Any guidance for audi

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2024.11.28 10:40 Fit_Object_5548 Any guidance for audi

submitted by Fit_Object_5548 to CPAExamAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:40 Inappropriate_Pen Not only did this book save my life, but it also significantly improved the quality of my life!

Not only did this book save my life, but it also significantly improved the quality of my life!
If you've been wanting to talk to your friends and family about religion and your opinions and thoughts in relation to religion/religious topics, I am here as proof that it is possible and you CAN do it!
I grew up in the Catholic church. And we were not "cafeteria Catholics", my family was DEVOUT: attended a private Catholic school for 14 years, attended Mass twice a week, actively "involved" in our church(i.e. singing in the choir, youth group leader, etc.) But even from a young age, I struggled to ignore the hypocrisy and immorality of Catholicism. So, as I got older and continued my education(thankfully attending a public, non-religious high school) I was an atheist by the time I graduated high school in 2012. My mother was still a very devout Catholic and constantly "reminded" me of the importance of attending Mass and receiving Reconciliation every week because I was a student and a waitress. Lying about my beliefs and enduring the misery of attending Mass occasionally with her took a massive toll on me for the next 2 years. But thankfully, after those 2 years, I discovered The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins and it changed my life! It taught me SO much but, more importantly, it helped me to confidently have a healthy, thought-provoking, and impactful discussion with my mother about Catholicism, Christianity, and atheism. By the end of that conversation, my mother was a little sad and afraid for me, but she was in no way, shape, or form angry or disappointed. She told me over and over again that she loved me very much and that she would pray for my return to the church. I cried tears of joy at how well the conversation had gone and was simply thankful that she would still be a part of my life.
Now, little did I know that our conversation that day apparently ignited a flame of doubt that my mother would sometimes have to snuff out every once in a while. She struggled with that feeling for a few years before our conversation happened. After that day, however, she did some "soul-searching", some praying, and some READING, and now my mother is proud to say that she's an atheist!!!
I apologize for the lengthy post but I just wanted to share some positivity to someone who may be struggling with this right now. When it comes to the topic of religion, especially Catholicism, my DM's are always open if you need support or advice!
submitted by Inappropriate_Pen to Antitheism [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:40 WhoAmIEven2 Buying land from another country has been a thing, even in quite modern history such as with Alaska, but has there been a case where a country bought a whole country?

submitted by WhoAmIEven2 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 Unlucky_Welcome9193 What has been your experience with xywav

I'm going to ask my doctor about it but I'm scared of how intense the medication sounds. But I would love to treat the cause of my IH over the symptoms. I was diagnosed with IH two years ago
submitted by Unlucky_Welcome9193 to idiopathichypersomnia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 KIRAYAGAMI4 English Proficiency for international undergraduate application

Hi! I've recently applied to FIU for fall 2025 as an international student.
The FIU website states that the SAT score would take the place of english proficiency and I donot need to send IELTS or TOEFEL for admission, but even after 1 month the application portal still asks for TOEFEL or IELTS score. I have emailed them several times about this but no reply.
Does anyone have any solution?
submitted by KIRAYAGAMI4 to FIU [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 jld6993 Hit a wall in life

Where I’ve given up on this entire race from simmering so minuscule but it lets me know we’re all bad deep down. Just pissed and can’t shake it
submitted by jld6993 to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 CombinationPizzaRoll Diet Advice?

Hi everyone!
My surgery is next Tuesday, and I've been looking for advice on two things! First, broth. I have to do clear liquids and I really hate the taste of those boxed broths... but I have a feeling only jello is going to get old pretty fast. Any good brands or ideas on how to make clear broth more flavorful? (my surgeon said no on the straining soup thing)
Second, protein shakes. I have tried and know that I like Premier, so I have started to work on stockpiling those. My only other recommendation was Fairlife, but those are expensive and hard to find in larger quantities. Any recommendations are much welcomed! I am not a super fan of overly sweet, I never did like sweets so flavors like caramel or cookies and cream I'm mostly avoiding, trying to keep it more simple or "fruity" like strawberry, etc.
I'm super, super nervous and honestly I think I'm partially posting this to also meet some others who have had the surgery and hear some good things. I feel like as the day looms closer I'm excited but also terrified. Any advice at all is much appreciated <3
submitted by CombinationPizzaRoll to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 DotZealousideal8386 I refuse to play against Lance spammers

If I spot a lance spammer I just leave the game and start a new one, just so they may have the time of thier lives spamming a bot and in the meantime I could go and play against players who are not lacking sufficient amount of oxygen in thier brain. Seriously, if you are so bad the only way for you to win is through spamming why play the game to begin with? You are just ruining other player's fun and embarrassing yourself and your bloodline in the process, I promis you grandpa Albert is not looking down at you from the heavens above thinking "I am so proud of my little grandson! He is so talented with that Lance SLight!". Be better.
submitted by DotZealousideal8386 to Brawlhalla [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 Logical_Win_8186 Need advice on finding a good SD

I introduced myself to the sb lifestyle a couple years ago and ever since then I’ve been having trouble finding a sd who’s not trying to scam me or wanting sex from me all the time. Any advice on where I should look?
submitted by Logical_Win_8186 to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 DexGamingPC My E91 Battery story!

Hello guys!
Today I will tell you a story about my beloved E91 2006 (320D)!
About a month ago i had a situation when driving to work my car suddenly went black, and gave me some cool error messages (Battery, red transmission fault), after 5 minutes everything dissapeared and worked properly. I blamed the transmission error on battery fault and some things came true, because when it got colder outside about 2 weeks later my battery died on -1C, got it jumped and it worked fine for two more weeks.
It takes us to last wednesday, when i tried to get my car working but all I could get was working interior lights and sign on my screen ''preheating'', then something clicked and nothing happened, two days later I sat in the car once again tried to get it started but then all my lights in days slowly dimmed and turned off and got some clicking noise from light in the glove compartment, then it went dead and i couldnt even get my keys out or lock the car.
Tried jumpstarting with 3 different cars, booster, but nothing!
It takes us to today! Went to the battery shop, they told me that they would like to take a look at the old battery and try to charge it before i buy a new one! I went to take out the old battery and i was surprised to see what you can see in the photos that i attached :D Battery compartment full of oily brown water ( I red that its a normal thing with these beamers ) but the most suprising things was wires that comes from ( + ) they are just broken, dont know how and dont know why :D Has anyone else seen things like this and why did it happen ? :D
Sorry for the garbage in my trunk!
I would like you guys to comment on this situation, but please be respectful, because at the end of the day I understand its my problem and I am trying to solve it :)
Bought a new battery, because i really dont know how old and bad the old one was ( The guys in battery shop before charging it said that it has dropped lower than 3.8V )
Thank you in advance ;)
submitted by DexGamingPC to BmwTech [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 Easy-Boysenberry7548 By the Senator who made the Brainrot Speech

submitted by Easy-Boysenberry7548 to highschool [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 Imsoreadyt What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Imsoreadyt to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 Salt-Wind-894 Fat gooner showing off and camming for feed boppers/tiktoks/t333n assesNL natalie/presley girls like them dc goonchubx 489AZUQH7 sc pawgluvrx kik pawgluvx

submitted by Salt-Wind-894 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 udayTeddy Be the person you’ve imagined..

Be the person you’ve imagined.. submitted by udayTeddy to effectivefitness [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 mrjohnnymac18 Osama bin Laden at Oxford in 1971. He is approximately 14 in this image.

Osama bin Laden at Oxford in 1971. He is approximately 14 in this image. submitted by mrjohnnymac18 to RareHistoricalPhotos [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 Subject_Border6791 Chillguy Wif Hat: A Santa Hat, Chill Vibes, and Solana’s Power

The world of crypto is abuzz, and this holiday season brings a unique star to the scene: Chillguy Wif Hat ($WIFGUY). Wrapped in holiday cheer and the unmatched speed of Solana’s blockchain, $WIFGUY is here to remind us to vibe, relax, and embrace the festive spirit.
🎅 Who is Chillguy Wif Hat?\ Imagine a laid-back, carefree dude rocking a Santa hat—the embodiment of holiday vibes and the chill energy we all crave. He’s not just a meme; he’s a reminder to enjoy the moment, whether it’s a snow day or a moonshot.
🔥 Why $WIFGUY? - Community-Centered: $WIFGUY is all about bringing people together in the spirit of fun and celebration. - Memes and Festivity: It’s a token with humor and holiday spirit baked right in. - Solana-Powered: Experience lightning-fast transactions and scalability while you chill.
🎄 The Movement for Chilltown\ Whether you’re here to laugh at memes, join a community of like-minded chill-seekers, or simply bask in the holiday cheer, $WIFGUY is your ticket to ride. It’s more than just another Solana meme token; it’s a celebration of life’s lighter, happier moments.
So, grab your Santa hat, sit back, and embrace the vibes. This is Chillguy Wif Hat ($WIFGUY)— the holiday token that vibes on chain.

submitted by Subject_Border6791 to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 Cute-Wallaby-2542 Budget running shoes advice

I'm a returning runner who needs new shoes, and I dont want to spend 150$++ on new shoes, as I probably won't be running enough to defend the price to begin with.
Does anyone have tips for budget running shoes that somewhat fit these preferences? - Low drop (3-6 mm) - Roomy toe box - Flexible - Medium cushioning
I'm having a hard time finding good reviews for the budget models. So far I've looked at Saucony Axon 2/3 and Adidas Duramo, but it would be great to hear if others have experience with some budget options.
More context: The last time I was running frequently was from 2016-2019, in which I gained most of my miles in various Topo-models, namely the Topo Fly-lite 2 and the Topo Magnifly. I also had a couple of Altra MT King's for trail runs. So I got used to running with relatively little cushioning and a low drop. I adapted a midfoot/forefoot strike, and was largely injury free.
After being out of the game for a couple of years I'm struggling to navigate the post-carbonplate/PEBA shoe market. All the top-end shoes look so bouncy and wobbly, and many of them have a higher heel-to-toe drop than what I am used to. In addition, top end shoes seem to have doubled in price in the last five or six years.
submitted by Cute-Wallaby-2542 to runningshoes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 Thin-Tomato2661 belt

Qualcuno a un selle per delle cinture budget (fendi specificatamente)
submitted by Thin-Tomato2661 to FashionRepsIT [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | Sony Playstation Portable PSP System PSP-1001 Handheld Console Works Read!

⬆️ Up Game Shop | Sony Playstation Portable PSP System PSP-1001 Handheld Console Works Read! submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | Sony Playstation Portable PSP System PSP-1001 Handheld Console Works Read!

🛍️ eBay Video Games | Sony Playstation Portable PSP System PSP-1001 Handheld Console Works Read! submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 FGoose Sunset on the Girard point bridge Philadelphia pa

submitted by FGoose to Bridges [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 JawsOfALion Can someone explain to me how btc transaction fees work?

Simplest question that I couldn't find a find a clear answer without jargon, like vbytes:
Is the fee fixed per transaction or is it a percentage based on the amount of Satoshis moved? Should moving 10000 sats be the same cost as moving 99999sats, all things else being equal?
I have a sizeable amount of funds in a custodial lightning wallet (WOS) and it seems to want to charge me a fixed fee plus a 1% fee when moving to self custody on chain wallet. Which is higher than I would like, any idea if these fees are actually too high and I'm getting ripped off or if that's close to the actual btc transaction fee costs? Cheapest way to move it to a good self custody wallet?
submitted by JawsOfALion to BitcoinBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 AndreaNewsHub Cowboy lady offers ranch - She wants to build Trump's first deportation camp (orig.: Cowboy-Lady bietet Ranch - Sie will Trumps erstes Abschiebe-Lager bauen) #WORLDNEWS #lady #Cowboy #offers #- #ranch

Cowboy lady offers ranch - She wants to build Trump's first deportation camp (orig.: Cowboy-Lady bietet Ranch - Sie will Trumps erstes Abschiebe-Lager bauen) #WORLDNEWS #lady #Cowboy #offers #- #ranch submitted by AndreaNewsHub to ItaliaBox [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | Sony Playstation Portable PSP System PSP-1001 Handheld Console Works Read! | Seller: west_coast_electro (98.2% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 84.90 USDShipping cost: FreeBuy It Now

submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:39 reddit_lss_2 123 Regexp test 28/11/2024 02:37:36

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to AutomationRulesRegEx [link] [comments]