Does Psychopathic Vault ship internationally?

2024.11.28 19:40 witchburner1337 Does Psychopathic Vault ship internationally?

I have seen people saying on posts about 2 years ago that they don't ship internationally but when I go to checkout on an item it lets me fill out everything and gives me international options
submitted by witchburner1337 to juggalo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 AssistantOk2720 reflash bios

reflash bios Hi, In the past, I successfully managed to switch the mining BIOS of some RX570 graphics cards to regular BIOS versions. Now, I have an Asus GTX 1070 NVIDIA P104-100 8 GB card. This card has two video outputs: one HDMI and one DisplayPort. I'll attach a picture with the details from GPU-Z below. Does anyone know of a BIOS version that might be at least somewhat compatible with this card? I understand that it uses GDDR5X memory and that finding a compatible version is quite difficult.
submitted by AssistantOk2720 to vintagecomputing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 daily_bargains Black Friday Countdown: 48-Hour Flash Sale!

Get ready for some exciting news! The Black Friday countdown has officially begun, and there’s no need to wait for the big day to score amazing deals. For the next 48 hours, shoppers can enjoy extra savings on top-rated products. Here’s a look at the exclusive codes that unlock fantastic discounts:
The following offers are available

These deals are only available for a limited time, so it’s the perfect opportunity to grab favorites at incredible prices.
Why choose The Ayurveda Experience?
Don’t miss out on these exclusive offers! With just 48 hours to take advantage of these savings, now is the time to shop smart and treat yourself to high-quality products from The Ayurveda Experience.
submitted by daily_bargains to dailybargains [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 Slapperbattler Drawing Slap Battles Noobs: Day 25 (Null Glove)

Drawing Slap Battles Noobs: Day 25 (Null Glove) We are going strong, almost having done a entire month!
Enjoy this episode!
submitted by Slapperbattler to SlapBattles [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 OhHiMarkDoe First time posing i guess.

First time posing i guess. I collect figuarts since 2-3y and actually never posed them for pics. I buy them and play around with them while watching movies or videos and enjoy them like a child but put them always back into their boxes. So here is my first time posing, nothing special but i like this fig.
submitted by OhHiMarkDoe to SHFiguarts [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 ftm666incubus Stellar photoshoot

submitted by ftm666incubus to thewalkingdead [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 dissapointing_potato Unbound slow load times (PC)

I play with my brother who uses a PS5 for unbound and his game loads so much faster.
I have crucial T500 1TB 32GB 6000mhz ram and a ryzen 7600x. I would expect the game to load fast
I used to use a crucial P3 for unbound the load times didnt change that much when shifting it to the T500
Is this just a thing on PC ?
submitted by dissapointing_potato to needforspeed [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 Plane-Arugula-9117 Does the update from Netflix article seem like we’re one step closer to getting the actual release date?

submitted by Plane-Arugula-9117 to ginnyandgeorgiashow [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 Xeratas [EA Key Giveaway] First person to solve all puzzles can redeem the key

The first person who can solve the key can redeem it.
I think the "puzzles" are fairly easy, I don't think it will take very long. If it takes too long i will fill in the blanks below one by one (in a random order)
Not every squared bracket is one lettenumber, sometimes it can be multiple.
If the code below is fully revealed, someone has probably already redeemed it. Have fun and GL.
The code will look like this at the end (all letters are capital):
_ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _
First Section:
[Melee Physical Damage Support] + [Lifetap Support] + [01011010] + [Wait minus 2]
Second section:
[Make it great again] + [Every Exile has two of it] + [The level requirement of Herald of Ash (level 1) is the position in the alphabet]
Third section:
[The number of Acts in PoE2 early access] + [The amount of flasks a character can carry in PoE2] + [84 88 82]
Fourth section:
[a 6 link minus 4] + [pay respect] + [Its at the end of the Path] + [mc^2]
submitted by Xeratas to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 gabetucker22 If their whole team is AP, is full MR Galio top a viable counterpick?

submitted by gabetucker22 to galiomains [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 imhavingazhe-zher Cool rock that looks like geographical rock formations

Cool rock that looks like geographical rock formations submitted by imhavingazhe-zher to CoolRockss [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 AllMusicStinks What does my art smell like?

What does my art smell like? submitted by AllMusicStinks to ARTIST [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 crazychickenjuice Quality issues for the past couple of phones

For the second phone in a row, I will be having to file a warranty claim on my pixel and get a replacement. On my current phone, the pixel 9 pro, I have the back glass creaking issue that many others have had. I am getting it replaced by Google since I don't want to risk issues further down the line. On my previous phone, the pixel 7 pro, I had to get a replacement by Google because the GPS antenna went bad. This is in addition to how delicate these phones have been. On my 6 and 7 pros, both screens broke with minor damage when I have not broken a phone for nearly a decade prior. I really love the software of the Pixel phones, but the quality of the hardware is some what frustrating.
submitted by crazychickenjuice to GooglePixel [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 Western-Victory-7414 What makes you look like this

What makes you look like this submitted by Western-Victory-7414 to repost [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 psychostud7635 Defend Zalissya Bug (Stalker 2)

I hope someone stumbled across this bug and found a way to fix this. So I headed to the sphere when Chef reached out to all available Stalkers to defend Zalissya and I headed there as fast as I can. The problem is the following: all enemies are stuck in that big building and there is no way inside of it. Is there a way to solve this or is it a bug I have to wait for GSC to fix?
Man, this game drives me nuts. Still love it though, but wtf?
submitted by psychostud7635 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 jdeofficial Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Wish you all an amazing holiday! Be safe, eat good and HODL!
submitted by jdeofficial to xlm [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 Opening_Usual4946 This is too forced of a toki pona and English mix

This is too forced of a toki pona and English mix submitted by Opening_Usual4946 to languagelearningjerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 Dry-Poetry-7850 Instruction Manual - Technics SL-QX200

Instruction Manual - Technics SL-QX200 Hi there! I need a copy of the instruction manual (and maybe service manual as well) for the Technics SL-QX200. Looks like Vinyl engine have stopped new users from registering. Anyone here with a log in who can download for me? Cheers, much appreciated.
submitted by Dry-Poetry-7850 to turntables [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 Soggy_Idea_2170 Hi im 19f. Rate me 1-10, PS i do not have an only fans

submitted by Soggy_Idea_2170 to ratemehonestly [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 Public_Bathroom8970 Could my incomplete bowel movements be SIBO?

Around 5 years ago I started having a strange issue where my bowel movements would be impossible to wipe clean. I don’t remember if they felt incomplete, but I guess that’s what the issue was.
At that point in my life I was living abroad, starting a new job and trying to learn a new language. It was an insanely stressful/anxious period so I guess that’s why I started. Or perhaps I was slightly food poisoned and didn’t notice, who can say for sure.
I have tried an insane amount of stuff since and to be honest it’s only got worse. My BMs are now usually small, thin, noticeably incomplete and I feel bloated all the time. The worst is when I go into the office, because usually I spend all morning obsessing over having a BM and it’ll never be satisfactory.
Here’s what I’ve tried

I stumbled upon the top post of this sub a few days ago and it got me wondering about my MMC. So I’ve been taking gingeartichoke for 2 days now. Too early to tell really, I thought my BM this morning was a bit more complete but still not really much better.
I do think that there’s been some mental changes, for example music today is sounding amazing. It’s like when I started SSRIs. Could be placebo.
I can’t really get a breath test easily where I live and I’m done with doctors at this point. Could my issues be SIBO, if so what else could I try?
submitted by Public_Bathroom8970 to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 _Zaspo Online personal trainer contract in England

Hi I have had a personal trainer online for like a month and I realised There was not much contact between us so I have realised I wanted to end the "Whatsapp communication" was paying him 150 monthly and I asked to end it so I ain't paying 150 monthly for the next 3 months. I asked him did I sign a contract and he sent me an image of a form I signed in the begining where I clicked yes to agreeing to pay 150 per month for at least 16 weeks. Now I want to know is that can the image he sent me below be a binding contract?
submitted by _Zaspo to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 Smoochchchy Shraddha Kapoor

Shraddha Kapoor submitted by Smoochchchy to ShraddhaKapoorSpicy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 AydenChannel Fun Fact: Asdfmovie2 and BFDI 1 came out on the same day

Fun Fact: Asdfmovie2 and BFDI 1 came out on the same day submitted by AydenChannel to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 ActionFigureCollects Nintendo's putting a 200,000+ member Switch piracy subreddit in the crosshairs as it seeks to identify people who helped run 'Pirate Shops'

Nintendo's putting a 200,000+ member Switch piracy subreddit in the crosshairs as it seeks to identify people who helped run 'Pirate Shops' submitted by ActionFigureCollects to retrogaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:40 ThaydrianNightshade Please be gentle!

Please be gentle! How do I look for being 53?
submitted by ThaydrianNightshade to FaceRatings [link] [comments]