
2024.11.28 10:50 Bulabet Crits?

Crits? submitted by Bulabet to graffhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 DEPRESSEDANDSMILE Hello Reddit users .. I am a students 20 F ( Indian ) who is trying to run away and start a new life ahead. How can I escape my current situation and start a new life without money or a plan?"

I’m a 20-year-old woman living in Mumbai with my parents—my mom and dad—who still cover my expenses and look after me. However, my parents have been abusive since my childhood and still are. I face frequent beatings from my father, especially when he gets drunk (which happens every two weeks). Both my mom and dad physically abuse me, and I can’t bear it any longer.
In addition to the abuse at home, I’ve experienced severe trauma. I’ve been raped twice. The first time was by schoolmates—girls younger than me—and the second time was about 7–8 months ago when I was drugged and raped. After this incident, my ex-boyfriend left me when he found out, and so did my other exes. Now, my current boyfriend is using me to process his own heartbreak and for his comfort, which makes me feel even more lost and unsupported.
There’s more. During my school years, I narrowly escaped being dragged into a sex trafficking scandal. Even now, I’m being threatened by the people involved in that ring. They’ve made it clear that they could harm or kill me and my parents. I’ve faced cyberbullying, physical bullying, and even attempted kidnapping. Due to such incidents , lot of my friends who were helping me with my case have either been hospitalized badly or have been hurt . These threats aren’t just words—they’re real, and I fear for my life and the lives of those close to me.
I feel like my only option now is to run away and start over. I want to stay in Mumbai but change my identity completely to protect myself and those I care about. While living under this hidden identity, I dream of applying to the CBI so I can investigate the trafficking scandal that almost ruined my life and stop others from going through the same.
I have no one to turn to for help and no idea what to do next. I’m terrified of what my future holds, but I’m determined to survive. Can anyone guide me on how to escape or run, hide my identity, and rebuild my life while keeping my loved ones safe? Please, any advice or suggestions would mean so much to me.
submitted by DEPRESSEDANDSMILE to runaway [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 krispykremediet2112 One pc to various monitors type switch

First thing I realize a varidesk or similar would solve my problem but I honestly do not want deal with completely rearranging my office around. So i have a newer pc with three monitors at a standing desk, and relegated the older pc to where I could still sit on the L shape desk. Ended up adding a second monitor to the old one as well. My dilemma is the old one is getting up in years and I need to retire eventually . More so, it would just be easier to use just one pc. But i want to be able to switch from the sitting to standing easily without moving multiple cables or using multiple switches. Is there any switches out there to do what i want on the market?
submitted by krispykremediet2112 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Chems-Ghersallah Killer Bishop

Killer Bishop submitted by Chems-Ghersallah to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Every_Intention6252 TRAKTSYNCSTREMIO

Maybe this question has already been asked in the past, I wanted to know
how often does track scrobbling update??
2) saving films seen on stremio is only done on the right trakt site? I'm exhausted and I can't put a film in the library and then automatically find it on trakt
3) why don't some films appear when I've finished them and others do???
submitted by Every_Intention6252 to StremioAddons [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 remvs98 Onduidelijkheid over opvang zit toekomst Oekraïense vluchtelingen in de weg

Onduidelijkheid over opvang zit toekomst Oekraïense vluchtelingen in de weg submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 death-fairy I'll delete this later (few days)

*possible Tigger warning *
I don't know if I need advice or what. But I cheated on my husband 2 years ago, it's a long story, but I'll shorten it the best I can. I worked overnights an wasn't sleeping at all. My hubby was clearly invested in someone else because I wasn't being a mom at that point. My daughter had just turned 1 an i was so lost an unable to even function as myself. I didn't even view myself as a person anymore. It was definitely serious ppd. My boss began trying to befriend me an lightly flirting with me. I sure liked the attention at first an it quickly turned bad, he refused to leave me alone. My hubby an I were fighting pretty much all the time I was home, I didn't wanna go to work or be home. I just wanted it to all go away at that point. My boss asked me to hangout on lunch, an I did unfortunately. It was so weird an i knew something was up. I tried to avoid him from then on an then it happened a few days later.. I froze an he did what he did to me. I wish I would've fought to not get in the car with him or even gotten out of the moving car but I didn't. I didnt do anything. It brought back any memories I had of being ra**ed before. So I just froze. I lied an hid everything. But he knew, he always has known me so well. It's been 2 years now. An I've been trying so hard to be a better person an show him that. That wasnt me. I get he won't ever believe me anymore an we were doing well there for awhile but it's 2 year anniversary came up an he seems to just be done when we were pretty okay OK just Monday of this week. Im just not okay, he is my everything an I'd do anything to take it all back. To not hurt him like that.. for none of it to happen.
submitted by death-fairy to Mom [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 ImmediateDesign710 PERMANENT SUB4SUB

watch the whole vid (only 2 mins long) before subbing and liking so that youtube won’t think it’s spam, i will return what you’ll give, NO UNSUBBING PLS
submitted by ImmediateDesign710 to Sub4Sub [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 AffectionateHorse133 M22 UK - Morning! Who wants to talk?

Does anyone want to talk? Can be a random or deep conversation or even a vent, I don’t mind. Hopefully we can become good friends, message so we can find out.
submitted by AffectionateHorse133 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 remvs98 Drie brieven van Einstein aan Nederlandse fysicus Kamerlingh Onnes gevonden

Drie brieven van Einstein aan Nederlandse fysicus Kamerlingh Onnes gevonden submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 chaecchaeng_ jessica rant.

just a quick rant. also just my opinion and everything. please feel free to disagree because i love reading different opinions:)
why is jessica even in this game. don’t get me wrong of all the characters she is my favourite by far her addition to the game is almost meaningless (almost bc she’s the reason hannah got upset and such)
why isn’t she as playable as every other character. she’s so far removed from the game when she arguably has the most blame for what’s happening to them. is it intentional or something.
also the game advertises that you play as EIGHT protagonist. she’s playable in the first chapter and the last if matt was killed. like excuse me whyyy?!?!?! like girlllll they definitely could’ve given some of the walk to the cabin to her. she definitely radiates side character more than protagonist. also why have they made her the only character unable to find any clues or totems by herself (she can find one but that’s if matt is dead)
she’s dragged out of a window and if saved in time isn’t shown again until chapter 9 although it’s very brief like 20 seconds.
i do however like the mysterious (lack of a better word) vibe they gave to her. i really like that her role is small bc it’s add to how eerie her story is. my favourite is probably that she’s the only character who doesn’t know about the psycho idk why but i just love that. she has no idea about the stranger and no idea about the wendigo. and then her interview which is even more creepy if she is the sole survivor it’s awesome. having no idea what happened and how you went through what you did.
but yeah, rant over. what are your opinions
toodles :)
submitted by chaecchaeng_ to untildawn [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 groundbreakingsounds [FRESH] BenjiFlow - Confidence

[FRESH] BenjiFlow - Confidence submitted by groundbreakingsounds to ukhiphopheads [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 No-Smell-9858 NEW WEAPON

NEW WEAPON submitted by No-Smell-9858 to clorindemains [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 ValidStatus "Tell Khan, that we proved our loyalty, we have given our blood for this country and we will continue to do so, we will continue to be loyal to you. I have taken four bullets" - Injured protestor at a polyclinic, Islamabad

submitted by ValidStatus to PakLounge [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Response_Soggy Come imparare a scrivere?

Non sono mai stato bravo scrivere dei racconti. Da quando ho iniziato a giocare a Dungeons and Dragons é nata in me la voglia di migliorare. Avete dei suggerimenti, libri o corsi che consigliate? Premetto che non so nulla sulla teoria e non ho mai fatto corsi a riguardo.
submitted by Response_Soggy to scrittura [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Collier1505 [TASK] Looking for editing to make announcement photo look more “professional”

My wife and I are expecting our first child and will be announcing it today after we tell our remaining family members. We quickly threw together some announcements pictures last night that look pretty good but I wouldn’t mind them having a more “professional” look (example: our background is our carpet lol)
Mainly looking to have it freshened up a bit: white background if possible, whatever editing can be done to make individual pieces of the photo stand out more, etc.
Unsure what the price of this would typically run, so just let me know. We were planning to share it today so I know turnaround time on it is a little quick (like 6-8 hours)
submitted by Collier1505 to slavelabour [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 vbon11 How do I fix this?

My bf recently pointed out that I have a small hump at the base of my neck/top of my back that I have become very insecure about. I don't think I have horrible posture but I don't even know what to fix or how. I'm so insecure about the hump that I don't put my hair up all the way anymore. Any suggestions?
It's not a mass or fat, it's bone.
submitted by vbon11 to Posture [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 DanNJ72 30th Anniversary Edition Backbone?

I recently took delivery of the 30th anniversary PS5 controller (missed out on a console and refuse to pay scalper prices) and it got me wondering... Could I paint the backbone PS edition to match...?
submitted by DanNJ72 to Backbone [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Teramon_Art Aqua, Oshi No Ko

Aqua, Oshi No Ko submitted by Teramon_Art to cosplayers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 jeffthemetalfan666 Yuna 241128

Yuna 241128 submitted by jeffthemetalfan666 to ShinYuna [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 remvs98 Europese politie haalt illegale tv-dienst met 22 miljoen gebruikers uit de lucht

Europese politie haalt illegale tv-dienst met 22 miljoen gebruikers uit de lucht submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 Electrical-Cry-1805 David Bowie- Oh, You Pretty Things

David Bowie- Oh, You Pretty Things submitted by Electrical-Cry-1805 to TheTikiHut [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 lrac_nosneb Advent Horizon - i need to urge you guys to listen to their latest Album "A cell to call home". Since i didn´t read any much from them here, i highly recommend to take a listen. Are they just unknown or underrated?

Advent Horizon - i need to urge you guys to listen to their latest Album submitted by lrac_nosneb to progmetal [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 333_princess ✨Highlimit Domme💎✨

✨Highlimit Domme💎✨ submitted by 333_princess to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:50 athu7009 33/f marital disharmony...any chance at reconciliation?

33/f marital disharmony...any chance at reconciliation? I am 33/f seperated from my husband....small issues piled up suddenly...please tell me if there are any chances at reconciliation or a happy married life for me
submitted by athu7009 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]