Quality issues with PLA

我的世界怎么用kill指令只杀死所有怪物?杀死已生成的所有苦力怕:/kill @e[type=creeper]杀死已生成的所有骷髅:/kill @e[type=skeleton]杀死已生成的所有僵尸:/kill @e[type=zombie]杀死已生成的所有蜘 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... pla 部件往往具有更亮的表面,而 abs 往往具有更哑光的表面。这两种材料也可以在打印后上漆装饰。abs 通常比 pla更容易后处理。首先,虽然两者都可以打磨,但由于 abs 的耐用性,该过程更容易。pla 也更难打磨,因为它的耐热性低,更容易熔化。 PLA打印温度最好不要超过230,底板温度保持在40以下35左右,为了以防万一,你可以在网上买一罐白乳胶(水溶性)刷在底板上,加热后晾干就可以打印了,取模型可以用水冲洗,白乳胶不但可以防止翘边也容易取模型,我试过FDM最大打印1250mm的模型就是用的白乳胶。 pla材料适宜在高温环境中降解,因为微生物含量高。土壤可提供适宜的降解环境,但温度需达到约60°c(pla的玻璃化转变温度50-60℃),因此一般需要提供人工堆肥条件。因此,实际上在普通室温和压力条件下,pla的自然降解速度要慢得多,可能需要数年时间。 在80年代的北约fofa策略下,即使北约提前动员48小时对兵营攻击,0动员状态的pla(完全有利于北约的情况,现实中基本不可能发生),以进攻开始时为d日,也必须在d+11以内动用核武器,否则就得考虑投降问题了。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 1.普通纸杯+pla压模,就是大家看到咖啡杯之类的内壁有一层塑料膜那样的东西,如果不是pla材料压膜,基本可以默认是有毒的。 2.通过吸塑制造PLA杯,这里说是PLA成份占绝对比例的,那是安全无毒的,并且PLA具有天然抑菌性,比啥材料做的杯子都更好。 pla是一种生物材料,来源于玉米谷物,天然可降解不会污染环境,加工时无刺鼻气味,十分环保。 使用PLA打印物件时底座不翘边,更加可以打印比较有难度的模型,因此它更适用于打印大型模型,

2024.11.28 12:32 Kind-Prior-3634 Quality issues with PLA

Quality issues with PLA I cant get decent prints with PLA compare to PETG. you can see in the picture, same model, PETG is much better. The first layer infill doesn't reach fully to the walls. I'm using orca slicer and I tried to tweak some settings there but nothing really making it better...
submitted by Kind-Prior-3634 to klippers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Caitlyn51 Hi I’m F and looking for people who are into feederism. Tele Caitlyn51

submitted by Caitlyn51 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Electrical_Help_4431 Nên làm gì ạ?

Mk đi làm thêm parttime 2 buổi thôi từ tháng 9 giờ mới có lương và bắt đến công ty lấy và photto cccd mới trả lương, mk k đến được thật (xa + xe điện + lịch học), hỏi ck online đc k, thì im lặng. Ngày mai mk có nên đến công ty lấy k ạ? Dù số tiền nhỏ nhưng nghĩ bọn này k làm gì mà cũng ăn chặn, cay. Đến đấy sợ vào động lại bán đi Cam,... Idea 2: xác định bỏ nhưng nên cho bà kia bài học, phốt hội nhóm, đe doạ,... nhưng chưa có kế hoạch cụ thể Mong mọi người có thể cho em lời khuyên với ạ!!!
submitted by Electrical_Help_4431 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 annasback In the sun ❄️☀️

In the sun ❄️☀️ submitted by annasback to FreezingFuckingCold [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 TraditionalAd4207 Graphics card advice

Hey all, I’m looking to upgrade the graphics card for my PC from a Radeon RX 580. It’ll run on a 1440p 27” monitor. Currently have a ryzen 5 2600x which I’m looking to also upgrade in the next year or so :). My budget is around £350-400, so I was looking at getting a FE 4060 Ti however the reviews have put me off? I also found a used 3070 for £300 which I’m also considering? Bit lost with all this so any advice would be appreciated :). Also if anyone could suggest what CPU would work the best with it, I was thinking of getting a Ryzen 7 7600x at some point?
submitted by TraditionalAd4207 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 JustMyself_69420 just wanted to thank Beyoncé for letting me be alive 😘💅

thanks to Beyoncé i can be alive 😍 even tho i never asked to be alive 💅👁👄👁💅
submitted by JustMyself_69420 to floptok [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Wonder-Lad That boy ain't right

That boy ain't right submitted by Wonder-Lad to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 jessikarochas Sale of Portmaster Games on Steam

I just got Cat Warrior and Hatchwell on sale, Portmaster has ports for both of these games and I just got them running on my R36s. Everything looks great.
Hatchwell is a top-down action RPG and Cat Warrior is an action-platformer of a cute cat knight. These look great on the R36s Screen.
submitted by jessikarochas to R36S [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Late_Union_5903 Valuation roughly

Late 90s real leather jacket looking but a rough guide price for it many thanks
submitted by Late_Union_5903 to Versace [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 PicklesPrincess55 Holiday pay in Michigan??

Hey! Do we get holiday pay in Michigan as part timers? I can’t find it in the contract.
submitted by PicklesPrincess55 to meijer [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 m00nbum $8.69 (Reg. $18.29) 28-Count Good 'n' Tasty Triple Flavor Puree Mix-Ins Dog Food Topper Treats for All Dogs

submitted by m00nbum to RunandBuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 hapiestupid Are there any good books for forensic medicine practical exams ?

For my uni exam, I would really appreciate if you guys can suggest me some good fm practical books..
submitted by hapiestupid to indianmedschool [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Any-Kaleidoscope-916 Woman at bar said I look like a school shooter.

Last Friday I met up with some new friends at the bar. My new friend introduced me to her friend that I had not yet met and we we're hitting it off. The three of us went out to a different bar later in the night, it was late 1am.. right around last call. I understand that many people are trashed at this time. There was an older woman at the bar we went to who started going off on me saying I needed help and I looked like a school shooter. The look on her face was very concerning to me, she was not making a joke... she genuinely seemed to think this about me. She grabbed me by my shoulders and started shaking me. I just stood there and took it, I wasn't mad... I was curious. I was asking her why she felt this about me. She wouldn't tell me. She had nothing to back up what she was saying, but that look her on her face was concerning. She was with a man, probably her husband, he wasn't saying much at all but was nodding his head in agreement with was she was saying. It was very strange. I asked him why she was saying this to me, he wouldn't say.
This night, I was wearing all black. Black jeans, black camo hooded sweatshirt with a black leather jacket over top. I ride a motorcycle so was wearing clothing that was appropriate for riding. Was it my clothing? I've never had anyone say anything to me like this before. I'm in my mid 30s but look like I could be early-mid 20s. I think if this woman had a conversation with me she would feel different about her judgement of me.
The girls I had went to the bar with said that I look stoic and serious which may be why the lady went off on me like that. Maybe I wasn't looking like I was having as good of a time as I was actually having, prior to the accusations.
submitted by Any-Kaleidoscope-916 to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 EducationalWinner698 Dificuldade com aplicação react-redux que utiliza typescript

Não estou conseguindo fazer a lógica de adicionar ao carrinho utilizando dados da API. Ao clicar em qualquer botão "adicionar ao carrinho" na página de perfil, todos os produtos são adicionados e não apenas o produto clicado. Eis meu código para verificação: https://github.com/m1342s/efood-react
comando para rodar a aplicação: npm run dev
api: https://fake-api-tau.vercel.app/api/efood/restaurantes
após rodar o comando anterior, digitar "/perfil" na url pra ter acesso à página de perfil
submitted by EducationalWinner698 to programacao [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 steelcowgurl_ midwest target…

midwest target… girl weren’t you literally living in the midwest like a couple months ago…..ppl who act like they’ve lived in the city for ages like this are so tacky
submitted by steelcowgurl_ to brookewyattsnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Sadietoolk my belly button is the perfect sperm receptacle

my belly button is the perfect sperm receptacle submitted by Sadietoolk to FemaleBellyLovers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 internetrenegade_ Mods on Linux GOG release

I do not have a dowser.exe or anything. How on earth can I get mods if I have the Linux GOG release? From internetarchive.
submitted by internetrenegade_ to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Cheap_Permission_459 Help my tyrogue is not evolving

Like so my tyrogue I gave it a defense+ nature but its level 38 and won't evolve (im trying to complete the dex)
submitted by Cheap_Permission_459 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 imalik780 Adorable Common Kestrel Sketch – You won't regret liking this picture! 🦅✨ #kids #ChildrenColoringPages #Children #ColoringPages #Drawings #thingstodraw #kidscoloring #sketches

submitted by imalik780 to childrencoloringpages [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 zombe1nc Hva er Cheval?

Cheval er et begrep som primært brukes innen europeisk Baccarat, og det refererer til en spesifikk type innsats som gir en unik dynamikk i spillet. Når en spiller satser på Cheval, er det to aktive spillere involvert, og begge har muligheten til både å vinne eller tape innsatsen sin. Dette skaper en spennende og strategisk komponent i spillet, ettersom utfallet avhenger av samspillet mellom kortene og hvordan spillerne håndterer sine respektive posisjoner. Cheval tilfører dermed en ekstra dimensjon til Baccarat som appellerer til de som søker mer komplekse innsatsmuligheter.
Krypto Kasinoer: https://www.reddit.com/norskcasino/wiki/index/
submitted by zombe1nc to norskcasino [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 v_ctorla “Why Sam and Josh’s Story Isn’t Over: A Deep Dive Into Their Relationship Potential”

Apologies in advance for the long post, but I had a lot of thoughts to share on this topic and wanted to explain my points thoroughly. I hope you’ll give it a read and let me know what you think!
1. The Depth of Josh and Sam’s Bond: Throughout Until Dawn, Sam is one of the few characters who consistently tries to reach out to Josh, even before the events spiral out of control. Their connection feels deeper than just friendship. There’s a mutual understanding and respect that sets them apart. Sam’s understanding of Josh’s actions becomes even clearer if players collect all the clues about him. These clues allow Sam to see why Josh orchestrated the events and deepen her empathy for him. Additionally, in the scene where Chris confesses to hitting Josh, Sam is the only one who’s visibly shocked and concerned for Josh’s well-being. While others dismiss or judge him, Sam’s reaction shows her care and emotional investment in him, setting her apart from the group.
Sam caring for Josh.
2. Josh’s Actions Were a Result of Trauma and Illness: People often overlook the fact that Josh was grappling with severe mental health issues, worsened by the trauma of losing his sisters. His actions weren’t malicious in the way people make them out to be. They were the result of his deteriorating mental state. Sam, being kind and empathetic, would absolutely recognize this and be more willing to forgive him compared to others. Josh’s mental state is further underscored by the fact that he attempted to kill himself. He shows Sam the video of himself dying, asking her: “How does it make you feel?” This moment is deeply personal and suggests that Josh sees Sam as the one person who might care about him. This underscores the depth of his emotional connection to Sam and hints at why their relationship is so central to the story.
Josh showing Sam the video.
3. The Contrast With Mike: Sam and Mike simply wouldn’t make sense as a couple. First, Mike was heavily involved in the prank that caused Hannah’s death, which is something Sam would never fully be able to overlook. Their relationship would always have that underlying tension. Second, Mike’s behavior in the remake is questionable at best, his inappropriate “buns” joke about Sam while thinking his girlfriend is dead shows a lack of emotional maturity and respect. Mike doesn’t need to date every girl in the friend group, and it feels forced to pair him with Sam. As for Sam’s decision to look for Mike in the game, it’s clearly a plot device to move her into position for the scene with Josh because Mike finding Josh alone seems weird. It’s not about her caring for Mike, it’s about the developers ensuring she’s the main character in the final moments.
4. Foreshadowing in the Epilogue: The epilogue heavily hints at a parallel between Sam and Josh. Her hallucinations and reliance on medication show that she’s starting to understand the darkness Josh lived through. This shared experience feels too intentional to ignore it’s a narrative device that practically screams they’ll have a significant arc together in the sequel.
5. The Developers’ Intentions in the Remake: The remake didn’t just give Sam and Josh new endings for no reason. Game developers rarely add content like this unless they’re trying to set something up. The fact that Josh is shown wanting to redeem himself and that Sam is dealing with similar struggles isn’t a coincidence. It’s clearly a narrative move to prepare them for a stronger connection in the sequel.
6. Josh’s Guilt Is a Driving Force: Unlike Mike, Josh is consumed by guilt over his actions. This makes him more motivated to change and seek forgiveness, especially from Sam. Mike never shows the same level of remorse for his role in the prank, which is why a relationship with him would feel hollow compared to the rich emotional arc Josh and Sam could have.
7. A Story of Healing and Forgiveness: Sam and Josh’s potential relationship isn’t just about romance—it’s about two broken people helping each other heal. This is a powerful narrative theme that would resonate with players and add depth to the sequel. Their journey could show how love and understanding can lead to redemption, which would be a beautiful continuation of their stories.
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submitted by v_ctorla to untildawn [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Skyla6969 Wanna play with a. young teen

submitted by Skyla6969 to CrazyLatinas [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 daily_bargains Corel's Black Friday Extravaganza: Incredible Deals Await!

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submitted by daily_bargains to dailybargains [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 ulala_ulala_7 Jersey

Ramro pattern sahit ko jersey banaune kunai website xa ? Owayo bhanne ma custom design hanna milena
submitted by ulala_ulala_7 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 fkj83 What brand mct oil works the best for you?

submitted by fkj83 to SebDerm [link] [comments]
