2024.11.28 19:40 Western-Victory-7414 What makes you look like this
submitted by Western-Victory-7414 to repost [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 19:40 psychostud7635 Defend Zalissya Bug (Stalker 2)
I hope someone stumbled across this bug and found a way to fix this. So I headed to the sphere when Chef reached out to all available Stalkers to defend Zalissya and I headed there as fast as I can. The problem is the following: all enemies are stuck in that big building and there is no way inside of it. Is there a way to solve this or is it a bug I have to wait for GSC to fix?
Man, this game drives me nuts. Still love it though, but wtf?
submitted by psychostud7635 to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 19:40 jdeofficial Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Wish you all an amazing holiday! Be safe, eat good and HODL!
submitted by jdeofficial to xlm [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 19:40 Opening_Usual4946 This is too forced of a toki pona and English mix
submitted by Opening_Usual4946 to languagelearningjerk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 19:40 Dry-Poetry-7850 Instruction Manual - Technics SL-QX200
Hi there! I need a copy of the instruction manual (and maybe service manual as well) for the Technics SL-QX200. Looks like Vinyl engine have stopped new users from registering. Anyone here with a log in who can download for me? Cheers, much appreciated. submitted by Dry-Poetry-7850 to turntables [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 19:40 Soggy_Idea_2170 Hi im 19f. Rate me 1-10, PS i do not have an only fans
submitted by Soggy_Idea_2170 to ratemehonestly [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 19:40 Public_Bathroom8970 Could my incomplete bowel movements be SIBO?
Around 5 years ago I started having a strange issue where my bowel movements would be impossible to wipe clean. I don’t remember if they felt incomplete, but I guess that’s what the issue was.
At that point in my life I was living abroad, starting a new job and trying to learn a new language. It was an insanely stressful/anxious period so I guess that’s why I started. Or perhaps I was slightly food poisoned and didn’t notice, who can say for sure.
I have tried an insane amount of stuff since and to be honest it’s only got worse. My BMs are now usually small, thin, noticeably incomplete and I feel bloated all the time. The worst is when I go into the office, because usually I spend all morning obsessing over having a BM and it’ll never be satisfactory.
Here’s what I’ve tried
2024.11.28 19:40 _Zaspo Online personal trainer contract in England
Hi I have had a personal trainer online for like a month and I realised There was not much contact between us so I have realised I wanted to end the "Whatsapp communication" was paying him 150 monthly and I asked to end it so I ain't paying 150 monthly for the next 3 months. I asked him did I sign a contract and he sent me an image of a form I signed in the begining where I clicked yes to agreeing to pay 150 per month for at least 16 weeks. Now I want to know is that can the image he sent me below be a binding contract?
submitted by _Zaspo to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 19:40 Smoochchchy Shraddha Kapoor
submitted by Smoochchchy to ShraddhaKapoorSpicy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 19:40 AydenChannel Fun Fact: Asdfmovie2 and BFDI 1 came out on the same day
submitted by AydenChannel to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 19:40 ActionFigureCollects Nintendo's putting a 200,000+ member Switch piracy subreddit in the crosshairs as it seeks to identify people who helped run 'Pirate Shops'
submitted by ActionFigureCollects to retrogaming [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 19:40 ThaydrianNightshade Please be gentle!
How do I look for being 53? https://preview.redd.it/nhy4bkjp3p3e1.jpg?width=1545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d62428ca7642e548bbed52c81a6458e02f4eb6d7 submitted by ThaydrianNightshade to FaceRatings [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 19:40 Tricky_Tap4523 Buying spins for 2.5m net each
submitted by Tricky_Tap4523 to bidbattlesroblox [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 19:40 jlynne7313 Meet nala, the world’s clingiest cat
When they say cats take after their owners, I didn’t realize she would get my anxiety and attachment issues 😅😅 submitted by jlynne7313 to RoastMyCat [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 19:40 swtpvega5 Wheres my doppelganger?
submitted by swtpvega5 to doppelganger [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 19:40 boomboom_bomb How do I handle this situation?
I am 39f currently living with my husband 42m and only child 16m in Mumbai. I have done MA in Economics and always wanted to work but due to early marriage and child I could not pursue it. I have always been supported by my in-laws and thus I took the responsibility of housewife and did everything that one must do with all my heart. During COVID my in-laws passed away and due to ongoing situation nobody could have helped us, so me and my husband handled the entire situation and there are quite few instances where I had to take the complete responsibility. Now since everything has settled, I felt like I should work again and i approached him with the idea, to which he straight away denied and said " You do not have to work and I dont want to talk on this topic again" (This happened few months back). I still sometimes bring this topic and he creates an unbearable scene due to which the marital life is getting affected.
submitted by boomboom_bomb to AskIndianMen [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 19:40 CrocoBoy213131 Qual console comprar ?
Fala rapaziada! Em janeiro vou comprar um console para jogar GTA 6, mas não consigo chegar em um consenso. Nunca fui fanboy de marca, mas cada console tem suas especificidades. Eu era apaixonado pelo meu X360 mas depois que comprei um PS4 nunca liguei para guerra de console. Com isso, eu não vejo nada demais no PS5 por já ter tido um PS4 (Não gosto dos exclusivos, mesmo tendo jogado quase todos) e também não vejo nada demais no XBSX, inclusive tenho a percepção de que a Xbox está cagando para os seus consoles por estar se dedicando exclusivamente ao gamepass. Diante disso, eu gostaria de saber a opinião de vocês, qual escolheriam para jogar GTA 6? Esse é meu único motivo para comprar um console. Ps: meu ps4 foi furtado na mudança de casa.
submitted by CrocoBoy213131 to jogatina [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 19:40 Acceptable_Wave_6874 Trying to find this trade
submitted by Acceptable_Wave_6874 to FiveNightsTD [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 19:40 Hot-Income-7237 Happy thanksgiving everybody
Use that gover
submitted by Hot-Income-7237 to Chiraqology [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 19:40 mitch_mk1 Blister on shaft
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Height: 5’9
Weight: 55kg
Race: White
Duration of complaint: 1 hour
Location: Penis
Any existing relevant medical issues: No
Current medications: None
Image: https://ibb.co/g9tsYwY
submitted by mitch_mk1 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 19:40 Flat_Assistant_2162 How do you not eat out of loneliness and boredom or fear finances
These are the things that hold me back
submitted by Flat_Assistant_2162 to LivingAlone [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 19:40 Legend2691 how is this possible?
submitted by Legend2691 to youtube [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 19:40 fenimaa rate my tortie (6) cinnamon!!!
last 2 pics are her when she was a baby (i think 2 months old) please show my baby some love 🙏🏻 everyone that comes to visit calls her fat 😔✋🏼 ps: i just couldn't pick between pictures submitted by fenimaa to torties [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 19:40 Additional_Deal_5632 Hit or Miss Fragrance Clones
Here is my top 10 Hit or Miss on popular clones advertised on Tiktok and Youtube.
2024.11.28 19:40 Excellent201 CPSY 411 assignment
Anyone is in CPSY 411 with Ling I have a question on the assignment?
submitted by Excellent201 to TorontoMetU [link] [comments]