Refinanțare: plătesc dobândă de două ori?

2024.11.28 21:30 hoinar_prin_munti Refinanțare: plătesc dobândă de două ori?

TL;DR vreau să-mi refinanțez creditul imobiliar, credeți că e ok, sau măcar legal, ca banca să-mi ia dobândă de două ori pentru aceeași perioadă (ultima lună din creditul vechi, respectiv prima rată la creditul nou)?
Am un credit imobilar la o anumită bancă din transilvania, cu dobândă de 2.2% + IRCC (5.99% actual) = 8.19%. Soldul creditului în momentul de față este de 430883.35 RON, mai am 177 luni de plată, iar rata lunară mi se scade din cont în data de 10. În 10 noiembrie mi s-a scăzut rata în mod normal, iar următoarea rată ar fi în 10 decembrie, în valoare de 4201.4 ( compusă din 2942.22 dobândă și 1259.18 principal). Am contactat banca pentru o refinanțare la credit fix pe primii 3 ani cu dobândă de 5.3%, și mi s-a generat un grafic de rambursare. În acesta, noul sold datorat este de 433825.57, adică s-a adăugat dobânda pentru perioada 10 noiembrie-10 decembrie la soldul vechi. Ok, n-am problemă cu asta, le-am folosit banii, sunt ai lor, dar atunci eu consider că le-am achitat datoriile cu dobânda până în 10 decembrie (deși așa voi plăti dobândă la dobândă). Dar ce mi se pare ciudat, îi că la noul credit, la prima rată, în 10 decembrie, mi se cere încă o dată dobândă. Prima rată (cea cu creditul refinanțat) ar fi în 10 decembrie în valoare de 3532.55, care este compusă din 2255.17 principal și 1277.38 dobândă. Dobânda asta este calculată la zi, din 22 noiembrie, când s-a generat graficul de rambursare, am verificat calculele. Dar astfel, pentru perioada 22 noiembrie-10 decembrie plătesc dobândă de două ori. Știu că nu-i o sumă atât de mare, dar nu mi se pare corect, ținând cont, că nu mi-au dat bani în plus, sau n-am putut folosi banii ăia în niciun alt fel.
Voi ce părere aveți? Am prezentat problema și la angajatul de la bancă, dar nu înțelegea/se făcea că nu înțelege.
Toate calculele le-am verificat în aplicația BT și în graficul de rambursare.
submitted by hoinar_prin_munti to banci_credite_ro [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 SoHornyBeaver My ham came out looking like Buzz Lightyear

submitted by SoHornyBeaver to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 Professional-Map2094 The real Nathan? Ohio?

The real Nathan? Ohio? submitted by Professional-Map2094 to TooHotToHandle [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 yourownerflo drainsgiving starts now, keep pumping your payment methods dry while you tell me how thankful you are to be serving and worshipping a superior ebony princess like me.

submitted by yourownerflo to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 PghBIG Well, tomorrow if the day

Tomorrow is a long days coming, a day that has been 15 years in the making and I've been up the past 24 mentally preparing.
Do they do autopsy's/blood work/poking and prying my dog after he's gone at the cremation places or do they just burn him? I don't want some stranger playing amateur dr hour on my poor passed dog.
Does anyone have any insight? Thank you for your time in advance.🙏 rough times ahead and my mind is racing.
submitted by PghBIG to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 AffectionateDig4322 Hi friends, please help me to "next step". 🥺

Hi- my lovely reddit friends, this is my first post. Now I'm stuck in Diamond to Ascendant1. I want to go further but I don't know how to improve myself further. I feel like my game has reached a dead end again, I've been trying to warm up in any way I can, but my aim is still not hitting 30% of my headshots. I recently switched to a better mouse, but it seems to be helping a little, but not enough for me to "next step" towards a better me.
I play mainly flex. 1600dpi 0.25 I like to play fast sens. This is my tracker :
I have a YouTube channel where I live stream regularly. If you don't mind watching how I play games and commenting:
My goal is to reach Immortal Rank. If you have any advice or training methods, please tell me. Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart! 🙏🙇‍♂️
thank you.
submitted by AffectionateDig4322 to ValorantCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 Rancho3p Do you see the heart 🤍 ?

submitted by Rancho3p to Cows [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 LisleSwanson Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving. submitted by LisleSwanson to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 theskyisbluetoday24 My 20lb turkey was done in 2 hours with electric roaster.. seems way too quick!

So, I just cooked my 20lb turkey in an electric roaster. The new digital thermometer wasn't working so I'm glad I checked as originally directions said it would take 3-4 hours.
I cooked the Turkey on high at 400* for 30 minutes and then turned down to 325. I was going to check it after another 2 hours but decided to check early and used my other digital thermometer and it was fully cooked. In fact almost too cooked as it reached 180* in some places..
Anyone else have this issue.. I'm making notes to remember this for next year and test temperature at 1 hour 45 minutes instead.. this just seems too quick for a 20 lb bird to cook..
submitted by theskyisbluetoday24 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 Apprehensive_Fix5932 Fan art, a friend of a friend SHARED this with me not made

by Sidway an amazing artiest, whos art i personally love.
submitted by Apprehensive_Fix5932 to HollowKnight [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 heyman207 In Arkham Knight is it possible to mod Catwoman's parkour movement into the game?

I was looking through all the mods on nexus and I realized that there's so many female animation changers, but I couldn't find any mods that affect your advanced movement at all. If I'm being honest here I just want to play as the other characters without losing all of Batman's gadgets since they're required for numerous puzzles
submitted by heyman207 to arkham [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 Inside-Potential145 roses are red, I live in Nantucket. and-

roses are red, I live in Nantucket. and- submitted by Inside-Potential145 to rosesarered [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 TheSoundSnowMakes Asus rog cpc hitting 95C during heavy loads?

Hi everyone. I hope you're all well. I recently bought an Asus Rog Strix I9 14900Hx Rtx 4070.
I bought it primarily for astrophotography. I use a program called Pixinsight, which is designed to use all cpu cores available. The program stacks thousands of astro images, while doing pixel integration and many other cpu intensive processes. It has not been a problem, but today I began stacking 5000 images and the cpu went straight to between 90 and 95°C.
My question is, is that normal? I have read a lot about people undervolting etc, but why should it be necessary to mess with voltage, when the computer should just be doing what it is advertised to do?
I have just started something I know will use 100% cpu. It is staying at between 90 and 95°. I presume the latest bios update has stopped it from exceeding 95°. Still, is it normal to have the cpu at those high temperatures? And can it sustain between 90 and 95C for prolonged periods?
I am sorry for the disjointed message. I am writing it as I am trying different tasks and watching the cpu temp.
submitted by TheSoundSnowMakes to ASUS [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 Shung-fan Woes, Hopes and Dreams of Middle Earth Folk.

Woes, Hopes and Dreams of Middle Earth Folk. submitted by Shung-fan to lotro [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 Murrtallica PB-50 SB pickguard options

Looking to throw a white pickguard on my sunburst PB-50, and it looks like the eBay seller people usually recommend isn’t selling them currently. Any options?
submitted by Murrtallica to harleybenton [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 Warm-Angle-7136 1990 XLT lariat 5.0

So I have my fuel pump wired always on with the key,for other reasons,but I broke down the other night had to get pulled home,so I left the key on so the steering wheel won't lock and got home found out it pushed gas all in throughout the motor all in the oil pan it diluted the oil so bad looked like water,I drained the motor twice filled it with fresh oil 2 times, change spark plugs brand new,the oil is still diluted idk why it won't crank idk what to do.
submitted by Warm-Angle-7136 to f150 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 VatsRealm Bikers bike gets stolen during race

Bikers bike gets stolen during race submitted by VatsRealm to HolUp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 Muisverriey GDO Powerdive, AKA the coolest planeformer ever!

GDO Powerdive, AKA the coolest planeformer ever! Has some EXCELLENT lightpiping too
submitted by Muisverriey to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 Low_Commission2366 Y’ALL NEED TO STOP WITH VOG SO

WHY?? WHY ? The planet is literally at 0.9% STOP WITH VOG SOJOTH y’all being undemocratic with the Dss DEMOCRATIC space station
submitted by Low_Commission2366 to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 DokCyber If you ever become depressed, try drinking a gallon of water before going to sleep... That'll give you a reason to get up in the morning.

If you ever become depressed, try drinking a gallon of water before going to sleep... That'll give you a reason to get up in the morning.
submitted by DokCyber to ApparentJokes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 Hefty-Course-1191 Regieleki on me 602094754505

Regieleki on me 602094754505 submitted by Hefty-Course-1191 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 Ecstatic_Spite_5557 Talking about getting married - me 27F and my future husband 32M, without my parents approval

Hi! I ‘27F’ am from Romania, my future husband ‘32M’ is palestinian from Jordan. We met 6 years ago online, after we met he moved for a while to canada, now he plans to move back home. From the moment we met we are inseparable, I can t see my life without him. We met a few times and he feels like home. It is wrong to want to marry him? My parents act like he doesn't exist I went with him in vacation and when I came back they asked me how was but no question or his name being said. I try to bring up the subject to my mom but she doesn't ask anything to make the subject continue... I feel so sad and unhappy, he makes me the happiest but I feel like half of me is happy, half feels a deep suffering. I feel like marrying him will ruin my relationship with my parents, but in the same time I don't have how to give up on him, I don't see myself with someone else, it feels like in one person I have my lover, my best friend and my peace, every problem has a fixing with him. We are old, 27 (me); 32 (him), both orthodox so religion is not a problem. His parents accepted me, his grandparents and family, but mine pretend that he doesn't exist. He wants to ask for my hand, what I will do? How to bring this up to my parents? Sorry for writing this long text, but I feel so sad and I feel like the moment that should bring me the most happiness, makes me the saddest.
submitted by Ecstatic_Spite_5557 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 savedfromsins 🎁 4⭐️gifting 🎁

🎁 4⭐️gifting 🎁 • black panther • getting a clue
i am giving away one of each to the post person who can post they need it with sbs proof. i will reply to your comment requesting your link if chosen.
happy thanksgiving!
submitted by savedfromsins to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 Fluffy_Stranger_6380 Anybody Experience Elevated Cholesterol from Pristiq?

Hi! I'm thinking of starting this medication. Has anyone experienced elevated consequential cholesterol levels from Pristiq? Thank you...
submitted by Fluffy_Stranger_6380 to Pristiq [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:30 bobsaget824 [BarstoolBigCat] Face says it all. What a shit head

[BarstoolBigCat] Face says it all. What a shit head submitted by bobsaget824 to CHIBears [link] [comments]