2024.11.28 18:37 Drunken_mommy Wedding - what to expect when boarding
The title essentially says it all. I am getting married on the Fantasy in February and I’m looking to understand what the wedding experience is like. I’ll be honest that my DCL wedding planner has not been that responsive; there’s been a few times I’ve called and left voicemails for her (because I was growing tired of the slow back and forth through email) and she never called me back 😕. Anyway, I’m just trying to understand what happens when I board. I read that part of the reason we receive early boarding is so we can connect with our on-ship wedding planner and go over details. Just curious how that is organized and what I can expect from the time I board to the time of the wedding. I’d greatly appreciate anyone who can share their experience! 💕
submitted by Drunken_mommy to dcl [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 TiltingMallard These aren't the turkeys I ordered!
submitted by TiltingMallard to birding [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 18:37 Organic_Scallion_707 Decided To Give This Matchup Some Connections After I Saw A Bunch Of Posts About It On Google. Think Of It As A Revamp Of Some Sort
submitted by Organic_Scallion_707 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 18:37 Cheap-Bench-1358 Please help, shots always noisy.
Hello everybody i would love to find out an answer to this. I have a Sony A7iii and i have a big problem with it. First i want to say that in 4k i can get the desired look so that is no issue. Unfortunatlly on the a7iii you cannot use slowmotion at 4k so basically almost every video i'm making i have to use 1080p which is pretty sad tbh but anyway. I'm shooting a commercial right now, i'm doing close up shots and... i cannot understand why i can't get a footage that has no grain/noise in it.
Camera settings : 120fps 100mb 1\250 aperture : f2.8 - f11
Lens : Sigma 28-70mm f2.8
Scene: Frontal close-up shot of a product on the table, black background, 2 lights with softboxes on the sides from above. Camera set on Gilmble, frame goes from close-up to farther away. (the scene is just an example, i get the same results in every scene) (scene is usually slowed down at 50% for smoother movement)
I tried:
- Placing the 2 lights i have as close as possible and up to 100% brightness ( 2x neewer cb60b) (from above/sides)
- Different profile pictures : S-log works the worst in this scene,HLG-3, Cine4 i've steen to perform the best so i use that
- ISO : I tried auto iso, and range from 500- ca. 1600)
- 60fps at 1/120
- Different editing (lumetri color)
Though i see some improvment in using 60fps at 1/120, Even with the max light and everything There is also some noise/grain on my footage. I turn the shadows and blacks down so my background it's not visible ( so you can't see the grain/noise) but Even on my product there is always some noise/grain ! And it drives me crazy.
I tried filming a scene in 4k at 30fps 1/60 with one single light, with wayy darker conditions and i could barely see (if any) noise/grain.
So what is the matter? is the abscence of grain/noise impossible at 1080p ?? am i missing any setting??
Btw i have a 2k screen where i watch/edit my videos but i don't think that it's the problem.
I see videos on youtube with way lower light settings, in slow motion (which means higher shutter speed ) with 0 noise !! and me, with all this super bright lights i cannot achieve one single shot without noise?? Why? What am i missing, what could be the problem? Of course it's not super noisy but on a screen 2k screen you can definetly see it.
For whoever reads all this and answers.. thank you very much, I've been trying all kind of things and i just don't get it.
submitted by Cheap-Bench-1358 to Filmmakers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 Vermicelli-Positive First gun went with the m18
Wasnt expecting to spend much on my first gun but this is just a start, want to get an aluminum module down the line. Unfortunately CA version so only 10 rd Mags. submitted by Vermicelli-Positive to SigSauer [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 18:37 laceyloves2cum Kitty girl nervously awaits her first roast!
submitted by laceyloves2cum to RoastMyCat [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 Hungry_Slide_4314 Me Lolll
submitted by Hungry_Slide_4314 to SpongebobMemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 18:37 Messor36 The Absurd Evil Behind Anti-Piracy Groups
submitted by Messor36 to Asmongold [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 18:37 lxsanderMAn düşünsene bir kartopu oynadın diye yemek haneye atılamadın ve kriz geçirdin yada sadece bri hayal öyle değilmi ama gerçek olsa sinir patlaması denebilir
ben bugün yani 27 kasım 2024 tarihinin niğde için 3. kar tatili olmadığını bilmiyorumdum ve tam uyuduğum esnada babam beni uyandırdı kar tatil yok dedi neyse pantolonu giydim ve paramı ve otobüs kartımı aldım ama otobüs kartımın içinde aynı zamanda bir tanede yemekhane kartı var yemek hane kartı yemek yememi sağlıyor ama ben pantolonumun kirli olduğunu öğrendim daha sonra başka bir pantolon aldım ve değiştirdim sorabilirsiniz nasıl sen başka bir pantolon giydin cevabım şu benim okuduğum lisede kırmızı süveter altada siyah pantolon giyiliyor bende evde sürekli aynı renk siyah pantolon giyiyorum nedense siyah renkler hoşuma gidiyor bu yüzden beşiktaş juventus ve real madridi çok seviyorum ama keşke daha siyah olsa renkleri neyse bir 15 dakiikaya yakın otobüs kartımı ve paramı aradım çünki ben pantolonu değiştirdiğimi unuttum kafam gitmişti neyse baya aradım daha sonra dedimki ben pantolonu değiştirdim tama ozaman pantolona bakayım dedim ve aldım otobüs ve yemek hane kartımı + 100Tl para
neyse okula vardım ama okullar nasılsa tatildiye ben saat 3-4 gibi yatmıştım buda beni yorsada ilk ders ne yaptım acaba herhalde ders dinledim neyse 1. tenefüsünde dışarıda montsuz gezdim ve ani uyku bastırdı o uykuyla 3 ders kamyon devirdim sonra 4. ders gözüm açtım neyse 5. ders beden eğitim filim izleriz dedim pelenin hayatını anlatan biri dizi açtı hoca ve izledik neyse ders bitti yemek haneye giderken aklıma kar topu alıp knklarıma atmak geldi neyse oynadık kar topunu baya herkez birbirini attı bazılarıda atmadı ama sıkıntı hoca bizi uyarmıştı ama biz umursamadık neyse hoca almıyıcağını söyledi benimde zoruma gitti orda kar topu oynayıpda yemek yiyende oldu vede olmadıda ama hocanız gözünde çoktan miimlenmiştik yani yemek yiyemezdik neyse bize yemek yedirmiycek hocanın ismide özgürmüş herhalde nedense bu ülkede ismi güzel olanların içi boktan özgür gibi soylu gibi bayraktar bayrakçı gibi isimlere yada soy isimlere sahip olanlar iyi insanlar olmadı nedense ağzımı açtırma bende dedim hocaya benim yemek lazım parasını verdim hocada dediki bana ne yapıyorsan yap neyse hoca diğerlerin kartını imzaladı ve daha sonra gitti bende tersten dolaşmaya karar verdim bir giriş birde çıkışı olurya yurtların çıkış giriş ikisinide kullanan çok neyse hocaya dedim benim yemeğimi verin neyse hocada dediki sen kim oluyorsun diyerek benim üzerime yürüdü dedim bir öğrenciye böyle davranamazsınız benim babam kanser derken ağladım bu bir eğitim sistemi değil böyle birşey olamaz bende daha sonra başka hocalar araya girsede artık öfke patlamasımı desem ne sanki herşey senaryo gibi bazen kendimi kendime konuşurum bu sabah ilk ders dışarıya çıkmıştım ya moscawada eurovisiona girdiğimi düşündüm ve hasta olduğmu söylemiştim haber kanallarına ama hiçbirisi gerçek değil ve biraz ee h eeh rus kızları akıllı insanı deli yaparlar buzun melekleri onlar tamam neyse çok saçmaladık neyse hocaya dedimki bağıra bağıra benim babam hasta dedim ve ölümcül hasta neyse kendimi yere attım tokatladım ve yere kanlı balgamımı fırlattım evet bu deliceydi ve dedimki ben psikiyatrik bir deliyim kendimi öldürmekten zevk alırım öflefnmlşjkwsgnjldskg bazen sinirlendiğimde ne dediğim belli olmasada evet bazen böyle düşüncelerim var keşke küçük bir bebek olsaydım ve ölseydim böylece cennete girerdim hocaya bağırıp kendimi yumruklayıp tokatlamadan önce hocaya ağır bir diş sıkmıştım sonra az önce anlattığım olaylar dilimi ıssırdım hayla ağrıyor uyursam daha kötü ağrıyıcağına eminim dizim çok kötü ağrıyor çünkü kendimi yere attım ve dayanamıyorum aslında hiçbirşeye kimseye görmek bana iyi gelmiyor bazen dışarıya çıkarken insanlar konuşmak istemiyorum zorla konuşuyorum çünki ben bir insanım daha sonra bizim bölüm başkanlarının başkanı olan fizkiçi hoca ki ben ondan kitaplar aldım çok 9. ve 10.sınıfta 10. sınıfım(uyudum dün) ve o hoca beni sakinleştirdi ve hocanın yanına götürdü hoca asır toktu aşır hoca nekadar sert olsada bilrisiniz endüstride adam akıllı kimse yok eneazından çoğu kötü ve hocanında bena bağırıp çağırıcağını düşündüm ama hoca dediki sen sakin ol ben seni yemek haneye götürür yemek yemeni sağlarım sıkma canını dedi daha sonra çay verdi çayı içtim yemeğimi yedimyemekte etli nohut tarhana çorbası makarna ve hoşaf vardı ama dişlerim çürüyor neyse yemek yedim böylece o günü bitirdim teşekürler sizce ne yapmalıydım
submitted by lxsanderMAn to intiharetme [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 PastHistorian4634 Happy with this DIY attempt!
Hope everyone enjoys the London show tonight! submitted by PastHistorian4634 to charlixcx [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 18:37 kekausdeutschland Which one is better for permed hair ? welches ist besser für dauergewelltes haar?
I want to pair one of those two products up with Styling gel
submitted by kekausdeutschland to Haircare [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 ahmed__asm What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by ahmed__asm to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 Victor_01 [Online][Other][Star Wars Saga Edition] [Weekly: Sundays| 4:00am EST] Looking for 2 players
We are planning on starting next week. Dawn of Defiance Mod. Challenging adventure in the Star Wars universe. We only want players that work well in groups
submitted by Victor_01 to roll20LFG [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 hteammom43 60lbs down and onto soft foods!
Happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating today!
This year I'm thankful for hitting 60lbs down from my highest weight today and I'm two weeks post op tomorrow, but my surgeon approved me to start pureed and soft foods a day early. My last meal was on Halloween and now my first meal is on Thanksgiving! I am so grateful for this tool and can't wait to see what next year looks like ❤️
submitted by hteammom43 to GastricBypass [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 lemonelimade M4M Fantasy roleplay plots (long term)
Hi, if you've clicked on this post there's a good chance you're interested in some Fantasy roleplay, as am I lol. I'm on the search for partners interested in potentially many different ideas— I have a few i'm more intrigued with however i'm open to anything. I'll start by sharing some of my ideas below: 1. ABO (omegaverse) - I have been craving a good, sweet (or maybe not sweet..) Omegaverse roleplay!! Such a versatile topic honestly, good fluff with this sort of idea or even angst. Ideas for this vary, however things like; alpha x omega, alpha x alpha, or even throw a beta in the mix there. If avoiding NSFW content then cute trope is always fun, or for a more romantic type roleplay we could do anything. 2. Apocalyptic type roleplay- I'm a sucker for more serious type content with fighting and end-of-the-world shit, so this is always a fun concept for me. Classic retired soldier and lost person meeting and sticking together, maybe a couple (married?) going through it together, two friends becoming closer over the time they spend together or even two enemies getting closer! (I love enemies to lovers type trope) 3. Royalty stuff- l've posted on this account about this kind of idea before, however I do think a good Royal fantasy idea is always fun. Potentially an arranged relationship between two royals of different kingdoms, or maybe a prince and knight relationship. I also do love the idea of commoner having relations with a prince/king, which cou.-potentially lead to more! 4. Alien- type fantasy. I’ve been reading the manga The Summer Hikaru Died and I love the whole idea of an alien like parasite taking over a characters brain, however the same feelings for the other character still remain. Or there’s always other ideas alongside this, anything sounds interesting to me. 5. Open to ideas! Fantasy is my main focus for this post, however i'm interested in a wide variety of things. Combining ideas, creating whole new concepts, discussing and story building in DMS, anything and everything! So if none of my ideas caught your eye, still feel feee to message and we can chat together about something that could work. I'm 22 years old, a literate writer typically writing two paragraphs of writing. I strictly use third person written format, and would prefer you do as well (however not required). I also prefer to use Discord, but would be alright sticking here on Reddit if that works better. I will NOT roleplay with minors so don't even contact me if you're under the age of 18. As for NSFW content, i'm cool with skipping it, fading past it, moving the story along however or doing it! Personally, I like 70/30 ratio story to smut, but i'm willing to ease up on that. I just prefer there to be a good amount of story before anything too crazy. I'd also prefer in NSFW setting my character to be the 'bottom', so take that as you will. Thanks for taking the time to read my post, I hope some people are interested! Feel free to message me preferably with a bit of information about what kind of roleplay you're looking for, etc. I may take a bit to respond, but I eventually will. Looking forward to hearing from you all!
submitted by lemonelimade to roleplaying [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 Sure-Interview-4819 Is this a red flag 🚩
As I’ve been talking to guys and getting to know them one of the first questions I like to ask is about their hobbies or what they like to do for fun. I’ve had some men respond saying “I like xyz, ya know typical dude stuff.” It just really throws me off and makes me think that they’re sexist or something because like why are we calling certain activities “dude stuff” and other activities “girl stuff.” Do you think it’s a red flag if someone responds to the question in that way?
submitted by Sure-Interview-4819 to dating [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 Weekly_Nail7523 Honeywell Authorized Distributors & Reliable Sourcing
submitted by Weekly_Nail7523 to ElecComponents [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 18:37 AdminsluvmyBBC Lil Uzi Vert Type Beat - "Love Scars"
submitted by AdminsluvmyBBC to youtubepromotion [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 18:37 boxofrayne1 what changes are you proud to have implemented this year?
i’m really proud of how many books i’ve read, for example. still lots of stuff i need to get better at but i guess it’s all about the small things!
submitted by boxofrayne1 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 Medium-Interest9726 CHM135 Tips on how to study it very stressed for finals
I have failed both my midterms I got 35% and 46 on both my midterms, although i've been doing pretty well on all my labs around 80-90%. Do you guys think i have a chance to pass the course like a 50, and any tips on how to study it.
submitted by Medium-Interest9726 to UofT [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 Repulsive_Vehicle369 What breed is my sweet pup!
submitted by Repulsive_Vehicle369 to WhatBreedIsMyDog [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 99deeds Muzical Doctorz Sukhe Feat Raftaar - Sniper
submitted by 99deeds to punjabimusic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 18:37 DevTwijn Warped FEP Screen on resin printer
Made 3 prints and they came out well! Started the 3rd and the model fell off the plate and was stuck in the resin vat. Took it out, restarted it, and same thing. I took off the resin vat and noticed the film was damaged. Does it need to be replaced or is there a way to fix it? I can’t seem to find replacements anywhere, other than generic ones on Amazon that I’m not sure will fit or not. What causes the film to be damaged like this?
Using the Helot One
submitted by DevTwijn to Creality [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 Individual_Rich7589 My(18M) sad story with my girl(18F) best friend who rejected me twice
I first saw her in class 10 in my coaching centre. She used to be quite and didn’t even talk to a lot of people. Initially i did not care about her but after few days I saw her talking with my friends, I went and joined the convo and that was the first time I talked to her. After going home that day I was constantly thinking about her. I had a crush on her. I used to find topics to talk to her. She was very friendly and I had fun talking to her. After few days we followed each other on Instagram. My friends knew that I liked her. One day after the class I saw her talking to two of my friends and as usual I went to then, and when I was talking to her my friends started teasing me(fuck them). She got to know that I had crush on her. That day after going home I checked my phone and saw that she had already messaged me before even reaching home. We had a casual talk for some time and after some time she asks me do you like me? I really got nervous and was very confused. I said yes. And here are the exact lines she said me She- ohhhh…. Why didn’t you tell me? You can also tell me Me- I wish I could but these two idiots didn’t let me She - ok ok. Listen…. I really don’t want relationships and all for now. And then after this incident nothing actually changed. We used to talk daily as if nothing happened. I still had feelings for her but couldn’t do anything.
Fast forward to class 11 She took admission in ‘X’ coaching and I took in ‘Y’. We still used to talk on Instagram and WhatsApp. After few days we stopped talking. During Diwali I got a message from her after 6 months. She messaged - Happy Diwali…. Do you remember me or you forgot? Me- oh hi how are you And it continued She messaged me I planning to join coaching ‘Y’(my coaching). I was very happy. She joined my coaching in March and as soon as she came on first day, I met her and had a little chit chat. I couldn’t even believe that we met after a year. We used to go together to the class and even come together(same metro station). Now it happens again, I start to develop feelings for her again and even more this time. We use to flirt as well. She once said me that I am cute and also have cute smile. After 2 months she started to ignore my chats, Didn’t reply for 2 days and when I used to ask her about what happened she always used to get annoyed and say just leave me alone. I used to get very sad. Thought everything will be fine after few days But nothing changed. One day I messaged her what is wrong with you, will you not tell me to which she replied that why do keep asking me? Are you my boyfriend….? No right then plz leave me alone. After this I got frustrated and decided to tell her everything(not the best idea but had no option). I wanted get out of this cuz i was not able to focus on studies, use to think of her all the day. I asked my friend what to do, and he told me either you go and tell her about what you feel or forget her, but don’t be in the middle. I was so scared that our friendship will end due to this, but I decided to tell her everything. I told her everything about how I feel(on chat). I messaged her at 9:25pm. She didn’t reply me for a whole day even though she saw the message. The next day I messaged her asking why doesn’t she say anything to which she said i am sorry… but I think I like someone else, I only see you as a friend.
After this we never talked🥲. I used to see her in my coaching centre but she used to be with others. I still have feelings for her but maybe I’ll never be with her.
TL; DR- I had a crush on a girl who rejected me twice in class 10 and in 12 and I am not able to forget her.still have feelings for her.
submitted by Individual_Rich7589 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 18:37 Decayed_IceCream Would sleep with her
submitted by Decayed_IceCream to TheDigitalCircus [link] [comments] |