memory_key_padding_mask – the ByteTensor mask for memory keys per batch (optional). 这里面最大的区别就是*mask和*_key_padding_mask,至于*是src还是tgt,memory,这不重要,模块出现在encoder,就是src,出现在decoder,就是tgt,decoder每个block的第二层和encoder做cross attention的时候,就是memory。 Recentemente tive um problema com o uso de diversos inputs na mesma tela, $('.phone-mask') porque a máscara não era atualizada, pois o unmask guarda em uma variável o seletor, e como eu deveria remascarar apenas o input atual então não funcionava, ou seja meu código que era: PS: Um plugin de mascara que recomendo e passei a utilizar é o Mask Plugin criado pelo Brasileiro @igorescobar (Github), ele reuni o Mask Input e Mask Money em um só com mais opções de personalização, vale a pena conferir! 既然看到有人在问了,那我就先把本该下周推送的内容截取部分贴在这里。关于self-attention中存在的mask情况,可以看下面的内容。 同时,如果想要更好的理解Attention mask,建议先看Transformer的解码过程,参加文章: 1 Transformer中的掩码 O ngx-mask está funcionando normalmente, acontece que se o telefone conter espaço o seu length é contado com este espaço tbm, o correto é deixar o if maior ou igual a 11 dígitos se o telefone for assim por exemplo 11 1234-5678 pq, vai contar os 10 dígitos mais o espaço, pode ver o exemplo funcionando aqui. Mask 是相对于 PAD 而产生的技术,具备告诉模型一个向量有多长的功效。Mask 矩阵有如下特点: Mask 矩阵是与 PAD 之后的矩阵具有相同的 shape。 mask 矩阵只有 1 和 0两个值,如果值为 1 表示 PAD 矩阵中该位置的值有意义,值为 0 则表示对应 PAD 矩阵中该位置的值无意义。 Preciso criar uma Mask (máscara) nos formulários de contato de telefone que mostre o seguinte resultado no formulário (00) 0 0000 - 0000 em JavaScript sem o uso do Jquery. Se estiver usando o plugin jquery.inputmask, definir a mascara dinâmica adicionado as opções de separador de milhar e decimais, para remover os underlines troque o placholder por zero. 请问最近大热的扩散模型可以根据二值化的mask生成图像吗,最近在研究这个方向希望有大佬可以指点一下。不需要文字生成也可以。输入mask,输出图像。 T… 显示全部 O que você está querendo pode ser feito facilmente com jQuery Mask. O seu uso se dá exatamente como o @RafaelWithoeft descrever em sua resposta. $(document).ready(function(){ $('[name=telefone]').mask('(00) 0000-0000'); }); Quanto a fazer isso somente com o HTML5, o que você vai conseguir fazer no máximo é utilizar o atributo pattern ...
2024.11.28 01:39 R-fire227 What mask is this?
Looks like an XM-30 esque model, but the whole facepiece is clear. submitted by R-fire227 to gasmasks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 01:39 B-17_Flying_Fartass Wordington attire
submitted by B-17_Flying_Fartass to wordington [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 01:39 Accurate_Papaya6516 1st FFM ever finished 🎉
I’ve loved BBW on and off since the OG Plumeria, Country Apple and Freesia (in the bumpy bottle) days and this is the VERY FIRST FFM I’ve ever finished! How could that be? In the early part of my BBW journey, I only purchased lotion and body cream. I really started collecting FFMs during the pandemic. Still - that’s 4 or so years ago… and you’ve never finished a whole bottle? I have a huge collection and switch it up every day, so getting through an entire FFM requires focus. How’d you do it? Two things: I adore using Vanilla Romance as body care, but I also really enjoy using VR (generously) as linen spray. I LOVE having a made bed, but loathe the task of actually making it. So, pairing that task with a fragrance I love changed the entire game for me. Second, before I found this sub, I treated FFMs like perfume or EDP - one light spritz on a single pulse point. Now I understand that you need more FFM - especially with these newer releases. Would you repurchase? Yes! I got a new one during the last big $4.95 mist sale. I’m sad they changed the packaging, though. At first I was annoyed by this opaque bottle - because I couldn’t see how much I had left, but compared to the new clear bottle, I think this original opaque packaging is very pretty and unique. submitted by Accurate_Papaya6516 to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 01:39 Azanskippedtown "Turkeys Rock" from Magic Eye Facebook
submitted by Azanskippedtown to MagicEye [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 01:39 Purple-Effective-418 Zacian on me 2 locals 279018935124
submitted by Purple-Effective-418 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 01:39 Disastrous-Fudge-377 Who’s winning?
submitted by Disastrous-Fudge-377 to murderdroneswarzone [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 01:39 Silly-avocatoe Opinion | Trump’s tariffs proposal is a preview of the corruption to come
submitted by Silly-avocatoe to politics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 01:39 -Shiny Chaotrope - Senescence
submitted by -Shiny to progmetal [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 01:39 -honeycake- What kind of hallucination was this? (20F)
I'm actually currently 29, but this happened years ago and it still unnerves me.
5'5", 130lb, I have migraines and endometriosis. I may have been taking the combo birth control pill at the time or had a Mirena but I don't remember exactly. Otherwise no other meds or supplements at the time. Never drinker or smoker
I regularly experience hypnagogic hallucinations as I'm falling asleep, and in fact they've only become more frequent since the pandemic. But they're always more or less the same, varying in intensity/duration depending how sleep deprived I am.
But I had this experience one night in college where I remember somehow being roused from DEEP sleep. I remember something in my head saying like "come on, hurry, there isn't much time,' and me saying back in my head 'I'm trying.' I struggled myself awake, and eventually sat up to find this blue presence(?) standing next to my bed. It talked to me for, idk, 45 seconds or so. I didn't feel fearful (a very typical component of my hypnagogic hallucinations) just annoyed that this being urged me awake to tell me? What? I didn't remember even the next morning. I lived alone at the time.
I always kinda just figured this was some extremely weird iteration of my usual hallucinations. But it felt SO different, and hasn't happened since. I'm also truly not one to believe in like, paranormal stuff per se (my thinking is that maybe some 'paranormal' stuff is real, we just don't have the science to explain it yet.) But anyway whatever this was is clearly still bothering me almost a decade later. Can anyone give me a potential medical explanation for what this was?
submitted by -honeycake- to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 01:39 Lou_idkk Why doesn't he care if I move on?
Hi! So this is my first ever post. I haven't been able to find anything like my situation.
Me (f, 30) and my ex (m, 30) were together for 6 years, best friends, did everything together and didn't have any problems at all. I'd never been treated so well by anyone. He got a new job as a manager and his ego went through the roof and he started to get attention from a girl in work. He also said that he was panicking about turning 30 and it was making him depressed.
He started treating me differently, he would constantly compare me and his colleague telling me that "At least she is cute" and I would go to bed crying every night. He would tell me it was all in my head and that I was going crazy. I tried to fix things and eventually I was so tired I had to break things off. A week later he just didn't come home from work one night and it was obvious where he had been.
We have a mortgage together so we had to live together. From being with someone every night for 6 years to them being gone with the girl they told you not to worry about killed me so I decided to rent an apartment in the city and go no contact. It was one of the hardest things I've done especially as it was away from my family but I needed time and space away from him.
About 4 months into no contact we bumped into eachother and he looked really sick. He'd lost weight, looked pale and gaunt and it really upset me. I thought it would be better than seeing them do well but it's not. He told me things didn't work out with the other girl as she turned out to be crazy and we had a chat before I left.
From then we started messaging and calling and I go back to my home to have meals and we started a new friendship. There's nothing sinister we just enjoy eachothers company. He cried telling me he'd let down the only person who's cared about him and apologised for everything he had done and said he would give me the apartment as his "punishment".
The rent on my city apartment has gone up and I can't afford to carry on paying for this and half of my mortgage so I'm moving back home. We've bought a seperate bed and I have a separate bedroom etc but the conversation came up of dating other people. He happened to tell me that he doesn't care if I meet someone else and that it wouldn't upset him in the slightest.
How can you be with someone for so many years and have such a bond with them but not care that they're making a new life with someone else? From what I've been through watching him be with someone else, how can it not bother him in the slightest? It absolutely killed me and it's one of the worst things I've been through.
Just feels very sad and I feel worthless. It feels like the whole relationship was a lie. I know I'm going to get told to cut him off but I have no choice but to live there. I guess I'm asking is it actually truly possible that he just... doesn't care?
submitted by Lou_idkk to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 01:39 Odd_Candidate_338 23 MST PC Looking to play casual games or zombies (w/ no VC)
Hi, I'm looking for anyone who wants to play casual games such as Stardew, Terraria, etc, or any other cooperative type games. Nothing overly competitive as I try not to take games too seriously. I've also been getting back into COD zombies lately with BO6 after years of hiatus, so I also wouldn't mind that or finding someone for BO3 as I have heard public lobbies are unsafe.
Prefer people who want to text over VC whatever your reasons are as I don't have a mic nor the privacy to use one. NA is preferred as I'm in Canada (though if you think your schedule is compatible than I don't mind). Please be kind, thanks :)
submitted by Odd_Candidate_338 to GamerPals [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 01:39 og_kapt_khao5 Nba2k25 | playmaking inside out scorer | #nba2k25 #2k #2kcommunity #yt
submitted by og_kapt_khao5 to GetMoreViewsYT [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 01:39 RubenTheSheep Been growing for almost a month, should i keep going or is it a lost cause?
submitted by RubenTheSheep to Moustache [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 01:39 Keatorious_B_I_G Has anyone figured out this stash code puzzle??
I’ve spent way too much time trying to figure this out. I drew it out as well but from what I can tell these are the numbers:
1st column: 1-2-(Diamond?)-2-4 2nd column: 8-1-9-8(not pictured) 3rd column: (Triangle?)-4-7-1 4th column: 1-3
This is in reference to the “Some Dudes Hidden Stuff” stash next to the Waste Processing Station on Wild Island.
submitted by Keatorious_B_I_G to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 01:39 Sea_Rutabaga_9983 Alguien para contar cómo me convertí en el esclavo de la mama de mi amigo
submitted by Sea_Rutabaga_9983 to Domelipa__ [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 01:39 JonzePullzCards Wooooo!!!!
submitted by JonzePullzCards to baseballcards [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 01:39 DOV-S-H-A-D-O-W DOV is recruiting
submitted by DOV-S-H-A-D-O-W to RDR2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 01:39 Determinaator Slice - earn passively by watching ads + other tasks
Updated November 28 2024 proof
Guide for Slice that goes more in-depth
Other features:
📧 Sign-up options: Email
🖥️ Devices: Chrome extension
🌍 Countries: Worldwide
NOTE: If you are using "Wallet of Satoshi" like me, I have recently noticed that the QR codes have not functioned properly. To receive payment, simply copy the lightning URL that Slice will send to your email and the wallet should immediately recognize it on your clipboard, allowing you to accept the payment that way.
submitted by Determinaator to beermoneyAus [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 01:39 Mrs_Shirso Are clouds bird swimming pools
submitted by Mrs_Shirso to teenagers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 01:39 Alternative_Yam_7957 Am I skinny fat I need honesty
I’m 19& 5’,I live in la and I have a pretty attractive bf but since moving here I’ve never felt so gross in my own skin in my whole life literally want to dump my bf over the fact I didn’t realize I don’t have the best self esteem but that’s bc I never rly payed attention to the way I looked until now but who tf would someone want to be in a relationship w someone who can seem to love herself. He doesn’t know abt anything bc this is a very embarrassing topic to talk abt but I need honesty or some tips or smth 😭🙏🏼 submitted by Alternative_Yam_7957 to amIfatBrutallyHonest [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 01:39 Working-Cat11 What do you do if package don’t arrive ?
Hey, so I ordered something from a seller and the parcels I ordered after hers arrived, but hers didn't. On the depop app it still says it's in transit/shipped, but not delivered. I messaged the seller and she said it's been delivered. It's not in my post room; the other packages I ordered since, are. Is there anything we can do in this scenario ? :/
submitted by Working-Cat11 to Depop [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 01:39 PackageActual6132 Season 5 is coming. Right?
submitted by PackageActual6132 to YouOnLifetime [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 01:39 GingerbreadGirl22 Is it hormones or me?
Hi all,
I had my ER at the end of September and currently did about two weeks of birth control, stopped, and started letrozole for our modified FET. So I know right off the bat that I have been pumping myself full of hormones (like we all have).
When I was previously on this BC prescription, years ago, I do remember it made me moody for a few weeks but that was about it. Stims meds also made me a bit moody.
For some reason the last few weeks my anxiety has just been through the roof for no discernible reason. My husband was out of town for a few days and while we don't usually spend a ton of time apart like that, we have done it and it's always been fine. This time around I was so anxious about him leaving and something bad happening and I missed him SO much that I wanted to cry. And the thought of him coming home and seeing him again also made me want to cry. Its been such a hard few days to feel apart and I'm not usually like that. I just don't know if it's all the hormones making me feel crazy and crazy protective/attached to him or if I'm just losing it. 🤪
submitted by GingerbreadGirl22 to IVF [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 01:39 WiseGuy1882 Monte Carlo Gala for Planetary Health 24th September 2020
submitted by WiseGuy1882 to Sienna_Miller [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 01:39 rckn00 I will draw some ARCANE themed icons in this style
submitted by rckn00 to DrawForMe [link] [comments] |