[FOR HIRE] Environment illustration|Open for work/comissions

Megjegyzés: Ha nem látja az Alakzatformátum, a Rajzeszközök vagy a Képeszközök lapot, győződjön meg arról, hogy kijelölt egy szövegdobozt, alakzatot vagy WordArt-objektumot. Előfordulhat, hogy a Formátum lap megnyitásához duplán az objektumra kell kattintania. Görgessen felfelé vagy lefelé a beszúrni kívánt szimbólum megkereséséhez. A különböző betűkészletek gyakran különböző szimbólumokkal rendelkeznek, és a leggyakrabban használt szimbólumok a Segoe UI Symbol betűtípuskészletben találhatók. A szimbólumlista feletti Betűkészlet-választóval válassza ki a tallózni kívánt betűtípust. Az Office-appban a Fájl > Új elemre kattintva hasznos és kreatív témájú, használatra kész dokumentumsablonokat tölthet le ingyenesen.. A sablonok közé tartozhatnak naptárak, névjegykártyák, levelek, kártyák, brosúrák, hírlevelek, önéletrajzok, kísérőlevelek, bemutatók, közösségi média és még sok más. A letöltött sablonokat azonnal használatba veheti, vagy ... Tipp: Ha új forrást idéz, adja hozzá az irodalomjegyzékhez úgy, hogy az irodalomjegyzék bármely pontjára kattint, majd az Idézetek és irodalomjegyzék frissítése lehetőséget választja. Formázás egyesítése (M) Ezzel a beállítással a másolt szövegre közvetlenül alkalmazott formázások nagy része elvész, megmaradnak azonban a kiemelésre szolgáló formázások, így például a félkövér és a dőlt formázás, ha az a kijelölésnek csak egy részére vonatkozik.A szöveg felveszi annak a bekezdésnek a stílusjellegzetességeit, amelybe beillesztették. Művelet. Billentyűparancs. A menüszalag Mutasd meg vagy Keresés mezőjére lépve segítséget vagy súgótartalmat kereshet.. Alt+Q, majd a keresési kifejezés beírása. Nyissa meg a Fájl lapot a Backstage nézet használatához.. Alt+F. Nyissa meg a Kezdőlap lapot a gyakori formázási parancsok, bekezdésstílusok és a Keresés eszköz használatához. A Word stílusai lehetővé teszik a címsorok, normál szövegek, sőt akár ábrafeliratok vagy más egyéni szövegigények keresését. Kiválaszthatja a betűtípust, a méretet, a színt, a bekezdés igazítását, a térközt és egyebeket. Oktatóanyag: Ebből a videóból megtudhatja, hogyan használhatja a Word programot Windows rendszerben. Fedezze fel a Microsoft Word oktatóvideókat, cikkeket és útmutató videókat. Szöveg formázása. Jelölje ki a módosítani kívánt szöveget. Egyetlen beírt szót dupla kattintással is kijelölhet. Ha szövegsort szeretne kijelölni, kattintson a sortól balra. Egyszerű szöveg keresése és cseréje. A dokumentum jobb felső sarkában, a keresőmezőbe írja be a keresett szót vagy kifejezést, és a Word a teljes dokumentumban kiemeli a szó vagy kifejezés összes előfordulását.. A szövegtalálatok cseréje: Kattintson a nagyítóra, majd a Csere elemre. Megjegyzés: Ha Kézi tartalomjegyzék stílust használ, a Word nem használja a címsorokat a tartalomjegyzék létrehozásához, és nem lehet majd automatikusan frissíteni. Ehelyett a Word egy helyőrző szöveg segítségével jeleníti meg a tartalomjegyzéket, és kézzel beírhatja az egyes bejegyzéseket a tartalomjegyzékbe.

2024.11.28 21:50 Appropriate-War-6632 [FOR HIRE] Environment illustration|Open for work/comissions

submitted by Appropriate-War-6632 to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 AdvocateOfYours $BOT (ASX:BOT) Botanix is the most mispriced pre-commercialisation biotech in Australia (ANALYSIS)

**Overview*\* Botanix Pharmaceuticals (ASX:BOT) is a clinical dermatology company based in the US, but listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. Recently BOT has received FDA approval for its premier product Sofdra, which is a targeted treatment for primary axillary hyperhidrosis (PAH).
Hyperhidrosis is a condition which sees increased sweating, beyond a regular requirement of the body. It is the third largest dermatology condition, behind acne and dermatitis. PAH is characterised by excessive under-arm sweating, and is the target of Sofdra.
The sections below which will be discussed include: - Sofdra and PAH - market opportunity - other pipeline - management - strategy - financials - events - other notes - value - key risks - thesis
**Sofdra and PAH*\* Sofdra - sofpironium bromide gel, 12.45% - is a once-daily topical anticholinergic therapy (basically blocks nervous responses, like sweating) which can be used for adults and children 9 years of age and older. It is an underarm cream which you apply, similar to how you would apply deodorant.
Received FDA approval mid-2024, though the actual product received FDA approval in 2023 with the issue of 'complete' approval being because of poor labelling.
PAH affects 1 in 40 people globally. Despite its prevalence, poor treatments, stigma and unawareness lead to, almost 80% of sufferers are left untreated. Treatment
The PAH/HH community has had limited options for treatment, with options such as botox injections, heat energy devices or even cutting nerves. Some clinicians even recommend just deodorant as they see no value add from the current market options. PAH/HH is ranked as one of the hardest to manage conditions by dermatologists, with current solutions. Sofdra is considered as an effective, easy to use, well-tolerated and safe alternative, which ticks all the boxes for users. 85% of dermatologists would prescribe Sofdra gel, and see it as a significant breakthrough for PAH sufferers.
Initially, Sofdra was a product from Brickell Biotech though was acquired by BOT, after Dr Patricia Walker (CMA, see Management segment) left Brickell to join BOT. First thoughts are that Dr Walker must have had massive conviction of Sofdra prior to joining BOT if her first move with BOT was to acquire it off her prior employer. This was realised with Sofdra receiving complete FDA approval in 2024.
**Market Opportunity*\* As mentioned above, 1 in 40 people suffer from PAH globally. Currently, BOT is looking to commercialise Sofdra in the US (see other notes for details on other markets). 3.7m patients seek treatment for PAH in the US (high priority); 10.0m are diagnosed (priority), and; 16.1m suffer from any form of HH.
**Other Pipeline*\* This is only a short overview, as these products are immaterial to the current value of BOT.
BOT is currently in the R&D phases of several early-stage dermatology products, though these are still deep in the pipeline and are not the main priority. These primarily focus on acne treatments, though they have not seen any significant progress.
Product - Indication - Status BTX1503 - moderate to severe acne - pending Phase 3 study BTX1702 - Rosacea - Positive Phase 1b/2 results BTX1204A - Atopic dermatitis - Canine proof-of-concept study complete BTX1801 - Antimicrobial - Phase 2a study (successfully completed), Phase 2b (pending)
**Management*\* BOT management team is extremely experienced, having developed, approved and commercialised +30 unique products. A key example is Anchor Pharmaceuticals which was acquired by Pfizer for $5.2bn USD prior to FDA approval.
Key figures: Vince Ippolito - Executive Chairman COO of Anchor and Medicis, ex-President of Dermavant, 17y at Novartis
Howie McKibbon - CEO ex-SVP Commercial of Dermavant, Anchor and Medicis
Dr Patricia Walker - Chief Medical Adviser ex-President & Head of R&D at Brickel, CMO/CSO at Kythera, Inamed and Allergan Medical, responsible for Botox and Tazorac
These are just some key names, though there are several others in the leadership team who have extraordinary pharmaceutical experience and long-tenured careers.
**Strategy*\* Already prepared and setup production and 3rd Party Logistics, with streamlined order-to-cash systems, inventory management and customer service. 3PL is valuable for multiple reasons including reducing blocks in client/practitioner journey and also requiring no capital spend.
Commercialisation is the next big step in BOT's transition to revenue producing pharmaceuticals company. They have begun hired a significant sales team to help push Sofdra to as many clinicians as possible. BOT has also begun engaging majorly in the Telehealth space with a client ...
Sofdra will be covered under the pharmacy benefit and does not require a code for reimbursement. HH is already recognised as a medical condition.
Sofdra has received insurance approval and a code for the applicant. Coverage is significant for the consumer.
A top engager in the International Hyperhidrosis Society - a society focused on promoting awareness, working to enable treatments, and increase research.
**Financials*\* Company is still cashflow negative, though is expending in relation to advancing Sofdra commercialisation and advancing regulatory approvals.
Current cash balance of $79.3m No debt
**Events*\* BOT will begin their patient experience program in Q3 CY24, with first revenues from it being recognised in Q4 CY24.
Recently, BOT has done a $70m equity cap raise post approval. This was to improve their balance sheet and enable enough working capital to commercialise successfully.
**Other Notes*\* Sofdra (Ecclock) has already been performing significantly well in Japan (BOT receives royalties), with company KAKEN selling 350,000 units LTM in its 3rd year on market. Though to note, the population and market in Japan is 1/3 of the US.
**Value*\* Using a reverse approach and assumptions listed below, the current share price of 0.32 (as of finalising this) highlights an expected market penetration of 0.29-0.58% for a 10y time horizon. Arguably, this is quite low given what is known about PAH/HH, Sofdra, the pipeline for sales, and commercialisation experience of the management team.
Many analysts expect at least 2.5% penetration, on a base case, and 1% on a bearish case. Analyst base expectations for BOT's share price sits between $0.56-0.80. Though this is for revenues of around $89.2m USD by 2026, which may be an understatement given the recent preliminary reports (see notes below).
Assumptions Patients seeking treatments: 3.7m Scripts per person per year: 12 Price per script: $450-750 USD Gross margin: 50% P/E ratio (standardised): 10-12x
A key hint towards where sales might land can be found in the share based payments of their preliminary annual report. Traches 1-6 are standard, but what is interesting is Trache 7. "Tranche 7 - Achieving US$250 million of revenue from the sale of products in a financial year." Followed by "Management have assumed a more than likely probability of achievement of all above hurdles."
Even if this is future revenues, this is a solid sign of the revenue potential BOT has to offer.
One other key factor to note, is that investment in Australian pharmaceuticals and the general market is quite underserviced. As it is a small market, many funds stick to the large players or stay away from smaller opportunities, which in-turn means less analysts looking into small-caps, especially pharmaceuticals. This leaves a lot of room for growth and upside in prices.
**Key Risks*\* Still pre-confirmed revenue and sales, meaning uncertainty of market share is high. This is the largest assumed risk by many investors, especially in the Australian market. A lot want to have certainty or results and confirmation it sells. Once this is seen, the share price can be expected to appreciate hugely. Currently, it is the timidity of investors which restrains it to where it sits.
Real world usage could also be required to really prove its value - though the Japanese market has proven this to be a negligible risk.
Difficulty onboarding payers too, with out-of-pocket expenses being greater than initially expected.
**Thesis*\* The underserviced and timid Australian market is undervaluing BOT due to its inherent risk-averse investments and poor exposure to pharmaceutical financial expertise.
The opportunity for this investment lies in the ideas that: BOT has an FDA approved top-of-the-line product which services a condition with limited viable alternatives.
BOT has a proven management team with experience in commercialisation of pharmaceuticals, especially those in the derma space. Further, big pharma M&A successes have been realised by many of the senior leaders.
The Australian market is undervaluing the potential of BOT because a) uncertainty in product demand in the US, despite a more weary market in Japan selling hugely, b) BOT is still priced like an early stage BioTech despite entering revenue generating phase of its lifecycle and c) analysts are underpricing the value of BOT due to worries of shooting too far above market expectations and standing-out at heightened valuations (weird version of tall poppy syndrome?).

Q4 CY24 sales results, Japanese Ecclock (Sofdra comp.) sales figures.
submitted by AdvocateOfYours to biotech_stocks [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 MevisDE $TWIF "Turkey wif hat" hat die ersten 24h abgeschlossen

Nach dem Launch auf Moonshot konnten wir innerhalb von 10min das ziel von 112k Mc erreichen ind auf Meteora migrieren. Wir haben ein ATH von 700k Mc erreichen können mit einer anzahl von über 500 Haltern. Nach 24 stunden haben wir bereits 350 Tg Mitglieder erreichen können.
Mit dem ende von Thanksgiving haben wir bereits den wechsel unseres Narrativs bekanntgegeben um auch in Zukunft als Truthhahn mit Hut relevants zu halten. Wir haben bereits Art für die kommende Season bereit und werden dann $TWIF "Turkey wif hat" möglichst besser und schneller an kommende Feiertage oder Jahreszeiten anpassen.
Hoffentlich sehen wir euch bald in unserer Telegrammgruppe.
Frohes Thanksgiving ❤️🦃
submitted by MevisDE to Kryptostrassenwetten [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 Little-Count-9386 Canadian traveller wanting to split bills while travelling

I am a Canadian planning a trip to Europe with a large group of friends (12-14 probably), we are all from different countries - Canada, USA, Sweden, England, The Caribbean, etc. to name a few. I am going to be booking hotels/trains/tours/AirBNBs etc. What is the best way for me to collect everyone's share? I know cash once we all get together in person is an option but I'd like to collect some payments from people prior since it is a fair bit I am paying upfront to book these things! FYI we all know each other quite well, no one is trying to scam me/I am not trying to scam anyone. Thanks!
submitted by Little-Count-9386 to travel [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 MarsD9376 Co se to dneska v Praze safra děje?

To je nějaká challenge o to kdo se víc nechá zrakvit kolejovým vozidlem vlastního výběru?
Na pražské Bertramce srazila ráno tramvaj muže, přišel o nohu
Vlak přejel nezletilou dívku v Černošicích u Prahy. Přišla o obě nohy
Na Andělu skočil pod metro člověk, střet nepřežil. Linka několik hodin stála
Omlouvám se za cynicky znějící post. Nedokážu si to ani představit tu hrůzu.
Dávejte lidi prosím bacha na věci co jezdí po kolejích. Jsou větší a silnejší než vy i vaše auto. A jestli to chcete skončit
1) zkuste si to ještě rozmyslet a nevzdávejte to, 2) jestli je to fakt nutný, respektuji vaši volbu, ale udělejte to prosím tak, abyste do toho nezatáhli náhodné kolemjdoucí
submitted by MarsD9376 to czech [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 O-BeinigerChinese ghosting mid convo

a few days ago, a girl asked for my insta and i gave it to her
weve been texting since, but the problem is that everytime we have a conversation at some point she just reads the message and doenst respond. i can see that shes still online tho. i dont want to be that guy and text her again, but this keeps happening every time.
i just dont understand why a person would do that on a regulat basis, i mean wtf
submitted by O-BeinigerChinese to dating [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 RaveningScareCrow Looking for multiplayer shooter games, competitive aspects

Recently Strinova released and im having a blast on it, even hopped into ranked the second i got level 15.
I have my eyes on rainbow 6 siege for now, but can there be anything better?
Ive played - apex, valorant, ow2, farlight, warzone, fortnite, strinova, gigantic before it died..
Preferably on steam, no battleroyales & not too demanding as i have a mid gaming laptop.
submitted by RaveningScareCrow to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 femboyaussie Best place to buy thigh highs in-store Australia

I'm looking online but if any of you have found any on Australia it be quite helpful to know what stores have cute clothes I don't want to order online because I live with my parents and I don't want them to know
submitted by femboyaussie to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 EnthusiasticPanic Repainted a Gray Slayer into an Iron Warrior.

Repainted a Gray Slayer into an Iron Warrior. submitted by EnthusiasticPanic to JOYTOY [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 i_drink_bromine This person is "special"

This person is Dude also said cyberpunk has nothing good in it
submitted by i_drink_bromine to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 Airwolfhelicopter Zeta doing a normal dance to a normal song

Zeta doing a normal dance to a normal song submitted by Airwolfhelicopter to gunplagonewild [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 Ilovecrispapples Hosting regieleki raid, need 5 more to max out

submitted by Ilovecrispapples to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 Golden_Frog0223 It's miming time... :'c

It's miming time... :'c submitted by Golden_Frog0223 to CuratedTumblr [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 jdrls How To Request Deletion of Information From FBI Jobs?

I previously sent a job application to FBI Jobs a year or two ago, and am now looking to delete my account and information if possible.
I tried looking at their Privacy Policy as I am a California resident and am protected under the California Consumer Privacy Act which gives me the right to request Deletion of my Personal Data, but I didn't see anything regarding data deletion.
The only thing I could find in their Privacy Policy is:

Electronically submitted information is maintained and destroyed according to the principles of the Federal Records Act and the regulations and records schedules of the National Archives and Records Administration and in some cases may be covered by the Privacy Act and subject to the Freedom of Information Act. A discussion of your rights under these laws can be found in the publication Your Right to Federal Records.
However through parsing through this paper, I didn't really see anything that indicated that I could request deletion of my job application account/information. This seems like it's more of a FOIA document for requesting government documents and such which isn't really what I'm trying to do.
Does anyone know how to do this?
submitted by jdrls to privacy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 CRAZY_GOAT444 having doubt about subs D,:

Do subliminal actually work?
I listen and I listen and I don’t get results, I use all the popular / good subliminal makers and I feel like I don’t get any! 😪
and then when I see some results they never ever show up on camera / videos and no one else seems to see the results too! D:
I go back to school in January and I want to look good / have a glow up and look different!
please 🙏
doe people know any subs that actually give noticeable results and major / quick results 😫😩
submitted by CRAZY_GOAT444 to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 BryceCzuba Tips for Coloring?

I was wondering if there any tips any of you had for coloring using clip studio paint? I’ve used the fill bucket and lasso tool but the fill bucket seems to leave unfilled areas and the lasso tool is annoying to draw exactly over my lines. I’ve seen videos where people seem to lay down color very quickly and I’m not sure how they are doing it. Do people do separate layers for each area of an illustration that has a different color?
Also is there a brush that people use for cel shading? I downloaded a cel shading pen but it doesn’t seem to have the thin tapering and natural flow of cel shading I see in reference.
submitted by BryceCzuba to ClipStudio [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 GamerGirl2K17 Rick Pasqualone - Doctor Strange Character - Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Dialogue...

Rick Pasqualone - Doctor Strange Character - Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Dialogue... submitted by GamerGirl2K17 to Selphie1999Gaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 Consistent-Ship8214 how is IC on Black Friday usually?

let me know if it’ll be worth it tomorrow!
submitted by Consistent-Ship8214 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 longjohnson6 I watched a Group of Amish guys commit war crimes on a heard of goats,

I was driving to my aunt's house in Ashland and went past a small Amish farm that has had a heard of around 50 goats for years,
This time there were about 15 guys and kids with shotguns cornering the goats by the barn, one gave me a happy wave and when I got further down the road it sounded like a freaking warzone behind me,
I was curious so I did a u-turn to check it out and they were tossing them into a pile, it was almost 10 ft tall, my guess was that they were possibly culled to prevent spread of disease?
Anyone know what was going on? Not saying they were doing wrong in any way but I've never seen this lol and have been traveling this same rout 10+ years,
submitted by longjohnson6 to Ohio [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 Aesthetik_1 Hyperos 2

When are we getting it in Europe? So far nothing. Mi 14t pro
submitted by Aesthetik_1 to Xiaomi [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 saphirkobayashi yoo im a fan since he had 50 monthly listeners, what are his realest songs

Hustle pay the price sacrifice stay alive motivating me since years 🔥
submitted by saphirkobayashi to NipseyHussle [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 I_love_men_boobs told my friend to draw lana

told my friend to draw lana he captured her essence perfectly
submitted by I_love_men_boobs to lanadelrey [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 _twelvechess Open-Source AI tool for Production Engineers

What My Project Does: Thufir is a CLI tool and Python library designed for efficient log file parsing and analysis to resolve issues in dev and production.
It allows users to search for keywords, monitor logs in real-time, and uses LiteLLM to connect you to ChatGPT/Claude using your OpenAI/Anthropic API keys for summarizing and analyzing logs.
Target Audience: Thufir is aimed at developers debugging applications, system administrators managing infrastructure logs, DevOps engineers monitoring CI/CD pipelines, and data analysts seeking insights from large log datasets. It's also great for anyone needing a reliable way to manage and analyze log files, whether in development or production environments.
Comparison: Thufir sets itself apart by combining traditional log parsing with modern AI capabilities. Unlike existing tools, it offers:

Its minimal footprint and AI-powered features make it a unique alternative to traditional log management tools.
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/evangelosmeklis/thufir
If you have any suggestions for the project or comments on how to improve it, let me know!
submitted by _twelvechess to Python [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 DylanCodsCokeLine Popular twitter and OnlyFans model Sophie Rain has made $43,477,000 on the website in one calendar year

Popular twitter and OnlyFans model Sophie Rain has made $43,477,000 on the website in one calendar year submitted by DylanCodsCokeLine to playboicarti [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 Many-Cauliflower1203 I'm a big fan of clinker

I'm a big fan of clinker submitted by Many-Cauliflower1203 to SLGreddit [link] [comments]
