This guy is completely over scaled in my opinion

2024.11.28 00:50 YCiampa482021 This guy is completely over scaled in my opinion

This guy is completely over scaled in my opinion Ash Williams the guy from the Evil Dead Franchise. This guy is seriously ridden on so bad it ain’t even funny.
I see a lot of people go out and say “Oh he’s invincible” “He solos all the horrorverses” “He can beat anyone”. And I have seen numerous WIS videos of people saying he can beat the likes of Pinhead, Tall Man, Thanos, Michael Myers you name it.
Ash Williams is literally just a dude with a gun and a chainsaw for a hand. I don’t see him even TOUCHING villains like that. And everyone talks about “Oh but he the chosen one”. Like bro it don’t matter he’s still gonna get ripped into absolute shreds.
If you can convince me otherwise then give me your best shot. And note, I don’t consider comics canon. Only films.
submitted by YCiampa482021 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 Istealwalmartbags I can’t do it

I have tried to get close to god I’ve tried to pray, I’ve been to church and I’ve listened to the pastor go on and on for hours about god. I simply can’t. I feel so fake around the people I love in church pretending I know what it feels like to be close to god. I know that if I say anything I’ll be ostracized. has anyone else felt like this? Like they simply can’t fully grasp the concept? For me praying is just talking to myself with my eyes closed. Pls help
submitted by Istealwalmartbags to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 xXmoonchildXx- Pissing issues

For the past for days I've been having bladder issues, the issues I'm facing is I don't nmknow I need to pee untill the very last momment, also my bladder hurts Nad I mean like trembling hurt. A rash has also started to appear on my thighs. I'm really scared and don't know what to do.
submitted by xXmoonchildXx- to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 Intrepid-Culture-594 Моя история

Привет всем. Мне очень нужна помощь или хотя бы возможность выговориться.
Меня зовут Аня, мне 22 года, и я живу в небольшом городе в России. Наверное, многие из вас даже не знают о существовании таких городков, где жизнь словно застыла во времени. Здесь все друг друга знают, слухи распространяются быстрее ветра, а любые отклонения от привычного уклада вызывают подозрения и осуждение.
С детства я мечтала о том, чтобы уехать отсюда, увидеть большой мир, встретить интересных людей, реализовать себя. В школе я хорошо училась, особенно любила литературу и иностранные языки. Мечтала поступить в университет в большом городе. Но после школы мои планы пришлось отложить.
Моя мама тяжело заболела, и мне пришлось остаться дома, чтобы помочь ей и младшему брату. Отец ушел от нас, когда я была маленькой, и никакой поддержки от него мы не получаем. Я устроилась работать продавщицей в местном магазине. Работа скучная, зарплата маленькая, но выбирать не приходится.
С каждым днем я чувствую, как мои мечты увядают. Мои друзья из школы разъехались кто куда, некоторые из них уже добились того, о чем я только могла мечтать. А я застряла здесь, в этом городе, который кажется мне клеткой. Единственным просветом для меня была переписка с девушкой из Санкт-Петербурга, которую я встретила в интернете. Мы делились мечтами, поддерживали друг друга, даже планировали встретиться, но со временем и эта связь ослабла.
Мама поправилась, но теперь ожидает от меня, что я останусь рядом. Она говорит, что семья — это главное, и я должна быть благодарна за то, что у меня есть работа и крыша над головой. Но я чувствую себя такой одинокой. У меня нет надежды на то, что что-то изменится. Встречаться с кем-то из местных парней я не хочу — у нас разные интересы, да и перспектив никаких.
Недавно я снова пыталась поговорить с мамой о том, чтобы уехать и попробовать поступить в университет, начать новую жизнь. Но она восприняла это как предательство. Сказала, что я думаю только о себе, а семья мне не важна. После этого я чувствую себя еще хуже. Может быть, я и правда эгоистка?
Я не знаю, что делать дальше. Кажется, что я застряла в этой рутине навсегда. Я хочу верить, что еще не поздно что-то изменить, но силы постепенно уходят.
Был ли у кого-то похожий опыт? Стоит ли мне попытаться бороться за свои мечты, даже если это может обидеть близких? Как поступить в такой ситуации?
submitted by Intrepid-Culture-594 to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 Wonderful_Fruit8132 Self-employed tax season approaching

Hello, I jumped on the self employed train this may as a relief pharmacist. I've been saving 40% plus the gst/hst. I'm planning on hiring an accountant to help me with all the deductions and such. I was wondering if there's a tool that exists that can help me evaluate how much taxes I would have to pay and also how much I can put in RRSP to help reduce said taxes?
submitted by Wonderful_Fruit8132 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 VGAddict How Trump’s reelection signals a broader acceptance of authoritarian leadership

How Trump’s reelection signals a broader acceptance of authoritarian leadership submitted by VGAddict to politics [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 ShootForBall “Alabama A&M says football player Medrick Burnett Jr. still alive”

“Alabama A&M says football player Medrick Burnett Jr. still alive” submitted by ShootForBall to CFB [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 serialdesignationB They fully understand words, it's more an issue of linking those words and sounds with written symbols.

submitted by serialdesignationB to PokeMedia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 AYTOL__ McKenna 🌟

McKenna 🌟 submitted by AYTOL__ to DCCMakingtheTeam [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 djfredgarde 10 Brand-New Songs for Your November Wedding Playlist — DJ Life Magazine

submitted by djfredgarde to Mobile_DJEXPO [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 fakiepanda Walmart BF tin pulls

Walmart BF tin pulls I ordered ten tins the day the sale started. I got 31 total Evolving Skies packs (one of the tins had FOUR ES and two BS packs). I pulled my number one favorite card from the set, the Leafeon VMAX Alt Art, and one of the two V alt art cards I didn’t already have. With the typically terrible pull rates of ES I was completely ecstatic. After opening everything I checked Walmart again and they had four more tins available so I snatched them up. They arrived today and had twelve more ES packs to open. Of the twelve only got three packs with the potential for something good. I told myself it only takes one. First two were basic holos and I was sure these tins were going to be a bust. Then the universe smiled down upon me and I pulled the absolute stunner you see in the second picture. Only in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever own a Moonbreon! I was absolutely floored! I’ve never been so excited! I ran to tell my wife and she had to sit and listen to me go on and on about it having no clue why it was so special hahaha. She was super happy for me and we had a good time talking about why I was so stoked about it. I think I’ve used up all my luck for the foreseeable future so I think I’ll stop buying packs for a while hahaha.
submitted by fakiepanda to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 DiskNo5733 Planning to adopt a Shih Tzu

Hello po! Ano po mga need ko i-check pag mag a-adopt ng Shih Tzu? First time ko po kasi. Okay lang po kaya sa FB makipag transact?
submitted by DiskNo5733 to dogsofrph [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 blameitonrio917 Dorothy Wang and her blue steel fiancé

Dorothy Wang and her blue steel fiancé I’m late to this news. What’s the tea on this overly botoxed attorney?
submitted by blameitonrio917 to LAinfluencersnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 cporter202 "Exploring AI's Impact on Tailoring Interactive, Personalized Learning Experiences"

The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has been a game-changer in many industries, and education is no exception. AI's potential to revolutionize the way we approach learning is vast, with personalized education being one of the most exciting aspects.
Interactive, personalized learning experiences crafted by AI can cater to each student's unique needs, learning styles, and pace. This approach dramatically differs from the traditional one-size-fits-all model prevalent in many educational institutions.
One of the key benefits of AI-driven personalization is its ability to identify a learner's strengths and weaknesses. By analyzing performance data, AI can tailor content, suggest resources, and even predict potential areas of difficulty before they become stumbling blocks. This level of customization creates an environment where students are neither bored with material that's too easy nor overwhelmed by content that's too challenging.
Another advantage is the interactive nature of these learning experiences. AI can generate dynamic content that actively engages students, such as through simulations, games, or interactive quizzes. This not only makes learning more enjoyable but also facilitates better comprehension and retention of the material.
Moreover, these personalized experiences are not just limited to academic learning. AI can also support social and emotional learning by recognizing patterns in a student's behavior or stress levels and adjusting the educational experience accordingly to maintain a healthy, productive pace of learning.
However, there are concerns about data privacy, the digital divide, and the need for human oversight. How can we ensure that as we move forward, these tools are accessible to all and used ethically?
Let us dive into the discussions, share insights, and explore the impacts of AI in tailoring interactive and personalized learning experiences. How do you think AI will shape the future of education?
submitted by cporter202 to ChatGPTautomation [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 ItchyButterscotch814 Holiday party makeup help?

Holiday party makeup help? Ok - I haven't worn makeup in years, and I did this without my glasses on and a baby in my hip. Be gentle 😅 how is this look for an evening holiday party? How do I make it better? I could do a cherry red or nude lip also. I feel like makeup makes me look weird, but I also wanna feel fancy for a change.
submitted by ItchyButterscotch814 to HoodedEyes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 YestervilleUSA How does ebay even allow this

How does ebay even allow this Digital card and people fail to read and yet he's charging shipping?
Horrid feedback as well.
submitted by YestervilleUSA to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 InterestingSoup1111 Need a dentist / orofacial doctor recommendations

If anyone knows a doctor that performs injections in the jaw muscles for trigger points that are causing me pain and only dry needling that works with them ( I'm looking for lidocaine+ corticosteroids but if he does botox he'll know that too ). In RABAT/CASA/MEKNES/FES. Thank you.
submitted by InterestingSoup1111 to Morocco [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 emyli1313 Final gifts exchange! Looking for Glowing toy day gifts or gifts+ with cookies!

Final gifts exchange! Looking for Glowing toy day gifts or gifts+ with cookies! IN STOCK 2 chocolate-bar gifts 1 cheery snowfolk gift and the others in the picture
Mainly looking for Glowing Toy Day gifts and cookies
Please comment what gift you want me to send you and what gift you offer
My IGN: ★ リジーリジー My code: 7364 5611 740
See you 😭💕⭐
submitted by emyli1313 to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 portalrbn Rio e Niterói apresentam candidatura para sediar Pan-Americano de 2031

Rio e Niterói apresentam candidatura para sediar Pan-Americano de 2031 submitted by portalrbn to PortalRbn [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 Judekabongo9 Foxy Brown, AZ, Clark Kent Brooklyn’s Big three

Foxy Brown, AZ, Clark Kent Brooklyn’s Big three submitted by Judekabongo9 to HipHopImages [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 dextrx Tempted to try it

Losi micro b wheelbase 118mm Orlandoo hunter p02 wheelbase 116mm
submitted by dextrx to LosiMicro [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 Tran5 Electric Smoker as an early Christmas Gift

Electric Smoker as an early Christmas Gift What is your favorite thing to cook on an electric smoker? I have a charcoal Weber grill as well. Done briskets, pulled pork, ribs, etc on the charcoal weber. What are your recommendation on a cook on the master-built electric smoker? I feel like it would be good to smoke a brisket on the weber then finishing it off in this electric smoker would be a good idea. Or holding temps on smoked meats.
submitted by Tran5 to smoking [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 wewdwtnizrub Promo Code Black Friday

Find the Promo Code Black Friday
Discover Discounts: Up to 20% Off Items in November 2024!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to blackfridayisnoww [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 fat-unknva A time traveler

A time traveler eteled and blue meet together :)
submitted by fat-unknva to Sprunki [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 00:50 LimpImprovement2400 Starting teen GC. Sample to join.

submitted by LimpImprovement2400 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]