Transparant widget

2024.11.28 16:50 faticecreamsausage Transparant widget

Sometimes when I close my calendar app, the widget turns transparent instead of the regular white or black theme, but then turns right back to being white. Is there a way to make it transparent permanently?
submitted by faticecreamsausage to MacOS [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Morgin187 Pc Nvidia settings for hdr movie watching.

What are the best settings for watching bluray hdr movies on my pc. Should I set Nvidia to 4:4:4 limited and the tv black levels to low or rgb full and the tv black levels to high or auto.
Also should I be changing to rgb full and black levels to high when gaming in hdr?
Does either option give better colors or hdr? I'm using Ig cx and a 3080 with a hami 2.1 cable.
submitted by Morgin187 to LGOLED [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 LycheeNotaLychee Bonjour/au revoir à quelle âge?

Mon fils va bientôt avoir 3 ans et ne dit pas bonjouau revoir. Meme si on lui demande de faire.
J’ai toujours cru que le fait que nous le fassions et que nous l’encouragions gentiment à le faire suffirait. Je n’ai jamais forcé.
J’ai déjà vu des parents êtres très stricts avec des petits pour ça - y inclus un papa qui a forcé son petit de deux ans et demi à dire me au revoir, le petit était ultra fatigué après la crèche, il a pleuré énormément. Ça m’a énormément gêné.
Alors, mon fils parle très bien. Mais il ne dit pas bonjour quand on lui demande. Et je vois les autres petits à la crèche le faire tout le temps. Donc je m’inquiète.
Comment est-ce que ça se passe avec vos petits ? Si vous n’avez pas été stricts, à quelle age est-ce qu’ils ont commencé à dire bonjouau revoir ? Idéalement sans qu’on demande
Je vous remercie! Bon courage pour la soirée :)
submitted by LycheeNotaLychee to ParentingFR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 giveahoot420 Found this classic at a thrift store yesterday and thought you knuckleheads would enjoy it

Found this classic at a thrift store yesterday and thought you knuckleheads would enjoy it submitted by giveahoot420 to ACDC [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Mattytaia Who wins the fight?

Who wins the fight? Elite destructful noob vs the dandy's world verse.
submitted by Mattytaia to DandysWorld_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 slurpeedrunkard Justin Sun, Donald Trump, and a Banana Walk into a Bar

Justin Sun, Donald Trump, and a Banana Walk into a Bar Justin Sun is making news by spending millions on a pardon from the incoming Trump administration and a famous piece of self-mocking art.
submitted by slurpeedrunkard to Trump2024to2028 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Ashamed-Success-3826 17M, how bad is it? How can I improve?

submitted by Ashamed-Success-3826 to amIuglyBrutallyHonest [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 saorimika just got vol 6 a few days ago!

just got vol 6 a few days ago! submitted by saorimika to OtonariNoTenshiSama [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 EnduringVisions-511 I was tormented with anxiety until I guessed the reason for it.

White nights
submitted by EnduringVisions-511 to dostoevsky [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Aggressive-Pop765 Bridge for Trias in the Heco network to bnb or ethereum

Hello Trias, unfortunately your support is not answering my questions. I had to send my Trias from Kucoin to Metamask in the Heco network. Now they are stuck there, can you please build a bridge to convert them. Please help us!
submitted by Aggressive-Pop765 to Trias_Lab [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 casokat Summit the rescue ❤️

Summit the rescue ❤️ submitted by casokat to dogpictures [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Alexdi212 Patrol vs Land Cruiser vs Defender?

I’ve been considering upgrading my current car (3.8L Pajero) and I find myself keep coming back to the Land Cruiser, Defender and now the new Patrol.
What are the pros and cons of each, and which would you go for? Also curious about which trim level you think is worth getting.
Grateful for any recommendations!
submitted by Alexdi212 to DubaiPetrolHeads [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Biggie-josh Who’s winning

Who’s winning submitted by Biggie-josh to DandysWorld_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 floowanderdeeznuts What decks actually surprised you?

The question says it. What deck have you built cause you thought it would just be a fun time and just turned into a powerhouse? I recently built a [[Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer]] deck after seeing a video about a deck using him to get out [[Norin The Wary]] just to constantly hit ETB effects. I slammed in [[Rocco, Street Chef]] and some food synergies just because why not, all on a pretty decent budget.
It absolutely COOKS and I'm even surprised by how well it performed in the 3 games I played with it last night now that it's finally together.
submitted by floowanderdeeznuts to EDH [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 dotbetweenlines I painted a portrait of my girlfriend today!

submitted by dotbetweenlines to pics [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 ThenCulture6344 I’m going to ki*l someone soon and the community psychiatrist won’t take me in. What should I do?

I’ve been super depressed, tired, headache and extremely angry for a long time, it haven’t caused any violence to anyone yet because I let it out on things instead of people and it’s very very rare someone makes me angry. I’m the only one that makes me angry. I could write my problems for ages but yeah. I’m 21 years old I’m supposed to be the healthiest but I’m super depressed, no energy, headache and extremely angry
submitted by ThenCulture6344 to ask [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 H2O_Addict03 I want all Trails through Daybreak Main Menu Art

Basically I speedran through Daybreak and realized I missed alot of the main menu art can someone share it here or where can I find them
submitted by H2O_Addict03 to Falcom [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 sgmcosplay Automated storage is a game changer!

Automated storage is a game changer! On my first playthrough. Loving it so far, but inventory mgmt can be a bit tedious.
I'm happy to have unlocked the bigger storage.
submitted by sgmcosplay to Astroneer [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Raiden1702 Any reason to buy the Ryzen 7 9700x VS Intel Core i5-14600K?

I ve seen a lot of people going Ryzen over intel lately but the Ryzen costs a lot more (around 352 € on amazon) The intel (283 € on amazon) and still the intel beats it on every single benchmark with about 5-10 FPS more
Any reason to go team red instead of intel? Why so many people are choosing ryzen nowadays???
submitted by Raiden1702 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Propag8 Help for a diamond rookie please! Does this stone look ok?

submitted by Propag8 to Diamonds [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 hatt730 Newbie want to do embroidery on guitar strap - NE1 can figure out the logistics or whatever of this? lol :3

I'm considering doing embroidery by hand on a guitar strap - I've never really done it before so it's kinda like just going with the flow.
The material appears to be thick so I was considering using a black fabric or cloth to do the design.
Then I was considering to either sow the cloth onto the strap or to have the cloth be wrapped around the strap and be removable (using velco).
I don't know if anyone has any expertise or words of wisdom if they have done this before.
I was going to use a Water Soluble Embroidery Stabilizer paper thing to put my design on and then, using a hoop to make sure I make my design level or on a flat service.
Do you think logistically that works?
submitted by hatt730 to Hand_Embroidery [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 nobleartworks Big Dreamer (OC)

Big Dreamer (OC) submitted by nobleartworks to halo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 SeanBenzu Its so helpful information
submitted by SeanBenzu to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 jesserblood006 new fave skin

definitely my new favorite ikran skin, they really did will on them this dlc. i can already tell secrets of the spires is gonna be my favorite quest line from what i’ve played already
submitted by jesserblood006 to AvatarFrontierPandora [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 daalchawalzindagi Dark pigments, anyways to get rid of these? 44m

Dark pigments, anyways to get rid of these? 44m In last few years i have been developing these black spots all over my face, anyways to remove/stop these?
submitted by daalchawalzindagi to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]