2024.11.28 14:40 No_Capital_2606 Recommendations for rug?
I thougt about a dark green rug because of the plants. ChatGPT says, a neutral (beige) option would be the best to connect the modern style with the cozy cognac leather. There will be a sofa stool in the cognac design within the next days.
submitted by No_Capital_2606 to malelivingspace [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 WalkingHorse Determining Line of Therapy from Real-World Data in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
submitted by WalkingHorse to LungCancerSupport [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 Hot-Friendship-6500 Tournament Distribution 2024-11-27 (vs last Tournament)
submitted by Hot-Friendship-6500 to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 Super_Dende64 should I get the Shark AZ2002 Vertex ?
First off, happy turkey for those who celebrate!
Anyways, I was thinking of getting this, since my living room is mostly hardwood, with some area rugs, but my bedrooms are all carpeted. I don't know what low/high pile means, but they're just the regular basic carpet apartments come with. Do y'all think it'll be worth spending extra, or should I go with the Shark Navigator? I like the stick vacuum option, because of my furniture, and I found one on eBay for about the same as a new navigator.
submitted by Super_Dende64 to VacuumCleaners [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 bubbaroque Last patient needed to graduate
Sorry for another dental hygiene post, but I only need one more patient to graduate from my program.
School is in North York and the whole thing will take 3-4 appointments to complete the treatment. It includes a check by a dentist, xrays and a dental cleaning.
Appointments available on Wednesdays and Fridays. I will compensate cost of treatment and provide $200 on the last appointment as a thank you.
submitted by bubbaroque to torontoJobs [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 Most-Cranberry-1072 Money is hapiness or Pleasure?
submitted by Most-Cranberry-1072 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 FairFreedom3260 How do you deal with urges when trying to quit porn?
Hi everyone, I've been trying to quit porn for a while now but the urges keep sneaking back in. One thing that's helped is keeping myself busy with hobbies, like reading or going for a run. It doesn't always work, but it's a start. I also find that talking about it helps, maybe not with everyone, but someone I trust. I'm curious, has anyone else found little tricks or activities that help curb those moments? It'd be great to know I'm not alone in this.
submitted by FairFreedom3260 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 VinylAlerts [Amazon] Jack Harlow - Jackman. (Amazon Exclusive) [Forest Green] @ $17.43
Jack Harlow - Jackman. (Amazon Exclusive) [Forest Green] @ $17.43 direct
2024.11.28 14:40 Busy-Bird8120 Guys from India, which opportunity do you guys choose to get more tasks?
I first took ai trainer and got around 5 tasks and then EQ for almost a month even after getting good ratings. And I made my friend take math tutor one and he got around 8 tasks for a week then again EQ for almost 2 weeks. Please help me which opportunity or job actually have good amount of tasks ? Please help me.
submitted by Busy-Bird8120 to outlier_ai [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 Substantial_Bad_7783 Please put your carts away and some things to consider.
I am sure many of you that frequent this subreddit do put your carts away. However, to those of you that do not…please consider how your actions impact other people in the world.
This photo is of an accessibility ramp. Why on earth would you block this for other people that need it? Seniors. People with mobility issues. The list goes on. The designated spots close to the entrance are not always available and people might have to park further away. Consider how your laziness directly makes someone else’s day that much more complicated.
I beg of you, please consider other people while out in public and especially at Costco.
Some general rules that help.
2024.11.28 14:40 Which-Sorbet7518 Timing Eating for Today
How are you all planning to eat today? We are going to eat around 3:30-4. I ate breakfast and figured I would just eat snacks every 2-3 hours until then?
submitted by Which-Sorbet7518 to GestationalDiabetes [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 ArbitraryChaos13 The day has been two very different types of crazy...
submitted by ArbitraryChaos13 to PokeMedia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:40 rvps2001 Putin says Russia would use all weapons at its disposal if Ukraine got nuclear weapons
submitted by rvps2001 to RussiaUkraineBriefing [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 katieerosexx Update on Gizmo: Dad is going to let us keep him 😭🙌
After a lot of pleading and a lot of cuddles from Gizmo, Dad's finally given in and he's going to let us keep him. I'm so happy I could cry! Thanks for the advice everyone <3
submitted by katieerosexx to Dachshund [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 Broadgoon89 FEEDING! Beta Irish slave relapsing hard. Need a cruel master to control me and to feed my non nude irls to. Use me. Session: 0571b2546b1db76a22378c7b1c31cbf41ea10678ab7500326739bc49ebab036c08
submitted by Broadgoon89 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 Full-Mulberry5018 This Cute Aardvark 🤎
submitted by Full-Mulberry5018 to cuteanimals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:40 Jindaya Next gen weight loss drug MariTide is a once a month (or maybe twice a year) injection
"The pharmaceutical manufacturer Amgen announced on Tuesday that an experimental obesity drug helped patients lose up to 20 percent of their weight in a year. The drug, MariTide, is given by injection once a month, compared with once a week for other obesity drugs like Wegovy and Zepbound that are already on the market.
"Dr. Jay Bradner, the company’s chief scientific officer, noted a surprising effect of the drug: When the trial ended, many participants maintained their weight loss for as long as 150 days. That means that less frequent injections could be possible or even that patients may not need to stay on the drug permanently. The company said it was studying quarterly injections."
"Dr. Bradner also noted that weight loss with the drug did not plateau at 52 weeks. That raises the possibility, he said, that patients may continue to lose weight if they take the drug for a longer time."
Doesn't fizzle out 🤔
Twice a year maintenance injections 🤔
submitted by Jindaya to Mounjaro [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 Interierove_Dvere Protipožiarne oceľové dvere NINZ
Protipožiarne oceľové dvere značky NINZ patria medzi kvalitné a spoľahlivé riešenia na ochranu pred šírením požiaru v rôznych typoch budov. Tieto dvere sú navrhnuté tak, aby spĺňali prísne európske normy požiarnej odolnosti (napr. EN 1634-1) a poskytovali bezpečnosť a funkčnosť. Kľúčové vlastnosti protipožiarnych dverí NINZ: Požiarna odolnosť: Dostupné modely s rôznou triedou požiarnej odolnosti (napr. EI30, EI60, EI90, EI120), ktoré zabezpečujú ochranu pred šírením ohňa a dymu počas stanoveného časového intervalu. Kvalitný materiál: Vyrobené z ocele s vysokou pevnosťou a odolnosťou, čo zaručuje dlhú životnosť a stabilitu. Dizajn a povrchová úprava: Dvere sú dostupné v rôznych povrchových úpravách, vrátane práškového lakovania v rôznych farbách podľa RAL vzorkovníka. Možnosť hladkého povrchu alebo dekoratívneho dizajnu na estetické prispôsobenie interiéru. Príslušenstvo a funkcie: 1., Automatické samozatváracie mechanizmy. 2., Dymotesné tesnenie a zvuková izolácia. 3., Možnosť vybavenia panikovými kovaním, zasklením odolným voči ohňu alebo ďalšími prvkami podľa požiadaviek. Použitie: Obytné budovy, kancelárske priestory, priemyselné objekty, nemocnice, školy či obchodné centrá. Certifikácia: Všetky dvere NINZ sú certifikované podľa platných legislatívnych požiadaviek na protipožiarnu ochranu v EÚ. Prečo si vybrať dvere NINZ? Značka NINZ je známa vysokou kvalitou, spoľahlivosťou a inovatívnym prístupom v oblasti protipožiarnej ochrany. Ponúka široký sortiment dverí, ktoré spĺňajú rôznorodé potreby zákazníkov, či už ide o štandardné požiadavky alebo špecifické projektové riešenia. Ak by ste potrebovali viac informácií, ako sú cenové ponuky, technické špecifikácie alebo dostupné modely, môžem vám s tým pomôcť. Stačí dať vedieť! 🚪👉🛒 https://www.lingas.sk/protipoziarne-dvere https://www.lingas.sk/protipoziarne-dvere-ocelove-d1 #protipoziarnedvere #ocelovedvere #ninz #interierovestudio #lingas #ruzomberok #slovensko NINZ submitted by Interierove_Dvere to interierove_dvere [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:40 kentromania eCampus Black Friday Deals 2024
Check out the link for eCampus Black Friday Deals 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by kentromania to LimitedDiscount [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 Hellbiterhater Day 3: Can kill you in an instant But Won't
submitted by Hellbiterhater to WindBreakerManga [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:40 spellboi_3048 Season 14 trailer drops in
submitted by spellboi_3048 to VentureMains [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:40 Conflict63 How many of you have 2 of these guys?
submitted by Conflict63 to Tarkov [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 ConsciousRhubarb Rita Hayworth
submitted by ConsciousRhubarb to ClassicScreenBeauties [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 TheFifthGoonie Anyone in Dr. Andra Smith's class PSY2301?
Hey everyone! Looking for material from the review class she sent an email about. If anyone is inclined to help it'd be very much appreciated 🙏🏼
submitted by TheFifthGoonie to geegees [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:40 Flat-Communication78 PowerBook G4 Vs MacBook Pro
Which one is your favorite gentlemen ???
submitted by Flat-Communication78 to macbookpro [link] [comments]