buyers item arrived damaged, is asking for a partial refund after i already went via the buyer returns item and gets refund route

2024.11.28 10:32 navi-irl buyers item arrived damaged, is asking for a partial refund after i already went via the buyer returns item and gets refund route

an item i sold was damaged (v minor damage and easily fixed in under a minute w glue if that’s relevant) in transit and they asked for a refund which i obvs have no problem with so i selected the refund option where the buyer sends it back to me & gets a refund, i also covered the postage for this. i’d be able to still sell the item just w a reduction in price after i’ve repaired the damage hence why i’m asking for it back. she’s just messaged me saying she wants to keep the item but has asked for me to refund her half of the original price. does vinted even do partial refunds? can you go back after already choosing the buyer sends back the item refund option?
submitted by navi-irl to vinted [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 ayybosh Which personalities are the most friendly to eachother?

New player here, and I've heard a lot of people talking about how they enjoy the wholesome interactions between characters.
Which makes me want to ask, which characters are the most wholesome towards eachother?
submitted by ayybosh to DarkTide [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 millerlite384 Req 1.5k can pay back 12/15/24 papal cashapp

submitted by millerlite384 to Loan_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 Black-_-noir Python

I've started learning python with python for everybody can u gimme ant suggestions
submitted by Black-_-noir to pythontips [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 n0c0de1 From Stuck to Launched: Why I Built to Simplify the Grind

submitted by n0c0de1 to Notion [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 urbanistkid Free vs Paid

Free vs Paid Do they not want our occasional 10$ for packs or what?
submitted by urbanistkid to eFootball [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 Kaleidoscope_SKY_ The Fridge Series: Actress Lim Ji-yeon Preview

submitted by Kaleidoscope_SKY_ to Dex101 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 Fearless-Bit3248 Tech tierlist

I’ve been thinking about how FAANG+ companies and a few others stack up, and I tried to make a tierlist based on factors like prestige, pay, work-life balance, career growth, and culture. Here’s my take:
S: Nvidia, DeepMind, OpenAI A: Google, Meta, Meta, Apple, Microsoft B: Netflix, Amazon, Tesla, Stripe, Uber, Snap C: Airbnb, Adobe, Lyft, Twitter (X), Spotify, Pinterest, Shopify
What do you think? Feel free to roast my list. Please share yours! :)
submitted by Fearless-Bit3248 to cscareerquestionsEU [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 Hairy-Link-8615 Looking for a good "to do list" app

Single Profession, M38
Hey all, I'm looking for a good to-do application.
I've tried Trello, but it didn't really work for me. Currently, I use OneNote for key information and a notepad for daily tasks and weekly plans. However, the number of bits of paper I need to track is becoming overwhelming, and having to rewrite tasks is time-consuming.
While I do enjoy writing things down and ticking them off, and I've developed a shorthand for it, I’m sure there's a better way to manage everything.
I’m looking for the simplest solution because, like everyone else, I want to focus on living life rather than spending too much time planning it.
submitted by Hairy-Link-8615 to productivity [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 CoronaCervina Face of the girl who wore the dress

Face of the girl who wore the dress submitted by CoronaCervina to Faces [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 No_Shopping6233 Beautiful Skies

Beautiful Skies submitted by No_Shopping6233 to AnimeART [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 Free_Minimum_8811 Can someone Show custom IR code on Bruce

Hello, I want to make a custom IR signal for my M5stackc plus2. I use the Bruce Software. I want to create my own .ir file but I cant use a ir receiver. I have the NEC Code and want ro create my own file. Can someone that has a ir receiver please copy their remote and save it in LittleFS. then go to other > t LittleFS > BruceIR > to the ir folder > view file and then send a picture or type the code in this post.
It would help me a lot.
submitted by Free_Minimum_8811 to M5Stack [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 bluervirt Comcast Internet Deals

Check this out for Comcast Internet Deals. Find the best deals for you by looking at the current promo codes and coupons on that page. You'll always find the newest coupons, promo codes, and deals on that page. Choose one to apply to your order and save money.
submitted by bluervirt to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 JoshyWoshie03 Wholesaler + Homeowner

🔎 Hot, trending markets - Katy, Humble, Spring, Cypress, Magnolia, Woodlands, League City, Baytown, La Marque, Port Arthur, etc.
Zipcodes of 77009, 77007, 77020, etc, near downtown Houston are almost insta-buys.
Generally, prefer distressed. No HOA. No pool. Numbers pencil.
If margins work, we can get walk-throughs done the same week and have bonafide bids that follow no-option, buyer pays all closing, etc. Typical procedure you'd expect from SERIOUS buyers.
submitted by JoshyWoshie03 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 Prestigious_Pace_888 Some advice surrounding pay

Hi guys!
I have had some concerning news brought to me today and I don’t know who to go to.
My friend at work i think is being u fairly treated by his EL1. He’s an APS 6 on HD’s and was told today in a private face to face conversation that his HD’s were gonna be ‘paused’ for the Xmas break and re-commence after the break. This was the EL1’s decision to quote “save money”… there are other APS 6’s on HD’s that are not having this happen to them… is this illegal?
Any advice would be helpful :)
submitted by Prestigious_Pace_888 to AusPublicService [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 GustavoistSoldier Fascist France | Western Europe on 4 April 1947, when France surrendered to the Allies (UK, US, and Germany)

Fascist France | Western Europe on 4 April 1947, when France surrendered to the Allies (UK, US, and Germany) After Japan was starved into surrendering¹ in 1945, the Western Allies began preparing for Operation Downfall, the invasion of metropolitan France, which was to be the largest military operation in history, involving three million troops from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, the British Raj, New Zealand, South Africa, Cuba, Brazil and Germany.
In 1940, the Nazi Party government of Adolf Hitler was overthrown in a military coup by conservative Wehrmacht generals, followed by the restoration of the German Empire under a conservative dictatorship closely aligned with France. The Rhineland was a French puppet state, but on 26 March 1947, Germany invaded and annexed it within two days, and on 30 March, it launched an offensive into the Saarland.
Downfall was officially launched on 23 March, but due to slow progress and France still having 1,000,000 experienced and fanatically motivated troops at its disposal, the United States Air Force soon nuked Brest and Bordeaux, forcing France into surrendering, whereupon it was militarily occupied.
By April 1947, Fascist Italy and Francoist Spain had similarly capitulated, leaving France as the only Axis power standing. Virtually all able-bodied French men had been incorporated into defending the country from the invasion in some way, ranging from intelligence to propaganda and the Milice, with women being incorporated into the war economy and teenagers told to form guerrilas. The Lebel M1886 rifle, although outdated, was handed out to paramilitary units, as strategic bombing of French industry limited the production of up to date weapons.
  • ¹ = Without getting nuked.
submitted by GustavoistSoldier to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 RiverPowerful857 [Full] Miracle or Fraud: Healing Beyond Belief

[Full] Miracle or Fraud: Healing Beyond Belief Miracle or Fraud: Healing Beyond Belief Terabox app >>[EP01-30] [EP31-64] Watch Online>>[EP01-30] [EP31-64] I need your support to continue posting. ko-fi submitted by RiverPowerful857 to dramabox [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 S-l-e-e-p-y-9-2-1 Am i real?

Am i real? 🥲Sickboy921 on dabble yall. I put 25 on a 2 leg for nfl today so peep it(my normal units are 5$).
submitted by S-l-e-e-p-y-9-2-1 to DabbleBets [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 Appropriate-Try2075 Ah, good times...

Ah, good times... submitted by Appropriate-Try2075 to Ben10 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 Far_Claim9980 É muito ruim não ter a família como rede de apoio

Sou filha de mãe solteira, não tenho contato com o meu pai ou o lado dele há anos. A família da minha mãe mora toda em outra cidade e nós nunca fomos tão próximos. De qualquer modo, é todo mundo pobre, então financeiramente sempre foi complicado pra visitar.
Aqui somos eu (25M), minha mãe e meus três irmãos. Eu tenho meu trabalho, minhas ambições e eu tô me saindo relativamente bem no que tô tentando fazer da vida. Só que sair da pobreza é difícil demais.
Eu queria muito morar sozinha ano que vem e começar a conquistar minhas coisinhas. Comprar uma moto, ter o meu espaço. Minha relação com a família é muito boa mesmo, dificilmente a gente se desentende. Só que eu sinto que nunca vou conseguir desenvolver minha autonomia da forma que eu quero enquanto morar aqui.
A questão é que, se eu só pensasse em mim, eu já teria condições de fazer isso agora. Não seria fácil e eu precisaria sacrificar alguns confortos, mas seria possível. Só que tem a minha família.
Minha mãe ganha muito pouco e o salário vive atrasando, e o pior: não é CLT, em uma empresa que tá sempre na beira da falência. A ameaça da demissão tá sempre pairando aqui em casa, e se isso acontecer um dia, vai cair tudo nas minhas costas e do meu irmão mais velho, os únicos que já trabalham (meus outros irmãos são adolescentes). É claro que a gente já divide as despesas, é claro que a gente daria conta. Mas viver sabendo que *eu* sou metade do plano de contingência de outras três pessoas é um peso bem grande. Principalmente porque eu mesma não tenho um plano de contingência caso os *meus* planos deem errado.
Às vezes eu paro e olho pras minhas amigas ou colegas de classe da faculdade. Quase todo mundo que eu conheço tem alguma forma de apoio da família, sabe? Nem que seja o simples conforto de saber que seus pais já estão resolvidos, que você não precisa se preocupar com eles financeiramente porque eles próprios se cuidam sozinhos. Eu queria tanto ter essa segurança. Poder pensar apenas em mim nesse sentido, fazer meus planos considerando somente as minhas necessidades, e acima de tudo poder tentar e errar sem sentir que eu vou tá colocando em risco a segurança de outras pessoas. Mais ainda! Poder tentar sabendo que se não der certo, eu vou ter que me ampare. Imagina a tranquilidade que isso deve trazer na hora de encarar o mundo. Eu queria muito conhecer essa sensação.
Eu desenvolvi uma necessidade crônica por estabilidade financeira que eu sinceramente acho que fortuna nenhuma no mundo seria capaz se suprir. As sequelas que a pobreza deixa no indivíduo mudam de forma permanente a quimica do cérebro. E as pessoas não entendem. Não dá pra descrever a culpa que me consumia toda vez que eu fazia uma compra que não era essencial. Meu ex namorado nunca entendeu, era motivo de briga constante. Eu me esforcei muito pra superar isso e hoje minha relação com dinheiro é bem mais saudável, mas as marcas ainda estão lá. Eu ainda economizo cada centavo onde eu posso, porque na minha cabeça a qualquer momento uma catástrofe vai bater na nossa porta que vai ser a ruína da família - alguém vai adoecer, se acidentar, nossa moto vai quebrar, minha mãe vai ser demitida. Acaba que eu tenho uma reserva considerável de dinheiro que provavelmente eu nunca vou gastar esperando a hora do desastre.
Eu sei que não é minha obrigação carregar esse peso, que os filhos não são meus, que minha mãe é adulta. Não precisa me lembrar de tudo isso, nem dizer que eu tenho que deixar eles se virarem. Eu já sei. Só que falar é muito mais fácil do que fazer.
Enfim, eu só queria poder pensar apenas em mim. Ser pobre é uma merda.
submitted by Far_Claim9980 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 Donald-n-Dougie Water I was served in Türkiye

submitted by Donald-n-Dougie to pics [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 Specific_Act_4198 She comes back in the next chapter trust me

She comes back in the next chapter trust me submitted by Specific_Act_4198 to Chainsawfolk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 LinusTheCow You people are freaks 💀

submitted by LinusTheCow to OttawaSenators [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 dortyborty Ranvir Singh

Ranvir Singh submitted by dortyborty to BritishCelebrityBabes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:32 Puzzled-Ad5347 Game Award 2024

I find it funny that MLBB is right next to LoL, which tried to sue the game last time.
submitted by Puzzled-Ad5347 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]