2024.11.28 16:49 Comfortable_Trick_58 How do you get your pet to stand next to you in chat rooms?
I redownloaded MSP yesterday, haven’t played in years and just got a pet for the first time. I see everyone’s pets standing next to them in chat rooms all the time but mine isn’t there, how do I do it?
submitted by Comfortable_Trick_58 to MovieStarPlanet [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 Acrobatic_Relief_668 anyone feeding?
can cam or trib if u feed
submitted by Acrobatic_Relief_668 to MalluBiForCelebs [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 z0rDenOP UploadHeaven is not working
I tried downloading some games from a website and it went through UploadHeaven but after the 14sec timer the download didnt started. Tried with VPN also (CloudFlare)
submitted by z0rDenOP to PiratedGames [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 cdrcools Sorry bro.. but JBB is cope
submitted by cdrcools to JustBeWhyt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 MemeBluA31 iOS Users
submitted by MemeBluA31 to WarzoneMobile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 Fearless-Cherry-4587 Need Help ASAP- Reed Vs Taysom
Which one in half ppr 12 man?
submitted by Fearless-Cherry-4587 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 Ghost_Wolf09 [FR] Summary of the Roadmap 2024-25!
It's all in the title 😁 https://youtu.be/SqBZc_qfMl0
submitted by Ghost_Wolf09 to supervive [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 Scarisanibba Cfc
Cfc free gifts 33623842
submitted by Scarisanibba to TemuThings [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 Limeylime333 This book has completely transformed my back pain and sciatica.
Just wanted to share as I cannot believe how much releasing these muscles has helped me.
submitted by Limeylime333 to Sciatica [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 AggressiveCuriosity $1600 media server build needs some advice! DRAM cache? HDD spin up? Any thoughts appreciated!
Build Help: Hey everyone! I'm in the US and I'm building a media server for my brother in law using unRaid. I've built computers before, but it was so long ago most of my knowledge feels obsolete. We have an enormous DVD library and want to be able to watch it online. It will also store digitized family videos and pictures. I plan to use an Intel iGPU with QuickSync for transcoding and add drives as needed. It's mostly finished, but I was hoping y'all could look over it and make sure I'm not overlooking any ways to improve the build. Like I'm worried that maybe the power supply won't be sufficient if I end up maxing out the number of HDDs the case can take (15). Also, do I need SSDs with a DRAM cache? If so I was looking at the Acer Predator GM7000, which is cheap, but maybe suspiciously so? Oh and lastly does the LSI SAS controller work for what I'm doing? I know I might have to flash it into IT mode and am planning on figuring that out when I get it, but looking into all the other little compatibility issues that can occur was very overwhelming.
I know I'm really splurging on the Rosewill case and unRaid lifetime license, but that's fine. Other than those, I don't see any obvious ways to make it cheaper or any obvious upgrades, but if I'm missing something let me know!
Here's the build:
PCPartPicker Part List
2024.11.28 16:49 Rephic_ Can someone help me find a specific video?
From what I remember, the animation style was similar to FPE. The music was dreamcore. Yes, there is violence.
submitted by Rephic_ to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 Lorena2k Ayuda con mi PC, Que debo hacer?
Hola, tengo una PC que ya tiene como 2-3años que la arme/compre solo que ahora cada vez que intento jugar la pantalla se pone negra y solo se escucha la musiquita del juego, primero pensé que era por calentamiento, pues no la había usado en mas de una año y tenia algo de polvo, así que la lleve a que la limpiaran, pero pues el problema continua, en el negocio me dijeron que podría ser por problema de actualizaciones de windows y drivers, así que la actualice toda, pero tampoco.
Le pregunte a un primo que también tiene pc y juega y me dijo que fijo era la fuente de poder o la tarjeta de video, y pues al ser de los componentes mas caros me salta la duda, me conviene "repararla" comprando eso o mejor la intento vender y compro algo mas nuevo
Ryzen 5600x - Fan Stock Gigabyte b450 Elite 16gb 3600Mhz Corsair CX650w 2 M.2 1 Tb - 1 HDD 2tb XFX 590 fatboy Fractal Design Meshify C - Mid T
Espero me puedan ayudar 🙏
submitted by Lorena2k to soportepc [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 Quiet-Concern3353 Blvd is rocked down there
submitted by Quiet-Concern3353 to lookismcomic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 gd27711 Thoughts After Completing Nebula and DM
WARNING: Long Post
Unfortunately I won't be going for Abyss most likely for several reasons, I'm currently based in Dubai and I can almost never find a plunder game here, always connecting me to 130 ping eu servers, optimization on WZ/Plunder is still completely awful, I don't have the best specs and steam is definitely having problems with performance compared to battlenet, but in no world should a 3080 and i9-13th Gen struggle this much to get over 100 frames, especially on a game as fast paced as COD.
I completed DM in about 60 hours? or close to that and ended up with a KD of around 1.3 doing it, Nebula took slightly longer at closer to the 75hrs range'ish
But coming back now to MP for fun and trying out the different weapons etc. I've realized just how awful the experience is.
A lot of these have already been said probably over 100x now but will include them either way.
Starting with zombies, the majority of my grind was done on liberty falls:
-The game is not bad overall, it's not the same classic rbz we're used to but overall it's a nice fun game mode to destress and just relax
-Terminus as a map is far far better than LF, while LF is not complete dogpiss, Terminus is way more captivating and atmospherically more in line with what zombies should be
-Post round 30, it gets pretty challenging, it's no longer autopilot playstyle but now you have to avoid multiple manglers and sometimes an abomination/amalg or even 2 in a round
-I don't mind this as I feel like it adds a layer of challenge that stops people from doing the same thing over and over again with training zombies and getting to round 5000+ (not that there is nothing wrong with that, but I personally don't find it fun)
-Killstreaks are extremely broken, no need to nerf them as this is a SP experience and should not matter, but personally I would've preferred if killstreaks were weaker as spamming them is just incredibly easy
-The grind itself was honestly a mid range to leaning bad experience for me, despite it being extremely easy, it was super tedious, especially prior to directed mode (which is a bit cheesy but holy you would have brain-melt doing it the previous ways)
-2000 kills is quite hefty, on some guns it's extremely easy, on others not so much (yes I'm talking to you GS and LR)
-I've made another post about this before while doing the melees, but the melee reach of zombies is extremely strong, they almost lunge way too much forward, and sometimes even hit you when they really shouldn't, made the melee grind a little bit annoying
Conclusion: Nice game mode to play once in a while, but after Nebula I'll probably be stepping back for a while, but I would assume the majority of the diehard zombies community is not very fond of the maps and the zombies mode atm
Now for MP, oh boy where do I start, I've played almost every cod title, missing just a few in the 2014-2018 ish era, even then I played them for a little bit but not enough to know much about them, used to play on console/controller, now and for the past few years (mw19-present) I've played on PC/MnK:
-Desync, I've made a post about this as well, the desync in this game is by far one of the worst! Yes it was bad in previous COD's but it is incredibly awful this time around, I play on 15 ping, no packet loss, no issues, but will consistently die behind walls, or feel like I'm getting prefired, to the point where I would assume they're cheating until I watch the killcam and realize they saw me for a good 200-400ms first
-Optimization, game is just terribly optimized unfortunately, MP is not that bad, but WZ is horrible, even with all the tweaks, on MP I will struggle to maintain a 144+ fps despite my monitor being a 240hz, now I am running on 1440p and reducing this back to 1080 could give me an fps boost, but I don't believe the res trade-off is worth it, not even for 30-50 fps. Not sure if they will ever address their optimization issues, but it feels like it get's worse and worse every year
-Following on the above, please overhaul the settings entirely, there is no reason for any game to have this many setting options (same thing with older cods), tweaking this games graphics and visual settings is like starting up a plane, completely unnecessary and a complete turn-off for newer players, it's scary to look at the settings menu
-The UI, the UI is extremely buggy, they've fixed a few but it still remains to be one of the worst and most unresponsive UI's I've ever seen and experienced, certain tasks feel like they're lagging behind, for example if I was editing a class and back out and go to click on another class, it is still selecting the older class unless I wait for a second for it to highlight the new so I can click to edit it, there is no reason why the UI runs on a response time greater than 0ms, editing classes in-game was also completely bugged out (I believe they've fixed this) but previously you were not able to edit classes properly while in-game from the menu. Also removing certain camo's/charms/decals etc. does not register and keeps them on, the only way around this is creating a new blueprint completely
-Speaking of blueprints, although I've bought a few of the bundles and enjoy the skins and think they've done a great job artistically, they've done a horrible job functionally, certain blueprints are just very very awful to use, too much visual clutter and unnecessary flashing, this is especially a huge problem for mnk players
-Now other problems for mnk, we move on to the infamous debate of controller vs mnk, once again, controlleAA is king and quite honestly, it's not even close, unless you 2box or vpn (more on this later) you are not going to be able compete as an mnk player, no sugarcoating, I usually complain about AA every year, but this time around I'm finally going to accept that there will never be any changes because there's simply not enough backlash, the longer AA has lasted on top, the more people have converted to controller, this still doesn't change the fact that AA lowers the skill-gap for controller competition as well, meaning a good controller players skill level is closer to that of a bad controller player, meaning that this also hurts competitive integrity as well regardless of input, so we may remain hopeful for a tweak but I doubt it's happening, however with Gyro aiming making moves recently and getting better, I hope that games move on to disabling AA completely and begin integrating Gyro aiming as this will give the most balanced playing field for both inputs and the competitive space will once again be competitive and will highlight the truly good players
-Maps, some of the maps are alright and very few are good, some are downright awful but the majority fall short of being good cod maps and what the standard is supposed to be, hopefully we will see better maps with upcoming updates, I hope we move on from this bubble of shipment era tiktok attention span maps, they are ruining the playerbase and making them completely brainrotten with playing normal maps, I have nothing against the maps, they are fun and full of action 24/7, but IMO, having them available 24/7 as opposed to events throughout the year just burns out the playerbases brain, people no longer have an interest to play normal mp maps, or use their brain for more than a second to think, they just want to run forward and shoot ALL the time
-Prestige, the prestiging system is just beautiful, classic as always and gives a better sense for the grind, never change it back
-XP, speaking of prestiging, the xp this year around for player leveling was honestly not too bad, with about 150hrs I was able to hit prestige master level 70, a lot of people will say and argue that player leveling etc is slow, but please remember this game is out now for a year, there is no reason for people to reach max level in the first day when we have a whole season and year to play, I would also argue that the mastery camos are extremely quick to obtain
-Mastery camo. so let's talk about it, the grind was made especially easy because of HC and more so because of the maps stakeout and warhead, this is also one of the reason these maps should not be a 24/7 thing, they completely take away any sort of challenge with the camo grinds because of how easy it is to do them on those maps, now the challenges this year were extremely easy and this was one of the easier grinds to be honest, I love that the challenges are simple but I dislike how easy/fast they are, again this is partly because of stakeout and warhead, a hot take I've always stood by is that the mastery camo's in general are extremely easy to obtain in cod in general, the challenges are typically very straightforward (which is good) but very shortlived, yes getting a camo in the first 3 days of release doesn't change anything. but why label anything as mastery if it's not truly mastery or what mastery typically entails in games, it's to the point now where having the mastery camo is cool in the first week, but beyond that seems like a regular achievement, a lot of people will disagree on this, but I personally think it should be changed
-Movement, the integrating of omni-movement this year is a huge W in my books, the movement feels very fluid (maybe not fast or as responsive as previous titles), but it makes movement so much more smooth and much more fun in my opinion, my only issue with the movement or player stance this year was I struggled A LOT and I'm not ashamed to admit this with distinguishing between dead corpses and people proning, especially when there was a lot of clutter on the floor
-Killstreaks, majority are fine and are typically what we're used to and despite being tough to attain and rarely seen, the dreadnought is incredibly powerful, wouldn't be surprised if this gets nerfed but considering how few people get this I don't see the harm in keeping it the way it is, a well earned streak like that should be rewarding for the player (although so many people leave mid-game once it's called on them)
-The nail in the coffin, SBMM/EOMM, at this point, activision is quite literally spitting in our face and acting oblivious, I think everyone at this point is aware of how awfully strong the SBMM/EOMM (and even skill based damage) is, very few people still think this is not real (not sure why you'd think it's fake) but it has gotten worse every year to the point where a game I used to play for hours non-stop burns me out in as few as 2 games because of how much I need to sweat, this is where the 2box/vpn discussion comes in, unless you're doing any of the latter, you're going to want to lock tf in every game to be able to have any ounce of competing, if you relax even for a tiny bit, you will lose 10/10 of your fights, I'm not a super tryharder and I constantly move around the map (not holding corners etc.) I have music on, volume turned down fairly low and I still topfrag and go positive and get 3+ kd games regularly, but oh my god would I be a filthy liar if I said "I wasn't even trying", no, I was trying hard asf with my aim and game sense, which is exactly why after as little as 2 games I am done, because my game is completely fried, and coming from competitive games like cs/val, I would never get burnt out this easily with those games, and that's saying something, at least with those games you get small periods mid game where you can sort of relax and chill and turn off your brain for a moment, but in cod? absolutely not, every step you take you need to think, be ready, pre-aim every corner hoping for someone to be holding the biggest god pixel angle the world has ever seen, it's just a horrible experience, a lot of people still advocate for SBMM but honestly their arguments are riddled with holes, "oh you just want to play vs new players because you can't beat your own skill level" or "it's not fun without sbmm because you're tryhards", but the honest truth is, we're genuinely not tryhards, nor do we want sbmm completely removed (playing in 2box lobbies looks boring asf, and no one wants that except a few losers to feel good about themselves), what we simply want is just balanced teams and mixed MM, that means, 6 players on a team, if one of them is 3kd the enemy has a 3kd, if 2 are 1.5kd, 2 enemies are 1.5kd, if the remaining 3 are sub 1kd, the enemies have 3 sub 1kd players, this is a casual/public playlist people, there is no reason for it to have a hidden MMR system of sorts, this is exactly why ranked exists, as for the "you tryhard" argument, we really don't, the majority of my kills would come from me simply reacting, I have good natural aim, I can't force myself to miss a shot, but forcing everyone to have to tryhard is just making the game a miserable experience, and despite all the voiced concerns about this, activision is still standing firm on it being a positive for the game and people will argue "it's because they want money from the casuals", but truth be told, the vast majority of the casuals wouldn't care about these changes, you know why? because the vast majority of the casual playerbase doesn't read the patch notes nor cares what the meta is, nor plays for more than an hour or two a day, and will never notice a difference, this idea that they won't nerf it to rake money from the casuals is a complete hoax, the casuals play for fun more than anyone else, they couldn't care less if they went 15-15 or 6-20, they're going to call it a day at the same time anyway.
TLDR: Not sure if I missed any aspect to the game modes (maybe cheaters, but quick sum up, they're rampant in both inputs and it's not a pc only problem, fix the AC), hopefully not, but overall I'd give the base game itself a 8/10, factor in the networking issues and so on, and I'd drop it easily to a 4-5/10, maybe lower, I firmly believe the franchise is slowly dying year by year, and if a good competitor shows up it could be the end of the game in a few years, Treyarch is always goated in listening to the community, and we will see a lot of positive changes, but unfortunately a lot of these issues are not exactly in their jurisdiction to act upon and will most likely remain the same.
Hoping to hear some people's thoughts as well on the above points :)
submitted by gd27711 to blackops6 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 lufthansa24 A beginners guide to the Hive
submitted by lufthansa24 to hivemc [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 guvflint Titanium query
I have been playing against a storm for a few months , have completed biomes at p18 but still need to do the final two seals, what is the best prestige to play on to gain the 75 seals, currently playing on prestige 1 for the start, then p5 and eventually p10 but can’t quite get enough seals fragments to complete the seal, do I have to either get quicker at completing my villages or just try and do a full run on p18 ect ? Is there a recommended way to do them ? The jump up from p10 to 18 is huge and I do fail attempts at the higher levels due to not getting the needed buildings ect.
submitted by guvflint to Against_the_Storm [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 Middle-Lifeguard6201 Matt Murdock themed mouse puns
Hello, I hope this post isn't violating any rules and count as a low effort post. My friends and I are doing a ttgrpg campaign based on their show, One of the races you can be is called a mawmice. I was planning on making my character a lawyer regardless, however I thought it would be funny to make it Matt Murdock. The joke is my character has no affiliation to daredevil and does not know who he is but they're the same.
I'm struggling to come up with a mouse theme name that goes with Matt Murdock. So if anyone has any ideas please let me know.
Sorry if I chose the wrong flair I didn't know which to pick.
submitted by Middle-Lifeguard6201 to Daredevil [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 CantaloupeWeary5462 What is this stuff
It appeared while I was showering, wasn’t there before. So appeared in like 20 minutes
submitted by CantaloupeWeary5462 to fishtank [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 Xisotato I asked ChatGPT to diss MGK as if he was Eminem. Rate the result
it's pretty surface level imo but not gonna lie I didn't expect this from an AI. submitted by Xisotato to Eminem [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 wearethecountry PrizePicks Thanksgiving Code
use code PR-5XJRZMI and get 50 dollars in promo funds when you deposit AND bet 5 dollars
submitted by wearethecountry to referralcodes [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 Lol33ta Hordes of Monsters by Anna Podedworna
submitted by Lol33ta to ImaginaryBattlefields [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 Defiant_Ad529 Inspired to get out the real camera
I don’t get out the actual camera and lenses often anymore but these beautiful plants sure made me wanna. This is my second grow and what I would call my first real grow. Brothers Grimm apple fritter x gluey (senior sticky) and the more purple is a bag seed from a dispo I believe to be noxious submitted by Defiant_Ad529 to GrowingMarijuana [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 AccomplishedEnd7759 "thirsty?" lactating mommy Billie Eilish asks son after seeing him drool over her cleavage.
submitted by AccomplishedEnd7759 to newcelebritymommy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 MrCheapComputers Satisfactory Freezes when opening menus
I'm deep into my first satisfactory playthrough, and have run into an issue. Whenever I open my build menu my game freezes for about half a second. I'm running noboru with a 5800x, 32gb ddr4, and a 7900xt. Any ideas?
submitted by MrCheapComputers to linux_gaming [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 drakekissinkanye Best Galil clones?
The ace is a bit out of my price range. Also I’d like an old school style of rifle. I’ve looked at some JRA models but I’m not familiar with the brand. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by drakekissinkanye to Galil [link] [comments]