
2024.11.28 10:42 ArcheoRychu Jabber.el

Jabber.el - a Jabber client for Emacs. It may seem strange to have a chat client in an editor, but consider that chatting is, after all, just a special case of text editing. https://archiveapp.org/jabberel/
submitted by ArcheoRychu to ArchiveOSAppGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 Mediocre-Chip-7802 AITA for hesitating to give my fiancée back her engagement ring?

Hi, all. I (42M) am struggling with whether I handled this situation the right way and would appreciate your judgment. My fiancée (35F) and I have been together for a couple of years, living together since early 2023, and got engaged in March 2024. I have a teenage daughter from my previous marriage and a good relationship with my ex-wife. My fiancée, however, comes from a very difficult background—her father passed away in a tragic accident when she was a teenager, and she grew up in a home with alcohol issues and frequent conflict. She craves security and love but can become very abrasive and hurtful when she’s upset. She is also dependent on opioids (codeine), which she consumes daily. Her life happens in spurts - she either is very active, energetic and goal-focused, or she is upset and emotionally fragile, or she spends large amounts of time (days on end) disengaged from life - in bed, playing computer games, oftentimes neglecting self-care.
In September, she broke off our engagement three times in one month:

  1. The first time, it was over something small—she was overwhelmed and a minor issue pushed her over the edge.
  2. The second time, she ended things because my ex-wife contacted me to check on my family after a flood in the area.
  3. The third time, she broke up with me because I chatted online with a former partner after she had already ended things and kicked me out of our home.
Each time, we reconciled, but after the third breakup, I didn’t immediately ask her to take the ring back. The repeated breakups had hurt me deeply, and I was hesitant to open myself up to that pain again.
A few days ago, she asked me if I still loved her and if marriage and having a child were still on the table. I told her yes to both. We had a nice day together, but later that evening, she asked if she could have her engagement ring back. I hesitated because it felt like a big step, and I didn’t want to make a rash decision since we’d both had some wine. After giving it a bit of thought, I gave her the ring, but she got upset that I hadn’t handed it over immediately. She said my hesitation was hurtful and that I should have “given it more thought.”
Later that night, she had an emotional meltdown, saying she’s at rock bottom—not just in our relationship, but in life. She told me this is her second relationship where the man doesn’t want to marry her, that she has nothing left to give, and that she’s hanging by a thread. She even implied she’s contemplating ending her life. I tried to reassure her that I love her and want to be with her, but she told me not to say such things because they were hurtful. She didn’t want to be touched and insisted I sleep in another room.
The thing is, I do love her deeply and want her to feel secure and cared for, but her frequent emotional meltdowns and outbursts are really wearing me down. Just two days earlier, she had been upset with me over small misunderstandings, accused me of being untrustworthy, and had a tantrum about the house not being fully unpacked, which led to me sleeping in another room again.
So, AITA for hesitating to give her back the ring? I wanted to be sure I was making the right decision, but my hesitation really hurt her. At the same time, I feel like her repeated breakups and emotional instability make it hard for me to fully trust the situation. I love her and want to marry her, but I’m scared and drained from how things have been. Am I wrong here?
submitted by Mediocre-Chip-7802 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 anonymous_nia What dreams have made you woke up updet they aren't real?

Follow up post from my previous one, and I'm curious as what type of dreams make you feel like this. If anyone is curious as what dream I had to get this question, I'd gladly respond:)
submitted by anonymous_nia to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 SupremaUX Perfumes Importados Imperdíveis para Comprar na Black Friday 2024

Perfumes Importados Imperdíveis para Comprar na Black Friday 2024 submitted by SupremaUX to DicasPerfumeProsa [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 Apprehensive_Ad_2422 Refund for berlin concert

Hey. I haven't got my refund yet. Is anyone that was suppose to attend the concert at Uber Arena got their money back?
Also, the form for the refund apparently stopped working for some reason.
submitted by Apprehensive_Ad_2422 to donaldglover [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 GardenDryN28 Do you recognize my gf? If so dm with proof on here or kik: surv84

Do you recognize my gf? If so dm with proof on here or kik: surv84 submitted by GardenDryN28 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 Dragonbarry22 Dumb fun tycoons and simulators?

Stuff like the coin game or supermarket simulator and tcg card shop simulator.
Or even my summer car as well
Or Jolly putt Simulator where you get to make your own golf courses ?
submitted by Dragonbarry22 to tycoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Sega Saturn Console Japanese white system bundle controller 5 games & memory 128

🌐 24/7 Video Game | Sega Saturn Console Japanese white system bundle controller 5 games & memory 128 submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 MrBreakkZ ts should be a dark ops bro

i can't describe you how much time i've put into this challenge to get it done. its crazy how bad molotovs are on this game but at least thermos are somewhat decent
submitted by MrBreakkZ to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 comrademikey Takeaway restaurant destroyed in massive fire - Nags Head/Seven Sisters Road

Takeaway restaurant destroyed in massive fire - Nags Head/Seven Sisters Road submitted by comrademikey to islington [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 Shadowangel615 Question about Marvin Seo’s Shrapnel- how does she work?

Admittedly, the idea behind her is cool to me, but Expunge sounds like the only ability that can actually do damage and yet I’ve used it more than 10 times and it hasn’t hit once, and this was on marked enemies exclusively. I don’t think I understand, is she just really bad early on or am I just playing her incorrectly?
submitted by Shadowangel615 to darkestdungeon [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 Witty_Staff_4874 Termination - when to inform Siri?

I have been given notice of termination yesterday, and the website says "You must apply for a job seeking permit no later than 2 days after your employment has been terminated."
Does that mean within 2 days of me being informed, or within 2 days after March 31 2025?
I believe it's the latter, but just confirming. Please help!
submitted by Witty_Staff_4874 to NewToDenmark [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional |Sega Saturn Console Japanese white system bundle controller 5 games & memory 128

🏆 Game Professional |Sega Saturn Console Japanese white system bundle controller 5 games & memory 128 submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 Acceptable-Remove269 What annoys you about “gamer girls” for the men that are gamers

As the title states what annoys you about “gamer girls” for the men that game and are gamers if you can and would like you can give a detailed explanation whatever fits you best
go all out and share you’re opinions and thoughts 🙂‍↕️
submitted by Acceptable-Remove269 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 RocknRoald H: 10k Quantums W: Glowing Pig

submitted by RocknRoald to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 Intelligent_Turnip49 Wanderer of the Frozen Lands

submitted by Intelligent_Turnip49 to Transmogrification [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 VoidTentacion1 alright trial, do yall recognize me?

alright trial, do yall recognize me? submitted by VoidTentacion1 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 dekajaan (Nest of Thorns) You can block reaper by column

if you think you are comfoprtable defeating the horde by standing still, you can stand right next columns in the middle of map and block reaper. It will stuck trying to reach you. but you should be close to column (abour radius of counter helix) otherwise it will go around . tho, be careful, at 12:30 2 more reapers spawn so you will need to run around for 30s until imperia.
submitted by dekajaan to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | Sega Saturn Console Japanese white system bundle controller 5 games & memory 128

⬆️ Up Game Shop | Sega Saturn Console Japanese white system bundle controller 5 games & memory 128 submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 Afraid_Explanation58 Jinwoo anime S2

Honestly, favorite shot of jinwoo in the anime BY FAR. The smirk goes hard asf😭
submitted by Afraid_Explanation58 to sololeveling [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | Sega Saturn Console Japanese white system bundle controller 5 games & memory 128

🛍️ eBay Video Games | Sega Saturn Console Japanese white system bundle controller 5 games & memory 128 submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 Still-Dig7405 Tényleg léteznek olyan férfiak, akik nem hajlandóak viszonozni az orális kielégítést a nőknek?

22 éves férfi vagyok és megismerkedtem pár hónapja egy velem egykorú lánnyal. Sokat randiztunk, mire a végén kimondtuk hogy együtt vagyunk. Amikor az első aktusra sor került, meglepődött, amikor előjátékként orálisan akartam kielégíteni. Nem igazán értettem, hogy mi ezzel a baj, de nem szóltam, viszont láttam rajta, hogy feszült és muszáj voltam megkérdezni, hogy mi a gond. Elmondta, hogy volt már előttem több pasija is, de senki nem volt hajlandó erre, mindenki azt mondta, hogy ez számukra megalázó meg kifogást kerestek, így senki nem csinálta még neki, ellenben fordított esetben elvárták a kényeztetést. Ez annyira pofán csapott, hogy alig akartam elhinni. A lány egyébként gyönyörű, ápolt, tényleg egy 10/10-es csaj, ráadásul nagyon okos is, szóval nem értem, hogy a korábbi partnerei hogy lehettek ekkora gyökerek. Emiatt nem is tudta az első alkalmat igazán élvezni, mert feszült volt és magában kereste mindig a hibát és most tartunk ott, hogy szépen lassan megérti, hogy nem vele volt a probléma és kezd ellazulni, amikor oda kerül a sor. A kérdésem most inkább a nőkhöz szólna, hogy tényleg léteznek ilyen “férfiak”, akik nem hajlandóak titeket kinyalni, ellenben elvárják hogy ti elégítsétek ki őket orálisan? Volt már ilyen emberrel dolgotok és hagyott esetleg nektek is ilyen vagy ehhez hasonló traumát? Hogyan sikerült feldolgozni, hogy nem veletek van a gond?
submitted by Still-Dig7405 to askhungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 AntiSocialPhysicist Train line through Vallensbæk

Does the train line running through Vallensbæk have just S-togs? Or does cargo and regional trains run there as well? I ask as I am looking at a rental apartment near the tracks and I wouldn't want to live near a track with those loud cargo trains like the line that runs through Glostrup. S-togs are pretty quiet and tolerable in my opinion, and of course don't run overnight during the week
submitted by AntiSocialPhysicist to copenhagen [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 HotBus3942 Geologic Hydrogen and the Potential for a Renewable Energy Revolution.

Geologic Hydrogen and the Potential for a Renewable Energy Revolution. submitted by HotBus3942 to WorldWideSilverApes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 10:42 Rarhyx rant about TF black

what the shit?! a premium unit can't even combo a blue after a green
I don't care if he can't combo into strike or blast but come on a fucking blue should be comboable after a green for a legendsfest headliner
I was stunned irl during a match when I learned you can't combo green with blue
And no, I can't read. I like to explore new units by playing them instead of reading a fooking book for their toolkit
rant over. thank you for reading.
submitted by Rarhyx to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]
