2024.11.28 13:31 Critical-Ad-5708 Nintendo Switch almak.
Doğum günüm yaklaşıyor ve kendime bir Nintendo Switch alma fikri kafama düştü avuçlarım kaşınıyor 😄. Fakat nereye baksam herkes şimdi alınmaz switch 2 çıkacak diyor. Asus rog ve ya steam deck düşünmüyorum o kadar bütçem yok ve pc oyunlarını pc de oynayacağım için ihtiyacımda yok. Switch exclusivleri daha önce hiç oynamadım. Şimdiye kadarda pek ilgimi çekmemişti nintendo oyunları. Ps5, monster tulpar 3060 ve 3070 masaüstü pc var ve yeterli gelmişti bunlar fakat geçen denemek için Zelda tears of kingdom indirdim emulatör ile ve beklediğimden daha çok ilgimi çekti oyun. Switch exlusive olmayan oyunları switchte oynamak gibi bir niyetimde yok. Tv, de de oynamıyorum oyun, home offce çalıştığım için çalışma odasında monitörde oynuyorum. Ha switch ile salonda yatarak oynamaya da hayır demem. Switch lite alsam işimi görür mü sizce? Ya da sıfır ve ya ikinci el switch oledmi almalıyım? Ve ya emulatör ile idare edip Switch 2 yi beklemeli miyim? En mantıklısı hangisi olur sizce?
submitted by Critical-Ad-5708 to veYakinEvren [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:31 StellaBella70 Thanksgiving Day, 7:15 a.m., already dressed for dinner.
submitted by StellaBella70 to pitbulls [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:31 TwitterGarban How do extra mode gc titles work?
I’m gc1 in 2s and have had the 10 wins done for ages. Started grinding a few extra modes (rumble and dropshot) do I need to get 10 wins in these also or how does this work?
submitted by TwitterGarban to RocketLeague [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:31 DreamlessArtist Teen struggling with the desire to fit in, need advice
So to be completely honest, this year was honestly the toughest one for me yet, both mentally and in terms of self-loathing and the desire to "fit in"
One of the biggest challenges I've had so far is learning to hate myself less and my interests, as long as they're not sinful, it's okay right? But for some reason, I still felt ashamed, I still hated myself for having "girly" interests as a man (not crossdressing or anything like that, but liking stuff like Romance/Slice of life anime, Hello Kitty/Sanrio, Kawaii fashion, etc) or being interested in alternative fashion (emo/scene, Japanese fashion) as a Christian, it sucks having this thought creep in that I have to "fit in" with the rest, otherwise I'm doing something wrong (and when I mean by "fitting in with the rest", it's not just wanting to fit in with the Christian community, but to the rest of society in general)
Another thing I'm afraid of is judgement from other people, fearing that if I just tell people my interests, then I'll get called "effeminate" for liking the colors pink and purple or "demonic" for being emo.
I've never really been the one to make resolutions for the new years, but for 2025, I want to learn how to hate myself less for these interests and wanting to abandon this desire to "fit in", any advice?
submitted by DreamlessArtist to AskAChristian [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:31 gendormaskome Incfile Black Friday Deals 2024
Check out the link for Incfile Black Friday Deals 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by gendormaskome to DiscountEnergizing [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:31 Itsthemanhimself0 Is it OG
Is this orginal , please checkkkk submitted by Itsthemanhimself0 to VintageTees [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:31 chantheman30 Can we get more unlawful looking paints now Pyro is on its way?
Maybe some black and red bounty hunter paints👀 This also leads me to think about unlawful ship variants. submitted by chantheman30 to starcitizen [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:31 FrankDday can anyone help me if this font?
thanks title submitted by FrankDday to identifythisfont [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:31 swiftly_13 Hey up 4 up thank you!
submitted by swiftly_13 to commentkarma4u [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:31 Altruistic_Peace_532 Happy Tday
submitted by Altruistic_Peace_532 to CoolCollections [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:31 VisagePaysage Quelles sont les bons emplois dans le travail du bois?
J’aide mon ami à s’orienter pour un futur poste. J’ai besoin de vos conseils.
Son expérience et ses qualités : - + de 15 ans d’expérience dans le travail du bois fin, de l’ébénisterie axée sur le détail - est la personne qui résoud les problèmes de son atelier autant pour ce qui est de la construction des objets, du rangement, de la santé/sécurité et même des relations interpersonnelles - ***est anglophone, mais comprend bien le français et le parle bien si on lui laisse le temps de penser. A travaillé plusieurs années dans un environnement francophone et veut s’y remettre pour perfectionner son français. - personne calme, aimable, sensée, respectueuse et débrouillarde. Pas le genre de personne de faire des concours de qui est le plus ci ou ça (donc ce n’est pas un danger avec des outils) - Permis de conduire mais pas de voiture personnelle - Maîtrise en beaux-arts (spécialisation: peinture)
Ce qu’il cherche : - un poste qui paie + de 30$/h - à Montréal ou dans les environs - un environnement de travail sécuritaire avec des personnes bienveillantes - une équipe qui lui parlerait en français, mais qui comprendrait qu’il faudra parfois lui traduire et lui expliquer des termes ou expressions
J’aimerais donc de l’aide pour lui suggérer des postes dans des entreprises spécifiques ou des types d’entreprises spécifiques à Montréal ou dans les alentours.
Par exemple, j’ai pensé à menuisier au municipal, mais je ne connais pas le processus d’entrevue pour ce poste. Je ne sais pas s’ils seront indulgents dans la manière qu’ils posent les questions (formulation simple, répéter, lui laisser le temps de penser, etc.).
Bref, c’est une personne qui veut vraiment intégrer le milieu francophone car il est ici pour rester. Il a juste besoin d’un endroit qui lui donne une chance et paie un salaire décent.
submitted by VisagePaysage to montreal [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:31 Make3r why does my masuria look like saddam hussein hidding place
submitted by Make3r to CrusaderKings [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:31 Illustrious-Gap85 21 Bi M. I want to get sensual with a bud as we absolutely perv out. 057e3fcc3b6781020a5d922ea4d7e9ec57389d01b30821987d4a8e399e21aec425
submitted by Illustrious-Gap85 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:31 ismyjudge Chat gpt model of fang yuan as a mentor without malicious tendencies
I have “created” a few models of ChatGPT, my highest estimated computational cost for one of the queries associated with this was 5$. I had fun messing with the fang yuan perspective for a bit. If anyone is interested I can copy and paste and paste a build of this model for your use as a plug in.
submitted by ismyjudge to ReverendInsanity [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:31 Tomtend0 Disc Drive available at Playstation Direct (Austria)
Seems to be restocked at PSDirect, just got one, for anyone searching for a Disc Drive around Austria and Germany.
submitted by Tomtend0 to PS5pro [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:31 JustRing5998 Ajman Driving License: Unlimited Package Worth It?
Hi everyone,
Thinking of getting a driving license in Ajman. Is the 8500 AED unlimited package a fair price or a scam? Any recent experiences or advice would be helpful.
submitted by JustRing5998 to Ajman [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:31 RaceSilent5178 [KR] [H] F1-8x v2 WKL silver/red, Keycult No2 raw tkl silver/red [W] Paypal
F1 8x v2 WKL Silvered - 410usd shipped
2024.11.28 13:31 MiraculosAbridge Learn constellations girl
submitted by MiraculosAbridge to Sailormoonmemes [link] [comments]
submitted by KevinBrexit to cryptanium [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:31 stepdad_randy Bibbys revenge on the fans
He’s gonna give us an album full of throwaways for leaking all those song for years. submitted by stepdad_randy to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:31 justcasty Evan Ferguson: Brighton striker will not go on loan
submitted by justcasty to BrightonHoveAlbion [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:31 Personal-Pattern2141 M, Bi hs student 05e3ef6c870ba79498d27b8b6634cf5b2983dc307eba4c4ecc3c8d4eef55b3f862
submitted by Personal-Pattern2141 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:31 argitaspa Afiche de Acción por la República de las elecciones de 1997, retratando a sus tres principales candidatos a diputados nacionales: Domingo Cavallo, Guillermo Francos y María Eugenia Estenssoro.
submitted by argitaspa to argentina [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:31 edelay Streak 294: Le processeur est arrivé avec une mauvaise configuration
submitted by edelay to SpeakStreakFR [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:31 FXgram_ Happy Thanksgiving Day! This year's annual feast averages about $5.80 per person, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation's Thanksgiving dinner survey – or about $58 for a gathering of 10. I have some vague doubts. What will you have on your table today?
submitted by FXgram_ to XGramatikInsights [link] [comments] |