New gym pic 😍

知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 篆书中的部件“心” 而到了隶书时代,作为左边偏旁的心,被挤压成了长条状,与其他位置上的“心”相比发生了很大的形变,原因有二,一是隶变之后的心,字体本身成了扁长的,如果作为左右结构字的偏旁,势必使整个字形变得更加扁长。 实用主义和市侩是一对双胞胎,这在小红书上体现的尤为明显。 如果你需要搜攻略、找信息,小红书是最实用的工具,拿来就能用的干货非常多,尤其是在你开始做一件不熟悉的事时,小红书很适合用来帮你搭建框架,实用性远超脱实向虚的知乎或广告丛生的百度;但你要深度使用下去,小红书又 ... 我感觉回答了这个会被某人打死,我就是那个爱笑的,第一次我们接吻,我觉的特别舒服,还痒痒的,软软的,甜甜的(额(⊙o⊙)…我是初吻),我就笑了,我一开心就想笑,她后来说我和点了笑穴一样,那我就是想笑嘛,不是觉得她搞笑,就是你很舒服嘛。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 小说,以刻画人物形象为中心,通过完整的故事情节和环境描写来反映社会生活的文学体裁。 知乎是中文互联网知名的可信赖问答社区,致力于构建一个人人都可以便捷接入的知识分享网络,让人们便捷地与世界分享知识、经验和见解,发现更大的世界。 爱自己,就是不再渴望感情,内心不再有亲密感匮乏。 爱自己,就是自己养育自己,做自己的父母,陪伴自己重新长大。 做爱不过是原始的欲望,而接吻则是将欲望和浪漫结合。当你爱上一个人的时候,往往最想做的事情是和她亲吻,一场美妙的吻可以直触灵魂,在舌尖触碰的一刹那,整个世界好像变得不一样。 恭喜. 相信稍微有点acg阅历的都看出来了,这是在补魔啊! 艺画开天这柄大宝剑串起了性、暴力与权力,它用一大段水水水的意义不明的演出展示了补魔的全过程,揭示了eto内部的丑恶行径,这是一种非常高超的手法,体现了艺画一贯的高水平制作(哕)。

2024.11.28 17:30 rubberslimjim New gym pic 😍

submitted by rubberslimjim to fruitypoppin [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 Mateoninho Fairly Local remix I made

Fairly Local remix I made submitted by Mateoninho to twentyonepilots [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 kimme Retkeilyreiteillä Etelä-Lapissa on nyt vaarallisen liukasta – Rajan kopteri pelasti kaksi retkeilijää Korouomasta

Retkeilyreiteillä Etelä-Lapissa on nyt vaarallisen liukasta – Rajan kopteri pelasti kaksi retkeilijää Korouomasta submitted by kimme to Sapmi [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 ukman29 Is Arthur’s reaction to finding out Jeremiah Compson’s job realistic for a 19th century gun-toting outlaw? *SPOILERS*

Please don’t read on if you haven’t played these missions and don’t want the storyline spoiled.
Ok so this is not meant to be a criticism of the game in any way. It’s a genuine question from a guy from the UK whose knowledge of this part of American history is limited.
In these missions Arthur is disgusted to find out that Compson used to be a slave catcher. He uses the line “Some jobs aren’t worth saving” and in his disgust of the man, throws his belongings on the fire. Optional bullet in the head afterwards.
As per the title, is this a realistic moral standpoint for a gun-toting Wild West outlaw of the time period?
I ask this because my assumption is that most people of Arthur’s kind would have hailed from the regions of America that didn’t want abolition of slavery. So wouldn’t a more realistic scenario be that a guy like Arthur wouldn’t have cared about Compson’s former career - and might even have sympathised with him?
Just something I wondered! Hoping to fill some gaps in my knowledge is all!
Thanks in advance. 👍
submitted by ukman29 to reddeadredemption2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 Confident-Insect-581 OKB gene azıttı psikiyatri dışında çözüm bulmam lazım.Gene şunu demeseydim bu böyle olmasaydı bunu böyle dediğim için işlerim kötü gidecek diye içim içimi yiyor

submitted by Confident-Insect-581 to UniversityTR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 kirtash93 Tarnyx is OUT NOW! When reality melts... 💜

Tarnyx is OUT NOW! When reality melts... 💜 submitted by kirtash93 to KirtVerse [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 LossLucky4012 thanksgiving release for The creaking!

“C’mon we’re going to reach the stronghold by midday if we start moving now.” I talk in an infuriatingly shaky voice, but I ignore it and prepare for a fight.
I flew high above the desert, allowing the heat to burn my antennae to keep my mind off of the conversation I had with Void. Clay flies next to me, his armor glinting in the sunlight.
“Hey Blue, are you okay? You’re kinda shaking.” He questions, a worried look in his eyes.
“I’m fine! Don’t worry about me, I’m just worried about fighting Swelter.” I look at him trying to hide my lie. But luckily we are interrupted by a blast of fire from below and a skywing slamming into me, he’s smaller than me but he’s stronger than his size would suggest. He grabs me and Clay before diving into the sand. Pinning us down and hissing into our ears;
“Don’t move. Don’t even blink, blink and you’re dead.” I fight against the stranger, but all movement stops when I see it, a large stone creature, akin to a statue of a dragon, reaching towards us, frozen in time, Clay seizes up, I know why, the statue is an infected mudwing, one of his people. If I were to guess what stage this one is, I’d say stage 5, maybe even a ruler. The skywing slowly allowed us to get up, and we all slowly backed away from the infected. When all of a sudden I heard Clay call out in pain, I turned to him out of reflex, my old empathy flaring, completely foregoing my usual caution. In a flash I felt cold stone talons around my throat, and a torrent of blows fell upon me, I screamed in pain, everything going blurry, when all of a sudden, I was in the air, silk wrapped around me, I thought I was back in vinegaroon hive, back when I first saw Wasp control her tribe, when Io wrapped her silk around me and she used it to get me to safety, so long ago, darkness slowly begins to creep into my vision.
“Well, I wasn’t expecting us to run into the Ruler of swamp! How are you nowadays, Bayou? Or should I say, ‘Umber?’” Atlas’ voice shook me back to reality, revealing the identity of our enemy, Umber, the ruler of swamp, better known as Bayou.
The infected Ruler Roared at Atlas, Furious about its prey being taken. Atlas slowly lowers me onto the sand, and engages Bayou in combat, as Anemone suddenly appears at my side, ooh boy, maybe I’m more banged up then I thought.
Atlas cannoned into his old comrade, knocking him away from The one of burning silk. Pushing him into the sand, the cold stone digging into his chitinous scales.
The living mountain roared, unable to express himself in any other way, reaching up and grabbing Atlas’ arm spikes, before suddenly leaping into his chest, knocking the breath from his lungs. His mandibles chittered in pain. Atlas shot silk from his middle leg spikes, sticking it to Bayou, before wrapping him in razor silk, pulling it until he felt it stretch, and stuck it to a nearby cactus.
The tension on the silk tore the cactus out from the ground, stabbing into Bayou, as the skywing breathed fire onto the plant, causing it to explode into a fiery ball of death. It won’t kill it, Atlas knew better, but it might send Bayou back into a dormancy, in order to heal. This made Atlas think back to when he was like Bayou, a mindless animal, his mind fogged when he tried to remember the times he was dormant, he can’t remember much, but he does know he would wrap himself in silk, and set up traps, eating any who came near him.
As Atlas turned to the skywing who almost killed Blue, before aiding in the defeat of Bayou, he heard a rasping noise, followed by several snaps, and crumbling rock, suddenly and without further warning, Bayou leaped toward Clay, attempting to snap him in half, before two blasts of heat snapped through the air, and bayou’s stone armor was turned into bubbling magma, the mountain roared and flailed, attempting to fling the armor of death off, culminating in one last call, a cry of anguish, of grief, as the dragon beneath bled through its stone exterior, screaming out to it’s brother.
“Clay!” The stone ruler roared before dropping to the ground, dead. Killed by a glowing dragon, The burning one, Peril, with the small skywing having taken off, and upon seeing Peril, dived down and tumbled over his talons landing next to her.
“H-hey sis.” The Skywing spoke, a small bite on his leg now in the open…
out of shard: A little short again, but it'll work.
submitted by LossLucky4012 to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 PaellaConCosas ¿Es r/Asi_va_Espana el sub más caspaso en español?

submitted by PaellaConCosas to Asi_va_Espana [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 loraze Shaman

Hello everyone,
I'm New in corepunk, have you some great build for shaman? Most of the Time for PVE but sometime i like open PvP !
Have a great day
submitted by loraze to CorepunkTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 teenybabbe Couldn't see it any different

Couldn't see it any different submitted by teenybabbe to Kokomi_Mains [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 MissVurt Some People Get It

Not sure the flair was appropriate but wanted to share this Instagram reel from a PT, I watched ITV news yesterday and it was 15 more minutes of scaremongering with no mention of the 1000's who are using the medication correctly, from genuine sources, with great success. So was to see this snippet just now!
submitted by MissVurt to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 basra2424 54M married looking for a long term chatting/texting friends, US/Anywhere. M4W

54M married looking for a long term chatting/texting friends, US/Anywhere. I'm looking to make some open minded friends that enjoy talking about any and everything, I love the outdoor stuff, travel, food, sports, movies, music, please be 18 and older and drama free. I hope to hear from soon.
submitted by basra2424 to textfriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 zl0di No caption needed

submitted by zl0di to Funnymemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 carterlovesstuff The only wrestlers to have pinned Roman Reigns during his Tribal Chief run are Jey Uso, Cody Rhodes, and Solo Sikoa.

The only wrestlers to have pinned Roman Reigns during his Tribal Chief run are Jey Uso, Cody Rhodes, and Solo Sikoa. submitted by carterlovesstuff to TheGreatOne [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 abjinternational Olimpija vs Larne Live Streaming – UEFA Europa Conference League

submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 SprinklesOk3917 The 0.01%🥂🍾

The 0.01%🥂🍾 submitted by SprinklesOk3917 to Animemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 Warm_Food_3835 Rauw Alejandro y Bruna Marquezine: Pareja explosiva de Carolina Herrera 212

Rauw Alejandro y Bruna Marquezine: Pareja explosiva de Carolina Herrera 212 submitted by Warm_Food_3835 to PublicidadLATAM [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 JWhatPhoto What time should I arrive at the airport in Vegas?

Flight leaves at 1pm tomorrow. Both the wife and I have TSA Pre-check. It’s the Friday after thanksgiving so I’m expecting it to be insane but just not sure.
submitted by JWhatPhoto to vegas [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 abjinternational Olimpija vs Larne Live Streaming – UEFA Europa Conference League

submitted by abjinternational to footballlivewatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 dumnezousamafute LF: zacian/zamazenta in go (can do 2:1 3:1 depending on the requested pokemon- marshadow and zeraora are unavailable)

submitted by dumnezousamafute to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 IdealisticRealist_NY Specks of blood in vomit. Emergency?

Hi Vets,
My 4 year old, 22 lbs dog vomited this morning and it looks like specks of blood in the clear liquid. He refused his breakfast but ended up eating his meal an hour later. He is still playing as normal and taking treats but seems to be slightly less energetic and more clingy than normal.
Pic of his gums and the vomit from this morning. Is this an emergency?
He’s UTD on shots and otherwise seemed pretty normal until this happened. He has been more picky after his food recently but never refuses a treat.
submitted by IdealisticRealist_NY to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 brown1n Zamazenta now 499590338852

Zamazenta now 499590338852
submitted by brown1n to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 Silly_Banana_9258 Help/Identify Xbox Contoler?

Help/Identify Xbox Contoler? Can anyone tell me where this control came from? Is it a limited edition?
submitted by Silly_Banana_9258 to XboxOneHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 Electronic-Emu1272 Tesla referral

Sharing my referral link for when you order your Tesla. You’ll get € 500 off the purchase of a Tesla product. #tesla #referral
submitted by Electronic-Emu1272 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:30 Informal_Green_9315 Need just 2 more for Mega Alteria raid now! Add me 614097985186

submitted by Informal_Green_9315 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]