Stoßdämpfergeräusche MB B200 W246

Civic 1.8 EX-S + 215/45/17 GR90 + Buddy Club 17" (7KG) + Accord 3.0 caliper + 303mm brake disc 請問各位賢達 定速巡航時,哪種狀態下車子會自己解除定速?? 小弟今天行駛國道三號南下,在彰化和美路段定速行駛時,遇到一陣側風+橋梁伸縮縫上,定速忽然自己解除, 如果只是連續變換兩個車道後直行是不違法, 但如果換過去又再切回來切過去好像就有蛇行可罰. 請教各位先進 小弟 想在 BMW X1 2000CC 汽油車 與 mini countryman S 1600cc 汽油車 兩者間選購 一台 坐得高看得遠?😆😆😆😆😆 (這年頭各家車廠a柱肥大的趨勢愈來愈明顯,椅子高不高一點影響都沒有) 大家好,我是位於台中的柴油專業維修公司,公司成立38年,本人也工作資歷12年。始當學徒後發現知識的不夠,就繼續進修取得車輛維修乙級和二級技工執 大家好,我是位於台中的柴油專業維修公司,公司成立38年,本人也工作資歷12年。 哈囉大家好~ 今天要幫大家介紹現在最夯的. 休旅車 gle350 重點是 汽油版本!!!!! 優卡新聞連結 [url=""][/url] 依照車型等級,入門2.4 VTi Deluxe正式售價為129萬 ...

2024.11.28 18:54 streichzart93 Stoßdämpfergeräusche MB B200 W246

Hallo alle zusammen,
tl;dr: Hat jemand Erfahrung mit den Geräuschen der Stoßdämpfer bei einem W246.
Ich setze mal auf eure Schwarmintelligenz. Folgende Situation: Meine Partnerin und ich haben seit etwa 1,5 Jahren einen Mercedes B200 (Benziner, falls relevant) Baureihe W246, BJ 2012.
Ich habe das Gefühl, dass mit den Stoßdämpfern was nicht stimmt, die „bollern“ relativ laut, wenn man über Hubbel oder zum Beispiel Bordsteinkanten fährt. Ich habe den Wagen dafür einmal zur Durchsicht unter diesem Gesichtspunkt in eine unabhängige Werkstatt gebracht. Die sagen, dass alles ok ist und die Wärmeschutzbleche etwas bollern können. Ok, soweit so gut, könnte das erklären. Wenn aber hinten Personen mitfahren und somit hinten deutlich mehr Gewicht ist als sonst, dann werden die Geräusche auch deutlich lauter. Das spricht meiner Meinung nach dagegen. Ansonsten ist am Fahrverhalten nichts spürbar, fährt 1A.
Also zu meiner Frage: Ergibt das Sinn? Hat noch jemand eine B-Klasse aus dieser Baureihe und kann das bestätigen?
submitted by streichzart93 to automobil [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 CressOne1962 A street at night

A street at night It depends on a composition.
submitted by CressOne1962 to AfterBeforeWhatever [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 its-King_Louie 15 ⭐️s

15 ⭐️s submitted by its-King_Louie to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 Geotail1 Just a little advertisement for another subreddit of mine!

submitted by Geotail1 to RybkaTwinsGW [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 Theravenclaw44 9800x3d/MSI MPG X870E Carbon RAM XMP/EXPO Question

Happy Thanksgiving PC Folks,
I have what may be a dumb question. I have been saving up for a new build and pulled the trigger on most of the components last night.
MB - MSI MPG X870E Carbon CPU - 9800x3d RAM - I looked at the MB's QVL on the MSI website and found a set of G.Skill DDR5/8000 RAM (I know that the common wisdom is that DDR5/6000 is the sweet spot for the 9000-series CPUs but decided to splurge).
The RAM is listed on the QVL (F5-8000J3848H16GX2-TZ5RK). I only noticed this morning that the RAM listing says "Intel XMP 3.0." So, I looked for the AMD EXPO version of the RAM (F5-8000J3848H16GX2-TZ5NR) and found its listing with "AMD Expo" but that specific model number is not on the MSI page QVL.
So, my question is, which is more important, that the RAM is on the QVL or that the RAM list "AMD Expo?"
I can cancel the order for the XMP version and order the other if it is worth the trouble.
Thanks for your time and help in advance!
submitted by Theravenclaw44 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 remarkablereading12 Day Bag for GF?

My gf has a larger Patagonia bag she brings when she sleeps over but if she wants to bring makeup and smaller things during the day she will bring it in a Target grocery bag. Despite my gf having a Patagonia bag she is not an outdoorsy person. I’m hoping there is a good quality and trendy day bag that’s ideal for the amount of stuff a regular grocery bag can hold. Any ideas? Appreciate the help!
submitted by remarkablereading12 to Gifts [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 LeonArddogg Nobody except me is going to conclude how Skulltaker is basically a Predator? He's even in a JUNGLE

Nobody except me is going to conclude how Skulltaker is basically a Predator? He's even in a JUNGLE submitted by LeonArddogg to totalwar [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 dumbthandumbestdumb GUYS WE DON'T NEED HALF LIFE 3!!!!! WE NEED OPPOSING FORCE EPISODE 1&2!!!!!

submitted by dumbthandumbestdumb to OKbuddyHalfLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 Voodoodolly1999 Help finding this top

Help finding this top Does anyone know where I can find this top? Screenshot is of Ryan Ashley from ink master. It’s a gorgeous taupe tank top with black beading and I’m obsessed with it!
submitted by Voodoodolly1999 to findfashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 chaunceythegardener Favourite Live Albums

Gotta mention Frampton comes alive of course , but Peter Gabriel’s 83 gem Plays Live , BOC ‘s on your feet or on your knees , The Clash Live on Broadway , and The Sensational AlexH Harvey Band Live …. Some of my favs!
submitted by chaunceythegardener to OutstandingLiveAlbums [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 CheeseCookie18 When is tonight’s episode?

I know it’s after the NFL game but does anyone have an approximate time? Or does it depend on the game?
submitted by CheeseCookie18 to TheMaskedSinger [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 MaeganShant How do you get out of bed every morning just to go to a job?

submitted by MaeganShant to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 RafsReptileJungle Bioactive

submitted by RafsReptileJungle to leopardgeckos [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 Lacainam Progress

Progress A lot done on this guy but a lot left to go.
submitted by Lacainam to ChaosKnights [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 Madraccy The low diff

The low diff submitted by Madraccy to powerscales [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 Tall_Acanthaceae_437 just a cute selfie after work.

just a cute selfie after work. submitted by Tall_Acanthaceae_437 to SFWGoneMild [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 hzv0 Anyone else plan to stay gay even with all the threats spreading

Like all these posts about the president, senators, and other factors that are basically a threat to our lives and existence still won't make me go back in the closet, even if my life is on the line. I don't have much to lose and I would rather live my truth even if I'm in a bad place. I can't let them make me ashamed.
submitted by hzv0 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 SarcasticHelper Happy Thanksgiving with a batch of Blood Orange 75s

Happy Thanksgiving with a batch of Blood Orange 75s 12 oz Blood Orange Juice 12 oz Orange Juice 8 oz Simple 24oz Blood Orange Gin Mix in pitcher. Pour half a glass over ice. Garnish with slice Top with Prosecco
submitted by SarcasticHelper to cocktails [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 Embarrassed_Beat2135 Lizzie Grey

Lizzie Grey submitted by Embarrassed_Beat2135 to mckenzievaldezzzzzhot [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 Urzas_Penguins 2024-11-28

2024-11-28 An all-Iberian SOTD today, courtesy of RNG.
SOC boar brush lathered up Lodrino La Barberia. Shave with a Doble Tempo 14 and finished off with the classic Agua Balsamica.
submitted by Urzas_Penguins to wicked_edge [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 thrivinglifev3 Anyone know if hashtag-based searches and/or feeds include results from alt text?

Was wondering if I search on a hashtag or follow a # feed, the search or feed includes posts with that hashtag in photo alt text as well?
For example, if a picture-only post had "#funny" in the alt text, would it show up in post search results for that hashtag and/or on an automated feed showing all #funny posts?
submitted by thrivinglifev3 to BlueskySocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 Sufficient-Army6556 Accelerated DPT Degrees - What we know and don’t know.

Traditional DPT degrees are 3 years in length. Accelerated DPT degrees tend to be about 2 years. The average DPT program is 122 weeks in total duration. CAPTE requires all DPT programs to be 96 weeks in duration. ACAPT has recommended a minimum duration of 108 weeks. While the math is not perfect due to the length of breaks, 122 weeks is about 3 years, 108 weeks is about 2.5 year, and 96 weeks is about 2 years. At this time there is insufficient data to show that accelerated DPT programs offer the same level of knowledge and skill competence as traditional programs. Early anecdotal data suggests that there is considerable variability in outcomes among accelerated programs. We hope to have the necessary data in a few years to compare accelerated DPT programs to traditional programs. Until then, prospective DPT students should carefully look under the hood and do their due diligence by comparing a multitude of outcomes among potential programs. This includes First-Time NPTE pass rate, ultimate NPTE pass rate, total cost of attendance, graduation rates, professionalism, clinical skill acquisition, student feedback, and the desire of employers to hire graduates. There are many metrics that define the value of a DPT program and duration is only one such variable. Any delay in passing the NPTE and obtaining a state license negates the shorter duration of instruction.
submitted by Sufficient-Army6556 to PTschool [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 Afraid-Nail3892 Selling Account (dm offer)

Selling Account (dm offer) submitted by Afraid-Nail3892 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 SarSha Looking for a similar arm that can better support my Neo G8

submitted by SarSha to StandingDesk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:54 downforlife330 How would you design?

We just moved into a new home and want to design this bedroom from scratch. It has some interesting characteristics such as small cove and built in shelving. Open to all ideas. Also, anyone have good experiences with Havenly? Thank you!
submitted by downforlife330 to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]