How do I improve boiler efficiency?

2024.11.28 16:30 WierdoTheThoughtful How do I improve boiler efficiency?

I've noticed that steam boilers start to slug after a minute of running because their water intake draw/demand is highefaster than the air in an enclosed space can replace itself without pumps. So-far, my method of efficient boiler injection is to pressurize my locomotive tendereservoir with air using electric pumps. I was wondering if it was at all possible to increase Air-flow into an enclosed space enough to replace lost pressure naturally, because last time I tried, it didn't do much, despite having several ports handling air simultaneously.
I was also wondering if it assists efficiency at all if you actively pump the steam out of the boiler, because I haven't noticed a difference (Yet).
submitted by WierdoTheThoughtful to Stormworks [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 LillianladyXO test

submitted by LillianladyXO to cqs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 SeekerOfWisdom1337 Is it the right time to hire?

I’m currently running a solo software development agency with good cashflow (200K+ per year) in Europe, with two governmental long term clients.
Im pretty much handling the work myself (yes everything). It initially started as a one off contract but branched out to something bigger right now.
I created it into an agency, created company, website, hired an accountant and all the paperwork.
Now that I have stable cashflow and cash reserves, how do I hire people to replace me?
Im trying to make an MVP along side this but can’t find the time at all without sacrificing my main work.
Is it the right time to hire someone(developer)? How does one decide this? What are the factors that I should take in consideration?
Bonus question: how can one scale an software development agency like hire a sales lead etc?
Thanks for all the apples
submitted by SeekerOfWisdom1337 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 panti3s4you I bet he goes Awooo! at night

I bet he goes Awooo! at night submitted by panti3s4you to Justfuckmyshitup [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 MetalHeadMatallix64 Newest addition to my Ghost collection (just in time for Christmas!

Newest addition to my Ghost collection (just in time for Christmas! In addition to all my CDs, my necklace and the bootlegs, official plushia joins the party!
I’m so excited this band means so much to me and it feels like it’s all culminated into this spending.
Im the person that posted about the order on the store having the wrong email, to those who replied thank you you can now rest 😭
submitted by MetalHeadMatallix64 to Ghostbc [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Ok_Walk_839 101k Facebook Art Page For Sale (USA)

I have a 101k Facebook Page in the Art niche for sale.. several viral reels. Majority United States followers. The page has great potential. I don’t need it because I’m building a separate page for my business.
submitted by Ok_Walk_839 to socialmedia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 PsychologicalGap2382 If you could retain all the knowledge you have now and start over at 12 what would you do?

submitted by PsychologicalGap2382 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Red77777777 Connecting 1Mii B03 with Philips 32PFS6402

[ Removed by Reddit on account of violating the content policy. ]
submitted by Red77777777 to bluetooth [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 a-pair-of-2s What can we start referring to ‘Leon Mu$k’ by now besides his name?

submitted by a-pair-of-2s to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 BigDeezy231 This was the bonus word. I guess it was meant to be 🤣🤣

submitted by BigDeezy231 to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Alive_Story6125 I suck at writing romance 😔

At my school we are learning about genetics and one of the assignments we have is to "mate" monster and track their traits and write a paragraph shoeing how the two monster fell on love or whatever.
The paragraphs I wrote barely include romance or NSFW scenes. It was basically me stating what they were doing in a funny way. But for my last paragraph I decided to write a more traditional love story so my teacher doesn't think I'm crazy. I dislike the paragraph where I tried to write romantically. I think it kinda sucks.
Also I wrote so much more for the first two paragraphs. The first paragraph was 486 words and the second one was 492 words. The third one however was 181 words. I don't know why I have to write stories like this in science class.
In all honesty I think me not being able to write romance might have something to do with the fact that my aroace butt doesn't understand it 😎
I also put a photo of the romantic paragraph if you guys wanted to see it
submitted by Alive_Story6125 to aromanticasexual [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 UltimatePlayerr "Algo que não acontece no Brasil"

submitted by UltimatePlayerr to investimentos [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 13News_info Presupuesto 2025 Queda Fuera de las Sesiones Extraordinarias: El Gobierno Prioriza Reforma Política y Privatizaciones

Presupuesto 2025 Queda Fuera de las Sesiones Extraordinarias: El Gobierno Prioriza Reforma Política y Privatizaciones submitted by 13News_info to 13news_info [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Playful-Opening4613 Cocked and Loaded – Aaliyah Love (Edge Queens)

submitted by Playful-Opening4613 to SexyHandjobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 LelouchLamperouge15 Check my CQS

submitted by LelouchLamperouge15 to cqs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Designer-Aioli-7929 Do Fleshlights REALLY work Astrid Star Shows You – Edge Queens

Do Fleshlights REALLY work Astrid Star Shows You – Edge Queens submitted by Designer-Aioli-7929 to SexyHandjobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Deus_Ex45 Things I come up with in the toilet.

Things I come up with in the toilet. submitted by Deus_Ex45 to memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Sharabha-Studio Describe this Chapter in one word

Describe this Chapter in one word submitted by Sharabha-Studio to Fortnite_Share [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Flightdeck72 New printer Q25

Anyone have any info on the printer that they said was coming out Q1 25? Any specs, hints, etc?
submitted by Flightdeck72 to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Fredstar2000 We love charity Shops!!!! ❤️

We love charity Shops!!!! ❤️ Ray of light by Madonna, just £1!!!
submitted by Fredstar2000 to Cd_collectors [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 just-arandom_guy Is it just me or is abc lane really annoying

I cant figure out how to last more than 15 turns 😭
submitted by just-arandom_guy to NoobsInCombat [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Vagaborg Is there any risk to Money Markets?

Looking at a money market (Vanguard Sterling) for a family member, who effectively has zero risk appetite. I wouldn't feel comfortable recommending it if I didn't understand the risk. Does anyone have an oppinion on these?
submitted by Vagaborg to FIREUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 EssayCharming5817 Did my hairdresser do me wrong? What I got and what I asked for. (Both are in the same light)

Did my hairdresser do me wrong? What I got and what I asked for. (Both are in the same light) Asked for the second picture and the first picture is my hair. Did my hairdresser do me wrong or am I tripping?
submitted by EssayCharming5817 to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Mrottopup How do you lads deal with getting all snotty this time of year?

Been biking all year round for the last 6 years and always at this time of year I go all snotty from the cold, nothing I can do to stop it so I go into work and shops sniffling non stop with snot going onto my beard, if its very cold I'll look like I've been crying too from my eyes watering up.
never really been a issue before but recently I've started to get self conscious about it
submitted by Mrottopup to MotoIRELAND [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 SecretKinkFairy Out with the bad and In with the Good

Out with the bad and In with the Good submitted by SecretKinkFairy to Positivity [link] [comments]