Those who know

2024.11.28 10:49 Nightscone Those who know

Those who know submitted by Nightscone to MandJTV [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 chalky87 What profession do you respect the least even if you know they're just earning a living and may well be a good person?

submitted by chalky87 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 kitmademedoit building more than one house

building more than one house Hi guys im new to the game :) can i build more than one house without buying a pack? Whenever i click on the plus sign it doesnt let me build another house. Thanks!
submitted by kitmademedoit to tocaboca [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 HabuDabi123 Budget ventilation options

Budget ventilation options Hey, What are some of the best budget options for a ventilation system (up to 80-100€)? I just can’t afford an inline duct fan with carbon filter for 160€
submitted by HabuDabi123 to GrowingMarijuana [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 Pristine-Light1804 Vörös szobák (Les chambres rouges / Red Rooms) 2023

Vörös szobák (Les chambres rouges / Red Rooms) 2023 HBO max-on elérhető.
Látta valaki? Vélemény?
Számomra nagyon egyedi és új megközelítés a sorozatgyilkos filmek között.
Lassan építkezik, nyomaszt, napokig a gondolataidban marad a film, nálam 10/10.
submitted by Pristine-Light1804 to kibeszelo_show [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 themeparkgirly Black Friday vs Presale

Apologies if this has already been asked, but in previous years how much lower has the Black Friday deal been in comparison to the Presale code that's currently running? I don't get paid until midnight, so I'm holding off ordering until then, but just trying to gauge how much discount I will get tomorrow for budgeting purposes as I've seen that the discount on Black Friday itself is usually lower. Thanks in advance! 😊
submitted by themeparkgirly to LoopEarplugs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 Pretzelsareformen Happy “High” Thanksgiving

I just want to post my appreciation for such a wonderful plant and the fact that it has strangely brought us all together. I’ve met a lot of very cool people in this group and I’m grateful for you all.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Now stop reading this, and light one up!!
submitted by Pretzelsareformen to SLCTrees [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 beers_n_bad_habits Advice for fire knight? Also advice in general

Advice for fire knight? Also advice in general I'm somewhat new and have melted hours in but I don't see half of these champions talked about so I don't really know what teams I could prioritize building for which dungeons/bosses ect
Any tips help, fireknight dragon and ice golem are main objectives thank you!
submitted by beers_n_bad_habits to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 Sensitive-Signal-777 Wenn man das will, was man nicht haben kann..

Throwaway - da besagte Person auch hier unterwegs ist.
Ich (w/31) bin nach meiner letzten Trennung ewiger Single. Die Beziehung war sehr konservativ, ich habe die "typische Frauenrolle" eingenommen und das total idealisiert. Nach der Trennung merkte ich, dass es nicht die Art von Beziehung war, die ich mir eigentlich wünsche. Außerdem hast mich die Beziehung sehr belastet und auch gut traumatisiert - was unter anderem einer der Gründe für mein ewiges Single-Dasein ist; ich habe krasse Bindungsängste und auch das Gefühl nicht genug/eine Last für einen Partner zu sein. Es scheitert nicht an Bewerbern oder meiner Äußerlichkeiten/meinem Charakter. Ich komme super gut fast jedem Typ Mensch klar und bin auch sehr offen und "sympathisch" - ist zumindest das Feedback was ich oft kriege.
Nun denn. Seit ich im Beruf bin, gilt für mich Never fck the company und das war mir auch immer wichtig. Nun habe ich einen Kollegen, mit dem ich mich sehr gut verstehe. Wir waren auch schon privat mit anderen Kollegen mal was trinken oder haben uns für Unternehmungen getroffen und sehr harmoniert. Er ist unglaublich süß, humorvoll, sieht gut aus aber ich glaube, das ist ihm gar nicht so bewusst. Gefestigt hat sich unsere "Freunschaft", als ich einen privaten Trauerfall hatte - eigentlich halte ich privat und Business streng getrennt, aber es hat mich so sehr getroffen, dass ich es mir hab auf der Arbeit anmerken lassen und er hat mich getröstet. Anschließend auch abgelenkt und mit mir ausgegangen, was getrunken und auch telefoniert. Das hat irgendein Eis gebrochen, weil ich ab dann einen Spitznamen bekommen hab und er viel offener zu mir ist. Jetzt kommt allerdings der Haken: er ist mein Vorgesetzter. Wir sind auf der Ebene zwar professionell, aber es fühlt sich mehr an wie ein "normaler" Arbeitskollege. Ich hasse es.
Seit Jahren hab ich endlich wen, wo ich sagen kann, ich fühle mich bei ihm wohl, und dann das. Kündigen ist keine Option und Chancen sehe ich da also auch nicht. Leider setzt sich mir immer mehr die rosarote Brille auf, ich idealisiere was er tut und interpretiere in das ein oder andere zu viel rein. Wer hätte gedacht, dass man mit Ü30 immer noch die selben Schmetterlinge im Bauch hat, wie zu Jugendzeiten.
Was mache ich nun? Distanziere ich mich von dem Gedanken? Wie werd ich die Schmetterlinge los, denn rein logisch und pragmatisch gesehen, hat das keine Zukunft, oder?
submitted by Sensitive-Signal-777 to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 _BrokeG37 What do you guys think of the new Z1 supercharger/ procharger kit?

Me personally I don’t like the idea of spending 5.8 to like 7.8 k for a 500 whp kit when you can get a vortech kit for like 6k and make 400 whp on baby boost like 6 psi. No videos on the new kit as far as I researched, but my opinion may change if some really good install and dyno videos come out for it. What do you guys think of this kit?
submitted by _BrokeG37 to G35 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 Intelligent_Rope4691 FROM 8 TO 16 MILLION IN A DAY🐍🐍🐍 AND WE GETTING LISTED IN 3 HOURS HOP IN NOW 🚀🚀📈📈📈📈 SSSSS

FROM 8 TO 16 MILLION IN A DAY🐍🐍🐍 AND WE GETTING LISTED IN 3 HOURS HOP IN NOW 🚀🚀📈📈📈📈 SSSSS submitted by Intelligent_Rope4691 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 Sad_Minimum1909 ZAMAZENTA raid on me!! 279974228095

ZAMAZENTA raid on me!! 279974228095 submitted by Sad_Minimum1909 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 sihtsiymusername FujiC200 shot two stops overexposed

Ended up shooting it on 100 ASA, and because I assumed it was on 200 ASA, I ended up using shutter speeds that were 1 stop over what my lightmeter recommended because that's what I do typically.
How screwed are my photos now that they are probably 2 stops overexposed? (Used a Canonet, the original)
submitted by sihtsiymusername to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 IngenuityAgile2943 DATE OF RESULTS of BEE

when are results of entrance exam if pass or fail for BEE exam
submitted by IngenuityAgile2943 to Benilde [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 szilagyipal Commission fines Pierre Cardin and its licensee Ahlers €5.7 million for restricting cross-border sales of clothing

Commission fines Pierre Cardin and its licensee Ahlers €5.7 million for restricting cross-border sales of clothing submitted by szilagyipal to eucompetitionlaw [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 Scared_Ad5422 I am so fucking happy

I am so fucking happy I am drunk, Sadie and I have found our family, we are happy here, and we are about to start our new lives together with the ones who love us!
submitted by Scared_Ad5422 to Crippled_Alcoholics [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 GrabEmByTheGraboid People aren't going to have the stamina to listen to Democrats for the next four years.

It's pretty clear that the Democratic party is going to pull the same thing they did from 2017-2021, trying to keep every in a heightened state of fear and anger every day at the Trump administration.
I just don't think it's going to work this time like it did last time. People are already fed up with the problems of the Biden administration.
They just don't have the stamina to be politically riles up everyday for the next four years.
I think they just want to get on with life.
submitted by GrabEmByTheGraboid to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 naxter3000 Remember to join the Min's Thanksgiving ride

You need to burn off those calories and make room for some more pie.
Gobble, Gobble (link to ride)
submitted by naxter3000 to Zwift [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 1VFXProductions Film Riot - Blender Stripper Robot

Film Riot - Blender Stripper Robot submitted by 1VFXProductions to blender [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 elmereddit My setup has been feeling a tad boring lately, and I need something fresh. Any suggestions? Swipe for the right ear. <3

My setup has been feeling a tad boring lately, and I need something fresh. Any suggestions? Swipe for the right ear. <3 submitted by elmereddit to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 Embarrassed_Yak1094 [Amazon]15% OFF Brother Sewing Machine, XM2701, Lightweight Machine with 27 Stitches-$109.99

submitted by Embarrassed_Yak1094 to Extradeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 Altercode_F (PSA) Sofirn Q8 Plus owners with flat top 21700 batteries

(PSA) Sofirn Q8 Plus owners with flat top 21700 batteries My Q8 Plus just arrived today, and seeing that it has a known track record of not playing nice with flat top batteries, people have been recommending the use of the button top adapter from convoy as the solution.
As a new owner myself, I also wondered whether this will fit as there has been no actual confirmation (with photos) that I could find, but I do already have a 3x21D and 3x21A that I can 'borrow' the adapter from.
In short, the adapter's pin placement is compatible with the Q8 Plus, but the diameter is too wide to fit.
Fortunately, it's not too difficult to grind down the outer edges to allow it to recess fully into the tube.
Happy modding!
submitted by Altercode_F to flashlight [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 Maximustheinvincible Sinister six: We are not really heroes pose credit scene leak

Scene: A cozy shawarma restaurant, late at night. The Sinister Six are seated around a table, enjoying their meal.
Kraven: (taking a big bite) I must admit, this is quite delicious. Who knew shawarma could be so satisfying after a battle?
Rhino: (grinning) Told you guys, nothing beats a good meal after smashing some symbiote scum. Plus, it's on me tonight!
Morbius: (smiling) I appreciate the gesture, Rhino. It's nice to have a moment of peace after everything Knulls done to us.
Agony: (nodding) Agreed. And the lightning scars are a nice touch, don't you think? Adds some flair to the team.
Vulture: (chuckling) You and your lightning. But yeah, we did good out there. Who would've thought we'd end up saving the world?
Madame Web: (smiling warmly) We may not be traditional heroes, but we proved that we can make a difference. And we did it together.
Kraven: (raising his glass) To Venom. His sacrifice brought us together and gave us the strength to fight.
All: (raising their glasses) To Venom!
Rhino: (taking another bite) So, what's next for us? More world-saving, or do we get to relax for a bit?
Morbius: (thoughtfully) I think we deserve a break. But we should stay ready. Who knows what other threats might come our way?
Agony: (smirking) As long as we have shawarma after, I'm in.
Vulture: (laughing) Deal. But next time, someone else is picking up the tab.
Madame Web: (smiling) We'll face whatever comes together. For now, let's enjoy this moment. We've earned it.
Kraven: (nodding) Agreed. To the Sinister Six. We may not be heroes, but we're a team.
All: (clinking glasses) To the Sinister Six!
I hope you enjoyed this lighthearted moment with the Sinister Six! Would you like to explore more adventures or conversations with them?
submitted by Maximustheinvincible to SUMC [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 ElizabethViegas Má Otimização de Enigma do Medo

É rapaziada, tamo na reta final, faltam algumas horas pro lançamento do jogo e eu estou com medo.
Todo mundo sofreu uma decepção tremenda quando a Demo saiu, completamente má otimizada e até mesmo computadores high level sofrendo pra rodar o jogo. Parte foi resolvido durante em demo e, apesar da frustração, eu mantive esperança que tava tudo bem, que eles iriam consertar agora com um escolpo maior de computadores que não conseguiam rodar o jogo.
Mas então comecei a olhar as reviews de Early-access. Pessoas com computadores muito muito acima da média tem rodado o jogo liso, felizmente, engasgando em poucas partes. Mas outros computadores, com as especificações ACIMA das recomendadas tem tido problemas ao ABRIR o jogo. Isso é uma coisa que me deixa tão, mas tão triste.
Conversei com alguns amigos sobre isso no meio tempo e eles usaram a desculpa de ser brasileiro, de que era indie e tudo bem eles falharem. Eu acho nada a ver. Eu não tenho dúvidas de que o jogo, fora a otimização, será uma experiência como nenhuma outra, mas os caras não conseguiram otimizar um jogo grande desses nem mesmo pra especificações que eles deram? Isso é bizarro.
Eu não fico decepcionada porque terei uma experiência ruim, imagino que meu computador aguente, mas e as outras pessoas? E toda a promessa desse jogo? Vai tudo pro lixo se for lançado do jeito que tá o early-access.
Ainda assim, mantenho a esperança de que no lançamento a má otimização será resolvida. Porque se não, vou jogar sem olhar nada na comunidade pra não me decepcionar com esse desacerto da desenvolvedora.
submitted by ElizabethViegas to OrdemParanormalRPG [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:49 Minalbinha Let me introduce Cacau and Pipoca

And their texugo little brother, Cenoura.
submitted by Minalbinha to CalicoKittys [link] [comments]