Shehnaaz Gill says ‘reel’ is her ‘meal’ as she dances on ‘Kajra Mohabbat Wala’

2024.11.28 04:50 ShiwaniK Shehnaaz Gill says ‘reel’ is her ‘meal’ as she dances on ‘Kajra Mohabbat Wala’

Shehnaaz Gill says ‘reel’ is her ‘meal’ as she dances on ‘Kajra Mohabbat Wala’ submitted by ShiwaniK to TheWeeklyVoice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 Particular-Bet8194 H:Leaders W:Reverse Scout Masks

submitted by Particular-Bet8194 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 Jawa999 Lil Wayne Has Reportedly Recorded A Response For Kendrick Lamar!

Lil Wayne Has Reportedly Recorded A Response For Kendrick Lamar! submitted by Jawa999 to worldstartalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 cd-mommy Can’t wait for the weekend!

Can’t wait for the weekend! submitted by cd-mommy to crossdressed50 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 Complete_Exam4940 I literally can’t stop, and it looks and feels so bad

I literally can’t stop, and it looks and feels so bad I’ve been having a lot of stress lately (work, housing security, I just turned 26 so I have to figure out health insurance because I don’t qualify for my jobs benefits yet) and I started just gnawing on my nails at first, no ripping or full biting at first, and then it’s just evolved into this. I’m so frustrated with myself because my one ring finger that is red since I bit it to the nub is throbbing right now and I just. I’ve tried everything, I’ve tried bitter bite, I’ve tried putting bandaids on my fingertips, I’ve tried nail polish, I’ve tried everything I’ve seen here and no matter what I try I still manage to do it. I’d try to get acrylics but I don’t have nearly enough natural nails to even attempt that, and I feel like if I got them I’d pick at them too much and manage to pop them off and potentially ruin my nails more. It’s so embarrassing and I feel so awful whenever someone looks at my hands besides looking at my rings, and I just. I wish I could stop. I want healthy nails, not the absolute horror show I’ve turned them into.
submitted by Complete_Exam4940 to nailbiting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 paul_amigo A trip to Banaras..... in some clicks

submitted by paul_amigo to gurgaon [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 YoItzIsabella Can someone pls explain

submitted by YoItzIsabella to ExplainTheJoke [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 TashBecause Does being an effective altruist affect how you interact with the people around you day-to-day?

Effective altruism for me must extend beyond just charitable donations. For me it's about: what is my impact on the world, and how can I do the most good?
I thought this article did a great job of simply breaking down some of the available research about how non-monetary relationships are still a big part of the picture of doing the most good:
submitted by TashBecause to EffectiveAltruism [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 Barrel-Of-Tigers Citizenship by Direct Descent?

I've got an active StAG 5 application, but I've recently realised I might have a case through my dad's father as well as his mother. I'll do this from his point of view:
1 Great-grandfather

2 Grandfather
3 Father
4 Self
5 Child (me)
I think it hinges on whether or not my dad's grandfather (2) is considered to have retained his German citizenship as a minor, since he never naturalised and his father naturalised prior to 1914? Assuming that the 10 year registration period for him would've started at his age of majority (at 21 in 1914), so he actually passed on citizenship to his children?
Worth following up on?
submitted by Barrel-Of-Tigers to GermanCitizenship [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 sassyvixenhotx She's a Daddy's girl

She's a Daddy's girl submitted by sassyvixenhotx to aww [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 Agreeable_Algae_8869 IATAH for firing my nanny for being too old even if it makes her homeless?

So hear me out. It’s a complicated situation. We had to move to a HCOL area due to work about a year ago. Before that my husband was working from home and taking care of our 6 month old at the time with the help of family. A friend recommended a family from her hometown that was looking for work and had just moved here for overseas and also needed living arrangements. We met and she seems lovely and well recommended.
She had raised 5 children of her own and my kid took to her. She was clean and helped around the house and took good care of him. However things have changed in the last 6 months for several reasons.

  1. My kid is becoming a lot more active and needs a lot more time and attention. She is not able to keep up with him and it has become an issue because I started noticing she struggles to pick him up. And at times I get worried that it may not be safe. When my husband or I get home early my kid has mostly been watching TV all day without any other form of activity and her reason is that she doesn’t feel well.
  2. I decided to take her to the doctor and that’s when I realized she is 12 years older than she said. -72 years old. She was hospitalized for 2 days for tests and everything came back negative. And the doctors just explained her hands and knee pain is due to arthritis and old age. My husband and I decided to put the kid in day care 1-2 days a week to give her some rest and for him to socialize more. He has really loved daycare. We even discussed sending him there full time and have her live with us and help me around the house as needed, so she could still stay with us since at that point we considered part of the family.
  3. The one son she has that lives near by has a lot of medical problems due to addiction and has been hospitalized for it 4 times in the last year. Every time this happens she leaves without notice. My husband and I try to be understanding and either him or I take vacation time to cover her. But it’s to the point my husband is out of vacation for the year. We also cover all her expenses, transportation, insurance, food, etc and she also gets a salary.
  4. Today, I stayed home for the morning to take some meeting remote and when I came downstairs my child was screaming in the living room while she was making food in the kitchen. I calmly picked him up and asked her why he was alone crying and what she was doing. She said she was making breakfast for him and I told her not to leave him alone like that. Specially when he is crying. She became upset and said that if I didn’t like how she takes care of him I could just make the decision to let her go. I became incredibly upset and took the day off to deal with her and my son. I spoke with her about her inappropriate way of talking to me and she became defensive accusing me of multiple things that DID NOT happened. Example: she left some food in the fridge and it went bad so I threw it out when I was doing my weekly clean up after grocery shopping and she accused of throwing it away to spite her. And a bunch of other similar things which basically means she thinks everything I do is to spite her.
I called my husband and explained the situation and basically I don’t trust her after the way she spoke to me, and how she tried manipulating the situation. I don’t feel comfortable having her in my home taking care of my child. I also think he would benefit from daycare where his needs are better met. We had a conversation with her about it, and she started crying begging me to not let her go because she would be homeless. So Reddit Am I the AH?
submitted by Agreeable_Algae_8869 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 New-End-7956 Who can find an @

Who can find an @ submitted by New-End-7956 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 pluto_N Virat Kohli joins an elite club as the third player ever to score 30+ centuries in both Tests and ODIs

Virat Kohli joins an elite club as the third player ever to score 30+ centuries in both Tests and ODIs submitted by pluto_N to IndiaCricket [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 GrizzNoc Am I the only person who has grown to like Andy as a player?

Please feel free to flame me and tell me I’m wrong, because I don’t even know how I got here. But he seems to have an actual handle on the game, know where votes are going, and has a part in making decisions for said votes. I really think he’s flying under the radar as more than just a number or a goat to be dragged along. Am I crazy?? Or does he just entertain me? I really don’t know.
submitted by GrizzNoc to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 _music_FOREVER_ How many YFM songs have you listened to today?

Me: I WANT TO LISTEN TO SH!TTY G NOW! Wait a minute... I listened to a lot of YFM today... how much though? Let's see... Bottles of Beer, The Unofficial Smithers Love Song, Orphan Tears, Tig Ol' Bitties, Santa Hates Poor Kids, Friend Zone, We Like Them Girls, Alien, Text Me Back, Just A Friend, My Balls (Alt Rock Version), The Stereotypes Song, Jump Around, Orphan Tears 2, Orphan Tears 3, Gentleman's Ballad, Date Myself and Algorithm God. 18?!?! THAT'S ALMOST 1/3 OF YFM'S SONGS! But still not enough...
Do you guys have the same problem sometimes?
submitted by _music_FOREVER_ to yourfavoritemartian [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 ASICmachine i built this cold storage address tracker, would love feedback (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 Zioticc Bates Motel is the Most Underrated TV Show

For me, this show is beautiful in many ways – the soundtrack, the scenes, the dark themes, and especially the amazing acting.
It tells such a deep and emotional story, and I think it deserves more attention. That’s why I put it in my Top 5 TV shows of all time.
Here’s a video showing how great the acting is – Norman Bates is incredible!
submitted by Zioticc to BatesMotel [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 jinayeonbt LeBron really going for that 82/82

He hasn't missed a single game this season despite playing heavy minutes. I'm optimistic that this doesn't take a toll on him later into the season, because he has been coasting so much more than I have ever seen him coast in game, he always turns it up in the 4th tho.
submitted by jinayeonbt to lakers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 Al4206969696969 I’m in love now, Kara is so pretty

I’m in love now, Kara is so pretty submitted by Al4206969696969 to simpforbaddies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 SirMeyrin2 IAE exhibition halls

What is the time cutoff for an exhibition hall being closed for the manufacturer change? I have tried to get into a hall two times this IAE at two different times of day, only to find the hall already inaccessible both times.
submitted by SirMeyrin2 to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 bluervirt Restaurant com Black Friday 2024

Follow this link for Restaurant com Black Friday 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by bluervirt to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 Lower_Bag9358 Sephora

i heard that the 20% sephora has is gonna be with our 35%? any confirmations about this???
submitted by Lower_Bag9358 to employedbykohls [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 mrlr SLPT: Dirty toilet? Visitors coming?

Don't spend all that time cleaning it - unscrew the lightbulb!
submitted by mrlr to ShittyLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 molls_weirdo is this something i F/13 should talk to my gf F/13?

TW SUICIDAL AND SH MENTIONS ok so basically i’m dating my beautiful gf of almost 4 months and she is close friends with my ex gf/ex friend. now i don’t care she is friends with her they both deserve to be friends with who they want. little background on the ex is she never lets people live how they want she will tell you that you can’t be friends with someone because they were her friend first or will just get mad at you if you don’t tell her what you are doing but even if you do she still gets mad she was very manipulative and abusive and overall toxic. i never care who my friends or partner are friends with and i never will but my gf doesn’t tell me when she is hanging out with the ex now obviously she doesn’t and she doesn’t want to cause any drama because she feels i will be mad when i obviously wouldn’t be but she thinks this because of said ex because she we will call her s just gets mad whenever anyone is hanging out with someone without her and threatens to do stuff if people don’t respond or something. now i don’t get mad when my gf lies about that she’s hanging out with s but sometimes i feel hurt that she doesn’t feel she can tell me. and s goes out of her way to show off that she is hanging out with one of my friends and that im not she will hug my gf purposely very tightly in front of me when she knows we are dating (i think she found out through another friend im no longer friends with) which pisses me off because she goes out of her way to be petty like this every. single. time. she is very manipulative to all of her friends and makes me people feel bad she gaslights people and calls them names but then says she can’t help it because of her mental illness (she has no mental illness that would cause her to act this way) even though i wasn’t the best when we were friends because i was dealing with severe depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts and tendencies which she knew about but would say she was worse. she would tell us she was going to cut herself and give us a countdown to try and stop her but no matter what we did she would still do it and show pictures which is triggering to many people. besides that and how things ended i have nothing against her and she just keeps clinging on to talking about me constantly and telling people false accusations. i don’t know how to tell my gf that i don’t think she should be friends with her as it is very bad on her mental health she has been struggling with self harm and i do too but i worry about her because she puts others before her and s is just too much stress on her. s will make my gf stay up late to console her over stupid things. she made my gf late to class because she was crying over finding out me and my gf are dating. which i understand because im her ex and that’s her friend who she had a crush on for a long time and still does. but does anyone have any advice on how to tell her she can tell me she’s hanging out with her and how to tell her that she doesn’t need to be there for s when it ruins her mental health?
submitted by molls_weirdo to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 04:50 Then_Bury_9855 Dropped tail and reptile mats

Dropped tail and reptile mats I’m a super new leopard gecko owner, I got my first leo (Casper) not even a month ago. She’s a baby, maybe around 6 months but I’m not sure. Unfortunately while I was handling her today I dropped my phone and it bumped/ spooked her and she dropped part of her tail 😭 I feel absolutely terrible. She was on a topsoil/playsand mix but now I have her on paper towels because of her tail.
I wanted to ask first, aside from switching her to paper towels and keeping an eye out for infection is there anything I need to do to help her? I dabbed a tiny bit of Neosporin on her wound today and I read they should get a bit more food while healing and regenerating their tail.
I’m also wondering if these plastic type reptile mats like in the pictures are a good option for non-loose substrate? I know reptile carpet is bad for their nails and shelf liner can have unsafe chemicals but these claim to be made with reptile-safe materials and wouldn’t snag nails. I saw them on Amazon and I like the idea of a mat rather than paper towels while she can’t be on loose substrate, but definitely want to use safe products.
submitted by Then_Bury_9855 to leopardgeckos [link] [comments]