Where does Negative meter go?

2024.11.28 09:59 WinGroundbreaking248 Where does Negative meter go?

Where does Negative meter go? Hello,
I'm trying to set up a doorbell Detection. I just need to find out which wire activates the phone to ring when the doorbell is pressed. I know it's one of these wires (p1?) so I will put the positive meter on them one by one, but where does the negative meter go?
submitted by WinGroundbreaking248 to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 Elegant-Umpire2051 Kik, Pepco milyen boltok munkahely szempontjából?

Mostanában, bár lehet a karácsony miatt, de látok ezekre egy jó pár részmunkaidős állást. Milyen ezeken a helyeken dolgozni? Az ünnepi időszak után kitesznek?
submitted by Elegant-Umpire2051 to jobshungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 Hero0fTheFallen Travel location for my wife, with a 6 month old in March?

Hi all, looking to fly out off the UK on march 9th for a weekend away to suprise the wife.
What are some good locations for a weekend break with a baby ?
submitted by Hero0fTheFallen to travel [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 tigerjjw53 Can’t pick up the decryption key after setting up a mesh shield?

It drops the first time you pick it up. You have to wait for a second to pick it up.
submitted by tigerjjw53 to thefinals [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 Kobaljov Rossz előzés miatt nekiütközött a vele szembe jövő Suzukinak, majd lazán sorsára hagyta a megpördülő és fának csapódó autóst

Rossz előzés miatt nekiütközött a vele szembe jövő Suzukinak, majd lazán sorsára hagyta a megpördülő és fának csapódó autóst submitted by Kobaljov to hungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 --Scarecrow_ Who's currently allowed to fall in love with you?

submitted by --Scarecrow_ to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 nuclearnebula ramps for ∞ metres

ramps for ∞ metres submitted by nuclearnebula to LiminalSpace [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 pawaww Can I ask what created these

Can I ask if you know what created these animations I saw on instagram?
I try and keep up with the local engines like forgeui and swarm but the industry moves so fast, I take a break for a few months and the outputs look generations apart.
submitted by pawaww to aiArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 Natural_Handle_7153 need help with 2200 mythic essence

I purchased one of the arcane borders for 250 tokens and now i decided to buy the pass to get to 2200 tokens for 125 mythic. Can i still get to 2200 even after spending the 250 tokens? I can grind if i want but can i earn more tokens even after i finish the XP missions?
submitted by Natural_Handle_7153 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 ArcaneRomz A very powerful Archmage is backing me.

A very powerful Archmage is backing me. This is my reference for my resume for our upcoming mock-interview. With such a powerful man backing me, I doubt I wouldn't pass the job interview simulation. Hazah! Glory to the most powerful archmage in all the worlds!
submitted by ArcaneRomz to ProgressionFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 Silent-Sir-1896 Boxing mma vs regular boxing

I want to now the differences in boxing in mma vs regular boxing, I know high guard helps with head kicks and to keep your hand ready for takedowns. Is there any thing else like leaning on leg, relying on more head movement, footwork differences, anything and everything helps
submitted by Silent-Sir-1896 to MMA_Academy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 putput420 The waiting game

The waiting game submitted by putput420 to DOG [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 coalpatra Test Analysis.

Why is it so frustrating to get your writings out there??? Every platform wants you to be a paid member when you haven't even tested their product to see if you'd enjoy their service.
submitted by coalpatra to Journaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 abjinternational Britney Spears flashes her underwear in a sheer dress as she dances around in her huge bathroom

Britney Spears flashes her underwear in a sheer dress as she dances around in her huge bathroom submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 Leberkas3000 Spenden von Großunternehmen

Ich weiß ja, dass hier viele schlaue Köpfe im Schwarm sind, deswegen würde ich gern hier mir Feedback für ein Projekt in Österreich einholen.
Ich bin in der Situation, dass ich ein -durch eine Stiftung unterstütztes- Projekt starte. Es soll eine Plattform entwickelt werden, die lokale Großunternehmen jährlich diverse Spendenmöglichkeiten für regionale Bedürfnisse (Fokus Entwicklung junger Menschen) aufzeigt und erbittet. Dabei sollen langfristige und möglichst wirksame Spendenprojekte entwickelt werden.
Ich muss die Projektidee präsentieren und den Segen der Stiftung bekommen, damit ich das Projekt aufsetzen kann.
Hat hier jemand einen guten Input? Was ist an der Idee schlecht, woran könnte das scheitern?
Ich bin dankbar für jeden Input!
submitted by Leberkas3000 to Austria [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 ElectronicPage5620 Is it legal for an employer to cut an employee's salary?

Hello guys, I'll get straight to the question: Can an employer in Poland deduct money from their employee's salary (under umowe zlecenie)? If so, under what conditions are they allowed to do this?
Yes, it's stated in the contract and yes it is signed by the employee.
The issue is, the employer deducts as much as they can under the clause of non-compliance with company rules. They have more 20+ rules from which salaries can be deducted and new ones are introduced every two weeks or every month. It is more of a practice than a "warning" and their business is built on this.
Basically, this "right" they have is abused and they can deduct salaries from very minor things such as not washing your dishes during lunch hour (things that are not related to how you perform your wok). Is there anyone who can enlighten me on the law related to this issue? Because almost everyone at this specific company ends up getting at least one penalty each month and therefore cannot receive their full salary like a normal employee.
I would like to add that, these penalties are not listed in the pay check either.
submitted by ElectronicPage5620 to krakow [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 bragi_ Which of these 3 monitors is best?

I am looking to buy a new monitor on Black Friday deals. I have been looking around and narrowed it down to three monitors, and was looking to get feedback from any of you if I you should have experience with one or more of these:
Monitor 1: AOC Q27G3XMN (rtings). Found at ~300$
Monitor 2: Acer Nitro XV275U P3 (rtings). Found at ~200$
Monitor 3: Lenovo Legion Y27qf-30 (no rtings review). Found at ~300$
I am a bit hooked on #3, as I am yet to find anyone talking bad about it. But I am hesitant because I can't compare it through rtings (or anything similar).
The price is not so big of a deal - I am more interested in finding the best monitor of these three. It will be used for both gaming and work.
Any feedback is welcome. Thanks!
submitted by bragi_ to buildapcmonitors [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 Active-Tough5871 1966 Penny Worth?

1966 Penny Worth? My mom found this penny a while back at a garage sale by accident and apparently it could be worth a good amount? The main things I researched about it was the L in “Liberty” being near the edge of the coin and the two 6’s being open instead of closed… let me know what you think please 🙏
submitted by Active-Tough5871 to coincollecting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 Rockmage_1234 So this is a mistake right?

So this is a mistake right? https://preview.redd.it/ynong7cb7m3e1.png?width=219&format=png&auto=webp&s=e51892fe664a1213a02311e052e0312dce6ce611
In help wanted dlc curse of dreadbear a sign shows us this takes place in 1983. And we are also shown a total lunar eclipse. But this cant be true since there is no total lunar eclispe in 1983 only partial and Penumbral. Maybe you c an say that they just got the image wrong, well that cant be true since there are only 2 months an eclipse happens, june and December but fallfest can only take place in September or march why these date? so wool messed up (very likely since for the 1979 fallfest the date matches perfectly being in September 6 and also having a total lunar eclispe) So now what?
|| || ||
submitted by Rockmage_1234 to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 MuieLaSaraci SURSE Cererea de anulare la CCR a turului 1 al alegerilor prezidențiale se bazează pe corecturile din câteva secții a voturilor pentru Ludovic Orban, corectură asumată de toți membrii secțiilor de vot / E posibilă o amânare a deciziei CCR

SURSE Cererea de anulare la CCR a turului 1 al alegerilor prezidențiale se bazează pe corecturile din câteva secții a voturilor pentru Ludovic Orban, corectură asumată de toți membrii secțiilor de vot / E posibilă o amânare a deciziei CCR submitted by MuieLaSaraci to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 b4r0k Vocês também sentem falta de comemorar o gol sem medo?

Já não comemoramos o gol da mesma forma. Mesmo com a bola na rede, não sabemos se podemos comemorar ou não. Sem falar em pênaltis e impedimentos duvidosos marcados pelo VAR, muitas vezes minutos após o acontecido.
Validações de impedimento e se a bola entrou ou não devem ser feitas de forma imediata e sinalizadas na forma de luz verde ou vermelha (similar à bandeirinha), onde todos podem ver em tempo real se houve infração ou não. Se for verde, pode comemorar sabendo que o VAR já tomou a decisão.
Exceções seriam para lances de violência que não foram testemunhados pelos árbitros de campo.
Até lá, prefiro que o VAR apenas seja usado para lances violentos. A alegria do gol deve ser preservada. E quero comemorar qualquer gol como ainda comemoro gol de escanteio que sei que não existe impedimento.
submitted by b4r0k to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 Kameyru Leekdrel

Leekdrel submitted by Kameyru to PedroPeepos [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 thatmushroomboi Can I still wear fake nails?

I just had a set of fake nails on for like a week and a half or so, just fake nails with nail glue. And it seems like the new growth is almost deformed on one nail? What I’m reading is that it’s another thing that’s affected from psoriasis. It seems dipped on my other thumb aswell. Can I still wear fake nails? I’m unsure on any of this I’m still new to having psoriasis I guess?( I think 7 years or so?) I don’t wear fake nails often. I hope this post is ok!!
submitted by thatmushroomboi to Psoriasis [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 Dry-Training-4754 Unable to complete ID verification to access my account - app just says unable to process at this time. Help required

Been trying this for over a week now and no luck.
submitted by Dry-Training-4754 to trading212 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:59 Shabeeh97 New in Islamabad, looking to meet like-minded people!

Hey everyone, I’m new in Islamabad and looking to connect with fun, open-minded people for casual hangouts and good vibes. I’m a chill, easygoing person who loves exploring new places, trying good food, and having meaningful conversations.
If you’re interested in making a connection, hit me up, and let’s see where things go!
submitted by Shabeeh97 to islamabad_swingers [link] [comments]
