Opening calculator

2024.11.28 06:40 BladeWuzzy Opening calculator

Im currently on ios 18.1.1 and opening the calculator takes a while. There is a 2 second wait before it actually opens. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?
submitted by BladeWuzzy to ios [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 YouthIsBlind ‘Mechanimal’ open-world survival crafting game Light of Motiram announced for PC

‘Mechanimal’ open-world survival crafting game Light of Motiram announced for PC submitted by YouthIsBlind to gamingnews [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 TCuteZerglingT Anger

Anger submitted by TCuteZerglingT to 691 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 Physical-Pie-2047 Happy thanks giving 🦃/ I also don't really think this is nfsw however i put it due do maybe a younger audience and

I personally don't really think this is nfsw for a certain age group or people who get it (although it is a dirty joke) however i put it due do maybe a younger audience that could be in this reddit group and I thought about maybe other opinions people might think of this meme. Plz tell me if you would consider this meme nfsw or fsw
submitted by Physical-Pie-2047 to labyrinth [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 Alert-Challenge-1892 Pls Help me check my personal statement

Pls Help me check my personal statement applying for bachelor of economics and finance, IB predicted 39/45, can i get in w this personal statement? pls help TT
submitted by Alert-Challenge-1892 to HKUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 AccidentalRedditor_ WWTOP GATS QC

WWTOP GATS QC submitted by AccidentalRedditor_ to fashionreps2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 TheSuspiciousWatcher WooCommerce - Form Based Purchase

I was wondering if it's possible with WooCommerce to break away from the typical product purchase page. I want it to look like a very simple step by step form. A bit like you would get on an insurance comparison website as an example, but it's one product with one price they can finalise and purchase.
I want customers to go through a form, select some pre-populated options and then receive a final price at the end. Example:

Thank you in advance for any help. Open to using plugins and premium third-party software if it exists.
submitted by TheSuspiciousWatcher to Wordpress [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 Aaaaaaarrrrrrfrrff Liechtensteiner Banken?

Hallo zusammen, ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir helfen. Mein Vater spielt mit den Gedanken, ein großen Teil seines Aktienportfolio aufzulösen. Er besitzt viele Deutsche Dividendenaktien (meisten gekauft 2001) wie Metro, Mercedes, Telekom und andere. Aufgrund der aktuellen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Situation macht er sich Sorgen um die Entwicklung der deutschen Unternehmen und fürchtet um Seine Ersparnisse im Rentenalter (ist gerade 53 Jahre).
Er überlegt, dann mit den Geld es in Liechtenstein in Schweizer Franken oder Euro anzulegen. Hat jemand von euch Erfahrung mit solchen Umstrukturierungen oder Tipps, wie man in dieser unsicheren Zeit am besten vorgeht? Vielen Dank im Voraus!
submitted by Aaaaaaarrrrrrfrrff to Aktien [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 AllMadHere666 Publically available background of Elliot Winter has two Orders of Protection for Stalking and Abuse.

Publically available background of Elliot Winter has two Orders of Protection for Stalking and Abuse. For someone saying he’s not a “known abuser”on their Twitch stream, J’s “grandpa” as she called him in TikTok lives, certainly has an interesting publically available background check. Two Orders of Protection.
Lawyers defending Apollo can easily find this out and wipe J in court for going back to a known abuser. As for publically speaking about him after leaving, the internet is forever, and a criminal defense lawyer’s job is to lessen the sentence in any way possible, and her association with this creep is going to ruin her as a witness. Apollo may not have to take the stand, as is common to not self incriminate, but J has to. Filing charges made her legally accountable to the state as a witness.
Is a place to stay and Hello Kitty shit really worth destroying all the victims of Apollo, ability to find justice for their sex trafficking, domestic violence, and all the abuse he put so many through?
submitted by AllMadHere666 to Apollostonenarc [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 jordosmodernlife Give a book, take a book

Give a book, take a book submitted by jordosmodernlife to EvilDead [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 ranveer_singh21 Terraform HELP!!!

Hi folks,
I have joined a new company recently and in very first week I'm asked to enhance their terraform scripts and automate few of the manual tasks being done. I'm not so familiar with terraform, apart from the basics and understanding of code. What would be the best resource to get started? Are there any tools or sites which help with understanding the terraform flow via code and can use to understand the automation aspect for certain manual tasks?
Ps: manual tasks details can be discussed in comments if anyone is interested. Or please DM me.
submitted by ranveer_singh21 to devops [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 iminlovewithmycar472 If Trent stays, could Conor start on the left over Robertson?

Body text
submitted by iminlovewithmycar472 to LiverpoolFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 eddino55 The Turkey Song (A Thanksgiving Parody)

The Turkey Song (A Thanksgiving Parody) submitted by eddino55 to freefantasylgueswchat [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 sarahcarson5 Help a sister out! need $220 in task commission on clubflex 💸✨
submitted by sarahcarson5 to MakeMoneyOnlinefree [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 hypocritobobo The Church of Null - Transcendent's Creed (feat. Core No. 4) | A Cyn Worship Song | Murder Drones

The Church of Null - Transcendent's Creed (feat. Core No. 4) | A Cyn Worship Song | Murder Drones I think things are going out of hand with this and Death Templer making Cyn IRL
submitted by hypocritobobo to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 ClaimTimeSolicitors Industrial disease claims – trusted experts for fair compensation

Industrial disease claims – trusted experts for fair compensation submitted by ClaimTimeSolicitors to ClaimTime_UK [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 PrestigiousWorld2799 Thought on this helmet?

Thought on this helmet? Recently got this helmet and wanted to post it here and get y’all’s opinion on it. Paid $700 for it.
submitted by PrestigiousWorld2799 to Militariacollecting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 deeyouI Best calling card?

What’s your guys Favorite/Rarest/Coolest/ All around best calling card you guys have so far?? My all around favorite that I have has to be the movie star one that’s completed by getting best play 10 times. But super curious how far everyone’s got so drop the pics below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
submitted by deeyouI to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 npk17 Terastal Festival Booster Box (JP) Pre-Order for $49.99+shipping
P.S: This is the Japanese version of Prismatic evolutions and releasing next week
submitted by npk17 to PKMNTCGDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 flamingdragonwizard Free ticket to tomorrow's show in Vancouver!

Simply post your favorite pond song and I'll privately dm you. Gives those later a chance as well.
submitted by flamingdragonwizard to pond [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 pathidi Recurring dreams about emotionally neglective ex.

I'm not sure where to post this, but I need to get this off my chest because it is ruining my week.
As the title said, I am having reoccurring dreams about my ex who neglected, mistreated, and sexually pressured me during our relationship. It has been over a year since our breakup and throughout that time I have had nightmares about him but it's only recently I've had good dreams about him.
When I say good dreams, I mean him apologising for his actions, and him letting me meet his parents. I am in a new loving relationship, and I used to believe I have completely moved on but the dreams popping up more often is making me feel shaky. I feel horrible and unloyal, even though I know I'd never want to go back to my ex, the dreams make me feel sick to my stomach everytime I wake up. It's like I unconsciously want him to come back and beg for forgiveness :( like I want all the hurt that came from me to get validated and have closure.
Whenever I wake up from the dreams, it genuinely ruins my day and my self esteem plummets. If anyone has any advice or experiences like this they wanna share- it's appreciated :(
submitted by pathidi to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 Lanky_Metal_6411 Foam swords

I have seen in game play where people are playing with foam swords instead of the flamingos. Where can you change this?
submitted by Lanky_Metal_6411 to SketchysContract [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 koorga 26, no idea how to be an adult. No idea how to get out

I am 26 and have just started realizing that nothing I know as normal should be normal. I grew up in a house where my dad would ignore us and my mom would lock rooms of the house, hide food and keep the thermostat in a lockbox. There was never trust in us but she always made it seem like it was our own fault despite us not ever actually doing things wrong. I was heavily sheltered and not even allowed to go outside on our own property until I was 19 bc I was a girl. I had two brothers very close in age and one even being my twin. When I got to high school my mom got a 2nd shift full time job and my dad was forced to retire bc of cancer. I was a teenager failing high school, expected to shut up about my depression, and having to take care of my father and two older brothers. If I wasn't doing those things I was thinking of harming myself or asleep. We constantly never had food in the house other than microwaveable shit or bread. I didn't have friends in high school bc I was bullied in middle school then constantly burnt out. When I graduated I took a year off bc I was convinced something bad would happen at home if I left. I got my first job at 19 and two weeks in my dad died unexpectedly. After that I was kind of pushed into dating one of my twins friends bc I had never had a relationship before. That man assaulted me then ignored me but I didn't know better and stayed with him probably desperate to get away from my mom. This happened with several boyfriends. Now I'm 26. I have no extended family who are close and know me. I have very few friends. I live with my abusive mother who killed my cat and wont give my father a headstone, my twin who drove all our friends away and sa'd people, and my alcoholic older cousin who constantly says and does horrible shit. I have no money, I can't get a job because of horrible agoraphobia from being isolated my entire life, and I have no idea how to leave. I spend every day in my room on the internet just hoping to die. I don't know what to do and can't even tell if I'm ever coherent anymore.
submitted by koorga to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 TurboTime77 Burrowing Owl

Burrowing Owl I found this burrowing owl perched on this rock overlooking Salt Lake City, UT
submitted by TurboTime77 to Owls [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:40 ToraGin Aquaman's (C029) character asset was recently relocated to a folder codenamed "Eventually_Ships", indicating that he may release soon! Daffy and Aquaman first characters in 2025?

Aquaman's (C029) character asset was recently relocated to a folder codenamed
Leak source: Ausil (aka Not Ausil) posted 6:46pm 11/25
submitted by ToraGin to MultiVersusTheGame [link] [comments]