🔥 The Truth About Mac Upgrade Performance That I Found

2024.11.28 12:42 sjdeak 🔥 The Truth About Mac Upgrade Performance That I Found

submitted by sjdeak to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 Prestigious-Chard322 4.5 EXETER TAKING THEIR TIME BREAD BUT IT IS OK

4.5 EXETER TAKING THEIR TIME BREAD BUT IT IS OK submitted by Prestigious-Chard322 to 6thForm [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 maquinas501 The Awareness Group CEO Discusses Solar Innovation on Benzinga's All-Access

Investing in The Awareness Group (OTC: FHLD) offers a competitive advantage in the booming solar industry.
This news matters because it sheds light on the efforts of The Awareness Group to democratize solar energy and provide financing solutions for projects. It also highlights the company's mission to make solar accessible to clients who may not qualify for traditional credit channels.
Read More https://newsramp.com/curated-news/the-awareness-group-ceo-discusses-solar-innovation-on-benzinga-s-all-access/17d6dd7920fe72ae870b3d52e329a47c
submitted by maquinas501 to Energy_Climate_News [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 HIDKWTDIJHJAILI Original name of European countries in Latin language

submitted by HIDKWTDIJHJAILI to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 HereForTheFreeShasta What are you thankful for? Wrong answers only

Happy Thanksgiving! There is a lot to be thankful for, but on a lighthearted note, I’ll go first:
When my MA calls out and her temp rooms my patients on time!
submitted by HereForTheFreeShasta to FamilyMedicine [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 Agreeable-Pop1878 Yapping too much lmao

i yap too much and change myself around her like be quiet and shit
submitted by Agreeable-Pop1878 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 Capital-Jellyfish524 Eyewitness and accidentally recorded footage of civilians with bullets wounds and violence on protesters. Watch full video, merged many parts in it. Also read context to get full story of the situation

Context: i am a resident of isb, we locals heard through one another that the protestors have reached isb near d-chowk, as most of our internet was down, we didn’t had any way to verify this news so we decided to go there and wanted to analyse the situation.
What we saw: We reached to the faisal avaneue at almost 2:30pm. The moment we reached there all pti vans and wagons were arranged and organized in a way that no upcoming traffic or protestor coming from isb pindi should not face any kind of traffic trouble. A mass crowd was going forward.
The first thing we saw was that local residents of nearby families esp women and aged people were giving food , water and medicines to the protestors. (Shown in video)
Note: These are the visual of the starting point of pti protestors “FAISAL AVENUE” the protesters were huge estimated to more than 70 thousand as the road was filled from faisal avenue from centaurus to china chowk to some front liner protestors resisting at d-chowk.
As we were on the starting point nearby families we thought or assumed that everything is so peaceful and going good .! People are ok there is no violence what we didn’t knew was that it was the starting point and we didn’t knew what was happening above this point. So i just picked my phone to record hospitality of people and moved forward and damn i saw a man bleeding to the road on a bike and he was shot multiple bullets in his legs, his shalwar was filled with blood.! This is where we realised the situation is so chaotic and voilent.!
We asked the wounded person on bike with others to follow us to pims but fortunately we saw an ambulance near pti wagons were parked and we dropped him there.! (Shown in video) the wounded person was on front near d-chowk where he got shot and then carried to back by a bike.! Back there near faisal avenue people were calm because chaos didn’t reached there at that time.
Than we parked our bike and went on feet.! We didn’t go far where shelling and firing was taking place but were roaming in a safe place in front of state life building where there was a mosque where protesters were praying and sitting calmly it felt like all is going right untill the moment we heard massive repitive bulltets hitting the road from top.! Immediately there was chaos people who were praying and sitting there peacefully just became chaotic and tried to find where the bullets were coming from and they were coming from the buildings and they were directly firing at people i felt like a bullet is gonna land on my feet and while running trying to save my life i got my ankle broken so my friend went to where bike was parked and then carried me to home .!
All of this i mentioned was happening around 2-4pm. I saw myself bullets landing on road and sounds of gunfire and 3-4 people with bullets in their body bleeding when i finally broke my ankle and came home.! If all of this was happening in daylight i can just assume what would be happenning at night when there was darkness and armed forces started their operation.
I remember saying this to my friend “kay itny zyda loug hai hazaro ki tadad main the only way they are displaced or dispersed is by massive firing at them otherwise on hand to hand combat or lathi charge or shelling cant stop these people and exactly like that happened in a few minutes and later on at night” i was not imagining these evil pieces of shits would massacre so many people.
I must say the protestors were so peaceful and taking care of eachother it was shocking for me to see people were like best friend to stranger on just one cause that they have came for same cause. There are so many fancy spots near blue area, atms, sitting areas of restaurants and metro station but I didn’t see a single protestor destroying and damaging public property only thing they were doing was flipping the container or putting sand out of those containers.!
It’s a shame we live in a country where basic rights are not provided. Where government open fires at civilians and don’t have basic humanity .! I can’t put my self to sleep thinking about what had happened at night which dispersed a huge amount of people in minutes.? People are making fun of this situation and not taking blame for the bloodshed and violence they brought up to the civilians and shame on pti leadership for abandoning their workers on the raham o karam of evil army while they fled and the punjab leadership didn’t bothered to come. One of the saddest day in Pakistan.
All that time when i broke my ankle while running .! I sat down when i couldn’t walk i was asking myself how would have that men i just dropped to ambulance would be feeling he had bullets in his legs while comparing i just have a casual pain of ankle sprain. If this is hurting me so much then the pain of bullets in your body or losing someone you love would be hella devastating.!
I remember this quote : “War is delightful for those, who have had no experience of it”
submitted by Capital-Jellyfish524 to thepaknarrative [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 gotzapai I am staying in a temporary rental but I found a new place

 I am staying in a temporary rental but I found a new place I am renting a small room and have a "contract" with the owner for 3 months (~1 Oct to 31 Dec). I found a proper rent starting from Dec 1st and I want to know if I am obligated to pay the owner for the month of December too.
I don't want to spend money on two places. The owner said that if someone books the room (via Airbnb), she will give me back part of the rent depending on how many days the new renter stays.
I am not registered at that place and initially I found it on airbnb but then the next month I paid outside the app(it was cheaper without the fees).
Would I be entitled to leave without paying an additional month if my contract is temporary and labeled "voorkamer"?
Thank you for the help 🙏
submitted by gotzapai to NetherlandsHousing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 Specific-Plenty1536 digital perm

lf salons nga naga offer digital/korean perm kato wavy lang bitaw. drop ur recos 🙏🏻
submitted by Specific-Plenty1536 to cagayandeoro [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 minecraftdummy57 whatTheFlyingfuckisChatGPTon

whatTheFlyingfuckisChatGPTon submitted by minecraftdummy57 to ProgrammerHumor [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 Melodic_Till_3108 Harry Potter London

has anyone got any tickets for the london studio from 26 to 29 december? i’m surpising my sister from romania to go there but i can t find any tickets… i am willing to pay extra by a lot if needed
submitted by Melodic_Till_3108 to harrypotter [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 RooBoy04 Heavy defeats are what Japan need - boss Jones

Heavy defeats are what Japan need - boss Jones submitted by RooBoy04 to rugbyunion [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 AssociationLittle842 Good job, Mr Morgan!

Good job, Mr Morgan! submitted by AssociationLittle842 to RDR2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 Interesting-Cat-439 medicação pós operatória

medicação pós operatória oi gente!!
ontem meu gatinho passou por uma castração, como vcs puderam ver no meu penúltimo post.
hoje eu tentei começar a medicar ele, mas está sendo muito difícil.
primeiro, eu tentei apenas colocar os remédios (amoxicilina e dipirona) na seringa e dar direto na boca dele, o segurando e injetando o remédio pelo canto da boca. ele começou a se debater, e no processo me arranhou bastante até conseguir se desprender.
depois, tentei misturar os remédios no patêzinho dele. ele deu duas mastigadinhas e largou o resto do patê pra trás.
depois, tentei intercalar Churu e remédio na seringa, sem sucesso novamente.
e, como última tentativa, coloquei somente churu na seringa, fiz ele comer um pouco e ver que o que tem ali é bom, e depois misturei churu com o remédio e coloquei na seringa, na hora que ele lambeu ele se recusou e não quis mais, e tentei novamente o método de colocar no canto da boca. consegui injetar todo medicamento a tempo, mas ele se debateu todo novamente e sai com mais arranhados. ele saiu pulando e correndo, e ficou um rastro de remédio pela casa toda. parece que ele cuspiu tudo :/
depois disso tudo, ele visivelmente estava com medo de mim, eu chegava perto ele murchava e dava a entender que ia sair correndo. quando pegava ele, ele tentava se agarrar em mim com as unhas, indicando que estava com medo.
decidi dar churu normalmente como “tratado de paz”, e desisti de dar a medicação.
gostaria de saber alguma dica pra dar esses dois medicamentos pra ele sem passar por todo esse sofrimento, não quero que ele se estresse e sofra no processo e não quero nunca jamais que ele fique com medo/raiva de mim e me associe a algo negativo. vi que existem capsulas vazias, mas como preciso dar o remédio a partir de hoje por 7 dias e essas cápsulas eu só encontro na internet, é impossível que elas cheguem a tempo. além de que nunca dei comprimido pra ele, imagino que a experiência seria ruim do mesmo jeito e ele desenvolveria esse medo de mim.
estou preso numa sinuca de bico, o que eu faço??
(aqui vai umas fotinhas dele ontem após ele acordar, já que muitos de vocês pediram, inclusive uma foto das patinhas de vaca dele!!!)
PS: ele estava sem o elizabetano pois estava dando patĂŞ pra ele e ele estava sendo supervisionado
submitted by Interesting-Cat-439 to ApoioVet [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 Sr-rookjesko Why is 4 chan so gay?

Why is 4 chan so gay? submitted by Sr-rookjesko to shitposting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 Oscarj31 [Red dead Redemption 2] All’s Fair

Hi, would anyone be able to help me with the All’s fair trophy ?
submitted by Oscarj31 to Trophies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 Grouchy_Temporary433 In season championship cards

Did I miss something. Just seen that they have released in season Burnley cards. Burnley are currently in the EFL championship. Are they now going to add the other championship teams. (I'm a Blackburn fan and the thought of having burnley cards available but not Blackburn is intollerable.)
submitted by Grouchy_Temporary433 to Sorare [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 DireBeastZero What time does the 21 round mags and p365 axg grip modules go live?

What time does the 21 round mags and p365 axg grip modules go live? submitted by DireBeastZero to p365xmacro [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 jackmitch383 How difficult is an apprenticeship

Good afternoon!
I hope everyone is doing well. Recently I have just applied for an apprenticeship pharmacy technician role in my local pharmacy in the UK, and have been offered an interview.
And I’m basically just wondering how demanding this role can be and if it’s some that someone with no university experience or any experience in the medical field could have and go on to succeed in. I have previously worked in retail, in a hospital where I transported the pharmacy drugs to patients, and then finally an IT technician apprenticeship, which i fell out of love for unfortunately.
I’m basically just wondering how difficult this apprenticeship would be for someone with no previous pharmaceutical experience. Thank you for reading and have an amazing day :)
submitted by jackmitch383 to Pharmacy_UK [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 morticiathebong I'm over-anthropomorphizing my cats actions and it's hurting our relationship

Does anyone else have similar experience? I like with my two cats, they're brothers I caught last year as tiny kittens behind my old workplace. They have only ever known me and the limited family/friend visits. I originally did not want to keep them I think that has been the hardest part of accepting that I DID keep them, and that I do love them, but I guess after one year together I'm starting to leave this honeymoon phase. Cute kittens are easy to forgive, but as they get older I'm struggling with my frustration more.
One cat is a perfect angel, Beetle, never does anything it seems intentionally, really just kind of less intelligent seeming and so if something gets messed up and I saw him do it, 10/10 times it's because he got startled or some other organic means. He is a good cat and I have no issues with him.
His brother Toad, though, is a different story.
Toad is intelligent. I can see it in his face. Not like supercat smart, but smart for a cat. He has goals and intentions you can REALLY tell! Here is where the anthropomorphizing begins. I am constantly catching myself thinking that his simple cat ambitions are more than they are. That he is always trying to be dominant over me. He acts in a way I'd expect a herd animal to challenge the pecking order. I understand cat hierarchies are different than that, but that's truly what it seems like.
He creates chaos willfully to get attention because one can't help but address the things he does to instigate. Open and shut cabinets loudly, splash his water out of the fountain, anything he knows with a sound gets a rise out of me and gets my attention.
Between this and competing with me to be in charge, I was just wondering if anyone else has a similar experience and had come up with ways to cope with it. I completely can tell that he needs more genuine affection and attention - it's just hard to give it when he keeps me in a constant state of aggravation! So I'm asking about the human side I guess. How do you engage with pet personalities through the lens of your own bias? How do you deal with your frustration with a nonverbal entity??
Thanks in advance, hope this comment helps others :(
submitted by morticiathebong to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 wewdwtnizrub Viviscal Black Friday Coupon Code

Unlock the Viviscal Black Friday Coupon Code
Get amazing Viviscal deals and offers with our verified promo codes for November 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to dealssofjuly [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 Soggy1Fries Dear therians

I'm not a therian hater this is just a genuine question
Why do you guys wanna be animals so bad? I mean, I get it to be honest, humanity sucks but let's say you get reincarnated into a wild animal or whatever your theriotype is and suddenly you gotta hunt your own food, you can't scratch your back cuz of your animals limbs, you get parasites, you get hunted, you get an infection and you can't treat it cuz there's obviously no doctor out in the wild. Etc.
Like obviously I've also dreamed of being an animal and running around and stuff but there's definitely more cons than pros
submitted by Soggy1Fries to AntiTheriansUnite [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 surveycircle_bot KI und Stress am Arbeitsplatz

KI und Stress am Arbeitsplatz submitted by surveycircle_bot to SurveyCircle_de [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 leuchterfisch Besuch bei löfflern

submitted by leuchterfisch to PraiseTheFork [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:42 VerzatileDev UI Autumn ( User Interface Free) See down below!

UI Autumn ( User Interface Free) See down below! submitted by VerzatileDev to gameassets [link] [comments]
