1B Burn (27 Nov 2024)

2024.11.28 20:51 dogfaceponyboi 1B Burn (27 Nov 2024)

1B Burn (27 Nov 2024) submitted by dogfaceponyboi to streetstock [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 2_Blue .

. submitted by 2_Blue to ZAGGLE [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 EverIAce Looking for a vet clinic offering affordable feline echocardiograms

As the title states! I have a breed that is prone to heart diseases. Though he's been genetically tested and cleared, I'd still like to get regular echocardiograms to monitor more closely. Does anyone know of an affordable clinic around Milwaukee or surrounding areas (and prices if you're able to share)? Thank you!
submitted by EverIAce to milwaukee [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 PositiveResort6430 Why cant i post here? Is something wrong?

Tried to list my doll for sale and the post just went into the void- included a note & everything
submitted by PositiveResort6430 to MySceneDolls [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 jaloopimane Who at flex? this week determines playoff contention

Who at flex? this week determines playoff contention im new to fantasy and watching american football, any help to beat my american friend would be appreciated
submitted by jaloopimane to FantasyFootballers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 Yyir England - Grandma died due to medical negligence. Is there anything we could do?

Earlier in the year my Grandma died. She was in her late 90s and had been into hospital a few times in the year preceding. She wasn't in great health, but wasn't dying and was living in an assisted living flat.
She had a fall and went into hospital. She was there a couple of days and was discharged as medically fit to return home. She was in huge pain and ended up, after a few days returning to hospital. At that point she had an x-ray and it turns out that during the first fall she broke her hip and several ribs. They hadn't checked her for this before releasing at the earlier date.
She died soon after. The doctors put "old age" down as the cause and the hospital blanked any responsibility for the discharge with the broken bones.
Is there anything we should do to hold them to account? My parents refuse to talk about it at all, but they agree she would probably still be alive had she not been sent home.
Looking for advice before I try to sit down with them to discuss.
submitted by Yyir to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 scapegoatthe3rd Getting Back into TFP Photoshoots

Being a Photographer is Like Being a Pro Athlete

The better you manage these challenges while consistently producing quality work, the more successful you’ll be. Early on, I didn’t get it. I thought if I just did great work, everything else would fall into place. But after being featured in local newspapers and dealing with the jealousy of those closest to me, I realized there’s so much more to it than just creating beautiful images.
A few years ago, my ex-wife and her mother saw my success as a threat to the narrative they were pushing to maintain dominance in our child custody arrangement. They went so far as to hack my Facebook account, alter my photos, and use bots to tank my engagement. To top it off, they made sure my mug shot appeared when you Googled my name instead of my work. When you rise, the people closest to you can sometimes reveal the ugliest parts of themselves.
But this isn’t about them. This is about a portrait series I couldn’t finish due to sabotage. It’s been 2 years since then, and while I’m back in the creative space, it’s not without hesitation. Getting back on track in any performance-based field is an anxiety-inducing challenge filled with self-doubt. But it’s one you can only overcome with small steps in the right direction.
Over the next few months, I’m excited to share my progress. Whether I succeed or fail, there’s always something to learn along the way. All success really turns out to be is failure until you get it right.
Ft. Model: Isabella Michels She can be found on Instagram
submitted by scapegoatthe3rd to TroyChildsPhotography [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 6775gg VULTURES 1 IS TOP 1 YE AND BETTER THAN MBDTF

So Vultures is Kanye’s best album reason why the production is genuinely insane and it includes one of the best performances from Ty and Kanye yes there are some cons but most good albums have cons so the reason why Vultures is Kanye’s best album is Kanye and Ty’s voice especially in GOOD DONT DIE and beg forgiveness Kanye shocked everybody by his return suddenly coming back to the music industry and somehow clutching The album is better than mbdtf Yeezus and Donda as most of these albums are bloated since Kanye chose quantity over quality especially in donda deluxe That does NOT mean that those albums are good they are AMAZING Kanye’s voice is getting better, it’s better than his pre mbdtf voice as it’s more beautiful in general and amazing Kanye’s beats slowly progressed into becoming the best producer OAT and now it all showed in vultures 1 and vultures 2 even grew on me more and is one of Kanye best albums. Now that I’m done let’s get to the cons I don’t like how Kanye was edgy most of the time especially in Vultures but sometimes it’s good such as in “DO IT” and “CARNIVAL” Kanye’s sampling got worse over as shown in BACK TO ME but it’s okay since his production makes up for it and Freddie Gibbs verse, In conclusion, Vultures 1 is one of the best hip-hop albums or even the best hip hop album depending on the day. And I even made a list to compare these two albums.
STARS > dark fantasy
KEYS TO MY LIFE < gorgeous
PAID > Power
Talking < All of the lights
HOODRAT > So appalled
DO IT > Devil in a New Dress
PAPERWORK > runaway
BURN > Hell of a LIfe
FUK SUMN > Blame game
submitted by 6775gg to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 ExtremeToe9893 Ktos wymiana zdjeciami

submitted by ExtremeToe9893 to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 Sea_Barracuda1673 Found on Facebook and had to share lol

Found on Facebook and had to share lol submitted by Sea_Barracuda1673 to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 Brave-Field6760 Turkey Trot Goal Achieved

Turkey Trot Goal Achieved My goal for the annual 5k Turkey Trot was to finish in under “Dripfield” from the Greek. Made it happen barely.
submitted by Brave-Field6760 to GoosetheBand [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 antibacterialHS Ss22 e6

This episode. I feel empathy for this dude but come on. Her notarized “contract”, the amount she promised to pay him back.. it was so stupid. I know he thought they were friends but it’s mind boggling to me that he gave her so much financial information. This was a hard listen.I don’t even understand how Megan was so impactful. She was a red flag at the start, had weird and inappropriate social skills and honestly, not appealing in how she presented herself either. I am FLOORED by how many people she scammed here and how big of a story this seems to be? Anyone else?
submitted by antibacterialHS to SomethingWasWrongSWW [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 fubuwukani What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by fubuwukani to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 LightBlueHighlighter JOCK WEEK BABY

Multiple House Democrats from Connecticut including the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee were targets of Thanksgiving Day bomb threats Thursday.
submitted by LightBlueHighlighter to hatewatchpod [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 Ok_Tax281 I need a friend

I need a friend who I can talk with ... uh can dm me if anybody is interested
submitted by Ok_Tax281 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 Desperate_Injury1655 I swear just 1 more yd 🤦🏻‍♂️

I swear just 1 more yd 🤦🏻‍♂️ submitted by Desperate_Injury1655 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 eris_27persefone11 Vale la pena tener un título?

Es la educación universitaria una inversión valiosa o una deuda perpetua?
submitted by eris_27persefone11 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 AccomplishedWait2965 Like vampires? Don't have time to constantly play? Join Bloodless Legion.

More or less just a bunch of people looking foward to vampirism being added (even if it isn't 100% confirmed as of now). We don't require you to be constantly active, we welcome both bounties and fame, gotta have a strength based build (vamprism is a fighting style according to the trello & wiki). We currently have 26k clan infamy and 33 members (as of posting this). And we have a 5% clan tax.
We don't offer a huge amount of stuff as of now since a lot of the members aren't super active. But I do help members when they need it.
If you're interested and happen to see a member in a server just ask to join or you can message me on discord (Reaper_The6th#0113) to join.
submitted by AccomplishedWait2965 to ArcaneOdyssey [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 wpwnis Katakuri > Yamato, she is oven level at max

Bottom text
submitted by wpwnis to OnePiecePowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 Educational_Funny_80 [WTS] hydraulic hd buffer ,x2 weights , mk2 tube (a5 length) flat wire ,k2+ grip ,sba4

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/OBTSdzW
90$-Hydraulic buffer hd (for 9mm) and weights
25$-A5 bcm toob 2 20 with something else
Flat wire , idk 10$
10$- magpul k2+
40$-sba4 with upgraded strap
140$ for everything
submitted by Educational_Funny_80 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 FastFox4490 Dungeons and Dragons Moral Alignment and Morivation

Hi yall, just curious to hear other people’s thoughts on this topic. I love DnD’s morals and ethical alignments and how it relates to their personal motivation and drive towards their goals. As a marriage and family therapist, motivation/how to motivate someone towards a desired change in treatment is an important aspect of change whether they are either naturally resistant to the therapist’s influence or highly cooperative due to certain framings towards it. So I was wondering to hear people’s thoughts on what are simplified modern motivation examples of the alignment (e.g lawful good- police man coming to therapy to help with anger management and what would motivate them to make improvements even if he was resistant towards the therapist’s suggestions? For the Sake of their family’s world?). I hope that makes sense!
submitted by FastFox4490 to DungeonsAndDragons [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 BustyMustard Mandatory Stereolab Appreciation Post

Obviously this seems a little redundant but I fucking love Stereolab. My music taste was originally informed by Hip-hop (which I still love dearly) but my friend introduced me to Stereolab and HOLY FUCK, THIS MIGHT BE THE BEST BAND EVER! I didn't even know music could be this good! This Thanksgiving I am thankful for whoever put these artists in a room together and made them record banger album after banger album.
submitted by BustyMustard to stereolab [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 xXfadeintoblueXx Metal for someone who doesn't really enjoy metal?

Metal is one of the only genres I have a hard time really getting into. Every time a metal enthusiast has suggested bands to me it just doesn't do anything for me.
That being said, here's a list of what I've enjoyed so far.

submitted by xXfadeintoblueXx to MusicRecommendations [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 KrypticMization NVDA announced a new partnership with TAI (a new AI company) on the SOL network

NVDA announced a new partnership with TAI (a new AI company) on the SOL network W
submitted by KrypticMization to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:51 Abann_ Is this a fair price?

Is this a fair price? submitted by Abann_ to DubaiPetrolHeads [link] [comments]
