My Friends Keep Calling me Autistic

2024.11.28 17:34 LemonSchnitz My Friends Keep Calling me Autistic

I (34M) have started watching Skibidi Toilet since my 4yo son put it on YouTube about a month ago. At first, I thought it was a silly cartoon, but then the lore hit. I became enthralled by the world and the story to the point where I binged every episode and caught up!
My son lost interest about halfway through, he preferred the first 20 or so episodes, but as we know the story gets better and better as you go on.
Now the problem is that I told all my coworkers about this and they all started to make fun of me. I work in sales for a large bank and all my coworkers have started saying that I am autistic for liking Skibidi Toilet. I tried to explain to them why it's not really a kid thing after 20 or so episodes and how it's actually pretty mature with a good story, but they won't listen.
It's gotten to the point where I can't have a conversation without them bringing up that I like Skibidi Toilet and I don't know what to do.
Am I autistic for liking it? What should I say to my coworkers? It's pretty stressful.
submitted by LemonSchnitz to skibiditoilet [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 AVBellibolt How are you supposed to use Old Axe Armor on PoR?

Trying to do a level 50 Hard Mode run and this is by far the hardest from all the modes, in my opinion. It seems like some attacks have to pixel perfect for you to dodge. Most of the bosses were okay ish and not THAT bad. I think I only have about half of Nest of Evil left. Any pointers for using OOA better? Am I missing something?
submitted by AVBellibolt to castlevania [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 dryheat122 Trump’s Fans Suddenly Realize How He Picks Nominees—and They’re Pissed

Trump’s Fans Suddenly Realize How He Picks Nominees—and They’re Pissed submitted by dryheat122 to LeopardsAteMyFace [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 Slow-Cap4288 Ktoś rp

submitted by Slow-Cap4288 to waleniepolska [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 Icy-Manufacturer7319 Why people hate season 2

Animation not really that bad, just basic and nothing wrong with it. most anime are like that so nothing wrong.. it not deserve 6 at mal just for basic animation, lots of anime with worse animation got 7. so what the REAL reason you hate season 2?
submitted by Icy-Manufacturer7319 to TowerofGod [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 free_2sp1r1ted_rose Gratitude is everything. I hope you are grateful for who you are and how far you've come. You are beautiful. 🥰

Gratitude is everything. I hope you are grateful for who you are and how far you've come. You are beautiful. 🥰 submitted by free_2sp1r1ted_rose to CrossDressRealism [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 civex Is it possible to overwind?

I wore my Vostok the other day and wound it throughout the day. The next day, it wasn't running, & it hasn't run since.
It's a couple of years old, so I don't expect any mechanical problems. Have I overwound it?
submitted by civex to vostok [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 Pepe_Silvia_9 Cynthia must be proud

Cynthia must be proud submitted by Pepe_Silvia_9 to lebowski [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 S0pphire21 Need some tips/advice for a stray cat (male)

Hello to everyone here. I need some help quickly. To give you context, both of my parents left to buy some battery and before that my mother fed the stray cat and after that my parents left. And now I keep feeding the stray cat with food and water. I am thinking of calling a animal shelter but I have to wait until my parents come back to do that. But you may ask why I can't put it inside my apartment or keep it? Will you see I already have a cat (on the third slide and her name is Mochi) and she doesn't do well with other cats which is why I am having a hard time. I want the stray cat to be inside and warm but Mochi hates to be around with other cats. I am planning to call a animal shelter once my parents come back. I don't want to call the animal shelter without my parents knowledge so I am waiting for my parents to come back. And yes the stray cat is a male but I don't know how old it is or who it belongs to because the cat has a collar around the neck and is all alone plus I don't know if the stray cat has an owner cause of the collar of the neck but it is left alone in the cold here (it is not that cold but it is cool, this is Arlington, TX weather by the way). And now it is waiting at the doorsteps of my apartment outside. I need some advice.
submitted by S0pphire21 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 Sirboomsalot_Y-Wing Recently got back into Sprocket after the recent updates. I give you the first prototype batch of the Type 26 “Grisha”, the first home-grown medium tank of the Wattari Armored Corps (part of a world building concept I’ve been working on)

Recently got back into Sprocket after the recent updates. I give you the first prototype batch of the Type 26 “Grisha”, the first home-grown medium tank of the Wattari Armored Corps (part of a world building concept I’ve been working on) submitted by Sirboomsalot_Y-Wing to SprocketTankDesign [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 GeneralHousing9821 Is this good a good and reliable model?

Is this good a good and reliable model? Are they good models? I’m thinking of getting the first one, but is the second one better? Also what can I expect for battery life outside of gaming like for studying? Final question, should I get Best Buy protection/warranty? (The prices are in $CAD) Thanks!
submitted by GeneralHousing9821 to Asustuf [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 M3mEMaChiN3 Pokémon Go Stopped Working

Pokémon Go Stopped Working Game loads but all the terrain/Pokémon models are gone. Playing on an iPhone 11 Pro, tried reinstalling the app and restarting my phone. Any tips?
submitted by M3mEMaChiN3 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 Collanfrick Does it even make sense

So, today I got to know I have discord meniscus felt good that atleast there is something rare about me but why are parents so angry like for no reason I mean I can't do anything about it. It's not something under my control even though I had it for more than 2 yrs by now
It ain't like I did it intentionally and my parents blame my exercising for it
( Boys, if any of you know some good exercise of upper body please 🥺 write some, I can't stay inactive right )
submitted by Collanfrick to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 SouthWave9 Teori konspirative pa baza, apo derdhje vaji e qellimshme?

Teori konspirative pa baza, apo derdhje vaji e qellimshme? submitted by SouthWave9 to albania [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 DDonnici A Cedae/Águas do Rio sempre faz essas manutenções na pior época possível pra isso

E no final das contas a população que paga o pato tendo que ficar caçando água nos mercados(pois já tem um monte em falta), e ainda um calor do caralho e não dá nem pra tomar um mísero banho
submitted by DDonnici to riodejaneiro [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 mentorperplexed Çocuk Yetiştirmek İçin En İyi Ülkeler

Çocuk Yetiştirmek İçin En İyi Ülkeler submitted by mentorperplexed to karekodhaber [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 Sharron_Raspberries Little did he know he wasn’t joking

Little did he know he wasn’t joking submitted by Sharron_Raspberries to howyoudoin [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 EarthBeauty12 Revente d'une moto avec petits éclats esthétiques, votre expérience en revente moto ?

Je possède une Ninja 400, c'est ma première moto, achetée neuve en soldes (5000€ avec carte grise et gravage SRA).
J'aimerais la revendre pour m'acheter une ZX-4R pour ma passerelle. J'adore l'esthétique de la moto, le moteur, et surtout le fait qu'elle soit abordable tant au niveau de l'assurance qu'au niveau du prix, je vais l'acheter neuve. (Mon assurance me propose 80€ en tous risques contre 200€ pour la ZX6R)
Seulement j'aimerais revendre ma moto mais j'ai quelques éclats esthétiques dessus.
Je roule en région parisienne, et suite à un stationnement sur les quais j'ai retrouvé ma moto par terre après un rendez-vous. Rien de bien grave mais j'ai dû remplacer un morceau de carénage (là ou y'a le siège passager) car je suis psychorigide et ne supporte pas les rayures.
Mais le plus chiant c'est sur le bras oscillant ou proche de la vis ou je règle la tension j'ai un petit éclat ou la peinture est partie car ça a frotté sur les graviers je suppose.
J'ai mis un coup de vernis noir dessus mais disons que si on a le nez dessus ça se vois. Ma béquille est aussi un peu frottée sur le bout depuis je lui ai mis un chausson pour avoir une prise plus large au sol.
J'aimerais savoir si un défaut esthétique mineur risque de dévaluer ma moto ? Quelle est votre expérience à la revente ? Est-ce que je dois être honnête et dire que la moto est tombée ?
Est-ce que je dois vendre en concession (reprise) ou bien vendre sur Le Bon Coin ? Je regarde des tutos sur Internet mais je me dis que ça fais un peu peur de vendre sur Le Bon Coin de nos jours... J'aimerais en tirer 3000€ quand même.
submitted by EarthBeauty12 to Motardie [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 adamaroslin Drawing Home One.

Drawing Home One. submitted by adamaroslin to StarWarsShips [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 Specialist_Jaguar815 Greatest trio of episodes in this whole show

Am I the only one that just loves specifically these three episodes when rewatching? I mean season 3 itself is the best but these three episodes just capture the highlights of this show in a back to back manner.
Ofc they aren’t the best episodes out there, but I don’t really know a different couple of episodes that work as well together as these three do.
My fav moment from one of these episodes is in Safety Training when Mateo says the iconic “Don’t you hate Tuesdays?” line before getting squashed by a sign that Kelly hung up with duct tape 😭🙏
submitted by Specialist_Jaguar815 to superstore [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 MobileRaisin884 Cheaper Jellycats

In Selfridges they have a place called The Toy Project that are selling retired & gently used Jellycats. The lady working was the sweetest and explained to me proceeds go towards supporting children who need toys. I know Jellycats can be pricey and the prices they had were decent especially for having tags on the plushies just wanted to let you all know 🩷
submitted by MobileRaisin884 to Jellycatplush [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 AbilityTop5736 Reddit not allowing me to delete account. Won't send password email .

submitted by AbilityTop5736 to help [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 Zynyli Where to start? (Investing)

I am currently 18, about to turn 19 in the coming month. I am currently in University but everything is being paid grants, scholarships and rest by my parents. I currently live at home so that saves me some money. I currently have a decent amount of money saved in my bank account, just a little over 10k. I currently don't have a job, but am looking for one.
As I am now an adult, I've been meaning to start learning about investing and saving, to build up my savings for the future. The issue is, I don't know where to start. I want to invest my money into something risk-free for now but maybe when I'm more independently stable, I will invest in stock or something. I know a couple terms in the investment world, but all of the reading, researching and understanding what each type of investment is, is a tad overwhelming.
Could anyone recommend or give me some advice on where to start or what to read up about?
submitted by Zynyli to CanadaFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 Justine-L Screenshot share menu at bottom of screen

Screenshot share menu at bottom of screen Is there a way to reduce the amount of time the popup at the bottom of the screen when you take a screenshot is shown for? It's a nice feature to have to quick share, but it's on the screen for wayyy longer than it needs to be and I don't want to have to swipe it away to continue what I'm doing if I'm not planning to share the screenshot.
submitted by Justine-L to pixel_phones [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:33 Top-Artichoke3155 selling 2 tickets to NYC ballet The Nutcracker show!

Selling 2 tickets to NYC Ballet The Nutcracker in New York City on Monday December 30, 2024
Location: David H. Koch Theater
Second Ring B, Row D Seat 27 Second Ring B, Row D Seat 25
ONLY accepting Zelle or PayPal. Selling at face value - DM me for price!
submitted by Top-Artichoke3155 to NYClist [link] [comments]