Cieľom je zakúpiť pre ukrajinskú armádu modernizovaný tank typu T-72, ktorý vyrobili v Martine a o ktorý Ukrajinci už prejavili záujem. Stojí až 1,2 milióna eur a doteraz naň Slováci vyzbierali takmer desatinu z tejto sumy, teda asi 100-tisíc eur. Tank už v súčasnosti prechádza modernizáciou Link bol skopírovaný Slováci z občianskeho združenia spustili zbierku s názvom Dar pre Ukrajinu, ktorej cieľom je zohnať dostatok finančných prostriedkov, aby mohli poslať do prvej línie potrebnú vojenskú techniku. Ľahký tank CV90120 môže posilniť slovenskú obranu. Tank predstavila britsko-švédska spoločnosť BAE Systems Hägglunds na Tankových dňoch Laugaricio, ktoré sa konali posledný júnový týždeň pri Trenčianskych Stankovciach. Slovenské ozbrojené sily prevzali prvý tank Leopard 2. Ťažkú mechanizovanú brigádu našej armády tvorí aktuálne 30 starších tankov T 72. Nemecko Slovensku postupne dodá celkovo 15 modernejších strojov. Ide o náhradu za vojenskú pomoc Ukrajine. Pätnásť moderných bojových tankov má zvýšiť obranyschopnosť štátu. Ľahký tank CV90120 poskytuje vysokú taktickú a strategickú mobilitu so 120 mm kanónom a vysokou schopnosťou prežitia v akomkoľvek teréne alebo prostredí, a tiež bezkonkurenčný výkon s jedinečnou konštrukciou bojového systému. Stredný tank T-55AM2K je veliteľskou verziou tanku T-55AM2. Tank sa vyznačuje vysokou manévrovacou schopnosťou na ceste aj v teréne. Tank T-55AM2K, ako prostriedok veliteľa tankového práporu alebo pluku, je určený na riadenie a koordináciu bojovej činnosti v rámci útočného i obranného boja, a na rozdiel od tanku T-55AM2, nie ... Auto - Tank bazár. Vyberajte z 46 inzerátov. Predaj ľahko a rýchlo na Bazoš.sk. Cez 400 tisíc užívateľov za deň. Vedúci platformy CV90 Tarkan Turkcan priblížil, že tento tank vyvinuli pre splnenie špecifickej požiadavky moderných armád, a tou je dosiahnuť palebnú silu a úroveň ochrany hlavných bojových tankov v ľahšom a mobilnejšom vozidle. Ako priblížil riaditeľ platformy CV90 Tarkan Turkcan, ľahký tank CV90120 bol vyvinutý za účelom splniť špecifickú požiadavku moderných armád – dosiahnuť palebnú silu a úroveň ochrany hlavných bojových tankov v ľahšom a mobilnejšom vozidle. 7 fotiek v galérii Prvý nemecký tank Leopard 2A4 na Slovensku Zdroj: Reuters/Radovan Stoklasa
2024.11.28 17:50 RedditLoser19 Betta fish tank setup
Hi everybody! I was wondering if there are anyways that I can improve my tank. Thank you!
submitted by RedditLoser19 to bettafish [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 M337ING November Community Update - Space Marine 2
submitted by M337ING to PS5 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:50 cks412 Argument
My boyfriend 31m and I 33f, got into a multi day argument. Last night, the day before thanksgiving, we resolved it. The plan has been for me to go to thanksgiving with his family since mine doesnt celebrate and doesn’t live in our city. This morning he told me that he’s not really going to thanksgiving, that he’s going there to pick up a truck from his parents and then going to work on some house he owns. He said that I should stay home. I’m okay with not going, even if the reason was that we aren’t getting along, but I’d like to know if he’s being dishonest to me instead of saying the truth, that he just doesn’t want me there. I don’t want to bring it up to him because it has the potential to start another argument so close to the last one. Should I just trust what he says and let it go or should I get to the bottom of it? Or does the relationship just need to end?
submitted by cks412 to AITARelationship [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 C_C6215 You guys are really mean
So I was just sitting down watching Jimmy Kimmel live with my parents because we love watching the nice musical acts that are always on the show, it’s just something we like to do whenever possible. But then, all of a sudden this band called Knocked Up or whatever (I can’t remember because I was seeing red the whole time) came up and started barking at me. The angry guy who sounds like a squirrel was really loud and I passed out from tears and started choking on my own spit after the guitars started FREAKING JUNTING! I’m just a poor little ADOLESCENT boy and I’m currently recovering in the ER, but my parents are too busy hunting down Jimmy Kimmel to come visit me so I’m just here on Reddit because they don’t like to monitor my screen intake. I’ve never seen anything scarier in my life, the TV was on like 20 volume too so I think you can imagine the damage it has done to my innocent fragile ADOLESCENT ears. You guys should be ashamed at yourselves for pushing this evil demon music onto the usual wholesome family programming from Jimmy Kimmel. I have reported this subreddit to the FBI so you should be hearing from them any time now. Enjoy prison you meanies 😈
submitted by C_C6215 to Metalcore [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 jack_hof If we use 2.4ghz on microwaves because it resonates with water and cooks things the best...why do we also use that frequency for wifi?
I realize that the concentration of wifi is not that of the microwave oven, but aside from volume is there any other difference? Could we ever get to a point where we're so saturated with wifi traffic that we are slightly cooking?
submitted by jack_hof to AskPhysics [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 Zwodo Do we know what the next Premium Shop is gonna look like?
And do we know if Premium tickets last forever? Because I bought the trial and even though I am rocking the Mewtwo ex deck, I don't really care for the Mewtwo token, playmat, etc.
Any insight would be welcome, thanks!
submitted by Zwodo to PTCGP [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 Ace_The_Ghost Fandub!
Hello! Im 99% sure that promoting FANDUBS is ok according to the rules, however if I am wrong please let me know and I will take this down.
My friend and I made a project SEKAI fandub called RED LIGHT SEKAI.
Here is our ad if anyone is interested!
”Tokyo seems like such a nice place to live. Everything looks so clean and beautiful! Wouldn’t you want to live there, Shiho?-“
Everything looked so perfect. That was the image they wanted. Perfection. But any small mistake would land you in the part nobody else sees…
Looking for: - Artists - Editors - Writers - VAs
”__Let’s meet under the red light—“
submitted by Ace_The_Ghost to ProjectSekai [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 AdmirableDiscount543 Can’t deposit FanDuel?
submitted by AdmirableDiscount543 to fanduel [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 Stanzify Zamazenta on us (2 locals) 5115 8907 8535
submitted by Stanzify to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 gillaspiewoods Happy Thanksgiving, all!!!
submitted by gillaspiewoods to IowaCity [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 origutamos Two arrested in downtown drug enforcement mission released days later
submitted by origutamos to PortlandOR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:50 GirlsCallMeMatty My First SFFPC (KXRORS S300/ R7 3700x /RX 6800)
submitted by GirlsCallMeMatty to pcmasterrace [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:50 Time_Reference_8849 Want to Buy 1 Maroon 5 Ticket at nominal price
submitted by Time_Reference_8849 to Tickets [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 KulitKntlKrispi Disgusting Cheater!!!!
The match was 4-2. The last goal was from Bechkam but it didnt shown. More importantly when its done it goes 0-6 with my defeated. Whoever are you, FKNG DISGUSTING!!!! submitted by KulitKntlKrispi to EASportsFCMobile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:50 Prestigious-Turn123 Colorado
Lately I’ve eyeing a move to Colorado after I finish Nursing school, how is the state? Any of you live in Colorado? What hobbies or activities to do you there that you think sets Colorado apart? 😭 also how is the single men out there? Maybe I should the women that question but I don’t know maybe their a few gays in here that are good friends with single male guys or single guys that aren’t afraid to answer that question 😂 but of course that’s definitely not why I want to move to Colorado. Mostly because I heard it’s a great (safe) state for me if I do decide to move out of my deep red state! (No hate to anyone) that’s just my opinion!
submitted by Prestigious-Turn123 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 Norbert0931 Wydoi ktoś do jeleniewskiej?
submitted by Norbert0931 to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 STLUK Let's just hope Nvidia don't eventually screw us as well.
submitted by STLUK to GeForceNOW [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 FreezerSorcerer Journal entry 165
Well, this is the last entry in this journal, soon I’ll have to put them all in my oth- I mean, soon I’ll have to buy a new journal. I’m getting very close to the end of my experiment now, I can feel it. I’m going to take a few days off from being emperor so I can work more on it. In a few days, this will be done forever.
submitted by FreezerSorcerer to EmberfallFurnaces [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 AlarmBright1141 High burden PVCs just stopped?!
I have had relentless PVCs (when wearing a holter it was 26% but there were DAYS where I was in nonstop bigeminy)
I haven’t had a single PVCs in more than 24 hours. I’m scheduled for an ablation on Wednesday. Thankful they stopped but also…. Huh? Do these just spontaneously resolve?! (Hoping so would love to not have to have an ablation but this seems odd considering how intense they were for months)
submitted by AlarmBright1141 to PVCs [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 Dizzy_Chemistry_1177 Help me pay for my baby's medical expenses
Hello everyone, my name is Axel. I live in Mexico and I don’t know if you know but the medical situation here is a little strange. I’ll explain quickly. My daughter was hospitalized because she was premature and they told me that she had to be under medical observation since she did not have good pigmentation, this could have damaged her brain stem. Approximately 95 days passed and when it was time to pay the bills, it was approximately 45,000 Mexican pesos. I got a loan from the bank and I was only able to cover half of it. This is used to pay for medications, hospital expenses, and a pediatrician. I appreciate your attention and may God bless you.
submitted by Dizzy_Chemistry_1177 to gofundme4everyone [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 sugardaddyphoto Mujeres mete abierta en Madrid que quieran cash y posar para im camara mi telegram es tromedeus (mencionar reddit) #madrid #sugardaddymadrid #espana
Hola hola soy un artista pintor fotografo que vive actualmente en Madrid, por lo que mujeres mente abierta que quieran dinero hacer el delicioso y diversion en Madrid me pueden contactar por mi telegram tromedeus.
Requisitos son mujeres edad 18 a 24 contextura promedio o delgadas.
Telegram tromedeus
#madrid #sugardaddymadrid #sugardaddyespana #sugardaddyspain #daddymadrid
submitted by sugardaddyphoto to sugardaddymadrid [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 ca1989 Anyone have one they want to part with?
If I have any you need I'll happily send them your way! submitted by ca1989 to FamilyIsland [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:50 Departure_Level pls help im freaking out in a foreign country
Age: 21
Sex: F
Height: 165cm/5’5
Weight: 50kg
Duration of complaint: 2 months
Location: Australia
Any existing relevant medical issues: N/A
Current medications: N\A
a little background I've had this rash for about 2 months now and it consistently gets worse.
at first it was only on my arms and chest so I went to the emergency because I thought it was an allergic reaction to something, they gave me antihistamines and a pat on the back even though it looked like a variation of the bubonic plague.
i took the antihistamines (2 a day for a week) but nothing happened. It started spreading to my back and stomach.
after the week on them I decided to see another doctor, they said it was a fungal skin infection because of the heat (even though it started before summer did) and told me to shower with nizoral 3 times a week.
i did just that for 2 weeks and it did absolutely nothing. now it's spread to underneath my boobs and my legs even though it was never there before.
i wasn't able to see another doctor because i had to go overseas and im not going back home for another 6 weeks. I don't know what to do, it keeps getting so bad and I don't know what's worse, the constant urge to itch or the excruciating pain I feel when i give in.
I've been googling but it's barely any help when there's no example pictures on dark skin. please help what could it be?? I've attached images in the comments under a thread
submitted by Departure_Level to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 Sea-Maybe-9979 Freeze Watch Notice on WWAY is annoying
Do they think people living here so delicate and unaware that we need a constant crawl across the screen during the day to tell us that it MIGHT get below 32 degrees tonight?
submitted by Sea-Maybe-9979 to Wilmington [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:50 SolidYe zamazanta 970417826504
submitted by SolidYe to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]