UK House move: agent postponing move date 4 days before move!!

2024.11.28 07:50 No-Ant7522 UK House move: agent postponing move date 4 days before move!!

We are due to move into a new home next Monday (02/12/24), and we have been chasing the property agent to sign the lease agreement for a few weeks. We've paid the holding deposit and agreed in principle to the draft tenancy (all sent via their online platform).
They informed us only 2 weeks ago when we chased about still not having signed the lease, (and us needing to arrange movers, change jobs, apply for new schools, etc.), that the delay was due to needing the EICR, and electrician not having availability till this week Monday.
In writing they said we are still good to proceed to move in on 2nd Dec. On that basis we have done all those things.
Yesterday they called me saying the EICR had failed last Friday, and asked if we had flexibility on the move date. I advised we did not as we have paid non-refundable moving fees (due to such short booking time), my OH starts new job local to new house that Wednesday (it's 2 hrs away from his current job), and my child starts new school. She said OK.
I then got 3 emails last night saying due to failed EICR we could not move into the property, but as nothing is signed "we're not legally contracted". Another email saying we're trying to get the EICR to see what failed and we're sorry how stressful this is. Then another email to say if the failure is L2 or 3,you can still move in and electrician can carry out works once you're in. We'll be in touch once we have cert.
I'm absolutely fuming! We will lose our £1,700 moving costs, my partner has bent over backwards to secure his transfer, and if he doesn't work, he won't get paid, which we can't afford with all the move costs. I've taken time off to pack my house as we could only secure the movers last week and they didn't have 'packers' available at such short notice.
What are my legal rights here?
submitted by No-Ant7522 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 abmny8 Kota yang lebih maju cenderung lebih terbuka pikirannya dibanding kota yang kurang maju dan sampai jadi kesenjangan?? whattt??

Kota yang lebih maju cenderung lebih terbuka pikirannya dibanding kota yang kurang maju dan sampai jadi kesenjangan?? whattt?? keen observation no one see that coming dumbass
submitted by abmny8 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 eigo-bunpou 「英単語解説」what-how-why-etc-in-the-worldの意味について

what-how-why-etc-in-the-worldは【質問するときの驚きを強調するために使われる】意味として使われています。 和訳:【世界で何を、どのように、なぜなど】
#英語文法 #英文法
submitted by eigo-bunpou to omoshiroi_eigo_bunpou [link] [comments]

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2024.11.28 07:50 Difficult-Work-244 Injektorenreinigung sinnvoll?

Hallo, ich fahre einen Bmw E93 320i aus 2009, der manchmal etwas unruhig läuft (vor allem im Stehen/an Ampeln). Nun wurden mir vor 2 Jahren neue bzw überholte Injektoren „auf Kulanz“ des Händlers eingebaut, das Problem tritt allerdings hin und wieder erneut auf. Da ich bereits einmal einen kompletten Tausch bei meinem 1er zuvor hatte (teurer Spaß :D) wollte ich mal reinhören, ob jemand schonmal so eine Reinigung gemacht hat oder diese sogar in Intervallen regelmäßig durchführen lässt. Der Bosch Service bietet diese glaube ich für etwa 120€ an. Für mehr Laufruhe kippe ich auf Empfehlung meiner Werkstatt alle paar Tankfüllungen eine Flasche Eurosol rein. Sorry, absoluter Laie hier😅 Grüße und gute Fahrt.
submitted by Difficult-Work-244 to automobil [link] [comments]

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I recieved these grades in my f/m 2024 exams. offering help/advice, ask anything you need :)
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This shows how bum daniel is 😭. I am also a daniel glazer😶
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2024.11.28 07:50 Old_Hedwig Review - EclipX vapes winter mint and lemon berry tart

Review - EclipX vapes winter mint and lemon berry tart Excited to share my experience of these new vapes I've just got.
First think i noticed is the smell and taste is super tasty and smooth, love the flavour of the lemon berry tart its sweet and fruity, where are the winter mint has almost a menthol feel to it which is quite different to any other THC vape I've had.
The effects are smooth, not a punchy high given the mix of CBD and other cannabinoids which is exactly what i wanted and why my doctor recommended these. I use the lemon berry tart vape during the day, it is great for my anxiety and just overall productivity and mental state for the day. I go the winter mint for evening to wind down and relax, i don't know what it is about it but its very relaxing but not sedative and i still manage to get a great night sleep.
All together I'm loving both these vapes and will be getting again i recon
submitted by Old_Hedwig to MedicalCannabisOz [link] [comments]

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Tropical Both Queensland
submitted by Nznegativeions to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Hefty_Airline52511 UF, ASU, or OSU Online CS Program? Which Is Best for Grad School?

Hello everyone,
I’m planning to go back to school for a degree in computer science and want to choose the best online program to support my goal of getting into a top-tier graduate school (ideally Ivy League or similarly competitive programs). I’ve been considering UF Online, ASU Online, and OSU Online. Based on your experience or knowledge, which program do you think is the strongest for grad school admissions? I understand factors like GPA, projects, and research matter a lot, but I’d love to hear how these schools are viewed in terms of reputation, support, and opportunities for grad school preparation.
Thanks so much for your advice!
submitted by Hefty_Airline52511 to ASUOnline [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 SergeantCurious Would you attend a climate congress focused on real results?

Hi everyone,
I’ve been thinking a lot about the gap between climate conferences like COP and the actual need for measurable action. What if we had an event that wasn’t just about discussions but focused entirely on building partnerships and delivering real outcomes?
I’m working on an idea called Beyond Promises, a congress that would bring together private companies, governments, and innovators to make real, trackable commitments on climate action.
Here’s how it would differ from what’s out there:

Would you find an event like this valuable? What would you want to see in something like this to make it truly impactful?
I’d love your thoughts as I explore this further!
submitted by SergeantCurious to climatechange [link] [comments]

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2024.11.28 07:50 Parking_Film_5252 Need a OLDER bud to get gay with over my bubble butt irl! I have a hung cock, and love pee, asslicking/sniffing, armpits, spit!! She’s 1.,.,.:.,6! Sess below

submitted by Parking_Film_5252 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]