Tracking Digital Footprints: Using OSINT for Investigative Cybersecurity

2024.11.28 07:50 kmskrishna Tracking Digital Footprints: Using OSINT for Investigative Cybersecurity

Tracking Digital Footprints: Using OSINT for Investigative Cybersecurity submitted by kmskrishna to InfoSecWriteups [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 cyborgsnowflake Is the only advantage of keeping SLS a possibly greater chance at symbolically beating China for the spot of 2nd nation to make a manned visit to the moon?

If I got this straight the only technical reason to keep SLS around even though it needs a fully functionally HLS is that a crewed starship launcher is expected to take much longer to develop?
Okay, assuming SLS works perfectly its still completely unusable to build up or maintain a presence on the Moon so the only thing we're going to get out of it is the possibility of symbolically revisiting (since we've already been there and there are still kinks to work on in the system) the moon at an earlier date. And then we leave. Is that it? Am I missing something?
To build up a permanent presence we're going to have to wait for a full starship/like system anyway right? So what does the SLS really get us? The whole driving force behind this is we're afraid the Chinese will get there before us. But without a similar system to starship they can't do anything either. Except symbolically claim land with a human instead of a robot then also leave.
So lets just go with the hypothetical that they beat us to 2nd place moon landing due to SLS being scrapped and land there a few times. And I guess by physically planting a flag they make a slightly stronger symbolic claim on a couple of places. Does that really matter? Can't we just finish the system that really matters to actually exert control over the lunar surface and build a permanent colony on those couple of spots they claimed if we really really wanted to? Or are we going by Age of Discovery video game rules and if you plant a flag somewhere you own it indisputably no matter what and so we must get there as quickly as possible just in case China claims the only two or three good real estate parcels on the moon?
submitted by cyborgsnowflake to SpaceXLounge [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 CharsiMunda99 Me_irl

Me_irl submitted by CharsiMunda99 to me_irl [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 rnf1985 Just got a ps5.. Can't believe I suffered thru this game on ps4..

I wasn't planning on getting a ps5 for a while but took advantage of black Friday sales and well, here I am lol. Anyway, just came here to say I can't believe how much I suffered through Survivor on ps4 when it plays so well on ps5, at least in terms of frame rate and performance so far. Even the ps4 version on ps4 runs insanely better. While I was waiting for the ps5 version to download, I hopped into my ps4 version and there are still some graphical bugs, but overall the game play is like night and day
submitted by rnf1985 to StarWarsJediSurvivor [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 BRAVO_Eight Myanmar Army EMERK MA-1 Rifle & Chinese NORINCO Type-81 Rifle captured by various state polices + CRPF + BSF + Assam Rifles near India Myanmar border

submitted by BRAVO_Eight to ForgottenWeapons [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Aphridaisyac Ugh.

Tell me why bro was literally on the edge of punch me square in the face and then it reads “Looks down at your lips”? Like what the actually shit? I was wanting you to punch me. I was caught so off guard. We were surrounded by people, yelling at each other. And now all of a sudden he wants to kiss me?! Poly is the best one that I’ve come across so far when looking at it from a best functioning standpoint, but sometimes, I just want to punch someone. Not make out with them. Goodness.
submitted by Aphridaisyac to polyai [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 yblumberg Help identifying this coral or camouflaged fish found in Thailand

I went snorkeling yesterday in Krabi, Thailand (Ko Lao Lading). When reviewing my photos (taken with iPhone 15 Pro Max), I noticed what looks kind of like a camouflaged fish on the right side peeking out from below the hard coral reef. That said, it looks so much like a soft coral up close that I’m guessing it’s just an illusion. Anyway, hoping someone knows more and can help me ID what this is.
submitted by yblumberg to snorkeling [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 kmskrishna The Role of Telegram in the Modern Cybercrime Economy

The Role of Telegram in the Modern Cybercrime Economy submitted by kmskrishna to InfoSecWriteups [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Ok_Neck_6744 [d]THE LAZIEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD Borderless stickers again, incredible but not surprising! It's clear that we'll never get cool stickers like Krakow again.
submitted by Ok_Neck_6744 to csgomarketforum [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Remarkable-Task-5256 Glow or ips bleed

Glow or ips bleed previously I posted that screen has deadpixel and ips glow from all corners it's was so much now I got screen replacement no deadpixels and only little bit glow/bleed at bottom btw it's not visible from other angles I can only see it on straight it's glow or bleed
submitted by Remarkable-Task-5256 to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 EpicMiles25 How fast will tickets sell out ?

This is my first time ever going to a concert, so if yall have past experiences with abel you could let me know
submitted by EpicMiles25 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 CockroachDouble7705 I sometimes worry that my skepticism will ruin my sense of imagination.

I hope it doesn't sound dumb, but sometimes I feel disappointed that the supernatural doesn't exist and that life isn't like the sci-fi and fantasy books I love. This is especially the case given the fact that I am an aspiring writer of horror and weird fiction, and I sometimes have this not entirely rational, but still present fear that my skepticism will take away my imagination and make me unable to write or enjoy any sort of speculative fiction.
Has anyone else dealt with this? If so, how have you overcome this?
submitted by CockroachDouble7705 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Necessary_Explorer_1 Comment faire un DU en common Law ?

Bonjour à tous, Dans le cadre de mes études, et pour développer mes compétences, je souhaite effectuer un DU en common Law, tout du moins une formation qualifiante dans ce domaine. Seulement ma faculté ne propose pas ce genre de DU en présentiel et celles qui le font sont littéralement à l'opposé de là où j'habite actuellement. Savez vous s'il est possible de se former en distanciel pour ce genre de diplômes ?
submitted by Necessary_Explorer_1 to droit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 kmskrishna Make a USB Rubber Ducky with less than $3

submitted by kmskrishna to InfoSecWriteups [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 kronicallynormal Reservist for ASA things to bring

excuse heavy load, what should i bring
submitted by kronicallynormal to NationalServiceSG [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Upbeat-Bullfrog-8454 17201 Chambersburg PA

submitted by Upbeat-Bullfrog-8454 to MassageNearMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Purrrhaps UFO VHS

UFO VHS Some of tapes I picked up awhile ago from one thrift. I think I bought someone’s old UFO conspiracy collection
submitted by Purrrhaps to VHS [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Waiden_CZ Path of Exile Polystone Statue, please!

as a former figure (Hot Toys) and statue collector (Weta, Prime 1, Sideshow), I would love to get Path of Exile statue.
I know there is Solaris and Lunaris statue which was released few years ago (I missed that one) and would like GGG to make new statue in any scale (1/6, 1/4, etc.).
submitted by Waiden_CZ to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Spiritual_Bad- Anybody else feels the urge to constantly steal boost when you put on a black car?

Anybody else feels the urge to constantly steal boost when you put on a black car? submitted by Spiritual_Bad- to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 ZestycloseVehicle699 Test

submitted by ZestycloseVehicle699 to cqs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Particular_Spell8764 Statement from the municipality of Khiyam

أهلنا الشرفاء الكرام.. هنيئاً لكم عودتكم الى قراكم وبيوتكم في الجنوب والضاحية وبيروت والبقاع وبعلبك.. وتبريكاتنا لكل الشهداء الأبطال الذين ضحوا بدمائهم كي تبقى رايات العز والشرف مرفوعة في أرضنا الطاهرة.. وتمنياتنا بالشفاء العاجل لكل الجرحى.. وإعادة الإعمار لكل ما تهدم بأسرع وقت ممكن. أهلنا في الخيام.. نقدّر اندفاعكم للعودة.. ولكن للظروف الخاصة في أرض الخيام الغالية، وفي كل القرى المجاورة التي اجتاح العدو الصهيوني بعض أماكنها، وما زال فيها، وبعد الذي حصل اليوم من إطلاق للنار، نتمنى عليكم: 1- انتظار بيان من السلطات المعنية، تسمح فيه بالدخول الى الخيام، وهذا الأمر يرتبط بآلية الإجراءات لدخول الجيش اللبناني، بعد انسحاب العدو من بعض الشوارع والنقاط التي ما زال متمركزاً فيها. 2- إفساح المجال للجهات المعنية، للمسح الشامل، لرفع القنابل والصواريخ غير المتفجرة، وللتأكد من عدم وجود أماكن مفخخة، وكل ذلك حفاظاً على سلامة العائدين الى منازلهم. 3- الانتظار لرفع الردميات المكدسة في الشوارع كي يتسنى للجميع الدخول بسياراتهم والوصول الى منازلهم. 4- التروي لتفويت أي فرصة على هذا العدو الهمجي بإطلاق النار أو خرق الاتفاق الذي أعادنا الى قرانا مرفوعي الرأس بفضل تضحيات مجاهدينا الأبطال.

 بلدية الخيام في 27 تشرين الثاني 2024 
submitted by Particular_Spell8764 to lebanon [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Ok_Improvement_71 What type of filament should I use for printing tool orgnisers

submitted by Ok_Improvement_71 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Forsaken_Expert_296 Lf: shiny slugma/croagunk

submitted by Forsaken_Expert_296 to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 Midnightkaiser Technoblade never dies

Technoblade never dies submitted by Midnightkaiser to MinecraftMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:50 CJP_94 My jacket now I've applied the patches I currently have

My jacket now I've applied the patches I currently have The patches aren't straight, the one on the back isn't central but I'm happy with how it's turned out so far!
submitted by CJP_94 to jacketsforbattle [link] [comments]