
2024.11.28 03:00 Hall_of_fame_ 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 submitted by Hall_of_fame_ to AllThingsStephanieRao [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 bluervirt Logs2U or Homefire Black Friday 2024

Use the link for Logs2U or Homefire Black Friday 2024. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by bluervirt to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Acetruehero94 Thank you everyone that helped!!!

submitted by Acetruehero94 to PokemonBlackandWhite [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Admirable-Nobody-752 This scared ts outa me when I pulled it

This scared ts outa me when I pulled it I turned of the sound/music and i didnt know my sound was turned up high so the little cutscene jump scared me
submitted by Admirable-Nobody-752 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 josylad Hiring: Inspector - Evenings Shift at Edwards Lifesciences

Edwards Lifesciences is hiring a Inspector - Evenings Shift
Location: Shannon, Ireland
Make a meaningful difference to patients around the world. At Edwards Lifesciences facilities around the world, our Manufacturing teams create the tools, technologies, and devices that transform patients’ lives. As part of our sewing, assembly, delivery, and distribution teams, your attention to detail and commitment to continuous improvement will help us turn innovative ideas into reality. Your purpose-driven work will help leave lasting and positive impacts on patient lives. As a Quality Inspector you will assess devices in-process and upon completion, revies accompanying documentation, and conduct audits to ensure all comply with regulatory and company guidelines, and that devices meet operational standards as designed. Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 4:30pm - 3am, (finish at 2:00am on Thursdays shift) Key Responsibilities: Perform visual, dimensional, and functional inspection on a wider
Learn More and Apply: https://app.resumeset.com/jobs/inspector-evenings-shift-22210/
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 amcbride022 New Symrna Baptism

Are there any places in/around New Symrna Beach that will be baptized in the water? I have been baptized before but feel compelled to do it again, but not in such a professional setting, and I would love to be baptized in the ocean or lake.
submitted by amcbride022 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 AutoModerator What animal characters do you want to see in the near future?

This is based on future arcs not the first arcs being worked on
View Poll
submitted by AutoModerator to phurredit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Mean-Ship-3851 What if Jade allowed the monsters to go out during daytime?

Just after Jade played the song with the violin, the man in yellow appeared during daytime. We don't know a lot about him, and he could not be a regular monster (he probably isn't), but he was part of the ritual and was human before, he might follow the same rules of the other monsters. Let's pretend this is true. In this scenario, I was guessing that maybe playing the song by the bottle tree wasn't really a good idea, and allowed the monsters to wander during daytime. My theory is not elaborated enough, but I have some thoughts that might stick to it:
• Julie from the future was warning Jim not only about the Man In Yellow, but also about something they needed to tell the town citizens.
• The symbol Jade keeps seeing is formed by the roots of the bottle tree. And Victor told him before that when Christopher started seeing the symbol, some time later everyone died. Maybe Christopher also freed the monsters back then.
submitted by Mean-Ship-3851 to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Legal_Pirate69 What went wrong in TOG S2 anime? Will there be a season 3 at all??

Everything in S2 feels like an utter failure and I guess the anime is going to get dropped with no further seasons made.
In S1, what made the TOG anime great was

  1. Its unique coloring and shading of the art styles,
  2. The fluid animation and story panels
  3. The astounding music by Kevin that was inserted at right moments to alleviate & match the scenes.
  4. The story that was really closed with few characters and understandable. It was really engaging.
  5. The friendship dynamic of everyone, especially Bam and Khun (which reminded me of HxH)
  6. The mystery of the Tower, the Jahads, the Shinsu, the tests & challenges, and Rachel.
But in this season, the anime lost all the parts that made it good.
  1. The art style and coloring are generic af.
  2. There's no animation at all. All I see are powerpoint presentation type panels that is often zoomed so close to the character with bad VA.
  3. The right music is not played at the right moments and always at lowest volume like some generic bg sounds.
  4. There are tons of new characters, and I don't care enough for them, because they are not portrayed in a way that I would be interested in it and its actively making hard to keep track of them.
  5. Lol, what is friendship building? anybody can hop on the friendship wagon in just 2 mins, and anyone can hop off in the next 2 mins, just like that. There is no bond building and connection at all.
  6. It's really boring. I am forced to not care about the mystery or anything about the anime.
What are the reasons that led to this situation? Why did they do this? ps. I have not read the TOG manhwa. I don't intend to any soon. I have not watched or read One piece, OPM, Naruto or Bleach. I am just a casual anime enjoyer. TOG S1 is on my top ten all time favs and this let down hurts.
submitted by Legal_Pirate69 to TowerofGod [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Substantial-Pin-7856 Why can’t the conversation content in Charstar AI app be copied?

I come from an Asian country and am using the Charstar AI app for the first time, but all the content is in English. My English skills aren't very good, so I need to rely on translation. However, the conversation content in the app can't be copied at all. I'm about to cry. I even paid for an annual subscription. How can this be resolved? 😭😭😭
submitted by Substantial-Pin-7856 to CharStarAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Rainydaysandsomegays My room :3

My room :3 submitted by Rainydaysandsomegays to KinderWorld [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 xikersmodteam November 28 - road𝓨 Weekly Thread

Welcome road𝓨! Welcome to the weekly discussion thread of xikers! This thread is for general discussions, meaning it doesn't have to be xikers related! Low-effort content such as quick questions you have, fluff, memes, etc can all go in here! Remember to stay polite and follow subreddit rules!
Put Sensitive Topics In Spoilers That includes rants, rumours, etc. Every paragraph needs to be enclosed by their own spoiler tag.
How it should look:

When replying to a spoilered comment, spoiler your answer too.
Helpful Links submitted by xikersmodteam to xikers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Which-Artichoke7878 Posting you have a crush at any age is insane behavior… but immediately after a traumatic break up?? Grow up you weird fuck

submitted by Which-Artichoke7878 to briannachickenfrsnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 FeelFreeGames Luma Island - Hotfix 1.0.2

Sorry, I forgot to mention that we released hotfix 1.0.2 yesterday!
Better late than never, eh!?
In other news, we've been busy with a bigger update which we're hoping to release very soon.
It will make the game less grindy and some things will get easier.
Until then, happy adventuring! 😁
submitted by FeelFreeGames to lumaisland [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 skullcornppp I'm thinking of getting a cane, but I don't know if I even should or what style to pick.

(both a question, concern, and rant, really)
Hello! I've never posted in this subreddit before, but I found it while looking for canes.
I am mostly mobile. My disability of sorts is that I have low muscle tone and hypermobility, which basically means my joints hate me and my muscles can't even support them. Because of this, I often feel pain in my legs and arms, and especially spikes at certain points in the day, or if I'm walking for too long. I've been to physical therapy, but I've been graduated and given a list of stretches to help handle it. I have knee braces that I wear when it gets bad OR when I'm doing an activity that I'll need support for (usually anything in my gym class). I also wear something in my shoes that help with my feet placement, but I don't remember what they're called. All this is to explain what I deal with and what I already have to cope.
However, sometimes my pain and instability spikes drastically. Sometimes I wake up with it and just have a bad day, other times I'll need to sit down for a long time. Even today, I was shopping with my friends, and I had to leave the group to sit somewhere. Another time recently, I had to go to an after school event, but had to suddenly use a pole as a makeshift cane so I could stand up and still participate. It's getting to the point where I'm considering getting a cane, so that I can have SOMETHING in case all that happens.
Here's where my questioning starts. I'm very new to the idea that I actually am disabled. I've always denied it, but after going to physical therapy and talking with my therapist, it's clear that I can't anymore. I also know that I can stand and walk safely somewhat most of the time. I guess I'm just wondering, is it worth it? Should I even consider getting a cane? And then, if so, what type of cane should I get? I'm not really versed in this area, and I would just really appreciate any guidance.
TLDR; I really want a cane because I'm in pain a lot but I don't know if it's a good idea because I can still walk mostly OR what type of cane to get
submitted by skullcornppp to disability [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 MasterkillerX Is there any benefit to an audio interface versus a USB guitar cable?

I use the IK Multimedia Stealth Plug and also have the Rocksmith Real tone cable. I don't notice too many issues using these guitar cables, however, I always hear people talk about audio interfaces, and I'm wondering if I should look into that at all? Like would my guitar have lower latency, better noise floor, and just sound clearer if I got a dedicated audio interface? I really like how NeuralDSP sounds and wanna get the most out of it... I know the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 seems pretty good. I'm not interested in recording, but just playing the guitar.
submitted by MasterkillerX to NeuralDSP [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Lovinsunshine97 Daily Review *daily scheduled post)*

Welcome to your daily review. This is not meant to be stressful and if it makes you stressed, just skip it. It’s all good, no one is gonna judge you. A daily review can be as long or short as you wish, it’s kind of like guided journaling, you can freestyle it or use some of the questions bellow. What is important is checking in on your mood from earlier during the wellness check to how you’re feeling right now. Here are some questions you can use to guide you as you write down.

These are some examples you can use to help you get started, but obviously you can review your day as you see fit. Just make sure to give today a rating, find one reason you’re proud of yourself today, and if you’re already challenging yourself into new things, what do you wish to do tomorrow. Setting achievable goals is very important, but don’t over do it. For example: I need to organize my room (I really do, jeez) but today I put away my clothes so I could sleep on my bed. That was a lot for me, but I am proud of myself for doing it. Tomorrow I am going to organize my work bag. By taking small steps I don’t set myself up for failure. You can achieve anything you want, but sometimes you’ll need to take things slowly, and that’s okay too.
submitted by Lovinsunshine97 to BipolarWomenWithCats [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 TALOLOCO1976 Retail vs Reps Jordan 3 Black Cement GX From OWF

Retail vs Reps Jordan 3 Black Cement GX From OWF W2C and Review : https://imgur.com/a/2fMYhhD
WhatsApp: +86 180 3900 3081 +86 130 0385 3631 IG:@2024YES8 kicks2024.com
$139 - $14 Discount code Taloloco
Price is $125 shipping FedEx including .
submitted by TALOLOCO1976 to sneakerreps [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 raipleases My portrait of Mark Twain, charcoal on paper, 18 x 24" 2021

My portrait of Mark Twain, charcoal on paper, 18 x 24 submitted by raipleases to MarkTwain [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Miko_2445 New Members Intro

If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by Miko_2445 to hirh [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Endless_Regret_1995 r/OCD needs to change the way it talks about pedophilic OCD: a discussion.

I admire this subreddit for the support it provides others, but we need to have an uncomfortable conversation about pOCD and the way people here speak about it.
My personal story begins with being diagnosed with OCD at a young age. Later in life, with my eyes on marriage and children, I began experiencing a deep fear of secretly being/eventually becoming attracted to children. The implications that would have on my life, and the experiences it would take away from me, put me in a bind.
I had two choices: commit suicide or risk being a monster and hurting my future children. I didn’t know what pOCD was, all I knew was something wasn’t right and I feared the worst.
According to the IOCDF, common checking behaviors include: Checking you did not/will not harm others. Checking you did not/will not harm yourself. Checking that nothing terrible happened. Checking that you did not make a mistake. Checking parts of your physical condition or body.
Rather than committing suicide, I subconsciously followed the OCD pathway and I checked using illegal online content. Furthermore, participating in the OCD pathway made the fear worse, which resulted in additional incidents of checking.
I eventually discovered the pOCD subtype on YouTube, and cried hysteric tears of relief. The next day, I came to OCD to hear those in the community speak about their experience. My tears of relief turned into tears of terror.
People have come to this community sharing their experience with pOCD and, if their post references checking with pornography, this community has flooded the comment section with accusations of pedophilia.
I attempted suicide that night, and almost succeeded, because this community has decided they’re going to treat pOCD sufferers differently than every other subtype. I wonder how many pOCD sufferers were in my shoes and succeeded in suicide because of what they’ve seen in this community.
We need to do better. If this community can’t be understanding of all OCD types, including taboo types, how can we expect the general population to be understanding. pOCD checking behaviors are mentioned and acknowledged in peer reviewed articles, by clinicians and by peer support specialists across the internet. You don’t need to think it’s an okay thing to do, but you need to acknowledge the nature of OCD is universal, even when it comes to taboo topics, and that OCD can push someone to that point.
If we’re going to be a part of the solution, we can’t pick and choose which forms of OCD we’re going to acknowledge. Somewhere there is someone with pOCD contemplating suicide and, when they discover this group, they need to know that they’re not a monster and that having OCD is okay. We need to validate their checking behavior as OCD, just like we validate all the others, because it is no different.
Seventy two days ago I was found unresponsive by my roommate. I received CPR on the way to the hospital, had my heart restarted there and was put on a ventilator. I woke up after being in a coma for 13 days. Against the odds, I made it through my suicide attempt. Im afraid someone else won’t be so lucky, and that this community’s reaction to pOCD checking will be the blame. Please, do better.
submitted by Endless_Regret_1995 to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 yoonqix__ [s2 spoilers] At least we now got confirmation that the writers dgaf about Vi

submitted by yoonqix__ to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Mindless-Ad7826 Classio in Davao

Classio in Davao submitted by Mindless-Ad7826 to ITookAPicturePH [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Fluffieh1 Appeal process

I tried to appeal my termination due to going over points and it was upheld. I guess to Amazon me taking care of my grandma until she passed wasn't a valid reason. Is there anyone else I can talk to about this situation?
submitted by Fluffieh1 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 hopyInquisition Checking in on hot sauce attempt

Checking in on hot sauce attempt This is my second attempt at making a pepper ferment, since first one kind of didnt ferment.
Started with a 2kg bag of bullhorn pepper with added gochugaru for spice, in a 3% brine. I originally had a ziploc bag of water to weigh the peppers down, but the water came out; have since opted for a sterilized baking paper cartouche.
It has maybe been a week and spare change since this ferment began, and the water level has risen by a lot. I have twice had to siphon out some brine to avoid overflow.
All things considered, does this jar look alright for it's current timeframe?
submitted by hopyInquisition to fermentation [link] [comments]
