[EBAY] - G11/12/1 Lord Of The Rings Lor017 Aragorn Horse C01pb01 9472 @ $92.87 #ad

2024.11.28 14:31 mtgscavenger [EBAY] - G11/12/1 Lord Of The Rings Lor017 Aragorn Horse C01pb01 9472 @ $92.87 #ad

[EBAY] - G11/12/1 Lord Of The Rings Lor017 Aragorn Horse C01pb01 9472 @ $92.87 #ad submitted by mtgscavenger to BrickDrop [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 autotelica Future regret is not a good enough reason

I'm currently in the biggest dilemma of my career. Do I take a new job making dream money but that has a good chance of being eliminated within the next few years? Or do I stay in my current job, making "good enough" money, doing work I love to do, without the fear of being unemployed in a terrible economy? Both jobs are in the government sector. But the dream job is a federal position within an agency that has been targeted by you-know-who. The current job is in state government.
People are telling me to go with the dream job. "You'll regret it if you don't," they are saying. I know they are right. If I don't take the job and there are no lay-offs or arbitrary firings, then I will be kicking myself for many years to come for walking away from such a great opportunity.
But there's massive regret waiting for me if I do accept the job offer and my fears come true. If I do get fired and then have difficulty landing a job as good as my current one (not just in terms of dollars and sense, but also work-life balance and retirement/healthcare benefits), then I will also be kicking myself big time.
As I was working out this morning and mentally going through all the scenarios, it occurred to me that we give regret a lot of importance. "You'll regret that later!" "You'll regret it if you don't at least try." "There's nothing worse feeling than regret." And I'm starting to think all of these sayings are kind of BS, especially that last one.
Not all regret is the same, for one thing. Yes, regretting not making a gazillion dollars when you had the chance to is not on the same level as regretting a decision that cost you your savings, house, and sanity. And feeling regret over a few years is not the same as feeling regret over 20 or 30 years.
I also think regret is inevitable, and because of this, it's a survivable experience. We are adapted to deal with regret. I have regretted certain choices I have made over my 47 years. Like, I regret not getting therapy in my mid-20s when I was showing signs of mental illness, because I probably missed out on some good times being so neurotic and weird. I regret not going to the dentist for over a decade and now I have to deal with fucked-up gums for the rest of my life. But the regret over these things is purely intellectual for me now. There's no pain there. I just carry the lessons that those experiences taught me. Now I know that when my thoughts start spiraling, I need to get professional help. Now I know I need to get my teeth cleaned every three months and use both floss and those brush stick thingies. Regret really is not the worst thing in the world. It can be a valuable thing, if it is channeled properly.
I still don't know what I'm going to do about this job situation. I probably won't know until I get the final job offer and I'm forced to make a decision.
But I just wanted to let the young people out there who are facing dilemmas that it is OK to go with a decision knowing you will probably regret it. Don't let anyone convince you that regret is some monster to be afraid of. It's just a feeling. All feelings are fleeting and survivable. Make your decisions based on facts and information. Not on how you imagine you will feel.
submitted by autotelica to self [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 leylensxx I never put them side by side before so I didn't realize how much bigger Lighter actually is

I never put them side by side before so I didn't realize how much bigger Lighter actually is submitted by leylensxx to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 AroundTheTabeBGame Natale ad Amalfi, Repubblica Marinara! Il boardgame delle feste! A Che gioco stiamo Giocando

Natale ad Amalfi, Repubblica Marinara! Il boardgame delle feste! A Che gioco stiamo Giocando submitted by AroundTheTabeBGame to AroundTheTableGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 ZookeepergameEven848 Truman was challenged to draw borders of ME from memory. This is the result.

Truman was challenged to draw borders of ME from memory. This is the result. submitted by ZookeepergameEven848 to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Oil_702 Bring lobby queue voice chat!

I miss talking shit to the other team after they lost 😭😭😭 it’s part of why I loved this game. BO2 vibes. Best game ever till I realized the other team can’t hear you talk smack anymore after the match is over. It’s truly a great thing. Now that it’s gone I feel like I’m just talking to my self.
Please bring lobby voice chat back. Or just add a mute button in general for snowflakes. Both sides solved.
submitted by Oil_702 to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 CodeTight9730 thoughts?

thoughts? submitted by CodeTight9730 to vscosloots [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Minute_Boss_2412 REC/Pro-Am PG Build

REC/Pro-Am PG Build I want to make a good PG build that is all around. I have played a stretch 5 role this year so far and want to make a PG but wanted some feedback before I make this build. Please tell me what you think of the build and what you would change.
submitted by Minute_Boss_2412 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Tight_Craft4566 I made a European Brickville. server name: European Roleplay

I made a European Brickville. server name: European Roleplay submitted by Tight_Craft4566 to BrickRigs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 mexicanitch Stay. Stay.. Stay...

Stay. Stay.. Stay... New toy for turkey day. They were outta turkeys
submitted by mexicanitch to dogpictures [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Kooky-Ad-4412 Any dutch guys wanna compare cocks? 050385d12aad5f76164d465891179addd7308e0ca15d70af90aac752a6b0202a06 disc:bandit7071_

submitted by Kooky-Ad-4412 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 HabitSuitable8789 Slcrain

Slogo and containers shipping name
submitted by HabitSuitable8789 to SLGreddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 SimonPartridge Alrigh'? Go' a new feature. Callin' i' CrossPilks

Alrigh'? Go' a new feature. Callin' i' CrossPilks submitted by SimonPartridge to rickygervais [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 VinnieT9898 Dive Bomber

Dive Bomber submitted by VinnieT9898 to NoLimitsCoaster [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 AffectionateView1094 First Snow over the Sunset by Ace0fredspades [me]

First Snow over the Sunset by Ace0fredspades [me] submitted by AffectionateView1094 to ImaginarySliceOfLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 gorybat Unpaid Internship. Need advice

I need some advice, I believe my internship is taking advantage of me.
I recently took an unpaid internship for a digital marketing company. Initially, I was excited to get some experience so I can build my resume. But I am expected to produce 3 videos a day and I am not learning anything at all and barely receiving any feedback. I signed a contract with them and in the contract it states I need to give 2 weeks notice if I want to quit. But I don't think it's feasible for me to create 30 videos within those 2 weeks.
What do you guys think I should do?
submitted by gorybat to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Glittering-Active697 What is your nearest death experience ?

submitted by Glittering-Active697 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 ffimnsr Launching a new job portal. Anyone has an expertise on this field?

Hi there solo dev founder here. Just today I've launched my site it's a job portal, what sets this job portal apart from others is its seamless integration with social media platforms. Currently, where on Telegram, with plans to expand to other platforms soon.
The idea emerged from my line of work in blockchain, the decentralized fashion approach and the growing trend of people staying within messaging apps. By building on these messaging platforms, users can easily subscribe and unsubscribe within the same app, reducing the friction of getting users and maintaining a decentralized structure.
The platform will also, utilize early screening through machine learning and use of conversational AI.
Currently, I'm planning to target remote workers, remote VA's, despite the increasing trend of founders pushing for a return to office (RTO). I believe in the potential of remote work and will continue to promote it.
Additionally, I'm planning to launch an app for gig jobs that will seamlessly sync with this platform. Also have other ideas for new platform to implement next.
LF: Looking for anyone with expertise on this HR tech field, suggestions and even mentors (<- definitely this one).
submitted by ffimnsr to PhStartups [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 AllergicThugs iPhone 16 Pro Max

When I first got my phone (October 3rd) it felt like the battery was lasting as it should. Now it’s only going to be 2 months later and it feels like it’s dying faster. Shy I say that let me explain. When I first got my phone I used to wake up to it on 100, go to work. I can’t use my phone at work so I leave it in my car, I use it for an hour while at work (2 30 minute breaks) then again when I get home. Back then I’ll gts and my phone would be on 50% or around there. I’m did the exact same thing today. Woke up at 4:30pm, went to work from 6-4:30am and now it’s 9:30 and my phone is on 7%. If my math is good i only used my phone for 6-7 hours. Not consistent neither. I’m just confused, or am I over exaggerating? My battery health is still at 100%.
submitted by AllergicThugs to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Reasonable-Lack-7343 How does one edit a recognised face. And how does one remove a false positive. I have accidentally changed a false negative image that was recognised by the AI and renamed to the correct person, but the previous person has already been created, and now this has merged the face and caused issues.

submitted by Reasonable-Lack-7343 to damselflyphotos [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Ok-Recognition-3483 12 stars for 4 star card, 15 for 5 star card

12 stars for 4 star card, 15 for 5 star card submitted by Ok-Recognition-3483 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 mtgscavenger [EBAY] - P6 Train City Railway Container Car Snowmobile With Ba New @ $54.23 #ad

[EBAY] - P6 Train City Railway Container Car Snowmobile With Ba New @ $54.23 #ad submitted by mtgscavenger to BrickDrop [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Ledonjames13 It’s only Thursday 😩

It’s only Thursday 😩 submitted by Ledonjames13 to cat [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 DreamPirates Aaditi Pohankar Marathi Actress #AaditiPohankar

submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 gendormaskome Merlin Cycles Black Friday Deals 2024

Use the link for Merlin Cycles Black Friday Deals 2024. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by gendormaskome to DiscountEnergizing [link] [comments]
