Music analysis - Scene with old lady

2024.11.28 13:31 Exciting-Brick-1224 Music analysis - Scene with old lady

Okey, I have not been able to find anything about this anywhere else, and I am not sure if I'm just grasping at straws BUT, I noticed that there is a song played during the scene where Beverly visits her old home and meets the old lady. That song that is playing in the background is called "Det er det skønneste jeg ved" performed by Max Hansen and Teddy Petersen.
It always struck me as an odd choice to have an old Danish song during that scene, but then they talked about the old lady's father immigrating to Derry. So I thought it might be a small nod to the fact that Bill Skarsgaard being Swedish/part Swedish, but again something didn't quite add up.
Me being Danish and remembering the song being used in another movie, the song invokes longing and hope and love. So in my mind, as we know the old lady is a different form of Pennywise, and therefore a song Pennywise put on, it could mean that that was to convey the longing Pennywise had to see the kids again. The kids that got away and almost destroyed him. A strange kind of abusive relationship, where he longs to be able to have a second chance at getting them. As Pennywise said in the trailer (maybe also in the movie, but can't remember for sure) "I missed you!".
This part is the chorus of the song: Det er det skønneste jeg ved (it is the loveliest thing I know) På dig på dig at tænke (to think of you) Og al min dybe kærlighed (and all of my deepest love) Jeg evigt vil dig skænke (I will bestow upon you for ever) Af dig at elskes måtte være (to be loved by you, would be) En dejlig drøm at bære (a lovely dream to have) Give mig dit hjerte (give me your heart) Så lover jeg dig (and I promise) Får du mit igen (I will give you mine)
Maybe I'm too deep in the sauce, but it seems too coincidental to choose that specific song for this specific movie without it being some sort of message.
What do you think?
submitted by Exciting-Brick-1224 to ItTheMovie [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 thegrayyernaut Hilichurls in the Golden Apple Archipelago (2.8)

Hilichurls in the Golden Apple Archipelago (2.8) submitted by thegrayyernaut to Genshin_Photography [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 AutoModerator Daily chat thread: how's the training going?

We're going to try out something new for a bit: a daily chat thread for people to share how training is going, ask minor questions, and get to know one another.
Put on your recovery boots, grab your post-workout banana/espresso/breakfast burrito and join us!
Quick update: We're trying out "Contest Mode" for the daily comments, which basically means they will be ordered randomly and not sorted by votes. This is so people coming in later in the day don't get buried at the bottom. Please let us know what you think! We can always revert if it's not working.
submitted by AutoModerator to triathlon [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 ivvanovv How to find myth+ "friends"?

Hey all, I wanted to ask if someone knows how to find myth+ friends? I an Aug Evoker and I'm currently @ 2.5k rating and I really enjoy running 10+ keys but its really hard with pugs. I'm in a guild thats more raid active than myth+ and I wouldn't like to leave the guild cuz its decent people but somehow it's not so easy to connect with people for myth+. I would love to find some people I could maybe form a group with and run keys for fun, I'm open for discord but I can't talk ALWAYS. Maybe some tipps? Tysm
submitted by ivvanovv to wow [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 Thatsreallytaken 100% CPU Usage - is it normal?

Hi everyone!
Link to pc part picker:
As stated in the title. I'm facing pretty high CPU usage. It happens while playing Cyberpunk 2077, 1440p, Ultra. I've tried tweaking the settings a little bit, but it does not help much. In more empty areas the usage drops but not much - to around 90%.
Temperatures are quite stable - CPU at around 55 deg C, GPU 60-something, 70 deg C hotspot.
Is there something wrong with parts chosen? Or is it normal? As far as I've read 7600 should handle the RX7800 XT.
submitted by Thatsreallytaken to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 Oxh12345 All I wanted was innovator😭

All I wanted was innovator😭 submitted by Oxh12345 to SolsRNG [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 gophercuresself Ex Pixel buds user turned apparent Allen Express sales rep - how can they make them for this little money?

I lost my Pixel Buds 2 a few months ago, which I generally really liked apart from their habit of losing signal when my phone was in my back pocket. I got a pair of cheapo ones from china (Realfit F3 - currently under £5) whilst I decided what to get as a replacement. I expected nothing beyond barely functional but they're honestly great. Initially the sound was quite muddy but the app they come with has a full EQ so taking out some of the lower mids made all the difference. Now they sound really nice and they're louder than my pixels, bassier and they don't lose signal, ever. Theoretically, the battery isn't nearly as long lasting as the Pixels - though I've had no problem so far - but just in case I just bought my third pair so I always have backups if needs be!
Another nice feature they have is that if they lose connection then they actually turn off after a while instead of running down completely. So I can fall asleep with them in and wake up with them almost fully charged (my phone has a timer to turn off Bluetooth after a delay).
The ANC is not the best but fine for easy environments and the transparency mode works perfectly well. I may have got lucky with the fit but the isolation is excellent and they feel very stable. They have customisable touch controls (no swipe but multi taps that are decently responsive) so you can use the assistant if you want, but I'm not sure if they can read out or reply to notifications. I never used that feature very much anyway.
Anyway, this isn't really all that relevant to here I guess, but I feel like more people should be aware of the quality you can get for such little money. Spending 20-40 times as much on a pair of buds seems ridiculous at this point. You're just paying for the brand. Save your money
submitted by gophercuresself to pixelbuds [link] [comments]

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2024.11.28 13:31 Nearby-Cat1559 What is this?

What is this? Can someone tell me what this is? It’s on plant leaves and the pot? Finished
submitted by Nearby-Cat1559 to planthelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 OptimusBeardy Mmmmm!

Mmmmm! submitted by OptimusBeardy to lovememes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 LeeTuneVane Con số 1,4 tỉ dân Trung Quốc thật ra là giả???

Sau khi coi video này Con số 1,4 tỷ chỉ là giả, dân số thực sự của TQ là bao nhiêu?
Thì t đã thử kiểm chứng xem những lời trên video nói có thật hay không thì t đã nhờ chatGPT tóm tắt lại bài viết của My Estimate of the Death Toll in China During the Three-year Pandemic Using Officially Published Data | Falun Dafa -
Tác giả bài viết đưa ra ước tính về số người tử vong tại Trung Quốc trong đại dịch COVID-19 dựa trên dữ liệu chính thức từ ngành dịch vụ tang lễ do Bộ Dân chính công bố. Mục tiêu là cung cấp cái nhìn gần đúng về con số 400 triệu người tử vong mà từng đề cập.
Dữ liệu và phương pháp:

  1. Dữ liệu từ ngành dịch vụ tang lễ:
    • Tăng 9,9% số nhân viên và 10% số lò hỏa táng từ năm 2019 đến 2021.
    • Tỷ lệ hỏa táng tăng từ 52,4% (2019) lên 58,8% (2021).
  2. Ước tính số ca tử vong:
    • Tác giả tính toán dựa trên khả năng hoạt động của lò hỏa táng (8 giờ hoặc 24 giờ/ngày).
    • Giả định 8 giờ/ngày: Số tử vong trong 2020-2021 là khoảng 140 triệu.
    • Giả định 24 giờ/ngày: Số tử vong trong 2020-2021 lên tới 420 triệu.
  3. Tính thêm dữ liệu 2022:
    • Do chưa có số liệu chính thức năm 2022, tác giả giả định số tử vong tương đương hoặc lớn hơn năm 2021.
    • Tổng cộng (2020-2022):
      • Nếu lò hỏa táng hoạt động 8 giờ/ngày: 209 triệu người chết.
      • Nếu hoạt động 24 giờ/ngày: 628 triệu người chết.
Lưu ý: Kết luận: Số người tử vong tại Trung Quốc trong đại dịch COVID-19 có thể dao động từ 209 đến 628 triệu người, tùy thuộc vào các giả định tính toán. Bài viết nhằm cung cấp góc nhìn để hiểu rõ hơn mức độ nghiêm trọng của đại dịch.
T không biết số người tử vong thật sự trong đại dịch COVD-19 có giống như bài viết này không nhưng t chắc chắn không cần đại dịch COVID thì tự lãnh đạo, người dân tự đầu độc, tự chém giết, tự hành hạ lẫn nhau là đã suy giảm nghiêm trọng dân số Trung Quốc rồi
submitted by LeeTuneVane to VietNamNation [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 getnownottoday Samsung Black Friday Deals 2024

Check out the link for Samsung Black Friday Deals 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by getnownottoday to GlibDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 C-Land_53 [WTB] Mantis Blackbeard, BFG sling

Hey yall. Happy turkey day!
Looking for
Mantis blackbeard - $150
BFG 2 point sling (black) either with or with QD -$35-65 depending on version
Upper Receiver w/ T-marks - $40-60 depending on version
submitted by C-Land_53 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 CriticismOver6895 I need encouragement to use my dildo. I Can send pics. Cei. M33. 0507f1ac42f5ece0b82b784f232f047f3effb68a7164d3a49d40f1fa8f36573927

submitted by CriticismOver6895 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 Dnuty_Man scary orange *very scary so beware*

submitted by Dnuty_Man to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 netocrat Вниманию пассажиров: аэротрансфер Одесса-Кишинев меняет расписание

Вниманию пассажиров: аэротрансфер Одесса-Кишинев меняет расписание submitted by netocrat to OdesaUkraine [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 PTN_Mission_Alerts P.T.N. WET MOTHBALL W3T-7HB loading GOLD in QA'WAKANA for 21K/TON PROFIT (28 November 3310 13:31 )

P.T.N. WET MOTHBALL W3T-7HB loading GOLD in QA'WAKANA for 21K/TON PROFIT (28 November 3310 13:31 ) submitted by PTN_Mission_Alerts to PilotsTradeNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 MeltingDeeperErase Struggling with essays? Discover the best custom writing services that save time and sanity!

submitted by MeltingDeeperErase to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:31 GreenteaDriven I'd like to share spaces with clients – how do *you* do it and what plan are you using?

Hi, I have been using craft and collaborating for a while with one other person. I'd like to ramp up and share the space with clients so that we can collaborate on projects. I am currently using the Setapp version (Plus) Can someone who is doing this please explain how the "sharing" works. I have been using it, invited people, but I am never sure if I invite someone 1. Do they only pay if I want them to collaborate (rather than read only)?

  1. With the family plan, can I invite a client to their specific space, collaborate and then revoke their invitation when the project is done and THEN invite someone else (all the while having four other clients using the additional "family" membership?)
submitted by GreenteaDriven to CraftDocs [link] [comments]