vez e deve ter +40.
Ela me disse pra não fazer nada sem antes conversar com ela pessoalmente. Ela vai conversar com a madrasta e o pai sobre isso pra eles resolverem algo.
Tô muito puto com essa situação, com uma vontade do caralho de quebrar esse fdp. Mesmo sabendo que é estranho sentir isso, até errado talvez, tô me sentindo muito desrespeitado e com vergonha, não sei por quê exatamente.
só tô comentando aqui porque não tenho karma pra publicar lá no /relacionamentos
submitted by Scarface150 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:49 Alfirro Soy nuevo en el sub y vengo a subir la vara gabardinesca
submitted by Alfirro to ArgentinaBenderStyle [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:49 NoShoe7629 Kit Finished: HG Master Gundam w/ Fuunsaiki
submitted by NoShoe7629 to Gunpla [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:49 Siegward0fCatarina LF Shiny Charmander, Offering below.
submitted by Siegward0fCatarina to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:49 abjinternational Carlo Ancelotti reveals the 'medicine' for Kylian Mbappe's poor run of form after the Real Madrid superstar missed a penalty in 2-0 Champions League defeat at Liverpool
submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:49 Strict_Set_5197 Which Snow Blower
Buying a snow blower this weekend and keep going back and fourth between these 2 models. It’s hard finding reviews/info on the snt2134. Anyone have any input or suggestions before I pull the trigger? submitted by Strict_Set_5197 to egopowerplus [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:49 Longjumping-Prior706 É golpe??
De fato estou com a CNH vencida desde março. o link vai pra essa página: https://cnhatencao.com submitted by Longjumping-Prior706 to golpes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:49 Impossible-City7167 Cat i love
submitted by Impossible-City7167 to VoidCats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:49 jeeves585 About to put this on my car.
submitted by jeeves585 to Killtony [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 00:49 Phantom_limb_ [H]Eldfall Chronicles, BigChild, Mindwork, Robot Rocket, Other [W] PayPal [Loc]NC USA
All prices include shipping within continental US. If you buy multiples, price will come down a bit. I am getting out of this hobby as I don't really enjoy painting anymore, so pretty much all my backlog that I haven't touched is going. Prices are somewhat negotiable as I am really wanting to clear out space, so if you're interested, send me an offer and maybe we can work something out.
Pics - https://imgur.com/a/QjEFHAs
Eldfall Chronicles Lot: $300
2024.11.28 00:49 KillingTreyAndMatt Cbat
submitted by KillingTreyAndMatt to SouthParkPhone [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:49 Sinister_Friction What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Sinister_Friction to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:49 IcePringIe BUG REPORT: Helpers Hut Crashing
This is a bug I have personally been able to replicate, I am not sure if others have the same issue. If I am in the Helpers Hut menu when any builder task finishes, the game crashes.
submitted by IcePringIe to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:49 CabinetOk6010 I don’t have any more free clicks but can you guys please help me I’ll do you once it refreshes
My code is 38524615
submitted by CabinetOk6010 to TemuThings [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:49 OttoSilver Stadium awards
The most recent round of stadium awards is out.
My favourite part is Anyang who gets 93. 6 points, whatever that means, and is considered the Fan Friendly Stadium. Sure, fan-friendly, but f*** the visitors.
submitted by OttoSilver to KLeague [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:49 banana-girl93 What is wrong with me?
Female 31 Back in the summer I was very tired, so my Dr ran some blood tests. They found I was very low in B12, so they prescribed 6 x loading injections of B12, one every 2 days for 2 weeks, the middle to the end of September this year. They hurt but I had every one, about a week into the injections I started noticing a break out on my jawline, really large painful cystic acne that changed the shape of my face. None of my usual tricks (or anything else I tried) cleared it up or prevented it. It was also on my back and chest, these 2 areas have now cleared apart from one shoulder strangely. It is covered in spots. Each spot has left scarring. I also developed a hard cyst near my vulva, this cleared up within a week after being prescribed Dermol wash to use. I didn’t mention the acne to my doctor as I thought it’d clear up. I’m nearly at week 10 of the acne. It is still as persistent, with new cysts developing within a matter of hours. I have new ones every morning, only on my jawline and chin and the one shoulder. My skin is much oilier, my hair appears to have been growing a lot faster and I am having to wash it more regularly. I can no longer use my usual skincare products as they are having adverse reactions. Any product with any sort of acid burns my skin. I am down to washing my face with a bar of soap, moisturising with a very very basic moisturiser. I cracked about 3 weeks ago and called my doctor in tears because my skin was burning, I had used a salicylic acid wash and then put my regular moisturiser on top. My face was so red. They prescribed 15% Azelaic Acid (which is treating the spots, not preventing them) and 3 months of lymcycline antibiotics. The latter has had zero effect at all so far. Today, I am still persisting with what they have prescribed me as they won’t consider anything else for 3 months. I am now also on day 11 of a large chalazion on my eye, I have never had one before. It hurts to blink and it’s affecting my vision. They have given me Fucidin to put on it but no improvement yet. I have read this is caused by oily skin in that area, or stress? The Doctor swears blind the B12 injections are nothing to do with these issues, but I have never had such persistent problems in such a short space of time. It’s probably not related, but my short term memory has suddenly become awful too, to the point I find things in my home I bought 2 days earlier and wonder where on earth it’s come from. I don’t know what to do with myself. I cannot get a doctor to take me seriously, I’m simply told my issues are common and not related to the B12 treatment, and that I need to wait. I also asked my Doctor if I could suddenly be having an adverse affect to my birth control, which is Microgynon 30ED. I’ve been on it since April 2020, with zero problems. It actually cleared the very few spots I had when I started it. The only issue was when I was given Microgynon 30 instead by a pharmacist (ED is with the week placebo pills, this was the one with just a week break), I tried taking them and experienced an awful break out like the ones I have now. I ran this past my Doctor who insisted they’re the exact same pill, but as soon as I went back to the ED pill, the acne stopped. Although I’m currently on the pill that’s always worked for me, I have wondered if I’m suddenly having a bad reaction after years of it working, or if the company are just putting the same pills in both and it happens to be the one I don’t get along with (the ED pill recently had about 18 months of shortages so I guess it’s not totally impossible, is it?) Any insight would be much appreciated, I plan to have a break from my birth control from tomorrow to see if anything improves. I just feel so completely unwell with it all right now, and feel like I can’t even call in sick to my job because the Doctor won’t back up any issues I’m having. Pictures attached of my acne and the chalazion. Thank you.
submitted by banana-girl93 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 00:49 arthurcoolemoji does hard time 3 premium edition for Android have controller support and local multiplayer ?
submitted by arthurcoolemoji to mdickie [link] [comments]