New Fairview bike lane: Car just invaded the bike lane without looking and made me fall

2024.11.28 18:42 niloxx New Fairview bike lane: Car just invaded the bike lane without looking and made me fall

Disclaimer: I don't hold a grudge or anything on the car driver. I am also not seriously injured, I just hurt my leg a bit. I wanted to post this for awareness since the bike lane has just been opened and I think because of its design it can happen to others.
I was on my bike with appropriate lighting at rush hour ~6pm heading north on the bike lane that just opened on Fairview, on the side next to the shops. All of a sudden a big SUV turned to get into one of the streets without looking, invaded the bike lane and made me emergency break. I was going at moderate speed and the suden brake threw me in the air for a meter or so.
That's it. I just wanted people to be aware that the new bike lane has spots where cars get into other streets and that some car drivers don't look. Be safe.
submitted by niloxx to Dublin [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 abi_kin_ Auto Insurance AMA Banking Info

I am in process of a quote with AMA and even though I’m 100% sure that the insurance person I am talking to is legit ( emails etc), just wanted to confirm whether the banking information setup is done via letterheads etc sent via mail as I was under the impression that the payment info would be done via an online portal. I know I’m being too cautious but once was scammed years ago so have been pessimistic/careful ever since haha.
submitted by abi_kin_ to Edmonton [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 lanilep Dating as a non conventionally attractive late bloomer?

I'm not conventionally attractive, far it. I'm 30 years old as of now.
I'm balding, soon to be bald, I have a weird head shape for bald, and I can't grow anything more than a fierce neckbeard for facial hair. I have crooked yellow teeth I'm in braces for. I have an underbite I need surgery to correct that's a year or more out.
I used to weigh 410lbs, and have lost some weight I'm at 245 lbs right now. I go to the gym 4x a week, but will never have an impressive physique due to the loose skin and stretch marks. Maybe in a year I will at least look OK with clothes on.
I let my insecurities prevent me from living life in my 20s, and read all the posts about changing your life and starting today. So that's what I've been working on the past 2 years.
Now that I'm done tearing myself down and hitting yall with the harsh truths. Here are the good things.
I'm 6'2 in good health, I have a steady job as a software engineer and earn well above average income for my area, I have done well with real estate and investing and financially am comfortable or ahead for my age. Im a kind person with a diverse group of friends and have hobbies (Mostly nerd related) that I enjoy. I have fallen in love with lifting weights and can see myself doing it for a long time. I have family that loves me. Am smart and well liked by those who get to know me as a person. Im a curious person who loves to explore and learn new things.
Ive never really dated, I want to. I've been on one date in my life and it was 8 years ago.
I don't know where to start. Part of me acknowledges I still have insecurities I need to deal with, but those will take years to fix. (Multiple surgeries, recovery, etc). Im seeing a therapist and I acknowledge I have a lot to offer in a relationship, I love who I am as a human, but ive been dealt bad genetics and have to accept that.
Dating apps seem like a bad idea as it's so appearance driven, I've been trying different activities, and meeting new people but I mostly just meet men or women already in relationships or women clearly out of my league.
I feel lost, and wondering if anyone has any advice?
submitted by lanilep to AskMenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 Conscious_Let_1961 day #14

went pretty well let's hope for the best and let's hit day 15 💪🏼we strong
submitted by Conscious_Let_1961 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 CoolBee22 The only thing stronger than meta is gambling

The only thing stronger than meta is gambling submitted by CoolBee22 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 PrestigiousLead5140 bisphenol A in Ice Barrel 500?

I'm currently looking at Ice Barrel 500 from costco and there's a warning WARNING: This product can expose you to bisphenol A, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to: Is this a cause for concern?
submitted by PrestigiousLead5140 to coldplunge [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 BrilliantPurchase377 What kind of betta?

Got him from my local store but he didn’t have a label or anything so not sure what type he is. If you have any ideas let me know!!!
submitted by BrilliantPurchase377 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 Clear_Temperature_58 Cuando te da hambre en el karaoke
submitted by Clear_Temperature_58 to AuronPlay [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 brassgrass1 How do you fly planes with your setup?

I am a newish player, month or 2 in, and I can't get how everyone can fly planes so well on PC. helicopters I've gotten used to flying, but planes are so hard to fly with my mouse compared to other games that I've flown ships or planes in.
How do other PC people fly and such accurate & cool stuff? Do you use different control layouts? Or use a joystick or controller?
submitted by brassgrass1 to battlefield2042 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 ze_introverted Can someone decode this please? It seems important

submitted by ze_introverted to antisolver [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 qT_TpFace Google

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2024.11.28 18:42 BIGCRAKA Rate my quiver

I’m 18 and based on the east coast
submitted by BIGCRAKA to skiing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 Altruistic-Story5318 My parents are letting my sister manipulate my family.

My parents told me I can’t come thanksgiving today because my sister will yell at my boyfriend. Everyone else likes him just fine but her and they told us we can’t come unless I go alone without him. I’m feeling pretty upset about the whole situation. It feels like they don’t care about me right now at all. How do I talk to them in a mature way about all this and what if they still don’t understand how hurtful this all is?
submitted by Altruistic-Story5318 to Manipulation [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 SaltyAdminBot Reminded me of past incursions on military and nuclear facilities

submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 Kchypark That one homie in the squad (@KRONOS_527)

That one homie in the squad (@KRONOS_527) submitted by Kchypark to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 realtorsingh Bell Black Friday Deal Bell Small Business

Dont know if this is true but I called in and heard of a $35 200GB CAN-US-MEX plan paired with a $5 iphone 16 on lease when you leave another provider and move to bell small business?? Anyone heard of this deal or know how to get it??!! this is with 5 lines BTW
submitted by realtorsingh to bell [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 titeefelix Krakoa was not selfish

I often see people commenting on how Krakoa turned mutants into selfish supremacists, even though they continued to assist humanity throughout the entire era.
The medications were distributed free of charge to nations that recognized Krakoa as a nation. The nations that did not recognize it were explicitly shown in Marauders persecuting mutants. If the medicine didn’t reach a nation, it was due to human selfishness, not mutant selfishness. It’s even stated that the X-Corporation had increased production to meet humanity’s demand.
And during the Krakoa era, we saw mutants helping humans countless times. They built hospitals, provided humanitarian aid, saved humans—including Orchis soldiers—countless times, and defended Earth alongside other heroes. Even resurrection was extended to humans through the Phoenix Foundation. A significant portion of the villains were even behaving and refraining from harming humans. What more did people want them to do for humanity?
But the impression I get is that people take the behavior of a few characters, who are clearly written to be controversial, and interpret that as the stance of every mutant.
And I think this stems from a real-world perspective: that those who are marginalized must always respond passively. They are not allowed to create safe spaces for themselves because that offends others, even though non-marginalized groups have spaces where marginalized people are not welcome.
submitted by titeefelix to xmen [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 TommytheWolf Plush Decoration

Plush Decoration Just finished renovating and decided to put up my big Kangaroo plushie, along with an old fursuit, as main decoration in the dining room. Still want to add a couple more plants, but nothing else. Kinda like how it looks so far, what do you think?
submitted by TommytheWolf to plushies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 LawGrad001 Do I need an Echo?

Age: 32
Sex: female
Height: 5’6
Weight: 120 lbs
Race: white
Duration of complaint: unknown
Location: heart
Any existing relevant medical issues: pregnant with 2nd baby
Current medications: prenatals
I asked my primary care this question but I was not satisfied with the response. I have a history of bulimia throughout high school/my 20s. I’m good now.
I’ve previously had an ekg that was good and my blood work is all normal. Do I need an echo?
submitted by LawGrad001 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 Hellowhiii Mild liquefaction

After my surgery, my sperm count went from 8,000,000 to 27,000,000 but my liquefaction now incomplete and mild. Should I be worried?
submitted by Hellowhiii to varicocele [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 Lexxino89 How to apply different effects to different devices?

I recently downloaded Signal RGB and I don't understand how to apply let's say a blue color to my keyboard and a green one to my fans. Everytime I apply a color it applies the same color to both of them. What am I missing? Thanks.
submitted by Lexxino89 to SignalRGB [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 WebionDraws Jinx

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2024.11.28 18:42 GovernmentCute73 Doubts about my vintage Longines

submitted by GovernmentCute73 to VintageWatches [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 wellsishere New Kit Day look

New Kit Day look Brand new kit today! Managed to get a discount at the shop. It’s a 5 piece Mapex Armory in Desert Dune. Plus Hardware.
submitted by wellsishere to drums [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:42 Conscious_Let_1961 day #14

went pretty well let's hope for the best and let's hit day 15 💪🏼we strong
submitted by Conscious_Let_1961 to NoFap [link] [comments]