
2024.11.28 02:31 Ninjacatlives Lives

c0c0nutmelk follow me for more lives
submitted by Ninjacatlives to InstagramLivesNSFWz [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 kittymeowmixi Why is my life so chaotic and yet I still believe all the hard times are lessons leading me to a brighter future

submitted by kittymeowmixi to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 sorvetedeabsinto Sou babaca por ter "terminado" com o cara?

Bom, eu não sei mesmo se fui babaca ou não nessa história, mas lembrei dela recentemente e acho que serve como alerta pra vocês.
Em 2022, eu tinha 24 anos e conheci um cara de 21. Ele não era da minha cidade, mora coisa de duas horas daqui, mas começamos a conversar e em pouco tempo nos "apaixonamos" (coloco entre aspas porque hoje em dia eu sei que não foi paixão). Nós começamos a conversar sobre namoro, e começamos a ver uma data pra ele vir pra minha cidade conhecer meus pais.
Nós marcamos uma data mas, enquanto o dia não chegava, aconteceram algumas coisas que só fui perceber que eram red flags depois que tudo acabou entre a gente. Não vou colocar tudo na ordem porque não lembro, mas foram coisas tipo:

Agora a melhor parte, a que eu mais me divirto quando lembro (e fico pensando em qual era meu problema por não ter reparado o buraco onde estava me metendo na época):
Em um domingo, ele acordou antes de mim e simplesmente me mandou QUARENTA E CINCO MENSAGENS (sim, eu contei, fiquei incrédula demais e precisei contar) pra me acordar. Não, não eram mensagens importantes. Ele mandou corações, alguns oi, emojis aleatórios.
Quando reclamei com ele e disse que não tinha a menor necessidade de me mandar 45 mensagens, ele fez drama e começou a falar que o amor dele não era o suficiente pra mim.
Bom, chegou a semana onde ele viria pra cá, e eu tive uma crise de ansiedade muito ferrada por causa disso. Faziam anos que eu não namorava, eu tive relacionamentos muito ruins e abusivos, e hoje eu sei que essa crise foi meu subconsciente tentando me mostrar que estava entrando em outra enrascada.
Durante minha crise, ele não deu a mínima importância, mesmo eu contando pra ele que não estava bem, e contando tudo o que passava pela minha cabeça. A crise foi tão feia que eu decidi que queria mudar de cidade, que estava me sentindo sufocada aqui e que não queria mais ficar aqui. Enquanto tudo isso acontecia, ele ficava reclamando porque demorei dez minutos pra responder e não estava dando atenção pra ele.
Quando ele finalmente chegou aqui em casa (sim, eu deixei ele vir mesmo assim), eu não senti absolutamente NADA por ele. Ele veio todo carinhoso querendo me abraçar, e eu sentia como se estivesse olhando para um estranho. Ele ficou aqui em casa durante todo o fim de semana, e eu só conseguia contar as horas que faltavam pra ele finalmente ir embora.
Durante o fim de semana que ele ficou aqui, teve alguns episódios bizarros, tipo ele reclamando que eu estava demorando no banheiro, ele brigando porque fui tomar banho e deixei meu celular carregando, então não respondi as mensagens que ele tinha me mandado (lembrando, ele estava na minha sala e eu estava no banheiro) e eu acordando com ele sentado no sofá, me encarando. Isso fora os comentários desnecessários e inconvenientes sobre conversas privadas nossas que ele fez perto dos meus pais.
Depois que o fim de semana acabou, ele veio se declarar, falar que me amava e sei lá o que mais. Eu respondi com um áudio gigante, falando que não sentia mais nada por ele, que achava melhor a gente ficar sem conversar, já que eu não queria dar falsas esperanças pra ele... Enfim, falei bastante, deu quase 5 minutos de áudio.
No dia, ele respondeu com um "tá bom" e a conversa acabou. Três dias depois, ele me mandou um texto gigante, me xingando e falando um monte.
Enfim, não sei se ficou confuso, mas é isso... O que eu senti foi que a crise de ansiedade me fez perceber onde eu estava me enfiando e me mostrou que eu não sentia nada por ele, me ajudando a escapar dessa.
Se eu fui babaca nessa história, podem me falar. Só espero que isso sirva pra vocês ficarem de olho nas red flags dos relacionamentos de vocês...
submitted by sorvetedeabsinto to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 TrillTierJakal Just wanted show this unit that the lady of the house brought home today.

Just wanted show this unit that the lady of the house brought home today. submitted by TrillTierJakal to OnionLovers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 OpportunityIll695 Kailan po kaya ulit magsasale si Digimap?? 😆

pano po ba makakuha dun? sana makakuha ako this coming 12.12 or payday 🥲😭
submitted by OpportunityIll695 to ShopeePH [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 Terrible-Honey7595 Is the new dlc worth it?

I want to get it but idk if it worth 50$?
submitted by Terrible-Honey7595 to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 Thai_Mafia Ohtani suing for baseball cards
submitted by Thai_Mafia to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 gigglybaby_ smile!!! cus its almost saturday hehe

smile!!! cus its almost saturday hehe submitted by gigglybaby_ to smileygirls [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 HalfDongDon Thoughts on Melee Areas?

Thinking Kourend/Morytania/Fremmy, Fremmy/Morytania/Asgarnia or Varlamore/Morytania/Asgarnia.
submitted by HalfDongDon to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 alicesheadband FINAL UPDATE to Meeting the boss's boss and HR in 30 minutes

First post:
Second post:
For those with no patience for waffle: I got the job!
For those that want waffle: honestly, I don't have a lot for you. I could probably wax lyrical if I really thought about it, but I have some shopping to do.
I'll say this: Like many other commenters, redundancy has worked out well for me. It's a pretty decent pay bump, the company has a faaaar better culture than the last one and I'll start with a bunch of the payout in the bank. I know this is not everyone's journey, and to those of you that are struggling alone, I wish you luck. Use your networks - reach out to every contact you have and ask people if they know of anything going. In these uncertain times, people seem to want to hire with more certainty and that means internal people's voices are welcomed. That worked for me.
Thanks to everyone who commented on my other posts. You all are lovely... well, most of you. Those others get time out and need an afternoon nap.
submitted by alicesheadband to auscorp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 Various-Orange- New yandere???

New yandere??? Title: Starting Over With the Dead You
submitted by Various-Orange- to MaleYandere [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 Infinite_Hunt_9581 First time seeing a boy wearing a necklace like this

First time seeing a boy wearing a necklace like this If only his family had paid more attention to him.
submitted by Infinite_Hunt_9581 to JeffreyDahmer [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 DreamPirates Disha Patani Indian Acress #DishaPatani

Disha Patani Indian Acress #DishaPatani submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 dmateos Gyprock in walk in robe moving

Have noticed when i press the gyprock in my closet it moves quite a lot like its not connected to anything, why would this be and how would i fix it?
Can see a gap between the door frame when i press it in (about 2-3mm)
submitted by dmateos to HomeMaintenance [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 Beneficial-Air4943 Just a remember that you do not have to pay for Windows.

I wouldn't drop the name of the store pero meron kasing store na kapag nagpa-quotation ka ng 25K build sa kanila ay lalagyan nila ng 5-10K pesos na Windows 11 OEM in your parts list. No, drop that Windows 11 OEM! May mga shops na may 1K labor na may assembly at installation nang kasama. You don't have to pay unneccessary large amounts for a build that is supposed to be cheap or a software that is supposed to be achievable for free.
submitted by Beneficial-Air4943 to PHbuildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 Repulsive-Tradition3 "Bursts through her cervix" A true story of wtf

I used to roleplay a lot in video games, but I was not big on erotic roleplay. Anyways I finally decided to bite the bullet and try it again. It was going okay, but the guy I found was a little...cringe. Think like "I am the only one who feels this way, you'd never understand me" level cringe. Anyways! Our characters are doing the deed, and it was rather boring, until he hits me with (paraphrased as it was a few years ago) "slamming his huge (he kept talking about big it was) ya-know-what into her cervix until he BURSTS THROUGH to her womb" I had to get clarification and yes, he was SO big he went THROUGH her cervix but its fine because they're both immortal, right?! He even clarified that it had to stretch the hole in the cervix to fit. Straight up murdered my girl! 😬😬😬😬😬 So that's how I never roleplayed with him again! ;D This lives rent free in my head :)
submitted by Repulsive-Tradition3 to badwomensanatomy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 G-Tinois (Re)Watched Jacob's Ladder after 20 years

I've rewatched Jacob's Ladder after 20 years - following the completion of Silent Hill 2 Remake and I have to say it's a way better movie than I remember.
Bad horror movie but amazing drama movie. I feel it's unique in the sense that normally in horror you'd start spooky and end terrifying but in this one it utterly flips 180 - the horror just dies down and gives all the space to sadness. The symbolic (God, angels, St-Peter, Gabriel, etc.) is subtle enough to not give away the twist while giving clear hints.
In the same vein it reminded me a lot of the Devil's Advocate w/ Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino but better.
Any other similar super natural/religious horror movies to recommend? I'd love a deep dive.
submitted by G-Tinois to horror [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 terminamc_com Termina - Towny Raiding [SMP] {War} {PVP} {Crossplay}

🏰 Will you be the hero or the villain?! 🔥 The choice is yours on - SMP Towny, Community, and Adventure
Java Port: 25565 and Bedrock Port: 19132
We welcome all players! Please check us out :)
🌍 Decide your path: Termina is more than just a survival server – Will you build a peaceful town, supporting others in the community? Or rise as a fearsome leader, declaring war and forging a nation built on conquest?
🏙️ Build towns, create nations, forge alliances: With Towny, you can make your own town or nation; working together with friends. Protect your land, trade with others, and form alliances that will ensure your town's survival.
🔥 War & raiding - optional: If you want to declare war and engage in epic raids, Termina allows town leaders to declare WAR! Every 24 hours, force PvP and explosions in an enemy town - as long as one player is online.
🏰 Duel Arena & staking: Calling all RuneScapers! Our Termina Duel arena offers a safe place to challenge other players. Battle with custom or preset kits and prove your skill. Spice up the battle by putting some Rupeez (our currency) where your mouth is.
🌟 No pay-to-play: Termina is a fair server with no pay-to-win mechanics. Everything is earned through your dedication and skill with our FREE Termina Ranks. Rank up and unlock new abilities!
submitted by terminamc_com to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 InterestingFuel4502 #koreanairlines

Korean airlines after cancelling their flights yesterday on Wednesday November 27.It has more than 24 hrs without giving any information about next scheduled flight. There is a long line to speak to help desk person. And there is just one person in the help desk. Such a poor customer service. never flying with Korean airlines. #koreanairlines #deltaconnection
submitted by InterestingFuel4502 to koreatravel [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 spacedoggie Liberty dollar found in some junk

Liberty dollar found in some junk submitted by spacedoggie to coincollecting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 HugeandStrong M/18/6’2” [350lbs to 200lbs] (2 years)

M/18/6’2” [350lbs to 200lbs] (2 years) submitted by HugeandStrong to Brogress [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 spike31875 The Broken Binding is having a Black Friday sale! An Instruction in Shadow autographed special edition is included

The signed limited edition of An Instruction in Shadow is part of The Broken Binding's Black Friday sale! They do ship internationally (shipping costs are extra, of course).
Their Black Friday sale includes a selection of special editions, including titles by Mark Lawrence, Shauna Lawless, Travis Baldree, and a bunch of others. See the main sale page here:
submitted by spike31875 to BenedictJacka [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 Barbielatzzz Feeling cute today🥰 no make up look today :) do i still look pretty?

Feeling cute today🥰 no make up look today :) do i still look pretty? submitted by Barbielatzzz to MTFSelfies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 DapperlittleDiaper What's the cringiest mobile game ad?

submitted by DapperlittleDiaper to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 02:31 GodofRat My entire save data just got erased out of the blue. EXCEPT my rank

I don't even know what's going on, it won't even allow me to clip it because it's somehow disconnected from the cloud now
I can't even use half the characters I wanna use anymore and it puts me at a huge disadvantage against most players in ranked
20 levels down the drain and I have to go through everything again.
At this point I just want a refund, It's not worth having to redo everything I put in my time for.
It's bad enough that the game is so abusable but deleting progress is just too far.
Is there any way I can get a refund if not everything restored? From my understanding bandai generally doesn't care much for it so I'm honestly not expecting anything from them. Anyone have any advice?
submitted by GodofRat to SparkingZero [link] [comments]